英语 中的 ear 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ear 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ear 的说明。

英语 中的ear 表示耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ, 耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ, 乐感 yuè gǎn, 穗,玉米穗 suì,yù mǐ suì, 听觉 tīng jué, 耳鼻喉的, 不看乐谱演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu, 书页的折角, 将...折起角, 耳孔 ěr kǒng, 滴耳液, 乐感好的 yuè gǎn hǎo de, 耳垂 ěr chuí, 耳罩 ěr zhào, 玉米穗 yù mǐ suì, 耳洞, 打耳洞, 刺耳的 cì ěr de, 耳标, 耳栓, 耳环 ěr huán, 耳垢 ěr gòu, 一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出, 导聋犬, 内耳 nèi ěr, 听 tīng, 听某人说, 中耳 zhōng ěr, 鲍鱼 bào yú, 外耳 wài ěr, 打耳洞的耳朵, 猪耳朵, 一团糟,混乱 yì tuán zāo,hùn luàn, 即席决定,临时再做打算, 假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 jiǎ zhuāng méi tīng jiàn,zhì ruò wǎng wén,chōng ěr bù wén, 对...置之不理。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ear 的含义

耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ

noun (facial feature) (面貌的一部分)

His left ear was sunburned.

耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ

noun (hearing organ) (听觉器官)

He was deaf in one ear.

乐感 yuè gǎn

noun (figurative (sense: music, language) (对音乐)

She has a good ear and can reproduce any musical note after hearing it.

穗,玉米穗 suì,yù mǐ suì

noun (botany: corn) (谷物)

This seed variety will produce a fine ear of corn.

听觉 tīng jué

noun (sense of hearing)

This multimedia exhibit is meant to please not only the eye but also the ear.


noun as adjective (ENT: relating to otorhinolaryngology)

不看乐谱演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (music: not follow a score)

I read music well, but I have a hard time playing by ear. He's amazing; he never learned to read music, he just plays by ear.


noun (figurative, informal (turned-down page corner)


transitive verb (informal (page: turn down corner)

耳孔 ěr kǒng

noun (auditory passage)

Your ear canal is clogged with wax.



乐感好的 yuè gǎn hǎo de

noun (musical aptitude)

Colin has an ear for music, and can play several instruments.

耳垂 ěr chuí

noun (soft fleshy lower part of ear)

Melissa had her ear lobes pierced so she could wear studs.

耳罩 ěr zhào

plural noun (item worn to keep ears warm)

玉米穗 yù mǐ suì

noun (seed bearing spike of corn)

She was so hungry that she ate three ears of corn.


noun (hole in ear for jewellery)


noun (making holes in ears for jewellery)

刺耳的 cì ěr de

adjective (figurative (scream, etc.: high-pitched)




noun (usually plural (plug worn in ears to block noise)

Remember to put earplugs in before entering the woodshop.

耳环 ěr huán

noun (often plural (jewellery worn in ear)

Elizabeth was searching the floor for her lost earring.

耳垢 ěr gòu

noun (substance secreted by the ear)

Mites in the ears can cause increased amounts of earwax in cats.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)


noun (canine: assists a deaf person)

内耳 nèi ěr

noun (anatomy: transmits sound to brain)

Years of boxing have caused extensive damage to his inner ear.

听 tīng

verbal expression (figurative, dated (listen to [sb])

When I need someone to talk to, Patricia is always willing to lend an ear.


verbal expression (figurative, dated (listen)

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." - William Shakespeare

中耳 zhōng ěr

noun (middle portion of the ear)

鲍鱼 bào yú

noun (chiefly UK (abalone: Channel Island) (海峡群岛)

外耳 wài ěr

noun (external parts of the ear)

The outer ear is one of the first parts of the body to get frostbite in very cold weather.


noun (ear with hole for wearing jewellery)

You often see a man with one pierced ear, but women usually pierce both ears.


noun (ear of a pig)

一团糟,混乱 yì tuán zāo,hùn luàn

noun (UK, figurative (mess, botched job)


verbal expression (figurative (improvise) (没有预定计划)

What will we do tomorrow? Let's play it by ear.

假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 jiǎ zhuāng méi tīng jiàn,zhì ruò wǎng wén,chōng ěr bù wén

verbal expression (figurative (be unwilling to listen) (比喻)


verbal expression (figurative (be unwilling to listen to)

He needs to believe in himself and turn a deaf ear to his critics.

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ear 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。