英语 中的 d 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 d 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 d 的说明。

英语 中的d 表示[字母表中第四个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo zhōng dì sì gè zì mǔ ], 丁等,D等 dīng děng, D调,D音, 三维, 三维的 sān wéi de, 公元 gōng yuán, 疾病控制中心, 代办, 代表作 dài biǎo zuò, 继续的 jì xù de, 政变 zhèng biàn, 武力夺权, 盟国在西欧登陆日, 重要的一天, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 你 nǐ, 地方检察官 dì fāng jiǎn chá guān, 哥伦比亚特区, 在到达时死亡的,送到时已死的 zài dào dá shí sǐ wáng de,sòng dào shí yǐ sǐ de, 退伍军人事务部, 开胃菜 kāi wèi cài, 尴尬局面,困境 kùn jìng, [I would的缩略形式], [I had的缩略形式], 我愿意, 身份证,身份卡 shēn fèn zhèng,shēn fèn kǎ, 这会, 这已经, 象牙海岸 xiàng yá hǎi àn, 餐厅领班 cān tīng lǐng bān, 酒店经理,酒店总管 jiǔ diàn jīng lǐ, 餐厅领班 cān tīng lǐng bān, 酒店经理 jiǔ diàn jīng lǐ, 无日期,日期不详, 立体艺术品, 博士学位 bó shì xué wèi, 博士课程 bó shì kè chéng, 博士 bó shì, 证明完毕,证讫, 研究与开发, 存在的理由 cún zài de lǐ yóu, 已接收的,收讫的, 乡村投递, 收到,收讫 shōu dào, 研发, 她会, 她当时, 定食,套餐, 他们会, 他们已经, 维生素D wéi shēng sù, 华盛顿, 我们会, 我们已经, 某某 mǒu mǒu, 你叫他什么来着 nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe, 谁想要,谁将, 谁已经,谁之前, -, -。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 d 的含义

[字母表中第四个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo zhōng dì sì gè zì mǔ ]

noun (4th letter of alphabet)

Does your surname start with a T or a D?

丁等,D等 dīng děng

noun (school grade: low pass) (学习成绩,第四等)

When I got a D in physics my dad really blew up.


noun (musical note: re) (音乐)

The first note in the fourth measure should be "D."


noun (abbreviation (three dimensions)

三维的 sān wéi de

adjective (abbreviation (film: stereoscopic)

公元 gōng yuán

adverb (Latin, initialism (anno domini: year)

The Roman Emperor Domitian ruled Britain briefly in 271 AD.


noun (initialism (Centers for Disease Control)


noun (Gallicism (diplomatic official)

代表作 dài biǎo zuò

noun (French (masterpiece)

继续的 jì xù de

adjective (written (continued below, on the next page)

政变 zhèng biàn

noun (Gallicism, abbreviation (coup d'état)

The opposition faction staged a coup, unseating the elected president. The general became dictator through a coup d'etat.


noun (Gallicism (violent seizure of power)

The President of Egypt was ousted in a coup d'état in 2013.


noun (historical (WWII invasion day) (二战)


noun (figurative (date when [sth] important begins)

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (written, abbreviation (date of birth)

你 nǐ

contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (do you)

D'you think you could help me?

地方检察官 dì fāng jiǎn chá guān

noun (US, initialism (district attorney) (District Attorney的缩写形式)

The DA is closely following the case.


noun (initialism (District of Columbia) (美国直辖区,首字母缩略语)

Washington, DC is home to the White House.

在到达时死亡的,送到时已死的 zài dào dá shí sǐ wáng de,sòng dào shí yǐ sǐ de

adjective (initialism (patient: dead on arrival) (缩写,指病人)

Unfortunately, the victim in the accident was DOA.


noun (US, abbreviation (Department of Veterans Affairs) (美国)

开胃菜 kāi wèi cài

noun (French (food: appetizer)

If you fill up on hors d'oeuvres, you will have no room left for dinner

尴尬局面,困境 kùn jìng

noun (informal, dated (difficult situation)

Well that was certainly a fine how-do-you-do wasn't it?

[I would的缩略形式]

contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (I would) (缩略语)

I'd like to get married this year.

[I had的缩略形式]

contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (I had) (缩略语)

I'd been to France before, but this was the first time I'd visited Paris.


interjection (enthusiastic yes)

"Would you like to go out for a drink?" "I'd love to."

身份证,身份卡 shēn fèn zhèng,shēn fèn kǎ

noun (informal, abbreviation (identity card) (缩写)

You'll need to show your ID card to get in.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (it would)

I think it'd be better if you left.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (it had)

Sorry I shouted at you last night; it'd been a long day at work, and I was tired.

象牙海岸 xiàng yá hǎi àn

noun (country in West Africa) (西非国家)

餐厅领班 cān tīng lǐng bān

noun (Gallicism, abbreviation (restaurant's head waiter)

酒店经理,酒店总管 jiǔ diàn jīng lǐ

noun (Gallicism, abbreviation (hotel manager)

餐厅领班 cān tīng lǐng bān

noun (Gallicism (restaurant's head waiter)

酒店经理 jiǔ diàn jīng lǐ

noun (Gallicism (hotel manager)


noun (written, abbreviation (no date)


noun (often plural, Gallicism (three-dimensional work of art) (三维的)

That isn't just a jumble of trash; I paid good money for that objet d'art.

博士学位 bó shì xué wèi

noun (abbreviation (degree: Doctor of Philosophy) (缩略语)

From what institution did you get your PhD?

博士课程 bó shì kè chéng

noun (colloquial, abbreviation (doctorate degree course) (口语,缩略语)

He's doing a PhD at Loughborough.

博士 bó shì

noun (abbreviation (holder of a doctorate degree) (头衔)

The keynote speaker is Rachel Fine, PhD.


expression (Latin, initialism (quod erat demonstrandum)


noun (abbreviation (research and development)

My brother works in R&D at a large company in Silicon Valley.

存在的理由 cún zài de lǐ yóu

noun (reason for being)

I sometimes think that eating is his raison d'être.


adjective (written, abbreviation (received)


noun (US, NZ, initialism (rural delivery)

收到,收讫 shōu dào

adjective (xx (received)


noun (business: creation of new products, etc.)


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (she would) (口语,缩略形式)

Vicky is very blunt; if she didn't like you, she'd say so, believe me!


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (she had) (口语,缩略形式)

When I bumped into Lucie, she'd been on holiday and was very tanned.


noun (French (set meal at fixed price)


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (they would)

Elsa was running late for the meeting with her clients and wasn't sure if they'd still be there.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (they had)

The teacher was fed up with his students; they'd been lazy and uncooperative all day.

维生素D wéi shēng sù

noun (organic nutrient)

The body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.


noun (capital of USA) (美国首都)

Washington is the capital of the USA.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (we would)

I knew we'd be in trouble if we arrived late.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (we had)

By seven o'clock we'd got everything ready for the party.

某某 mǒu mǒu

noun (informal (used in place of [sb]'s name) (用来代替某人的名字)

I saw what-d'you-call-him the other day.

你叫他什么来着 nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe

noun (informal (something)


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (who would)

Who'd want a job like that? Who'd be able to afford to buy such an expensive pair of shoes?


contraction (informal, abbreviation (who did)

Who'd you say that man was?


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (you would)

You'd be silly to quit such a great job.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (you had)

When I first met you, you'd just graduated from university.

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d 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。