英语 中的 dance 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dance 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dance 的说明。

英语 中的dance 表示跳舞 tiào wǔ, 跳舞 tiào wǔ, 舞 wǔ, 舞蹈艺术 wǔ dǎo yì shù, 舞会 wǔ huì, 舞曲 wǔ qǔ, 四处移动 sì chù yí dòng, 四处移动 sì chù yí dòng, 表演(舞蹈) biǎo yǎn wǔ dǎo, (两人跳的)交际舞 liǎng rén tiào de jiāo jì wǔ, 跳交谊舞 tiào jiāo yì wǔ, 谷仓舞会 gǔ cāng wǔ huì, 跳谷仓舞 tiào gǔ cāng wǔ, 肚皮舞 dù pí wǔ, 表演肚皮舞 biǎo yǎn dǔ pí wǔ, 霹雳舞, 跳霹雳舞, 舞池 wǔ chí, 舞蹈形式 wǔ dǎo xíng shì, 舞厅 wǔ tīng, 舞厅音乐, 舞厅 wǔ tīng, 舞蹈课 wǔ dǎo kè, 舞步 wǔ bù, 舞曲 wǔ qǔ, 舞乐 wǔ yuè, 舞,舞蹈 wǔ,wǔ dǎo, 一套舞蹈动作, 舞步 wǔ bù, 舞蹈室 wǔ dǎo shì, 舞蹈老师, 彻夜跳舞, 舞伴 wǔ bàn, 民间舞蹈,民俗舞,土风舞, 膝上舞, 跳膝上舞, 排舞, 对…大惊小怪,对…小题大做 duì dà jīng xiǎo guài, 现代舞 xiàn dài wǔ, 跳钢管舞, 钢管舞, 祈雨舞,求雨舞 qí yǔ wǔ,qiú yǔ wǔ, 歌舞 gē wǔ, 方块舞,方形舞 fāng kuài wǔ,fāng xíng wǔ, 踢踏舞 tī tā wǔ, 跳踢踏舞 tiào tī tā wǔ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dance 的含义

跳舞 tiào wǔ

intransitive verb (move rhythmically)

She danced to the music.

跳舞 tiào wǔ

noun (act of dancing)

I like dance almost as much as playing tennis.

舞 wǔ

noun (set steps)

This dance is easy to learn. There are very few steps.

舞蹈艺术 wǔ dǎo yì shù

noun (as an art form)

Classical dance is nothing like folk dancing.

舞会 wǔ huì

noun (ball, gathering)

He took his girlfriend to the dance.

舞曲 wǔ qǔ

noun (piece of music)

This dance by Stravinsky is a favourite piece of music.

四处移动 sì chù yí dòng

noun (movement in various directions)

Have you seen the dance of the butterflies?

四处移动 sì chù yí dòng

intransitive verb (move randomly)

The dust particle danced in the air.

表演(舞蹈) biǎo yǎn wǔ dǎo

transitive verb (perform)

He danced the ballet for the audience.

(两人跳的)交际舞 liǎng rén tiào de jiāo jì wǔ

noun (old-fashioned dance style)

The waltz, the minuet, and the fox trot are all ballroom dances.

跳交谊舞 tiào jiāo yì wǔ

intransitive verb (dance old-fashioned style)

Joe and Marge ballroom dance every week at the club.

谷仓舞会 gǔ cāng wǔ huì

noun (square dancing event)

The town puts on a barn dance every summer, with a community picnic and a bake sale.

跳谷仓舞 tiào gǔ cāng wǔ

intransitive verb (do square dancing)

Let's go barn dance.

肚皮舞 dù pí wǔ

noun (sensual dancing) (一种东方的扭动腰腹部的舞蹈)

The girl performed a belly dance.

表演肚皮舞 biǎo yǎn dǔ pí wǔ

intransitive verb (perform sensual dancing)

I think I'll learn to belly dance; it's a great form of exercise as well as being sexy!


noun (street dancing style)


intransitive verb (do street dancing)

舞池 wǔ chí

noun (area of venue for dancing)

The dance floor was so crowded we could hardly move.

舞蹈形式 wǔ dǎo xíng shì

noun (style of dancing)

Different types of music call for different dance forms.

舞厅 wǔ tīng

noun (venue where dances are held)

My mother and father used to go to dance halls in the 1950s.


noun (music: type of reggae)

舞厅 wǔ tīng

noun (US (venue where dances are held)

舞蹈课 wǔ dǎo kè

noun (session of instruction in dancing)

I've been taking dance lessons for four months now, and I've lost 15 pounds.

舞步 wǔ bù

noun (movement or step in dancing)

The hip-hop dance style has taken some of their dance moves from belly dance.

舞曲 wǔ qǔ

noun (fast-paced electronic pop music) (流行音乐)

I quite like so-called dance music, though I never actually dance to it.

舞乐 wǔ yuè

noun (rhythmic music for social dancing) (交际舞)

Some trendy restaurants play dance music in the background.

舞,舞蹈 wǔ,wǔ dǎo

noun (performance of a dance)

The girls were performing a dance number on the stage.


noun (sequence of steps in a dance)

In my class, we are learning two new dance routines.

舞步 wǔ bù

noun (foot movement: part of a dance)

舞蹈室 wǔ dǎo shì

noun (venue for dance classes)

The gymnasium has a pool and a dance studio.


noun (dancing instructor)

My dance teacher danced professionally for twenty years before she started teaching.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (spend the evening dancing)

Sometimes when you feel really good, you just want to dance the night away.

舞伴 wǔ bàn

noun ([sb]: dances with [sb] else)


noun (traditional local form of dancing)


noun (type of erotic dance at close quarters)


intransitive verb (perform a type of erotic dance)


noun (type of dance)

对…大惊小怪,对…小题大做 duì dà jīng xiǎo guài

verbal expression (informal, figurative (make a fuss)

Stop making such a song and dance about it! It's not that big a deal.

现代舞 xiàn dài wǔ

noun (20th-century interpretative dance style)


intransitive verb (dance erotically around pole)


noun (dance performed round a pole)

祈雨舞,求雨舞 qí yǔ wǔ,qiú yǔ wǔ

noun (dance to encourage rainfall) (印第安人的一种仪式)

歌舞 gē wǔ

noun (informal, figurative (fuss)

What a song and dance! It's only a dental checkup!

方块舞,方形舞 fāng kuài wǔ,fāng xíng wǔ

noun (hoedown, barn dance) (美国民间土风舞)

踢踏舞 tī tā wǔ

noun (dance performed with clicking shoes)

He jumped up on the table and did a tap dance.

跳踢踏舞 tiào tī tā wǔ

intransitive verb (dance with clicking shoes)

My daughter learned to tap-dance at school.

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dance 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。