英语 中的 dark 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dark 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dark 的说明。

英语 中的dark 表示黑暗的 hēi àn de, 深色的,暗色的 shēn sè de ,àn sè de, 天黑 tiān hēi, 黑暗 hēi àn, 黑暗状态, 昏暗的 hūn àn de, 阴沉沉的 yīn chén chén de, 低沉的 dī chén de, 邪恶的 xié è de, 神秘的 shén mì de, 浅黑色的 qiǎn hēi sè de, 阴暗的 yīn àn de, 暗 àn, 罪恶,邪恶 zuì è ,xié è, 无知 wú zhī, 怕黑的, 黑暗时代 hēi àn shí dài, 未开化的状态 wèi kāi huà de zhuàng tài, 阴沉沉的 yīn chén chén de, 阴郁的 yīn yù de, 阴森的 yīn sēn de, 深蓝色 shēn lán sè, 深蓝色的 shēn lán sè de, 深棕色, 深棕色的, 黑巧克力 hēi qiǎo kè lì, 乌云 wū yún, 不祥的预兆 bù xiáng de yù zhào, 黑色幽默 hēi sè yōu mò, 墨镜 mò jìng, 深绿色, 深绿色的, 深色头发 shēn sè tóu fà, 神秘的人 shén mì de rén, 黑马 hēi mǎ, 出人意外得胜的马 chū rén yì wài dé shèng de mǎ, 黑魔法, 暗物质, 鸡腿肉, 深色皮肤 shēn sè pí fū, 非白种人的 fēi bái zhǒng rén de, 晒黑的 shài hēi de, 暗网, 黑眼睛的, 黑头发的, 发光的 fā guāng de, 撤销注册, 变暗 biàn àn, 在黑暗中 zài hēi àn zhōng, 一无所知地, 不知道地, 在晚上 zài wǎn shàng, 向...掩瞒, 漆黑 qī hēi, 一片漆黑的 yí piàn qī hēi de, 瞎猜,乱猜 xiā cāi,luàn cāi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dark 的含义

黑暗的 hēi àn de

adjective (without light)

The house was dark when I woke up. Make sure you're home before it gets dark.

深色的,暗色的 shēn sè de ,àn sè de

adjective (colour tone) (颜色)

Richard is wearing a dark green shirt.

天黑 tiān hēi

noun (end of daylight)

My parents want me home before dark.

黑暗 hēi àn

noun (lack of light)

He couldn't see the phone in the dark.


noun (without electricity) (停电带来的)

The town was left in the dark after the storm.

昏暗的 hūn àn de

adjective (opaque)

We opened the dark lantern to let out a ray of light.

阴沉沉的 yīn chén chén de

adjective (threatening)

The sky was full of dark clouds.

低沉的 dī chén de

adjective (tone: deep) (声音)

The viola has a darker tone than the violin.

邪恶的 xié è de

adjective (evil)

Many people consider him good, but he has a dark side, too.

神秘的 shén mì de

adjective (mysterious)

A dark stranger came to town.

浅黑色的 qiǎn hēi sè de

adjective (complexion)

Many people find dark skin attractive.

阴暗的 yīn àn de

adjective (figurative (gloomy) (比喻)

With a recession predicted to hit soon, these are dark days for the economy.

暗 àn

noun (no light)

Darkness swiftly followed the setting of the sun.

罪恶,邪恶 zuì è ,xié è

noun (figurative (evil) (比喻)

The preacher warned his congregation against the powers of darkness.

无知 wú zhī

noun (figurative (ignorance)

Education provides us with a light in the darkness.


adjective (scared of darkness)

She kept a nightlight on because she was afraid of the dark.

黑暗时代 hēi àn shí dài

plural noun (medieval period) (欧洲中世纪前期)

Historians no longer refer to the early medieval period in Europe as the "Dark Ages".

未开化的状态 wèi kāi huà de zhuàng tài

plural noun (figurative (being unenlightened)

My boss is still living in the dark ages. He thinks his female employees should make the coffee.

阴沉沉的 yīn chén chén de

adjective (weather: with grey skies) (指天气)

Bring your coat with you - it's dark and gloomy out.

阴郁的 yīn yù de

adjective (mood, outlook: pessimistic) (指心情)

The economic forecast for the next year is dark and gloomy.

阴森的 yīn sēn de

adjective (scene, house: ominous grim) (场景、房子等)

The place was dark and gloomy during the winter months.

深蓝色 shēn lán sè

noun (navy, deep blue)

People wearing dark blue are hard to see at night.

深蓝色的 shēn lán sè de

adjective (navy, deep blue)

People wearing dark blue clothing are hard to see at night.


noun (color: deep shade of brown)


adjective (color: deep shade of brown)

黑巧克力 hēi qiǎo kè lì

noun (plain or non-milk chocolate)

Dark chocolate has become very popular of late.

乌云 wū yún

plural noun (grey clouds threatening rain)

The rains will come soon: the air's heavy and dark clouds are gathering over the hills.

不祥的预兆 bù xiáng de yù zhào

noun (figurative (bad omen, pessimism) (比喻)

The bad news placed a dark cloud over her happiness.

黑色幽默 hēi sè yōu mò

noun (black humour, macabre comedy)

The play was a dark comedy filled with deliciously macabre characters.

墨镜 mò jìng

plural noun (sunglasses)

Some people wear dark glasses all the time, even when there's no need. He thought it was fashionable to wear his dark glasses at night.


noun (deep green color)


adjective (deep green in color)

深色头发 shēn sè tóu fà

noun (brunette or brown hair)

She has naturally dark hair but she dyes it blond.

神秘的人 shén mì de rén

noun (figurative (secretive person)

You're such a dark horse! - you never told me you'd got married.

黑马 hēi mǎ

noun (figurative (little known political candidate)

At first Obama was something of a dark horse, but he went on to win the election!

出人意外得胜的马 chū rén yì wài dé shèng de mǎ

noun (little-known racehorse)

Nobody bet on the dark horse, who went on to place first.


noun (witchcraft, black magic)

Dark magic can be used to steal people's souls.


(theoretical physics)


noun (poultry flesh)

The dark meat of a turkey has the strongest flavour.

深色皮肤 shēn sè pí fū

noun (brown or olive complexion)

African American mothers often have difficulty finding dolls with dark skin.

非白种人的 fēi bái zhǒng rén de

adjective (person: non-white)

The dark-skinned locals made us all look like ghosts!

晒黑的 shài hēi de

adjective (tanned)

Sheila was so dark skinned after all those years abroad that I hardly recognised her.


noun (clandestine internet content)


adjective (having dark-colored eyes)


adjective (brunette)

Is Jane the dark-haired girl or the blonde?

发光的 fā guāng de

adjective (luminous)

Small dots of glow-in-the-dark paint can be applied to your light switches.


verbal expression (company: deregister) (公司)

变暗 biàn àn

verbal expression (room, stage, etc.: become dark)

在黑暗中 zài hēi àn zhōng

expression (where there is no light)

The lights in the cave went out, leaving the tourists in the dark. With heavy clouds covering the stars and moon, they walked along the path in the dark.

一无所知地, 不知道地

expression (figurative (uniformed, without knowledge of [sth])

There must be an answer to this problem, but I admit I'm in the dark.

在晚上 zài wǎn shàng

expression (poetic (at nighttime)

In the dark of night, the forest became a menacing place.


verbal expression (figurative (not tell [sb] about [sth])

She was surprised by the party, because her friends kept her in the dark when planning it.

漆黑 qī hēi

noun (total darkness)

He walks this road every night, in the pitch dark!

一片漆黑的 yí piàn qī hēi de

adjective (totally dark)

There was no moon and the night was pitch black.

瞎猜,乱猜 xiā cāi,luàn cāi

noun (informal, figurative (wild guess) (非正式用语,比喻)

He took a shot in the dark and guessed the correct answer on the test.

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dark 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。