英语 中的 dies 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dies 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dies 的说明。

英语 中的dies 表示死 sǐ, 死于, 消失 xiāo shī, 坏了 huài le, 熄灭 xī miè, 死在…眼前, 为…而死, 骰子 tóu zi, 模具 mú jù, 螺纹板牙 luó wén bǎn yá, 逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo wáng, 死于, 用模具制作 yòng mú jù zhì zuò, 逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī, 顶梢枯死, 逐渐变弱 zhú jiàn biàn ruò, 渐渐消失 jiàn jiàn xiāo shī, 灭绝 miè jué, 逐渐消失,逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo shī,zhú jiàn xiāo wáng, 快笑死了 kuài xiào sǐ le, 说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ, 自然死去 zì rán sǐ qù, 顶梢枯死, 自杀 zì shā, 自杀 zì shā, 压铸, 为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū, 英年早逝, 压铸件 yā zhù jiàn, 以印模压铸的 yǐ yìn mó yā zhù de, 顽固派 wán gù pài, 顽固的 wán gù de, 灭绝 miè jué, 不成功毋宁死 bù chéng gōng wú nìng sǐ, 破釜沉舟的, 灌铅的骰子 guàn qiān de tóu zi, 永生, 永存, 别灰心 bié huī xīn, 永不言败的, 木已成舟, 不惜一切要得到的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dies 的含义

死 sǐ

intransitive verb (cease to live)

Marina's husband died yesterday.


(be killed by: illness, etc.)

Joe's grandfather died of a heart attack last Friday.

消失 xiāo shī

intransitive verb (figurative (disappear, end)

My love for you will never die.

坏了 huài le

intransitive verb (figurative, informal (stop working)

I think the toaster has died.

熄灭 xī miè

intransitive verb (figurative (stop burning)

The flame died after three hours.


(informal (abandon [sb] by dying)

"Don't you die on me!" she pleaded tearfully.


(give your life for a cause, person)

I love my children so much, I would die for them.

骰子 tóu zi

noun (cube with dots for games)

It's your turn to throw the die.

模具 mú jù

noun (tool for stamping)

The die was ready to start stamping the metal into disks.

螺纹板牙 luó wén bǎn yá

noun (tool for threading screws)

You need a three eighth inch die for that job.

逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo wáng

intransitive verb (figurative (languish)

The project died when everybody lost interest in it.


transitive verb (suffer a given kind of death)

He died a painful death.

用模具制作 yòng mú jù zhì zuò

transitive verb (shape or stamp with die)

逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī

phrasal verb, intransitive (fade, diminish)


phrasal verb, intransitive (plant: die from tips of leaves) (植物)

逐渐变弱 zhú jiàn biàn ruò

phrasal verb, intransitive (diminish, subside)

The shouting died down when the rock star began singing.

渐渐消失 jiàn jiàn xiāo shī

phrasal verb, intransitive (disappear gradually)

As the older generation begins to die, their ideas and traditions die off with them.

灭绝 miè jué

phrasal verb, intransitive (become extinct: organisms) (物种)

Most of the polar bears will die out by 2050 as a result of global warming.

逐渐消失,逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo shī,zhú jiàn xiāo wáng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (tradition: disappear gradually) (习俗、声音等)

Our language and our traditions will die out as our people become absorbed by the mainstream culture.

快笑死了 kuài xiào sǐ le

verbal expression (figurative, informal (laugh very hard)

We almost died laughing when we saw Mike's Halloween costume.

说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ

interjection (infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)

Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die!

自然死去 zì rán sǐ qù

verbal expression (die of natural causes)

According to the coroner's report, Brown died a natural death.


noun (plant: disease involving dying back) (植物)

自杀 zì shā

verbal expression (kill oneself)

自杀 zì shā

verbal expression (kill oneself)


noun (forming molten metal)

为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū

verbal expression (soldier: be killed)

My great-grandfather died for his country in 1915.


(not live to a very old age)

Sometimes it seems that only the good die young.

压铸件 yā zhù jiàn

noun as adjective (made by molding metal)

These die-cast model cars are very popular with collectors.

以印模压铸的 yǐ yìn mó yā zhù de

transitive verb (make by molding metal)

The factory die-casts the parts in aluminium.

顽固派 wán gù pài

noun (rigid traditionalist)

She's a die hard who believes in the old ways.

顽固的 wán gù de

adjective (rigidly traditionalist)

He's a die-hard supporter of the Republican Party.

灭绝 miè jué

noun (species, etc.: disappearance) (物种)

The theory is that a huge asteroid collided with Earth causing a global die-off of dinosaurs.

不成功毋宁死 bù chéng gōng wú nìng sǐ

expression (figurative (critical situation)

It's do or die for our team today.


adjective (figurative (situation: critical)

Tomorrow's game is a do-or-die situation for the struggling team.

灌铅的骰子 guàn qiān de tóu zi

noun (dice weighted for cheating)

Don't gamble with him; that fellow uses loaded dice.

永生, 永存

(figurative (endure forever) (比喻)

My love for you will never die.

别灰心 bié huī xīn

interjection (figurative (do not give up)

Come on boys, you can still win this game! Never say die!


adjective (figurative (attitude: tenacious)


expression (figurative (the situation cannot be changed)


adjective (informal, figurative (extremely desirable)

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dies 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。