英语 中的 dressed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dressed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dressed 的说明。

英语 中的dressed 表示穿着衣服的, 穿...衣服的, 穿着 chuān zhe, 精心准备的, 加调味汁的, 雕琢的,加工的 jiā gōng de, 连衣裙 lián yī qún, 衣服,服装,着装 yī fú ,fú zhuāng, 穿上 chuān shàng, 穿上 chuān shàng, 制服 zhì fú, 整队,列队 zhěng duì,liè duì, 给…包扎伤口 gěi bāo zā shāng kǒu, 梳理(头发), 做(头发), 开膛去毛, 给…加调味汁 gěi jiā tiáo wèi zhī, 给(马)梳毛 gěi mǎ shū máo, 使整队,使列队 shǐ liè duì, 打磨, 穿着打扮引人注目的(尤指吸引异性) chuān zhuó dǎ bàn yǐn rén zhù mù de ( yóu zhǐ xī yǐn yì xìng ), 盛装的 shèng zhuāng de, 穿上晚礼服的, 穿上正装的, 装扮成…的, 穿上...制服,装扮上, 装扮成…的, 穿衣服 chuān yī fú, 衣冠不整的 yī guān bù zhěng de, 衣着暴露的, 衣着漂亮 yī zhuó piào liàng, 穿着考究的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dressed 的含义


adjective (wearing clothes)

If you come over at 8am, I probably won't be dressed yet.


(wearing [sth])

An old lady dressed in black was selling olives.

穿着 chuān zhe

verbal expression (wear particular clothes)

Colin was dressed in a suit for his job interview.


adjective (food: prepared, garnished) (食物)

Rosa squeezed lime juice over her dressed crab.


adjective (salad: with a dressing)

A simple dressed salad is the perfect summer lunch.

雕琢的,加工的 jiā gōng de

adjective (stone, marble: cut, worked)

The walls were built from blocks of dressed marble.

连衣裙 lián yī qún

noun (woman's item of clothing)

She wore a beautiful blue dress.

衣服,服装,着装 yī fú ,fú zhuāng

noun (uncountable (clothing generally) (泛指)

His dress was not appropriate for the opera.

穿上 chuān shàng

intransitive verb (put clothes on yourself)

He dressed and ate breakfast quickly.

穿上 chuān shàng

transitive verb (put clothes on)

Dress the children quickly so we can go.

制服 zhì fú

adjective (formal)

He wore his dress suit to the formal dinner.

整队,列队 zhěng duì,liè duì

intransitive verb (military: become aligned) (军队)

The new recruits dressed and waited for the officer to speak.

给…包扎伤口 gěi bāo zā shāng kǒu

transitive verb (apply a bandage to)

The nurse dressed his wound once the bleeding stopped.

梳理(头发), 做(头发)

transitive verb (dated (hair) (过时用语)

I need to dress my hair before we go out tonight.


transitive verb (dated (prepare for eating) (过时用语)

First you need to dress the chicken by removing the excess fat.

给…加调味汁 gěi jiā tiáo wèi zhī

transitive verb (add sauce to a salad)

She prefers to dress her salad with olive oil instead of salad dressing.

给(马)梳毛 gěi mǎ shū máo

transitive verb (groom a horse)

She helped to dress the cavalry horses before the big parade.

使整队,使列队 shǐ liè duì

transitive verb (align military troops) (军队)

The officer always started drills by dressing the troops.


transitive verb (stone: make smooth) (石头)

A mason has to dress stone to make it smooth.

穿着打扮引人注目的(尤指吸引异性) chuān zhuó dǎ bàn yǐn rén zhù mù de ( yóu zhǐ xī yǐn yì xìng )

adjective (figurative (woman: in stylish clothes)

The actresses attending the Oscars ceremony were dressed to kill.

盛装的 shèng zhuāng de

adjective (informal (dressed formally or elegantly) (习惯表达)

Everyone was dressed to the nines at the inauguration ball.


adjective (in evening wear)

Sally's date cancelled, so she was all dressed up with nowhere to go.


adjective (in formal clothes)

Daniel was dressed up for his job interview.


adjective (in costume, disguise)

Helen was dressed up for her role in the film.


expression (in costume, disguised)

Charles is dressed up in a clown's outfit.


expression (in costume, disguised as)

Mandy was dressed up like a witch for Halloween.

穿衣服 chuān yī fú

verbal expression (put clothes on)

I was late this morning and had to get dressed in a hurry.

衣冠不整的 yī guān bù zhěng de

adjective (not fully clothed)


adjective (wearing few clothes)

衣着漂亮 yī zhuó piào liàng

adjective (wearing stylish or formal clothes)

The smartly dressed young man always had the latest clothes.


adjective (with smart expensive clothing)

Arthur is a well-dressed man.

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dressed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。