英语 中的 energy 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 energy 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 energy 的说明。

英语 中的energy 表示能,能量 néng ,néng liàng, 精力,活力,力量 jīng lì,huó lì,lì liàng, 干劲 gàn jìn, 电量 diàn liàng, 激动的表达, 可持续能源, 可再生能源, 替代能源 tì dài néng yuán, 原子能 yuán zǐ néng, 清洁能源, 能量守恒定律 néng liàng shǒu héng dìng lǜ, 能量棒, 能量增强剂, 能量消耗 néng liàng xiāo hào, 功能饮料 gōng néng yǐn liào, 节能的 jié néng de, 能级 néng jí, 体能水平 tǐ néng shuǐ píng, 能量计 néng liàng jì, 提供能量的, 能源密集型的, 节能的 jié néng de, 欧洲原子能共同体, 花费的精力 huā fèi de jīng lì, 精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de, 绿色能源, 有精力 yǒu jīng lì, 热能, 高能的, 消耗大量能量的, 提供大量能量的, 动能, 晶格能,点阵能, 原子能 yuán zǐ néng, 势能, 可再生能源 kě zài shēng néng yuán, 太阳能 tài yáng néng, 风能 fēng néng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 energy 的含义

能,能量 néng ,néng liàng

noun (physics: work) (物理)

The machine converted steam into usable energy.

精力,活力,力量 jīng lì,huó lì,lì liàng

noun (person) (人)

He needed all his energy as he cycled uphill.

干劲 gàn jìn

noun (determination)

It took all his energy to get out of bed on those cold mornings.

电量 diàn liàng

noun (power)

There is no energy left in that battery.


noun (forceful expression)

His anger showed in the energy with which he strode away.

可持续能源, 可再生能源

noun (sustainable power)

替代能源 tì dài néng yuán

noun (renewable power)

The use of forms of alternative energy such as liquid propane and hydrogen is increasing.

原子能 yuán zǐ néng

noun (nuclear energy as a power source) (核聚变产生的能量)

Atomic energy is non-renewable but it does not produce carbon dioxide.


noun (non-polluting fuel source)

Hydrogen is considered a form of clean energy.

能量守恒定律 néng liàng shǒu héng dìng lǜ

noun (physics: energy remains constant) (物理)

According to the law of the conservation of energy, energy cannot be destroyed, only transmuted.


noun (high-calorie snack food)

After 50 km of riding, I ate an energy bar and then rode another 50 km.


noun ([sth] that invigorates)

能量消耗 néng liàng xiāo hào

noun (amount of energy used)

The US is responsible for one quarter of the world's energy consumption.

功能饮料 gōng néng yǐn liào

noun (beverage: added vitamins, etc.)

Energy drinks generally have high caffeine levels.

节能的 jié néng de

adjective (using minimal power)

A lot of people are switching to energy-efficient lightbulbs to save money and electricity. Halogen light bulbs are more energy-efficient than incandescent ones.

能级 néng jí

noun (energy of physical system when stationary) (物理)

Electrons can jump from one energy level to another.

体能水平 tǐ néng shuǐ píng

noun (usually plural (degree of physical stamina)

能量计 néng liàng jì

noun (gauge that measures energy used)


adjective (food, nutrient: providing energy) (食物、营养)


adjective (requires a lot of energy)

节能的 jié néng de

adjective (conserving energy)


noun (abbreviation (European Atomic Energy Community)

花费的精力 huā fèi de jīng lì

noun (amount of effort put into [sth])

精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de

adjective (lively, energetic)

She was so full of energy that I could hardly keep up with her.


noun (figurative (renewable power)

有精力 yǒu jīng lì

intransitive verb (be physically energetic)

I have energy to go dancing tonight.


noun (form of energy)


adjective (having lots of energy)

There is a high-energy atmosphere in the busy newsroom.


adjective (needing lots of energy)

Jane does a high-energy aerobic workout every morning.


adjective (providing lots of energy)

These high-energy sports drinks are ideal for athletes.




noun (chemistry: strength of bonds holding ionic solid together) (化学)

原子能 yuán zǐ néng

noun (atomic power)

Nuclear energy was falsely demonized in the United States during the 1970's.



可再生能源 kě zài shēng néng yuán

noun (sustainable power source)

Wind, waves and the sun are sources of renewable energy.

太阳能 tài yáng néng

noun (power generated by the sun)

We need to find a way to store solar energy for use even in the winter.

风能 fēng néng

noun (power generated by the wind)

The government should look into renewable sources such as wind energy.

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energy 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。