英语 中的 forwarded 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 forwarded 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 forwarded 的说明。

英语 中的forwarded 表示向前 xiàng qián, 向前 xiàng qián, 进展,前进 jìn zhǎn,qián jìn, 位于前部的, 大胆的 dà dǎn de, 将…转发给, 期货的 jī huò de, 在…的前面,在…的前部 zài … de qián miàn, 前锋运动员 qián fēng yùn dòng yuán, 前锋位置 qián fēng wèi zhì, 转发,转交 zhuǎn fā ,zhuǎn jiāo, 推动 tuī dòng, 把…发送给, 提前 tí qián, 过账 guò zhàng, 使…继续向前推进, 站出来(指证等) zhàn chū lái zhǐ zhèng děng, 自告奋勇,主动请缨 zì gào fèn yǒng,zhǔ dòng qǐng yīng, 向前站,站出来 xiàng qián zhàn,zhàn chū lái, 推进 tuī jìn, 驱车向前 qū chē xiàng qián, 向前开..., 前进 qián jìn, 取得进步,有进展 qǔ dé jìn bù,yǒu jìn zhǎn, 展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái, 期盼 qī pàn, 期待 qī dài, 前进,向前推进 qián jìn,xiàng qián tuī jìn, 不断推进, 推进,推行 tuī jìn, 提出 tí chū, 向前跃进, 站出来 zhàn chū lái, 向前走,前进 xiàng qián zǒu,qián jìn, 推进 tuī jìn, 来来回回 lái lái huí huí, 彻彻底底, 转入额 zhuǎn rù é, 中锋,中锋位置 zhōng fēng,zhōng fēng wèi zhì, 中锋 zhōng fēng, 时尚前沿的, 前卫的, 快进 kuài jìn, 快进 kuài jìn, 快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn, 快进键, 快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn, 前倾 qián qīng, 进步的 jìn bù de, 期货市场, 前方观察员,前线观察 qián fāng guān chá yuán,qián xiàn guān chá, 预先计划,远景计划 yù xiān jì huà, 前滚翻, 有远见的 yǒu yuǎn jiàn de, 超前思维的, 从现在开始 cóng xiàn zài kāi shǐ, 在未来 zài wèi lái, 期待收到您的回复, 期待您的回复, 前倾 qián qīng, 第二排前锋, 向前,前进 xiàng qián,qián jìn, 进展,前进,进步 jìn zhǎn,qián jìn,jìn bù, 把...移动到靠前的位置 bǎ yí dòng dào kào qián de wèi zhì, 前进 qián jìn, 前进道路, 前倾,向前倾,向前倾斜 qián qīng, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 尽量给人留下好印象, 前进的路。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 forwarded 的含义

向前 xiàng qián

adverb (towards the front)

Bend forwards at the waist with your feet planted wide.

向前 xiàng qián

adverb (onward)

The car moved slowly forward.

进展,前进 jìn zhǎn,qián jìn

adverb (figurative (progressing) (比喻)

We moved forward with the project after the boss said yes.


adjective (situated towards the front)

The forward part of a ship is called the bow.

大胆的 dà dǎn de

adjective (figurative (too bold)

That remark was rather forward of him.


(transmit, retransmit [sth] to [sb])

Let me forward this email to you.

期货的 jī huò de

adjective (future) (贸易)

They made a forward purchase of copper and steel.

在…的前面,在…的前部 zài … de qián miàn

(in front)

The crew cabin is forward of the galley.

前锋运动员 qián fēng yùn dòng yuán

noun (sports: player) (体育运动)

She's the team's best forward.

前锋位置 qián fēng wèi zhì

noun (sports: position) (体育运动)

Mike plays forward for the team.

转发,转交 zhuǎn fā ,zhuǎn jiāo

transitive verb (transmit, retransmit [sth])

I'll forward the information that you asked for.

推动 tuī dòng

transitive verb (promote)

He's only interested in forwarding his career.


transitive verb (transmit)

Celia forwarded the email to me.

提前 tí qián

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reschedule for earlier)

I hope the doctor's surgery can bring my appointment forward, as I'll be on holiday next week.

过账 guò zhàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (sum: transfer to next column)

Carry the number forward from the units to the tens column.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (cause to progress)

A team of experts is being assembled to carry the project forward.

站出来(指证等) zhàn chū lái zhǐ zhèng děng

phrasal verb, intransitive (go to police) (比喻)

The investigators pleaded for anyone with information about the crime to come forward.

自告奋勇,主动请缨 zì gào fèn yǒng,zhǔ dòng qǐng yīng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (volunteer) (比喻)

When they requested volunteers, I came forward since I had nothing better to do.

向前站,站出来 xiàng qián zhàn,zhàn chū lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (move to front) (本义)

The preacher said; "Come forward now if you feel the spirit."

推进 tuī jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (propel)

The new legislation was driven forward by fears of mass immigration.

驱车向前 qū chē xiàng qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (steer ahead)

Instead of reversing, he drove forward into a tree.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (vehicle: steer ahead)

前进 qián jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (move ahead, advance)

Don't forget that the clocks go forward tonight.

取得进步,有进展 qǔ dé jìn bù,yǒu jìn zhǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (make progress)

I can't seem to go forward in my career.

展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (think about the future)

On New Year's Day, many of us like to look forward and think about the positive changes we can make over the coming year.

期盼 qī pàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (await [sth] with excitement)

We look forward to our summer holiday every year.

期待 qī dài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (long for [sth])

I look forward to the day when I can afford to retire.

前进,向前推进 qián jìn,xiàng qián tuī jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (crowd: advance)

The herd pressed forward, driven by fear of the men behind them.


phrasal verb, intransitive (keep advancing)

Hannibal's army pushed forward over the Alps.

推进,推行 tuī jìn

(proceed with despite obstacles) (不顾困难)

Although she did not receive enough financial aid, she pushed forward with her plan to attend the university.

提出 tí chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (propose, suggest)

The responsibilities were so overwhelming that no-one wanted to put himself forward.


phrasal verb, intransitive (leap or propel oneself ahead)

站出来 zhàn chū lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (present oneself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事)

When the little girl went missing, many people stepped forward to search for her.

向前走,前进 xiàng qián zǒu,qián jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (move towards the front) (本义)

When you hear your name called, please step forward.

推进 tuī jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (advance, progress)

Steve has a great idea for a business, he just needs to find some investors to help him take it forward.

来来回回 lái lái huí huí

adverb (to and fro)

I've spent the whole day rushing backwards and forwards.


adverb (US, figurative (thoroughly)

Ed searched the records backwards and forwards.

转入额 zhuǎn rù é

noun (accounts: amount carried forward)

中锋,中锋位置 zhōng fēng,zhōng fēng wèi zhì

noun (soccer position) (足球)

中锋 zhōng fēng

noun (soccer player)

时尚前沿的, 前卫的

adjective (most up to date)

快进 kuài jìn

intransitive verb (advance rapidly)

Fast forward to the last five minutes of the film clip - that's the funniest bit.

快进 kuài jìn

(advance rapidly through)

I often fast forward through the boring parts of movies.

快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn

transitive verb (advance rapidly)


noun (button: advance)

He hit fast forward, and images in the film sped by.

快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn

noun (figurative (rapid movement)

Everything was happening so fast that she felt as though her life were on fast forward.

前倾 qián qīng

adjective (bent or tilted forwards)

进步的 jìn bù de

adjective (figurative (progressive)


noun (future commodities trading)

The article discusses how the forward market for coffee operates.

前方观察员,前线观察 qián fāng guān chá yuán,qián xiàn guān chá

noun (military: artillery soldier) (炮兵)

The assigned forward observer was killed by a sniper.

预先计划,远景计划 yù xiān jì huà

noun (business: making future provisions) (商业)


noun (gymnastic movement)

The gymnasts were practising their forward rolls.

有远见的 yǒu yuǎn jiàn de

adjective (progressive, modern)

We see ourselves as a forward-looking organization.


adjective (progressive, enlightened)

从现在开始 cóng xiàn zài kāi shǐ

adverb (starting from now)

From this point forward I won't smoke in the house any more.

在未来 zài wèi lái

adverb (jargon (in the future)

Going forward, we really need to change how we do business.


expression (written, slightly formal (application, request: signing off) (申请、请求:落款,书面)

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


expression (written, slightly formal (application, request: signing off)

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply.

前倾 qián qīng

(incline your body)


noun (rugby player)

Locks are an important part of a rugby scrum.

向前,前进 xiàng qián,qián jìn

(advance, go forwards)

Put the car in gear so you can move forward.

进展,前进,进步 jìn zhǎn,qián jìn,jìn bù

(figurative (make progress)

Now that I have the supplies I need, I can move forward with my project. We've moved forward as a country since the days of racial and gender discrimination.

把...移动到靠前的位置 bǎ yí dòng dào kào qián de wèi zhì

(place closer to the front)

In order to rotate the stock, move the old product forward and put the new product behind it on the shelf.

前进 qián jìn

(game: advance) (游戏中按方格等行进)

I've rolled a four and a three, so I can move forward seven spaces.


noun (figurative (way to make progress)

前倾,向前倾,向前倾斜 qián qīng

(lurch or tip towards the front)

The passengers all pitched forward when the bus braked very suddenly.

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (figurative (do your best)

I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward.


verbal expression (figurative (make good impression)

Put your best foot forward at the job interview.


noun (figurative (how to progress, what to do next)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。