英语 中的 form 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 form 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 form 的说明。

英语 中的form 表示表格 biǎo gé, 形状 xíng zhuàng, 体形,形状 tǐ xíng,xíng zhuàng, 形态 xíng tài, 某种形式的东西, 形式 xíng shì, 建造 jiàn zào, 建造 jiàn zào, 塑造..., 形成 xíng chéng, 常例 cháng lì, 构形 gòu xíng, 身材 shēn cái, 模型,模特 mó xíng,mó tè, 形式 xíng shì, 模型 mó xíng, 形状 xíng zhuàng, 形式 xíng shì, 形式 xíng shì, 行为 xíng wéi, 表现形式,表现技巧 biǎo xiàn xíng shì,biǎo xiàn jì qiǎo, 状态,身体状况 zhuàng tài,shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng, 语言风格 yǔ yán fēng gé, 模型 mó xíng, 年级 nián jí, 印版 yìn bǎn, 产生 chǎn shēng, 形成 xíng chéng, 组成 zǔ chéng, 组成 zǔ chéng, 产生, 形成, 建立 jiàn lì, 塑造 sù zào, 培养 péi yǎng, 申请表 shēn qǐng biǎo, 艺术形式 yì shù xíng shì, 典型形式 diǎn xíng xíng shì, 索赔申请表, 同意书 tóng yì shū, 舞蹈形式 wǔ dǎo xíng shì, 报名表格, 构成…的一部分, 形成一种观点 xíng chéng yì zhǒng guān diǎn, 形成旋涡 xíng chéng xuán guō, 站好队,站成直线 zhàn hǎo duì,zhàn chéng zhí xiàn, 正式信函,公文,公函 zhèng shì xìn hán,gōng wén,gōng hán, 称呼 chēng hū, 班主任, 自由形态,自由形式 zì yóu xíng tài,zì yóu xíng shì, 即兴的 jí xìng de, 健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò, 举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ, 人体体形 rén tǐ tǐ xíng, 人类外形 rén lèi wài xíng, 正式地 zhèng shì de, 健康状况良好 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo, 心情好 xīn qíng hǎo, 状态很好,处于良好状态, 状态很好,精神不错 jīng shén bú cuò, 以 ... 的形式, 以书面形式 yǐ shū miàn xíng shì, 订货单 dìng huò dān, 表现欠佳,表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā, 虚弱,身体不好 xū ruò,shēn tǐ bù hǎo, 不得体,无礼 bù dé tǐ,wú lǐ, 改正 gǎi zhèng, 豁免文件 huò miǎn wén jiàn, 预科, 第六学级学院, 成形 chéng xíng, 与往常一样 yǔ wǎng cháng yí yàng, 与往常一样 yǔ wǎng cháng yí yàng, 波形 bō xíng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 form 的含义

表格 biǎo gé

noun (document with blanks)

You'll need to fill out this form to apply for your licence.

形状 xíng zhuàng

noun (thing: shape)

The chairs looked the same in form and colour.

体形,形状 tǐ xíng,xíng zhuàng

noun (person: shape) (人)

He could make out her form behind the curtain.

形态 xíng tài

noun (mode)

Ice is water in frozen form.


noun (type, kind)

Imitation is a form of flattery.

形式 xíng shì

noun (type)

What form will the training take?

建造 jiàn zào

transitive verb (make, create)

He formed a ladder out of bits of old wood.

建造 jiàn zào

transitive verb (construct)

You form the plural by adding an "s."


transitive verb (mold, shape)

Form a ball out of clay, then flatten it with the palm of your hand.

形成 xíng chéng

intransitive verb (be created, take shape)

After underwater earthquakes, mountains formed.

常例 cháng lì

noun (convention)

She was an eccentric and didn't want to adhere to the forms of her culture.

构形 gòu xíng

noun (area: configuration)

The artist did not care about colour, only about form.

身材 shēn cái

noun (human body)

She has such a beautiful form.

模型,模特 mó xíng,mó tè

noun (dressmaking: dummy) (裁缝)

She put the dress on a form to check its proportions.

形式 xíng shì

noun (arts: arrangement)

I like the form of this poem, but it has no substance.

模型 mó xíng

noun (mold)

Next, pour the plaster into a form and let it set.

形状 xíng zhuàng

noun (formal structure)

This sweater will lose its form if it gets wet.

形式 xíng shì

noun (uncountable (conventional behavior)

He only did it for the sake of form.

形式 xíng shì

noun (ceremony)

There is a form to follow on such occasions.

行为 xíng wéi

noun (uncountable (social conduct)

It's bad form to back out at the last minute.

表现形式,表现技巧 biǎo xiàn xíng shì,biǎo xiàn jì qiǎo

noun (uncountable (music: technique) (音乐)

This pianist is a master of form.

状态,身体状况 zhuàng tài,shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng

noun (sports: physical condition) (运动员)

He's in good form for the match.

语言风格 yǔ yán fēng gé

noun (grammar)

I like to write in a colloquial form.

模型 mó xíng

noun (building: mold) (建筑)

Forms are constructed into which concrete is poured.

年级 nián jí

noun (UK (grade, class)

I'll be starting the sixth form in September.

印版 yìn bǎn

noun (printing: type in a chase) (印刷)

He set the form in the printing press.

产生 chǎn shēng

intransitive verb (be produced)

A rainbow formed above their heads.

形成 xíng chéng

intransitive verb (be arranged)

They discussed it, and the plan formed.

组成 zǔ chéng

transitive verb (organize)

They formed a union.

组成 zǔ chéng

transitive verb (constitute)

Sugar forms one of the main ingredients of soft drinks.

产生, 形成

transitive verb (idea: develop) (观点)

She formed the opinion that he was a liar.

建立 jiàn lì

transitive verb (friendship)

He formed many friendships during those years.

塑造 sù zào

transitive verb (mold, shape)

She formed the clay into the shape of a bird.

培养 péi yǎng

transitive verb (usu passive (instruct)

She was formed in one of the best schools.

申请表 shēn qǐng biǎo

noun (document: employment request, etc)

All you need is a completed application form and a photo ID to get a library card.

艺术形式 yì shù xíng shì

noun (type of art)

Ice sculptures are a modern art form.

典型形式 diǎn xíng xíng shì

noun (standard way to show [sth])


noun (request for compensation)

同意书 tóng yì shū

noun (document: signed agreement)

You have to sign a consent form before having any type of surgery. I signed a consent form to allow the doctors to harvest my organs if I died during the operation.

舞蹈形式 wǔ dǎo xíng shì

noun (style of dancing)

Different types of music call for different dance forms.


noun (document)


verbal expression (be a component)

Our solar system forms part of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

形成一种观点 xíng chéng yì zhǒng guān diǎn

verbal expression (decide what you think)

I don't think I have enough information to form an opinion yet.

形成旋涡 xíng chéng xuán guō

intransitive verb (water: whirl) (水)

That stone in the middle of the river forms eddies downstream.

站好队,站成直线 zhàn hǎo duì,zhàn chéng zhí xiàn

verbal expression (military: line up) (军队)

正式信函,公文,公函 zhèng shì xìn hán,gōng wén,gōng hán

noun (standardized correspondence)

Word-processing software is useful for producing form letters.

称呼 chēng hū

noun (title in writing, speaking to [sb])

In England, the correct form of address for a duke is "your Grace".


noun (UK (teacher assigned to a class)

If you have a problem, you should speak to your form tutor.

自由形态,自由形式 zì yóu xíng tài,zì yóu xíng shì

noun (improvised style) (音乐)

Free form is a type of jazz introduced in the 1950s.

即兴的 jí xìng de

noun as adjective (improvised or unplanned)

健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò

noun (fitness)

The horse is in good form for the race.

举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ

noun (appropriate behaviour)

It is good form to offer your seat to a lady.

人体体形 rén tǐ tǐ xíng

noun (human body, figure)

Many aspects of the human form clearly show the close relationship of our species with the great apes.

人类外形 rén lèi wài xíng

noun (shape of a human being)

The door opened and a human form stood silhouetted against the light. In works of science fiction, it is not unusual for aliens to assume a human form.

正式地 zhèng shì de

adverb (correctly, properly)

健康状况良好 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo

verbal expression (be fit, healthy)

Even though I'm 50 years old, I'm still in fine form and can beat you at tennis any day!

心情好 xīn qíng hǎo

verbal expression (be in a good mood)


adverb (fit, healthy) (体能)

I go to the gym every week to keep in good form.

状态很好,精神不错 jīng shén bú cuò

adverb (in a good mood) (心理)

He's in good form tonight because he just found out he got a promotion.

以 ... 的形式

expression (as)

Her reply came in the form of a smile.

以书面形式 yǐ shū miàn xíng shì

adverb (in writing)

订货单 dìng huò dān

noun (document requesting a purchase)

I'll need to fill out an order form for more printer cartridges.

表现欠佳,表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā

noun (weak performance)

虚弱,身体不好 xū ruò,shēn tǐ bù hǎo

noun (feeble or inferior condition)

She must be in really poor form today; she's limping and she looks pale.

不得体,无礼 bù dé tǐ,wú lǐ

noun (bad manners)

It's really poor form to put your feet on the coffee table.

改正 gǎi zhèng

intransitive verb (improve your conduct)

Joey has promised to reform, but I'm not hopeful.

豁免文件 huò miǎn wén jiàn

noun (document: signed permission)

Parents must sign a release form before their children's work can be displayed.


noun (UK, regional (secondary school: final 2 years) (英国)

Lucy is in the sixth form, studying for her A-levels.


noun (UK, regional (secondary school: 16-19)

成形 chéng xíng

verbal expression (be shaped)

The sculpture began to take form only minutes after the artist began working.

与往常一样 yǔ wǎng cháng yí yàng

adjective (typical)

Jennifer was true to form in being late for school.

与往常一样 yǔ wǎng cháng yí yàng

adverb (as usual)

True to form, he won't tell me where he was last night.

波形 bō xíng

noun (physics: shape of a wave)

The waveform of a current refers to its shape on a graph of signal strength plotted against time.

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form 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。