英语 中的 four 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 four 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 four 的说明。

英语 中的four 表示四 sì, 4, 以四个为一组, 四点 sì diǎn, 四位, 四岁的 sì suì de, 四个 sì gè, 4号,4日, 4号,4日, 四人小组 sì rén xiǎo zǔ, 四点的纸牌 sì diǎn de zhǐ pái, 四点 sì diǎn, 24小时的, 24小时的,昼夜的, 400(个)的, 下午4点, 凌晨4点, 四张点数相同的牌 sì zhāng diǎn shù xiāng tóng de pái, 四个类似的物体 sì gè lèi sì de wù tǐ, 4人队, 方方正正的,方正的, 坚决的,坚定的,坚定不移的 jiān jué de ,jiān dìng de ,jiān dìng bù yí de, 方正牢固地, 坚决地,坚定地,坚定不移地 jiān jué de ,jiān dìng de ,jiān dìng bù yí de, 四轮驱动汽车,四驱车, 四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuā, 四门的, 四引擎的, 戴眼镜的 dài yǎn jìng de, 四眼, 四足的, 4/4拍,四四拍, 四手操作的, 四匹马拉的大马车, 四手结,四步活结, 四叶苜蓿草 sì yè mù xu cǎo, 幸运草 xìng yùn cǎo, 四条腿的, 四个字母的,四字母的, 粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà, 有四根柱子且有华盖的床 yǒu sì gēn zhù zi qiě yǒu huá gài de chuáng, 有四根帐杆的卧床 yǒu sì gēn zhàng gān de wò chuáng, 四星级的,四星的, 四星级的, 四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng, 四行程引擎, 四轮的, 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de, 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de, 四驱的, 四年任期 sì nián rèn qī, 由四部分组成的 yóu sì bù fèn zǔ chéng de, 四倍的 sì bèi de, 四倍地 sì bèi de, 四重的 sì chóng de, 花式小点心, 四轮摩托车, 三四拍 sān sì pāi, 二十四,24 èr shí sì, 二十四(个)的 èr shí sì gè de, 二十四岁的 èr shí sì suì de, 二十四人, 24号, 24号, 宽四英寸厚二英寸的木材, 四分之二拍,二四拍 sì fēn zhī èr pāi,èr sì pāi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 four 的含义

四 sì

noun (cardinal number: 4) (基数)

Four is an even number.


noun (symbol for number 4)

I can't read your handwriting; is this a 4 or a 7?


noun (people, things: set, group of 4) (人、物)

The four of them went out last night.

四点 sì diǎn

noun (time: 4 o'clock) (时间)

What time is it? It's four.


adjective (4 in number)

She drank four beers that night.

四岁的 sì suì de

adjective (4 years of age)

My son will be four tomorrow.

四个 sì gè

pronoun (people, things: 4 of them) (人、物)

Out of 20 questions, Millie answered just four correctly.


noun (US, written (fourth day of specified month) (一个月的第四天)

I was born on August 4, so my star sign is Leo.


noun (mainly UK, written (fourth day of specified month) (一个月的第四天)

The deadline for submissions is 4 August.

四人小组 sì rén xiǎo zǔ

noun (sports: rowing crew) (赛艇)

We have an excellent four, and hope to win the contest.

四点的纸牌 sì diǎn de zhǐ pái

noun (playing card: with 4 pips) (纸牌)

He showed that he had three fours and won the hand.

四点 sì diǎn

noun (4 pips on a die) (色子)

Mari threw a four and won the game.


noun as adjective (lasting 24 hours)


noun as adjective (open all day, night)

There's a 24-hour ATM on the corner.


adjective (400 of [sth])

He claimed he could eat four hundred hot dogs in three hours.


noun (time: 4 P.M.)


noun (time: 4 A.M.)

四张点数相同的牌 sì zhāng diǎn shù xiāng tóng de pái

noun (hand in card games) (扑克游戏)

Four of a kind beats any hand in poker except a straight flush.

四个类似的物体 sì gè lèi sì de wù tǐ

noun (four similar things)

These antique chairs are four of a kind that form a set.


noun (US (handball: teams of 4) (手球)


adjective (building: square in shape) (建筑)

坚决的,坚定的,坚定不移的 jiān jué de ,jiān dìng de ,jiān dìng bù yí de

adjective (person: resolute)


adverb (building: squarely, solidly) (建筑)

坚决地,坚定地,坚定不移地 jiān jué de ,jiān dìng de ,jiān dìng bù yí de

adverb (person: resolutely)


noun (vehicle with four-wheel drive)

四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuā

noun (four-hue printing method) (美式拼法)


adjective (car: having four doors) (汽车)


adjective (airplane: with four engines) (飞机)

戴眼镜的 dài yǎn jìng de

adjective (offensive, informal (person: wearing glasses)


noun (offensive, informal (person: wearing glasses) (冒犯、非正式)


adjective (animal: having four feet)


noun (music: time signature) (音乐)


adjective (using four hands)


noun (carriage: four horse team)


noun (tie knot)

四叶苜蓿草 sì yè mù xu cǎo

noun (clover with four leaves)

I searched the grass for a four-leaf clover.

幸运草 xìng yùn cǎo

noun (symbol of good luck)

My dog's been a kind of four-leaf clover to me all his life.


adjective (animal: having four legs)


adjective (word: having four letters)

粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà

noun (curse word, bad word)

有四根柱子且有华盖的床 yǒu sì gēn zhù zi qiě yǒu huá gài de chuáng

noun (canopied bed with four posts)

有四根帐杆的卧床 yǒu sì gēn zhàng gān de wò chuáng

noun (bed: post at each corner)

My grandparents have a four-poster bed.


noun as adjective (military: being a full general, admiral) (军事)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated four stars) (酒店等)

四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng

noun (high-ranking military officer) (军衔)

Dwight David Eisenhower was a four-star-general.


noun (internal combustion engine) (一种内燃机)


noun as adjective (having four wheels)

四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de

noun as adjective (powered by four wheels)

四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de

noun (vehicle: SUV) (车辆)

Drivers in rural areas need a four-wheel drive to cope with winter conditions.


noun as adjective (vehicle: of SUV type)

四年任期 sì nián rèn qī

noun (official period of four years)

In the United States the President serves a four-year term.

由四部分组成的 yóu sì bù fèn zǔ chéng de

adjective (having four parts)

The stages of this plan are fourfold, beginning with the identification of key factors.

四倍的 sì bèi de

adjective (quadruple, times four)

This year we have seen a fourfold increase in sales thanks to our new marketing campaign.

四倍地 sì bèi de

adverb (by four, four times)

This microscope increases the size of the specimen fourfold.

四重的 sì chóng de

adverb (in four ways)


noun (small cake)


noun (informal (ATV: four-wheeled motorcycle)

三四拍 sān sì pāi

noun (music: 3/4 time signature) (音乐)

Waltzes are usually in three-four time.

二十四,24 èr shí sì

noun (cardinal number: 24) (基数词)

二十四(个)的 èr shí sì gè de

adjective (24 in number)

二十四岁的 èr shí sì suì de

adjective (24 years of age)

He was twenty-four years old when he got married for the first time.


pronoun (people, things: 24 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-fourth day of specified month)

Christmas Eve is on December 24.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-fourth day of specified month)

Thank you for your letter of 24 June.


noun (length of timber)

四分之二拍,二四拍 sì fēn zhī èr pāi,èr sì pāi

noun (music: time signature of 2/4) (音乐)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。