英语 中的 funny 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 funny 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 funny 的说明。

英语 中的funny 表示好笑的 hǎo xiào de, 滑稽的,好玩的 huá jī de ,hǎo wán de, 奇怪的 qí guài de, 可疑的 kě yí de, 无礼的 wú lǐ de, 奇怪的 qí guài de, 古怪地 gǔ guài de, 笑话,幽默的话语 xiào huà,yōu mò de huà yǔ, 连环漫画 lián huán màn huà, 肘上方的尺骨端 zhǒu shàng fāng de chǐ gǔ duān, 幽默感 yōu mò gǎn, 不规矩的行为,不道德的行为 bù guī jǔ de xíng wéi,bú dào dé de xíng wéi, 特种高速赛车 tè zhǒng gāo sù sài chē, 有趣的人,可笑的人 yǒu qù de rén,kě xiào de rén, 举止奇怪的人 jǔ zhǐ qí guài de rén, 假币 jiǎ bì, 外币 wài bì, 幽默故事, 有趣的事,好笑的事 yǒu qù de shì, 奇怪的事, 做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn, 非常好笑 fēi cháng hǎo xiào, 奇形怪状的 qí xíng guài zhuàng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 funny 的含义

好笑的 hǎo xiào de

adjective (amusing)

Let me tell you a funny story.

滑稽的,好玩的 huá jī de ,hǎo wán de

adjective ([sb]: funny) (人)

He is so funny. We were laughing the whole time.

奇怪的 qí guài de

adjective (informal (strange, odd)

It's funny that we bumped into them on holiday.

可疑的 kě yí de

adjective (informal (suspicious)

There's something funny about that man over there.

无礼的 wú lǐ de

adjective (informal (insolent)

Don't get funny with me.

奇怪的 qí guài de

adjective (informal ([sb], [sth]: odd)

That guy is kind of funny. Let's go somewhere else.

古怪地 gǔ guài de

adverb (informal (strangely, oddly)

Why are you looking at me funny?

笑话,幽默的话语 xiào huà,yōu mò de huà yǔ

noun (US, informal (humorous remark)

He told a funny the other day.

连环漫画 lián huán màn huà

plural noun (US (comic strips)

I always read the funnies before anything else.

肘上方的尺骨端 zhǒu shàng fāng de chǐ gǔ duān

noun (informal (anatomy: ulnar nerve)

I accidentally banged my funny bone and my arm still tingles.

幽默感 yōu mò gǎn

noun (figurative (sense of humour)

That joke really tickled my funny bone.

不规矩的行为,不道德的行为 bù guī jǔ de xíng wéi,bú dào dé de xíng wéi

noun (slang (sneaky behaviour) (俚语)

We're leaving you alone on trust – so no funny business!

特种高速赛车 tè zhǒng gāo sù sài chē

noun (US (type of drag racing)

They're called funny cars because the placement of the rear wheels gives them a funny appearance.

有趣的人,可笑的人 yǒu qù de rén,kě xiào de rén

noun (UK, informal (amusing man)

Although he's not the brightest person on earth, he's a funny chap. You can always count on him to cheer you up.

举止奇怪的人 jǔ zhǐ qí guài de rén

noun (UK, informal (strange man)

What a funny chap! He's the only person I know who uses a fork to have his soup, instead of a spoon.

假币 jiǎ bì

noun (informal (counterfeit currency)

外币 wài bì

noun (informal, humorous (foreign currency)


noun (amusing anecdote, joke)

He told us a funny story about his holiday in Thailand.

有趣的事,好笑的事 yǒu qù de shì

noun ([sth] amusing)

A funny thing happened to me on my way here tonight.


noun ([sth] curious or unusual)

做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn

verbal expression (informal (make silly facial expression)

To make me laugh, my dad made funny faces at me.

非常好笑 fēi cháng hǎo xiào

adjective (informal (hilarious)

Even after all these years I still find my granddad's stories screamingly funny.

奇形怪状的 qí xíng guài zhuàng de

adjective (odd in appearance) (事物)

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funny 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。