英语 中的 full 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 full 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 full 的说明。

英语 中的full 表示满的 mǎn de, (本子)写满的 běn zi xiě mǎn de, 充满…的 chōng mǎn … de, 充满 chōng mǎn, 完全的 wán quán de, 最大的 zuì dà de, 吃饱的 chī bǎo de, 丰满的 fēng mǎn de, 多的 duō de, 同父同母的 tóng fù tóng mǔ de, 圆润的 yuán rùn de, 美味的 měi wèi de, 满球的,两击三球的 mǎn qiú de,liǎng jī sān qiú de, 三垒都有跑垒员的 sān lěi dōu yǒu pǎo lěi yuán de, 直接 zhí jiē, 非常 fēi cháng, 使…更紧实更重, 最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de, 全力地 quán lì de, 飞快 fēi kuài, 飞快 fēi kuài, 以全速 yǐ quán sù, 以全速,加大油门地,以最大速度地 yǐ quán sù,jiā dà yóu mén de,yǐ zuì dà sù dù de, 以最快速度地,尽可能快地 yǐ zuì kuài sù dù de,jìn kě néng kuài de, 全速 quán sù, 精力充沛地 jīng lì chōng pèi de, 塞满了的, 挤满了…的, 兜了一圈回到原地 dōu le yì quān huí dào yuán dì, 全额, 充满的 chōng mǎn de, 挤满...的, 塞满...的, 挤满的,塞满的,填满的,装满的 jǐ mǎn de,sāi mǎn de ,tián mǎn de,zhuāng mǎn de, 法定年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng, 全权 quán quán, 全套卫浴室, 最强光,最强亮度, 打着强光的, 浓密的络腮胡子 nóng mì de luò sāi hú zi, 最大音量, 全速 quán sù, 全食宿 quán shí sù, 全身的 quán shēn de, 周而复始 zhōu ér fù shǐ, 全色印刷 quán sè yìn shuā, 全色印刷的 quán sè yìn shuā de, 全色的 quán sè de, 完全同意 wán quán tóng yì, 全面覆盖,全面报道, 全保,全险, 礼服 lǐ fú, 正装的,出席典礼穿的, 充分就业 chōng fèn jiù yè, 全英式早餐,英式早餐, 总范围, 全力, 满堂红, 全浸,沉浸 chén jìn, 完全浸入,全浸, 全浸式,沉浸式, 全长 quán cháng, 足量, 全部,全面,最大程度 quán bù,quán miàn,zuì dà chéng dù, 所有的,一切 suǒ yǒu de ,yí qiè, 圆月 yuán yuè, 满月 mǎn yuè, 全名 quán míng, 姓名 xìng míng, 精神饱满的,精力充沛的 jīng shén bǎo mǎn de ,jīng lì chōng pèi de, 精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de, 充满热情的 chōng mǎn rè qíng de, 充满仇恨的 chōng mǎn chóu hèn de, 满腔仇恨的 mǎn qiāng chóu hèn de, 布满了孔洞的,全是洞洞的,千疮百孔的 bù mǎn le kǒng dòng de,quán shì dòng dòng de,qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng de, 全是漏洞的,漏洞百出的 quán shì lòu dòng de,lòu dòng bǎi chū de, 满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de, 充满活力的 chōng mǎn huó lì de, 意味深长的 yì wèi shēn cháng de, 打了鸡血似的, 布满陷阱的 bù mǎn xiàn jǐng de, 大有前途的 dà yǒu qián tú de, 大有希望,前景光明 dà yǒu xī wàng,qián jǐng guāng míng, 满口胡言, 自恋 zì liàn, 强烈的 qiáng liè de, 极端的 jí duān de, 非常,极其 fēi cháng,jí qí, 详情 xiáng qíng, 完全同意 wán quán tóng yì, 全部潜力,全部潜能, 总功率 zǒng gōng lǜ, 全权 quán quán, 全价,足价, 满帆 mǎn fān, 全力以赴,快速推进 quán lì yǐ fù, 全部范围,全方位 quán bù fàn wéi, 充分发挥,广阔空间, 全屏幕的,全屏的, 整个刑期 zhěng gè xíng qī, 完整句 wán zhěng jù, 标准尺寸 biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn, 伞裙,宽摆女裙, 全速 quán sù, 全速前进,全速行驶 quán sù qián jìn,quán sù xíng shǐ, 句号,句点 jù hào ,jù diǎn, 到此为止,就此打住 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ,jiù cǐ dǎ zhù, 完全停止 wán quán tíng zhǐ, 全日照 quán rì zhào, 全面供给, 充足 chōng zú, 全力支持 quán lì zhī chí, 全力帮助 quán lì bāng zhù, 到期,从头到尾 dào qī ,cóng tóu dào wěi, 干满任期的, 全日制 quán rì zhì, 全日制的 quán rì zhì de, 全日地 quán rì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 full 的含义

满的 mǎn de

adjective (filled)

This box is full. Can you get me another?

(本子)写满的 běn zi xiě mǎn de

adjective (complete)

My notebook is full. I should get another one.

充满…的 chōng mǎn … de

verbal expression (be filled with)

I can't eat this breakfast cereal: it's full of nuts.

充满 chōng mǎn

verbal expression (contain many or much)

I am full of enthusiasm for this project.

完全的 wán quán de

adjective (entire)

She waited a full week before saying no.

最大的 zuì dà de

adjective (maximum)

The cherry trees are in full bloom.

吃饱的 chī bǎo de

adjective (satiated)

I was full and didn't have room for dessert.

丰满的 fēng mǎn de

adjective (ample)

She had a very full bosom.

多的 duō de

adjective (abundant)

She had full, thick hair.

同父同母的 tóng fù tóng mǔ de

adjective (blood lines)

I have two full sisters and two half-brothers.

圆润的 yuán rùn de

adjective (music) (声音)

The composer uses lots of violins to achieve a full sound.

美味的 měi wèi de

adjective (wine, food) (食物)

This red has a full flavour and lots of body.

满球的,两击三球的 mǎn qiú de,liǎng jī sān qiú de

adjective (baseball: count) (棒球)

With a full count, he tripled to left.

三垒都有跑垒员的 sān lěi dōu yǒu pǎo lěi yuán de

adjective (baseball: men on base) (棒球)

Ortiz always seems to go to bat when the bases are full.

直接 zhí jiē

adverb (directly)

The car came at us, full on.

非常 fēi cháng

adverb (very)

You know full well that he's not coming.


transitive verb (textiles: clean and thicken) (布料)

Fulling the woollen fabric makes it thicker.

最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de

adverb (figurative (loudly)

If you must play your music at full blast, please use headphones.

全力地 quán lì de

adverb (forcefully)

I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.

飞快 fēi kuài

adverb (horse: at top speed)

Even at full gallop, the horse could not outrun the train for long.

飞快 fēi kuài

adverb (figurative (very fast)

She was talking at full gallop: I couldn't understand most of what she said.

以全速 yǐ quán sù

expression (as fast as possible)

If you run the motor at full speed for more than an hour, there is a danger it will overheat and seize up.

以全速,加大油门地,以最大速度地 yǐ quán sù,jiā dà yóu mén de,yǐ zuì dà sù dù de

adverb (vehicle: at top speed) (车辆等)

以最快速度地,尽可能快地 yǐ zuì kuài sù dù de,jìn kě néng kuài de

adverb (figurative (person: as fast as possible) (人)

全速 quán sù

expression (at top speed or power)

The train had been travelling at full tilt when the accident happened.

精力充沛地 jīng lì chōng pèi de

expression (energetically)

My three-year-old runs around full tilt right before bedtime.


adjective (informal (completely full)

I can't fit any more clothes in this suitcase; it's already chock-full!


(informal (completely full: of people, things)

The room was chock-full of celebrities and reporters.

兜了一圈回到原地 dōu le yì quān huí dào yuán dì

verbal expression (figurative (return to original situation)

Today I'm starting work back at the firm where I had my first job; I feel like my career's come full circle.


noun (full amount)

During the strike, the school had to open without its full complement of teachers.

充满的 chōng mǎn de

adjective (as full as possible)

挤满...的, 塞满...的

(packed with [sth/sb])

The 8 a.m. train was cram-full of commuters.

挤满的,塞满的,填满的,装满的 jǐ mǎn de,sāi mǎn de ,tián mǎn de,zhuāng mǎn de

adjective (informal (full, packed) (非正式用语)

The suitcase was crammed full of clothes almost to the point of bursting.

法定年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng

noun (majority, legal age of adulthood)

全权 quán quán

noun (complete control)

The judged granted him full authority over his father's estate.


noun (washroom: has bath, shower) (指既有淋浴也有坐浴的)


noun (headlights: brightest setting)

The car coming towards us had its headlights on full beam.


noun as adjective (headlights: on brightest setting)

If you use full-beam headlights, you may dazzle other road users.

浓密的络腮胡子 nóng mì de luò sāi hú zi

noun (hair grown long on chin and cheeks)

Santa Claus has a full beard and moustache.


expression (as loud as possible)

If you must play your music full blast, please use headphones.

全速 quán sù

expression (producing as much power as possible)

I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.

全食宿 quán shí sù

noun (accommodation: room and meals)

Full board costs less than 50 euro per day. Her university scholarship includes full board.

全身的 quán shēn de

adjective (over all the body)

I got a full-body tan at the solarium.

周而复始 zhōu ér fù shǐ

(to the starting point)

全色印刷 quán sè yìn shuā

noun (printing process)

It's rare to find such an old magazine printed in full colour.

全色印刷的 quán sè yìn shuā de

adjective (printed in color)

Almost all magazines these days are full-color.

全色的 quán sè de

adjective (with full range of hues)

完全同意 wán quán tóng yì

noun (full permission)

The marriage has my full consent.


noun (thorough news reporting)


noun (comprehensive insurance)

Since my car is brand new, and expensive, I decided to pay for full coverage auto insurance, to protect me no matter what happens.

礼服 lǐ fú

noun (formal, ceremonial clothing)


noun as adjective (clothing: formal, ceremonial)

The police officers attended the parade in full dress uniform.

充分就业 chōng fèn jiù yè

noun (all of workforce is employed)

Full employment is a goal of every administration.


noun (morning meal of eggs, bacon, etc.)

Not many families eat a full English breakfast any more.


noun (total reach or degree of [sth])

The full extent of the disaster is still not clear.


noun (maximum power)


noun (poker: 3 of a kind and a pair) (扑克: 三张相同及另两张相同的一手牌)

全浸,沉浸 chén jìn

noun (intensive language learning) (强化语言学习)


noun (complete submersion in liquid) (完全浸入液体中)


noun as adjective (language learning: intensive) (强化语言学习)

We offer a full-immersion program in Mandarin Chinese.

全长 quán cháng

noun (length when extended)

The full length of the snake was four feet, six inches.


noun (measured quantity, serving of [sth]) (分量)

I asked for a gallon, and he gave me full measure.

全部,全面,最大程度 quán bù,quán miàn,zuì dà chéng dù

noun (total amount, extent)

所有的,一切 suǒ yǒu de ,yí qiè

noun (UK, slang (everything)

I wouldn't be eating again all day so, I went for the full monty: sausage, bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

圆月 yuán yuè

noun (moon: fully visible)

The light of the full moon made it easier to travel by night.

满月 mǎn yuè

noun (phase: moon fully visible) (月相)

Legend states that werewolves only appear during the full moon.

全名 quán míng

noun (first, middle and last names)

You must always give your full name when filling out government forms. Please state your full name to the judge.

姓名 xìng míng

noun (complete given and family names)

Hispanic cultures use the mother's last name as part of the child's full name.

精神饱满的,精力充沛的 jīng shén bǎo mǎn de ,jīng lì chōng pèi de

adjective (UK, figurative, informal (full of energy)

精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de

adjective (lively, energetic)

She was so full of energy that I could hardly keep up with her.

充满热情的 chōng mǎn rè qíng de

adjective (very eager)

It's good to see our new recruits so full of enthusiasm.

充满仇恨的 chōng mǎn chóu hèn de

adjective (intensely hostile)

She is so full of hate that it has made her psychotic.

满腔仇恨的 mǎn qiāng chóu hèn de

adjective (intensely hostile)

布满了孔洞的,全是洞洞的,千疮百孔的 bù mǎn le kǒng dòng de,quán shì dòng dòng de,qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng de

adjective (perforated)

You're not wearing that jumper, it's full of holes.

全是漏洞的,漏洞百出的 quán shì lòu dòng de,lòu dòng bǎi chū de

adjective (figurative (easily disproved) (证据等)

Your theory is ridiculous, and it's absolutely full of holes.

满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de

adjective (very optimistic)

She is full of hope that they will discover a cure before it is too late.

充满活力的 chōng mǎn huó lì de

adjective (lively, energetic)

He's nearly 80 but still full of life and with an eye for the ladies.

意味深长的 yì wèi shēn cháng de

adjective (deeply symbolic or significant)

That song is full of meaning to me.


adjective (figurative, vulgar, slang (person: energetic, lively) (比喻)

Well, aren't you full of piss and vinegar today! Why so enthusiastic?

布满陷阱的 bù mǎn xiàn jǐng de

adjective (hazardous)

Your strategy has the potential to return a large profit but threatens to be full of pitfalls.

大有前途的 dà yǒu qián tú de

adjective (person: talented, likely to succeed) (指人)

As a child, she was full of promise.

大有希望,前景光明 dà yǒu xī wàng,qián jǐng guāng míng

adjective (enticing) (指事)

Life was full of promise for the young man.


verbal expression (vulgar, offensive, slang (talk nonsense, say untrue things) (俚语,具有侮辱性)

自恋 zì liàn

verbal expression (think too highly of yourself)

强烈的 qiáng liè de

adjective (intense or intensive)

极端的 jí duān de

adjective (informal (extreme, utter)

非常,极其 fēi cháng,jí qí

adverb (slang (extremely, completely)

详情 xiáng qíng

plural noun (all the details)

If you can give me the full particulars, I can help you find what you need.

完全同意 wán quán tóng yì

noun (complete agreement, total consent)

You need to obtain full permission from your parents, otherwise you won't be able to go.


noun (what is possible)

总功率 zǒng gōng lǜ

noun (heat, etc.: highest setting)

Microwave your soup at full power for 1 minute to re-warm it.

全权 quán quán

noun (complete authority)


noun (cost of [sth] undiscounted)

At holiday time you will have to pay full price for airline tickets.

满帆 mǎn fān

adverb (ship: with all sails up) (船)

The storm passed and they continued at full sail to make up for lost time.

全力以赴,快速推进 quán lì yǐ fù

adverb (figurative (forcefully)

Now that we have the permits we're going ahead full sail with the project.

全部范围,全方位 quán bù fàn wéi

noun (extent, reach of [sth])

The full scope of the crimes they committed in office is finally being revealed.


noun (opportunity for full use of powers) (施展才能)

Congress used the full scope of its powers to change the law.


adjective (filling entire computer monitor)

整个刑期 zhěng gè xíng qī

noun (duration of a prison term)

He won't have to serve the full sentence: he'll get time off for good behavior.

完整句 wán zhěng jù

noun (complete grammatical structure)

A full sentence always contains (or implies) a subject and a verb. A full sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark or exclamation mark.

标准尺寸 biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn

noun (standard size)

In marketing language, the smallest size is called 'full size'.


noun (widely flared skirt)

全速 quán sù

noun (maximum speed)

This boat's full speed is 30 miles per hour.

全速前进,全速行驶 quán sù qián jìn,quán sù xíng shǐ

interjection (train: at top speed) (火车)

The enemy's approaching from the south – full speed ahead!

句号,句点 jù hào ,jù diǎn

noun (UK (punctuation mark: period) (标点符号)

You should always use a capital letter after a full stop.

到此为止,就此打住 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ,jiù cǐ dǎ zhù

noun (UK, informal (period: and that is that) (非正式用语)

We're not doing it. Full stop!

完全停止 wán quán tíng zhǐ

noun (complete end of motion)

The police will ticket you for anything less than a full stop at a stop sign.

全日照 quán rì zhào

noun (direct sunlight)

Tomatoes and eggplants prefer full sun, but lettuce grows better in partial shade.


noun (complete availability)

充足 chōng zú

noun (full sufficiency)

全力支持 quán lì zhī chí

noun (total approval or backing)

Our financial backers have given the project their full support.

全力帮助 quán lì bāng zhù

noun (every possible assistance)

In an ideal world, a teacher has time to give each student his full support.

到期,从头到尾 dào qī ,cóng tóu dào wěi

noun (completion)


adjective (complete)

John F. Kennedy was not a full-term president as he was assassinated after less than three years in office.

全日制 quán rì zhì

noun (standard weekly working hours)

Now that I moved from part time to full time I'm covered under the company's medical program.

全日制的 quán rì zhì de

adjective (of standard weekly working hours)

They think that cutting down the full-time working week to 36 hours will increase employment.

全日地 quán rì de

adverb (on a full-time basis)

I'm now working full time at the baker's on the corner.

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