英语 中的 gap 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 gap 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 gap 的说明。

英语 中的gap 表示缺口 quē kǒu, 间隔 jiàn gé, 裂口 liè kǒu, 空白 kòng bái, 差距 chā jù, 山口 shān kǒu, 空白 kòng bái, 使有裂口 shǐ yǒu liè kǒu, 设定...间隙, 年龄差 nián líng chā, 消除差别,跨越鸿沟 xiāo chú chā bié,kuà yuè hóng gōu, 暂时解决 zàn shí jiě jué, 弥补差距, 缩小…与...差距, 信用差距,缺乏信誉 xìn yòng chā jù,quē fá xìn yù, (毕业生的)休学年,空档年,间隔年 bì yè shēng de xiū xué nián,jiàn gé nián, 有牙缝的, 性别差距, 代沟 dài gōu, 收入差距, 注意站台缝隙 zhù yì zhàn tái fèng xì, 缩小差距 suō xiǎo chā jù, 时差, 贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 gap 的含义

缺口 quē kǒu

noun (opening, break)

You could see through the gap in the hedge. Mind the gap between the train and the platform as you board.

间隔 jiàn gé

noun (time interval)

There was a ninety-minute gap between leaving the bar and arriving home.

裂口 liè kǒu

noun (crack)

The gap in the concrete sidewalk was a hazard.

空白 kòng bái

noun (blank, missing value)

There was a gap in the data report, with Tuesday's numbers missing.

差距 chā jù

noun (discrepancy)

There is a large gap between the way of life of young people and that of their parents.

山口 shān kǒu

noun (mountain pass)

The main way through the mountains is the gap 20 km. north of here.

空白 kòng bái

noun (figurative (lack of knowledge) (知识的)

The practice test will help you to identify gaps in your knowledge.

使有裂口 shǐ yǒu liè kǒu

transitive verb (make a breach in)

You have to gap the sheet metal so that the pipe will fit into it.


transitive verb (technical (set spark plug aperture) (火花塞)

If you don't gap the spark plugs properly, the car engine will misfire.

年龄差 nián líng chā

noun (difference in age)

There's a significant age gap between John and his wife.

消除差别,跨越鸿沟 xiāo chú chā bié,kuà yuè hóng gōu

verbal expression (figurative (reconcile) (比喻)

The senator tried to bridge the gap between the two versions of the bill.

暂时解决 zàn shí jiě jué

verbal expression (figurative (temporary solution)

We have no napkins, but paper towels should serve to bridge the gap.


verbal expression (figurative (equalize [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (equalize [sth])

信用差距,缺乏信誉 xìn yòng chā jù,quē fá xìn yù

noun (between claims and the truth) (指政府言论与事实不符,由此造成的民众不信任)

There's a big credibility gap between the politician's claims and the actual evidence.

(毕业生的)休学年,空档年,间隔年 bì yè shēng de xiū xué nián,jiàn gé nián

noun (school-leaver's one-year break) (指学生在中学毕业后和上大学之前空出的一年时间)

We offer paid placements for students in their gap year. I'm not sure how I want to spend my gap year.


adjective (having space between teeth)


noun (inequalities between men and women) (男性女性之间的不平等)

代沟 dài gōu

noun (difference between old and young)


noun (disparity of earnings)

注意站台缝隙 zhù yì zhàn tái fèng xì

interjection (London underground safety announcement)

缩小差距 suō xiǎo chā jù

verbal expression (figurative (lessen the difference)

We put her in tutoring to try to narrow the gap between her reading level and what it should be.


noun (difference between time zones)

贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā

noun (difference in value between nation's imports and exports) (进口大于出口)

The United States is very worried about its large trade gap with China.

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gap 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。