英语 中的 bridge 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bridge 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bridge 的说明。

英语 中的bridge 表示桥 qiáo, 琴马,弦马 qín mǎ,xián mǎ, 鼻梁架 bí liáng jià, (假牙上的)齿桥 jiǎ yá shàng de chǐ qiáo, 桥牌, 过渡期 guò dù qī, 桥楼, 过渡的乐句 guò dù de yuè jù, 跨度是,跨过,超过 kuà guò ,chāo guò, 足够应付 zú gòu yìng fù, 克服, 跨越, 过渡性贷款, 消除差别,跨越鸿沟 xiāo chú chā bié,kuà yuè hóng gōu, 暂时解决 zàn shí jiě jué, 弥合分歧, 桥梁建设,建造桥梁, 搭桥, 合约桥牌,契约桥牌 hé yuē qiáo pái,qì yuē qiáo pái, 牙桥 yá qiáo, 驾驶桥楼, 拱桥 gǒng qiáo, 浮桥 fú qiáo, 索桥 suǒ qiáo, 吊桥 diào qiáo, 有过桥费的桥梁 yǒu guò qiáo fèi de qiáo liáng, 无法挽回的过去。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bridge 的含义

桥 qiáo

noun (structure over river, etc.)

The bridge crossed over the river.

琴马,弦马 qín mǎ,xián mǎ

noun (part of a stringed instrument) (弦类乐器的)

You shouldn't touch the violin's bridge when you are playing it.

鼻梁架 bí liáng jià

noun (part of the nose) (眼镜的)

His glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

(假牙上的)齿桥 jiǎ yá shàng de chǐ qiáo

noun (dentistry: artificial teeth)

The dentist put in a bridge for her.


noun (uncountable (card game)

Aunt Judy plays bridge with her friends every Thursday night.

过渡期 guò dù qī

noun (figurative (intermediate phase) (比喻)

There was a short bridge between finishing the old job and starting the new.


noun (nautical: of a ship) (海事)

The captain was usually on the bridge, commanding his ship.

过渡的乐句 guò dù de yuè jù

noun (music: transitional passage) (音乐)

There is a bridge between the two choruses, with a key change.

跨度是,跨过,超过 kuà guò ,chāo guò

transitive verb (figurative (time: span) (时间等)

His long time as coach of the team bridged three generations.

足够应付 zú gòu yìng fù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, figurative (compensate for: deficit)

This loan should be enough to bridge over the shortfall for a good three months.

克服, 跨越

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (overcome differences)

I think our marriage is strong enough to bridge over this incident.


noun (finance: short loan)

消除差别,跨越鸿沟 xiāo chú chā bié,kuà yuè hóng gōu

verbal expression (figurative (reconcile) (比喻)

The senator tried to bridge the gap between the two versions of the bill.

暂时解决 zàn shí jiě jué

verbal expression (figurative (temporary solution)

We have no napkins, but paper towels should serve to bridge the gap.


verbal expression (figurative (be reconciled)

Once Matt and Julie had bridged their differences, they were able to be friends again.


noun (construction of bridges)


noun (figurative (building good relationships) (比喻义)

合约桥牌,契约桥牌 hé yuē qiáo pái,qì yuē qiáo pái

noun (card game) (一种扑克游戏)

Contract bridge is even more complicated than regular bridge.

牙桥 yá qiáo

noun (fixture: false tooth) (牙科)

After I lost my front teeth I got a dental bridge to replace them.


noun (boat: open area above main bridge)

拱桥 gǒng qiáo

noun (arched bridge)

The road crosses the river at a dangerously narrow humpback bridge.

浮桥 fú qiáo

noun (bridge supported by floats)

Army engineers quickly erected a pontoon bridge across the river.

索桥 suǒ qiáo

noun (footbridge made of ropes)

A rope bridge had been provided to get from one side of the river to the other. The Boy Scouts built a rope bridge across the chasm.

吊桥 diào qiáo

noun (bridge with deck hung from cables)

有过桥费的桥梁 yǒu guò qiáo fèi de qiáo liáng

noun (bridge for which a fee is charged)

The quickest way there is over the toll bridge.


expression (passed and unimportant)

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bridge 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。