英语 中的 game 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 game 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 game 的说明。

英语 中的game 表示游戏 yóu xì, 游戏 yóu xì, 比赛,竞赛 bǐ sài,jìng sài, 一场比赛 yì chǎng bǐ sài, 体育运动 tǐ yù yùn dòng, 猎物 liè wù, 愿意的,情愿的 yuàn yì de ,qíng yuàn de, 愿意做 yuàn yì zuò, 竞技状态 jìng jì zhuàng tài, 诡计 guǐ jì, 比赛策略 bǐ sài cè lüè, 猎物 liè wù, 猎物的, 体育科目 tǐ yù kē mù, 奥运会 ào yùn huì, 赌,赌博 dǔ,dǔ bó, 玩转, 完全不同的情况, 最佳状态 zuì jiā zhuàng tài, 领先的 lǐng xiān de, 成为赢家, 街机游戏, 你有兴趣吗?, 表现杰出, 客场比赛, 球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng, 棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài, 棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài, 大型猎物 dà xíng liè wù, 以大动物为狩猎目标的猎人 yǐ dà dòng wù wéi shòu liè mù biāo de liè rén, 棋盘游戏 qí pán yóu xì, 纸牌游戏, 计算机游戏 jì suàn jī yóu xì, 骗局 piàn jú, 残局,最后一节比赛,比赛将近结束的时候 cán jú,zuì hòu yì jié bǐ sài,bǐ sài jiāng jìn jié shù de shí hòu, 尾声,最后阶段 wěi shēng,zuì hòu jiē duàn, 好欺负的对象 hǎo qī fù de duì xiàng, 足球比赛 zú qiú bǐ sài, 橄榄球比赛, 猎鸟 liè niǎo, 游戏规则改变者, 游戏机, 猎狗 liè gǒu, 供垂钓的鱼 gòng chuí diào de yú, 垂钓 chuí diào, 猎人 liè rén, 狩猎,打猎 shòu liè,dǎ liè, 凭机会的比赛 píng jī huì de bǐ sài, 凭技术的比赛 píng jì shù de bǐ sài, 野生动物保护区, 游戏块, 比赛计划,战略部署 bǐ sài jì huà ,zhàn lüè bù shǔ, 野生动物园 yě shēng dòng wù yuán, 游戏室 yóu xì shì, 游戏节目, 狩猎监督官, 游戏厅,游戏室 yóu xì shì, 泄露秘密 xiè lòu mì mì, 猜谜, 需要猜测,信息太少, 心理战术 xīn lǐ zhàn shù, 曲棍球比赛, 冰球比赛, 小把戏 xiǎo bǎ xì, 肯定会输的比赛 kěn dìng huì shū de bǐ sài, 记忆力游戏, 主要目的,本质之所在 zhǔ yào mù dì,běn zhì zhī suǒ zài, 博彩 bó cǎi, 数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì, 数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì, 某人游戏中的小卒子,某人游戏中的棋子, 棋子 qí zǐ, 遵守规则,公平竞争 zūn shǒu guī zé,gōng píng jìng zhēng, 提升水平,提升水准, 藏豆游戏 cáng dòu yóu xì, 骗局 piàn jú, 团队运动, 一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào, 电子游戏 diàn zǐ yóu xì, 视频游戏操纵柄,视频游戏手柄, 排球赛,排球比赛, 拖延战术,按兵不动以待良机的策略 tuō yán zhàn shù, 填字游戏, 零和游戏。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 game 的含义

游戏 yóu xì

noun (organised play)

We play various games after school.

游戏 yóu xì

noun (fun activity)

They were just games - nothing serious.

比赛,竞赛 bǐ sài,jìng sài

noun (sport: session, match) (体育运动)

Shall we watch the tennis game later?

一场比赛 yì chǎng bǐ sài

noun (tennis, etc: unit of play)

With this point, he will win game, set and match.

体育运动 tǐ yù yùn dòng

noun (sport)

Basketball is a fun game to play.

猎物 liè wù

noun (uncountable (animals hunted) (指动物)

Game is abundant on the Baron's estate. We hunt game such as wild turkey.

愿意的,情愿的 yuàn yì de ,qíng yuàn de

adjective (informal (willing)

We're going to the bar tonight. Are you game?

愿意做 yuàn yì zuò

(informal (willing to do [sth])

Julia's always game for a challenge.

竞技状态 jìng jì zhuàng tài

noun (informal (sports: performance)

His game was off for the entire month of May, though it improved in June.

诡计 guǐ jì

noun (slang, figurative (scheme)

The mafia's game was to offer protection services to businesses for a fee.

比赛策略 bǐ sài cè lüè

noun (strategy)

The coach made his game clear to the players.

猎物 liè wù

noun (uncountable (meat of hunted animals)

Game is often hung to ripen.


noun as adjective (food: from hunted animal)

Game meat is popular in South Africa.

体育科目 tǐ yù kē mù

plural noun (UK, informal (school subject: sports) (复数)

I love English and history, but I really hate games!

奥运会 ào yùn huì

plural noun (sports: Olympic Games)

The Games were held in Barcelona in 1992.

赌,赌博 dǔ,dǔ bó

intransitive verb (slang (gamble)

We go to Las Vegas once a year to game.


transitive verb (unfairly manipulate)

Bob was gaming the tax system to avoid paying his fair share.


noun (US, informal, figurative (changed situation)

That puts matters in a different light. It's a brand new ball game now.

最佳状态 zuì jiā zhuàng tài

noun (informal (best possible performance)

领先的 lǐng xiān de

expression (informal, figurative (at an advantage)

Bruce was ahead of the game because he repaired the roof before the rains came.


expression (informal, figurative (beating competitors)


noun (casino machine)

As a child, I loved playing arcade games like pinball.


noun (informal (are you willing?)


expression (figurative (performing brilliantly)


noun (match: not on home field)

The team are playing an away game this Saturday.

球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng

noun (sport played with ball)

No ball games are allowed in this park.

棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài

noun (US, informal (baseball match)

When my dad takes me to a ball game, he always buys me a hot dog.

棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài

noun (baseball match)

An average baseball game lasts about three hours.

大型猎物 dà xíng liè wù

noun (large animals pursued by hunters)

The reserve provides the opportunity to see big game such as lions and elephants.

以大动物为狩猎目标的猎人 yǐ dà dòng wù wéi shòu liè mù biāo de liè rén

noun (hunts large animals)

President Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist, but also a big-game hunter.

棋盘游戏 qí pán yóu xì

noun (game played on flat board) (如跳棋等)

We spent all afternoon playing board games because the weather was so bad.


noun (activity using playing cards)

计算机游戏 jì suàn jī yóu xì

noun (interactive video game)

He's busy playing his computer games again.

骗局 piàn jú

noun (scam, fraudulent act)

残局,最后一节比赛,比赛将近结束的时候 cán jú,zuì hòu yì jié bǐ sài,bǐ sài jiāng jìn jié shù de shí hòu

noun (final part of a chess game) (棋赛等的)

Because his rook was trapped, Brian found himself in the endgame of the chess match.

尾声,最后阶段 wěi shēng,zuì hòu jiē duàn

noun (figurative (final stage of a process) (某一过程的)

The endgame will consist of comparing this year's sales numbers to last year's.

好欺负的对象 hǎo qī fù de duì xiàng

noun (figurative (justified as a target) (比喻,非正式用语)

The comedian saw everything and everyone as fair game for his jokes.

足球比赛 zú qiú bǐ sài

noun (soccer match)

Chelsea won the football game 2-0.


noun (American football match)

The Super Bowl is the final football game of the professional league season.

猎鸟 liè niǎo

noun (wild bird: hunted)

Henry enjoyed hunting game birds such as woodcock, partridge and pheasant.


noun (figurative, informal ([sth] revolutionary)

James Joyce's Ulysses was a game changer in the history of the modern novel.


noun (electronic game device)

猎狗 liè gǒu

noun (for hunting)

Hounds and setters make some of the best game dogs.

供垂钓的鱼 gòng chuí diào de yú

noun (caught for sport)

The crew hope to catch a variety of game fish such as tuna, blue marlin, and sailfish.

垂钓 chuí diào

noun (sport: catching fish)

The deep blue waters of the Andaman Sea are ideal for game fishing.

猎人 liè rén

noun (hunts animals) (电脑游戏)

The game hunter was arrested for shooting a protected species.

狩猎,打猎 shòu liè,dǎ liè

noun (tracking and shooting wild animals) (电脑游戏)

Highland Perthshire offers great opportunities for game hunting.

凭机会的比赛 píng jī huì de bǐ sài

noun (activity: depends on luck)

Dice is a game of chance.

凭技术的比赛 píng jì shù de bǐ sài

noun (activity: depends on skill)

Chess is a game of skill.


(wildlife reserve)


noun (counter or token used in a game)

We couldn't play chess because he lost a game piece.

比赛计划,战略部署 bǐ sài jì huà ,zhàn lüè bù shǔ

noun (strategy) (球赛)

The game plan was to avoid an early goal while frustrating the other team in midfield.

野生动物园 yě shēng dòng wù yuán

noun (wildlife park, safari park)

游戏室 yóu xì shì

noun (recreation area)

The nursing home residents gathered in the game room to play bingo.


noun (tv or radio quiz) (电视或广播中)

It's one of television's most popular game shows. You don't have to be brilliant to win a game show.


(public official)

游戏厅,游戏室 yóu xì shì

noun (room with leisure facilities)

The game room had all sorts of home arcade games including a pool table, video arcade games, air hockey and foosball.

泄露秘密 xiè lòu mì mì

verbal expression (divulge [sth])


noun (game: identify [sth/sb]) (游戏)


noun (figurative (too little information)

心理战术 xīn lǐ zhàn shù

noun (US, slang (effort to confuse or delude [sb]) (俚语)

Jan was not invited; her head games disrupted the last meeting.


noun (UK (field-hockey match)


noun (US, Can (ice-hockey match)

小把戏 xiǎo bǎ xì

noun (deceitful plan, scheme)

I'm tired of all your little games – why can't you just be honest for once?

肯定会输的比赛 kěn dìng huì shū de bǐ sài

noun (figurative ([sth] doomed to failure)

Fighting the government is a losing game.


noun (game that tests memory skills)

主要目的,本质之所在 zhǔ yào mù dì,běn zhì zhī suǒ zài

noun (informal, figurative (aim, purpose) (非正式用语,比喻)

For most students, getting good grades is the name of the game. In the business world, "profit" is the name of the game.

博彩 bó cǎi

noun (gambling: illegal lottery)

数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì

noun (game involving numbers) (跟数字有关的游戏)

数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì

noun (use of numbers to misrepresent fact) (利用数字来歪曲事实真相)

The good fourth quarter results can be put down to the company accountants playing the numbers game.


noun (figurative (unimportant person) (比喻无关紧要的人)

Fred thought he was playing an important role, but really he was just a pawn in Mr. Big's game.

棋子 qí zǐ

noun (board game counter) (棋盘游戏)

After rolling the dice, she moved her piece forward five spaces.

遵守规则,公平竞争 zūn shǒu guī zé,gōng píng jìng zhēng

verbal expression (figurative (co-operate, conform)

No wonder he's a success, he really knows how to play the game.


verbal expression (figurative (intensify or increase [sth])

藏豆游戏 cáng dòu yóu xì

noun (guessing game)

I'm pretty sure there's some kind of trickery involved in shell games.

骗局 piàn jú

noun (figurative (cheat, fraud)

The investment scheme was a fraud - a real shell game.


noun (groups competing)

一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào

expression (figurative (intention to retaliate)

Two can play that game; if John refuses to help me, then I can refuse to help him!

电子游戏 diàn zǐ yóu xì

noun (electronic game)

My son loves to sit in front of the TV and play video games with his friends.


noun (joystick, etc.)


noun (volleyball match)

拖延战术,按兵不动以待良机的策略 tuō yán zhàn shù

noun (informal (delay to gain advantage)




noun (win-lose situation)

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