英语 中的 gotten 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 gotten 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 gotten 的说明。

英语 中的gotten 表示搞到 gǎo dào, 收到,得到 shōu dào,dé dào, 染上 rǎn shàng, 拿来,取来 ná lái,qǔ lái, 说服...做某事, 到达 dào dá, 了解 liǎo jiě, 能够, 有机会, 变得,变成 biàn de ,biàn chéng, 走开!滚! zǒu kāi !gǔn !, 开始 kāi shǐ, 准备 zhǔn bèi, 得到, 赢得, 买 mǎi, 使, 使得, 让, 得到, 获得, 联系到, 联系上, 听到, 明白, 受到…的惩罚, 被判…的刑, 使感动, 使有感触, 击中, 打中, 报复, 向…复仇, 惹怒, 使生气, 抓到, 逮到, 毁掉, 使坏掉, 摧毁, 必须做某事, 到处旅游,四处周游 dào chù lǚ yóu,sì chù zhōu yóu, 四处走走,四下溜达 sì chù zǒu zǒu,sì xià liū dá, 传达 chuán dá, 取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng, 超过 chāo guò, 取得优势 qǔ dé yōu shì, 领先于, 攒钱 zǎn qián, 友好相处 yǒu hǎo xiāng chǔ, 应付得来 yìng fù dé lái, 取得进步 qǔ dé jìn bù, 离开 lí kāi, 与…相处愉快 yǔ … xiāng chǔ yú kuài, 缺少…而对付着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe, 到处旅游, 四处游览, 走动 zǒu dòng, 绕道而行 rào dào ér xíng, 散布,传播 sàn bù,chuán bō, 抽出时间, 抽出时间做某事, 想说,意指 yì zhǐ, 数落,批评,讽刺,打击 shǔ luò,pī píng,fěng cì ,dǎ jī, 贿赂,买通 huì lù,mǎi tōng, 逃走,逃离,逃脱 táo zǒu,táo lí,táo tuō, 外出度假 wài chū dù jià, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 离开 lí kāi, 逃脱…的惩罚 táo tuō de chéng fá, 返回,回去 fǎn huí,huí qù, 取回 qǔ huí, 向…报复 xiàng bào fù, 为某事向某人复仇, 恢复 huī fù, 回到 huí dào, 支持, 赞助, 恼怒 nǎo nù, 焦虑 jiāo lǜ, 极其 jí qí, 找…的麻烦, 收到热烈的掌声, 自寻烦恼, 懂某人的意思, 来拿 lái ná, 了解 liǎo jiě, 掌握 zhǎng wò, 处理 chǔ lǐ, 好相处的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de, 排队 pái duì, 遵守 zūn shǒu, 与...一致, 确定自己的方位, 遭到破坏, 遭受批评, 注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn, 搞清楚 gǎo qīng chǔ, 找到稳当的落脚点, 站稳脚跟 zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn, 瞥见 piē jiàn, 控制自己的情绪 kòng zhì zì jǐ de qíng xù, 控制一下你自己! kòng zhì yí xià nǐ zì jǐ, 开始理解, 理发 lǐ fà, 理解 lǐ jiě, 抓住, 把握, 掌控, 找到工作 zhǎo dào gōng zuò, 因…激动 yīn … jī dòng, 获得优势, 找点别的事情做吧!, 看, 得到贷款 dé dào dài kuǎn, 快点儿,赶快 gǎn kuài, 得到回复 dé dào huí fù, 获得肯定 huò dé kěn dìng, 有意惹…生气, 大吃一惊,吃了一惊 dà chī yì jīng, 触电,受到电击 chù diàn, 遭到报应 zāo dào bào yìng, 惨败 cǎn bài, 闻到 wén dào, 察觉到 chá jué dào, 插嘴,插话 chā zuǐ,chā huà, 超过 chāo guò, 超过 chāo guò, 互相熟悉, 结识..., 熟悉..., 操之过急, 抓住 zhuā zhù, 联系 lián xì, 休想 xiū xiǎng, 真不敢相信, 听了一堆责备的话, 发怒,发火 fā nù,fā huǒ, 有成就, 规避 guī bì, 别开玩笑了!你在开玩笑吧! bié kāi wán xiào le nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba, 可以不受惩罚地为所欲为 kě yǐ bú shòu chéng fá de wéi suǒ yù wéi, (通过锻炼)恢复体形 tōng guò duàn liàn huī fù tǐ xíng, 回到正轨, 挨打,挨揍 āi dǎ,āi zòu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 gotten 的含义

搞到 gǎo dào

transitive verb (informal (obtain)

We need to get some beer somewhere. I got a good mark for my essay.

收到,得到 shōu dào,dé dào

transitive verb (informal (receive)

Did you get the message I sent you?

染上 rǎn shàng

transitive verb (informal (illness: catch)

He got the flu and had to stay at home.

拿来,取来 ná lái,qǔ lái

transitive verb (informal (fetch)

I'll get another plate for you.


transitive verb (informal (persuade)

I got him to give me a pay rise.

到达 dào dá

intransitive verb (informal (arrive)

When will we get there?

了解 liǎo jiě

transitive verb (informal (understand) (口语)

Do you get what I'm saying?

能够, 有机会

verbal expression (informal (have the opportunity) (与不定式连用)

I get to go to Paris this summer.

变得,变成 biàn de ,biàn chéng

intransitive verb (informal (become)

Andy got better once he took the medicine. Nancy got annoyed when the car wouldn't start.

走开!滚! zǒu kāi !gǔn !

intransitive verb (US, slang (go away) (俚语)

Get! You dumb animal.

开始 kāi shǐ

intransitive verb (informal (start)

Let's get painting, before it's too dark for us to see what we're doing.

准备 zhǔn bèi

transitive verb (informal (prepare) (非正式用语)

I'll get dinner if you lay the table.

得到, 赢得

transitive verb (informal (earn, win) (非正式用语)

I got an A in Spanish.

买 mǎi

transitive verb (informal (buy)

I'm just going to get some more milk.

使, 使得, 让

transitive verb (informal (arrange or cause to have) (非正式用语)

I need to get my car fixed.

得到, 获得

transitive verb (informal (attract) (非正式用语)

She always gets all the attention.

联系到, 联系上

transitive verb (informal (reach) (非正式用语)

You can get me by telephone or e-mail.

听到, 明白

transitive verb (informal (hear) (非正式用语)

Sorry, I didn't get that. What did you say?

受到…的惩罚, 被判…的刑

transitive verb (informal (receive as punishment)

He got 10 years for armed robbery.

使感动, 使有感触

transitive verb (informal (touch emotionally) (非正式用语)

That film gets me every time.

击中, 打中

transitive verb (informal (hit) (非正式用语)

The bullet got him in the stomach.

报复, 向…复仇

transitive verb (informal (have revenge on) (非正式用语)

I'll get you for that!

惹怒, 使生气

transitive verb (informal (bother) (非正式用语)

What gets me about the film is why he never comes back.

抓到, 逮到

transitive verb (informal (capture) (非正式用语)

The police got him in the end.

毁掉, 使坏掉, 摧毁

transitive verb (informal (ruin, destroy) (非正式用语)

Rust got my car.


transitive verb (informal (must) (非正式用语)

I have got to leave now.

到处旅游,四处周游 dào chù lǚ yóu,sì chù zhōu yóu

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (travel frequently or widely) (非正式用语)

Paris yesterday, Sydney next week; you really get about, don't you!

四处走走,四下溜达 sì chù zǒu zǒu,sì xià liū dá

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (walk, move around) (非正式用语)

Though 98 years old, my grandfather still gets about like he was half that age.

传达 chuán dá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (convey)

He tried to get his point across but it was so convoluted, no one could understand.

取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be successful)

In order to get ahead in business, you need to be assertive.

超过 chāo guò


He ran faster and got ahead of his sister just as they reached the car.

取得优势 qǔ dé yōu shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (gain advantage)

The company got ahead by adopting a new business model.


(figurative (be more successful)

The firm developed a multimedia game system that allowed it to get ahead of its rivals.

攒钱 zǎn qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, figurative, informal (save money)

友好相处 yǒu hǎo xiāng chǔ

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be friends) (非正式用语)

My friends and I get along very well.

应付得来 yìng fù dé lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (cope)

After she went blind, it took her a long time to learn how to get along without vision.

取得进步 qǔ dé jìn bù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (progress)

In my profession, you aren't going to get along without the support and help of more experienced people.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave)

I have to get along now; it's been nice chatting to you.

与…相处愉快 yǔ … xiāng chǔ yú kuài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be friends)

I get along very well with my mother-in-law.

缺少…而对付着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (not need)

I can get along without luxuries in this economy.

到处旅游, 四处游览

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (travel)

I certainly get around in my job. This year, I've travelled to Korea, Australia and South Africa.

走动 zǒu dòng

phrasal verb, intransitive (move about)

His arthritis makes it difficult for him to get around.

绕道而行 rào dào ér xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (circumvent)

You can't get around the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.

散布,传播 sàn bù,chuán bō

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (circulate)

When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find time)

Bill eventually got round to the washing-up.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find time)

One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris.

想说,意指 yì zhǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (intend to say, imply) (非正式用语)

I don't understand what you are getting at.

数落,批评,讽刺,打击 shǔ luò,pī píng,fěng cì ,dǎ jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (target for criticism) (俚语)

I hate him; he's always getting at me.

贿赂,买通 huì lù,mǎi tōng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (influence illegally) (俚语)

All the evidence is against us; we'll have to see if we can get at the jury.

逃走,逃离,逃脱 táo zǒu,táo lí,táo tuō

phrasal verb, intransitive (escape)

I was almost mugged but I managed to get away.

外出度假 wài chū dù jià

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (go on holiday)

I have been working late all week and need to get away this weekend.

摆脱 bǎi tuō

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (escape: [sb])

How did you manage to get away from your captors?

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (place: leave)

It's great to get away from London sometimes.

逃脱…的惩罚 táo tuō de chéng fá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (not be punished)

The murderer got away with his hideous crime.

返回,回去 fǎn huí,huí qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (return) (非正式用语)

I visited my Aunt in Greece last year and I can't wait to get back!

取回 qǔ huí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (have [sth] returned)

I took my watch to be repaired and I'll get it back on Tuesday.

向…报复 xiàng bào fù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (take revenge on)

To get back at him, she had an affair with his brother.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (take revenge on)

恢复 huī fù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (resume)

I'd love to talk more but I have to get back to my work now.

回到 huí dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (return)

It would be nice to get back to my hometown one day.

支持, 赞助

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (support: a cause, etc.)

If you promise not to change your mind, I'll get behind your efforts to clean up the park.

恼怒 nǎo nù

(become irritated)

I get annoyed when Stephen cancels our date at the last minute.

焦虑 jiāo lǜ

(become worried)

It is normal to get anxious before an exam.

极其 jí qí

expression (US (extremely)

What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the desert.


verbal expression (informal (want revenge)

She has been out to get me ever since she learned that I was dating her ex-boyfriend.


verbal expression (receive enthusiastic applause)


verbal expression (figurative (suffer off-putting consequences)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)

来拿 lái ná

verbal expression (informal (fetch)

If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast.

了解 liǎo jiě

verbal expression (informal, figurative (understand)

One must read a work of philosophy several times in order to come to grips with it.

掌握 zhǎng wò

verbal expression (informal, figurative (master)

When I had finally come to grips with algebra, I began to learn calculus.

处理 chǔ lǐ

verbal expression (informal, figurative (deal with, accept)

It was difficult to come to grips with my parents' tragic deaths.

好相处的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de

adjective (informal (affable)

Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along with.

排队 pái duì

verbal expression (people: line up)

遵守 zūn shǒu

verbal expression (figurative (person: conform to rule, authority)


verbal expression (figurative (idea, etc.: fit, comply) (想法)


verbal expression (orient yourself)

In the dark forest, the search party had trouble getting their bearings.


verbal expression (be beaten, damaged)

Our garden shed took a battering in the hurricane.


verbal expression (figurative (suffer)

The film got a battering from critics.

注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn

verbal expression (slang (take drug)

People addicted to street drugs will do just about anything to get a fix.

搞清楚 gǎo qīng chǔ

verbal expression (slang (ascertain)

I talked to several people to get a fix on what actually happened.


verbal expression (when climbing) (爬山时)

After falling halfway down he was able to get a foothold and begin climbing again.

站稳脚跟 zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn

verbal expression (figurative (establish yourself)

She got a foothold in the theatrical world when, as an understudy, the leading lady fell ill.

瞥见 piē jiàn

verbal expression (catch sight of briefly)

The fans crowded around the door to get a glimpse of the athletes leaving the stadium.

控制自己的情绪 kòng zhì zì jǐ de qíng xù

verbal expression (figurative, slang (regain self-control)

It's time to stop panicking and get a grip. He's too nervous; he needs to get a grip.

控制一下你自己! kòng zhì yí xià nǐ zì jǐ

interjection (figurative, slang (you are overreacting, control yourself)

It's nothing to get so worked up about – get a grip!


verbal expression (figurative, informal (start to understand)

I would love to get a grip on basic physics.

理发 lǐ fà

verbal expression (informal (have hair trimmed)

It was his brother's wedding, so he decided to get a haircut for the occasion.

理解 lǐ jiě

verbal expression (figurative, informal (understand)

I can't get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again?

抓住, 把握, 掌控

verbal expression (informal (grasp)

Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift.

找到工作 zhǎo dào gōng zuò

verbal expression (informal (find employment) (非正式用语)

I need to get a job that pays well.

因…激动 yīn … jī dòng

verbal expression (slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)

She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (gain an advantage)


interjection (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)

When I told them I was translating the Bible into Vulcan they all said “Get a life!”

interjection (slang (look at that)

得到贷款 dé dào dài kuǎn

intransitive verb (enter a contract to borrow money)

If we can't pay rent come August we may have to get a loan.

快点儿,赶快 gǎn kuài

verbal expression (informal (hurry up)

得到回复 dé dào huí fù

intransitive verb (receive a reply)

I sent several emails but never did get a response.

获得肯定 huò dé kěn dìng

verbal expression (be acknowledged by words, gesture)


verbal expression (informal (provoke: [sb])

He's just making faces to get a rise out of you.

大吃一惊,吃了一惊 dà chī yì jīng

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be unpleasantly surprised)

I got a shock when I found your wife naked in my bed.

触电,受到电击 chù diàn

verbal expression (informal (feel jolted by electrical current)

I always get a shock when I touch a car.

遭到报应 zāo dào bào yìng

verbal expression (informal (be beaten physically)

Petros regularly took a thrashing from his violent father.

惨败 cǎn bài

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be defeated: at sport, etc.)

The Democrats took a thrashing on Election Day.

闻到 wén dào

verbal expression (informal (smell)

Did you get a whiff of that new perfume she is wearing?

察觉到 chá jué dào

verbal expression (figurative, slang (detect)

Did you get a whiff of the hostility in that meeting?

插嘴,插话 chā zuǐ,chā huà

verbal expression (informal (have the chance to speak)

She was talking so much that I couldn't get a word in!

超过 chāo guò


Melinda worked hard to get above the minimum academic requirements for university.

超过 chāo guò

(be over [sth])

We should get above 5,000 feet before we make camp.


(people: get to know each other)

I left Paul and Lily to get acquainted.


verbal expression (get to know a person)

My kids got acquainted with the neighbors' children on the day they moved in.


verbal expression (figurative (familiarize yourself with [sth])

You'd better get acquainted with new computers if you want to keep your job.


verbal expression (think or act prematurely)

抓住 zhuā zhù

verbal expression (US, informal (grab, grasp)

联系 lián xì

verbal expression (US, informal (make contact)

I've called her house, her work, and her cell; I can't get ahold of her.

休想 xiū xiǎng

interjection (UK, informal (expressing disbelief)

You expect me to believe that? Get along!


interjection (UK, informal (expressing disbelief)

Brett really said that? Get along with you!


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be reprimanded)

Tony got an earful from the boss when he arrived late for work.

发怒,发火 fā nù,fā huǒ

(lose temper)

I get angry when people are rude and obnoxious.


verbal expression (achieve success)

规避 guī bì

verbal expression (avoid doing)

The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject. The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.

别开玩笑了!你在开玩笑吧! bié kāi wán xiào le nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba

interjection (UK, slang (disbelief) (俚语)

You saw the Queen in Burnley market? Get away!

可以不受惩罚地为所欲为 kě yǐ bú shòu chéng fá de wéi suǒ yù wéi

verbal expression (figurative, informal (never be punished)

Somehow Joe always seems to get away with murder.

(通过锻炼)恢复体形 tōng guò duàn liàn huī fù tǐ xíng

verbal expression (informal (regain fitness)

I bought a gym membership to get back in shape.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (regain focus)

挨打,挨揍 āi dǎ,āi zòu

verbal expression (informal (be physically assaulted) (非正式用语)

From his black eye and bloody nose, everyone knew he'd gotten beaten up in the fight.

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