英语 中的 belt 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 belt 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 belt 的说明。

英语 中的belt 表示腰带 yāo dài, 安全带,座位安全带 ān quán dài, 狭长地带 xiá cháng dì dài, 用皮带鞭打, 用带子系...一圈, 把...用带子系上, 用皮带抽, 狠抽,猛揍,暴打, 大声播放, 象征段级的腰带, 条状, 击 jī, 快速移动 kuài sù yí dòng, 倾盆落下, 大声高歌 dà shēng gāo gē, 系上安全带, 安静 ān jìng, 小行星带, 不公正的,不按规矩,暗箭伤人 bù gōng zhèng de, 皮带扣 pí dài kòu, 带式砂光机 dài shì shā guāng jī, 紧缩开支,削减开支 jǐn suō kāi zhī, 紧缩开支的,削减开支的, 圣经带,圣经地带, 黑带 hēi dài, 黑带选手,达到最高等级的高手 hēi dài xuǎn shǒu,dá dào zuì gāo děng jí de gāo shǒu, 蓝带 lán dài, 达到蓝带段位的人, 棕带 zōng dài, 棕带武术师 zōng dài wǔ shù shī, 贞操带,贞洁带 zhēn cāo dài,zhēn jié dài, 通勤带, 传送带 chuán sòng dài, 风扇传动皮带, 腰包 yāo bāo, 吊袜腰带 diào wà yāo dài, (城市周边等的)绿化带 chéng shì zhōu biān děng de lǜ huà dài, 绿带, 绿腰带级运动员, 获得 huò dé, 采用不正当手段, 柔道腰带 róu dào yāo dài, 救生圈 jiù shēng quān, 系在腰间的钱袋 jì zài yāo jiān de qián dài, 安全带 ān quán dài, 肩式安全带 jiān shì ān quán dài, 多雪地带,冰雪带, 雪带, 阳光地带 yáng guāng dì dài, 勒紧裤腰带, 同步齿带, 工具腰带 gōng jù yāo dài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 belt 的含义

腰带 yāo dài

noun (band worn around waist)

Hannah is wearing a braided belt.

安全带,座位安全带 ān quán dài

noun (vehicle: seat belt) (车)

Fasten your belts before the vehicle starts moving.

狭长地带 xiá cháng dì dài

noun (elongated area of land)

The car passed by a belt of wheat fields.


noun (punishment: beating with a belt)

In the olden days, it was common for children to get the belt if they were naughty.


transitive verb (tie a belt around)

Christine belted her coat tightly around her.


transitive verb (attach with a belt)

Clint belted the crates securely into the truck.


transitive verb (hit, whip with a belt)

The boys' father was a strict man who belted them if they misbehaved.


transitive verb (figurative, informal (hit hard)

"How dare you!" cried Isabel, and belted Alan across the face.


intransitive verb (music: play loudly) (音乐)

A heavy metal number was belting from his car radio.


noun (karate, etc: symbol of rank) (空手道等)

I've heard you take karate classes; what belt are you?


noun (stripe)

The cat was orange except for a belt of white across its ribs.

击 jī

noun (blow, strike)

During the fight, I received a belt across the cheek that left a red mark.

快速移动 kuài sù yí dòng

intransitive verb (informal (move quickly)

The thief belted off up the road, with the police in hot pursuit.


phrasal verb, intransitive (rain: fall heavily) (雨)

大声高歌 dà shēng gāo gē

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (sing loudly)

I like to belt out pop songs when I drive.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (fasten seatbelt)

Make sure you belt up when you get in the car.

安静 ān jìng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (stop talking)

Tanya shouted at her brother to belt up.


noun (ring of rocks orbiting the sun) (介于火星和木星轨道之间的小行星密集区域)

The asteroid belt is situated beyond the planet Mars.

不公正的,不按规矩,暗箭伤人 bù gōng zhèng de

adjective (figurative (uncalled for, mean)

皮带扣 pí dài kòu

noun (fastening on a belt)

I kept losing my trousers because my belt buckle was broken.

带式砂光机 dài shì shā guāng jī

noun (smoothing tool)

Be careful of your fingers when using the belt sander.

紧缩开支,削减开支 jǐn suō kāi zhī

noun (figurative (reduction in spending)


noun as adjective (figurative (measures: involving reduced spending)


noun (informal (evangelical Christian region of US) (美国的福音基督教地区)

The south-eastern states in the US are sometimes called the "Bible belt."

黑带 hēi dài

noun (martial arts: highest rank) (柔道、空手道等的最高段数)

黑带选手,达到最高等级的高手 hēi dài xuǎn shǒu,dá dào zuì gāo děng jí de gāo shǒu

noun (martial arts: expert) (柔道、空手道等的高手)

You'd better watch out, he's a black belt in karate.

蓝带 lán dài

noun (martial arts rank) (一般为受第三年训练者所佩戴的带子)


noun (person with this rank) (跆拳道、柔道)

Don't threaten him; he's a blue belt in karate.

棕带 zōng dài

noun (karate rank) (空手道的级别)

It took me three years to earn my brown belt.

棕带武术师 zōng dài wǔ shù shī

noun (karate student)

I wouldn't mess with her if I were you, she's a brown belt.

贞操带,贞洁带 zhēn cāo dài,zhēn jié dài

noun (worn to prevent sex) (中世纪妇女使用的)

A chastity belt was something warriors made their wives wear when they went off to war.



传送带 chuán sòng dài

noun (moving platform)

The finished product moves along the conveyor belt to be packaged.


noun (car engine part)

腰包 yāo bāo

noun (pouch worn round the waist)

吊袜腰带 diào wà yāo dài

noun (belt that holds up stockings)

When I was young, panty hose hadn't been invented and women wore garter belts and stockings.

(城市周边等的)绿化带 chéng shì zhōu biān děng de lǜ huà dài

noun (land: conservation area)

The need for housing puts the biggest strain on planners to build in the green belt.


noun (karate rank)

Gavin recently earned his green belt in karate.


noun (karate: person of green belt rank)

获得 huò dé

verbal expression (figurative, informal (have achieved, acquired [sth])

Evie's got three college degrees under her belt.


verbal expression (figurative (not be fair or sporting)

柔道腰带 róu dào yāo dài

noun (band worn by judoka indicating rank)

A judo belt is a sash worn at the waist.

救生圈 jiù shēng quān

noun (anti-drowning device: life ring)

系在腰间的钱袋 jì zài yāo jiān de qián dài

noun (pouch worn round the waist)

Whenever he travelled he wore a money belt hidden beneath his trousers.

安全带 ān quán dài

noun (safety strap in a vehicle)

It's now compulsory to wear seatbelts in both the back and the front of cars.

肩式安全带 jiān shì ān quán dài

noun (diagonal strap of a seatbelt)

This shoulder belt's a bit tight – could you adjust it for me, please?


noun (region of heavy snowfall)


noun (US (northern US) (美国北部)

阳光地带 yáng guāng dì dài

noun (US (southern and southwestern region of US) (指美国的南部和西南部)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (spend less)


noun (part of a vehicle's engine) (汽车发动机)

工具腰带 gōng jù yāo dài

noun (strap with pockets for handheld instruments)

The roofers strapped on their tool belts before climbing onto the roof. Construction workers wears tool belts to keep their tools handy.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。