英语 中的 grounded 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 grounded 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 grounded 的说明。

英语 中的grounded 表示有基础的 yǒu jī chǔ de, 不获准飞行的,停飞 bú huò zhǔn fēi xíng de, 被禁闭的,被禁足的 bèi jìn bì de, 脚踏实地的,务实的 jiǎo tà shí dì de,wù shí de, 地 dì, 土地 tǔ dì, 整片地区 zhěng piàn dì qū, 空地或花园等, (用于某项运动的)场地,球场 yòng yú mǒu xiàng yùn dòng de chǎng dì,qiú chǎng, 根据 gēn jù, 基于…得到, 基于…形成, 教授 jiào shòu, 禁止…外出,罚...禁足 jìn zhǐ wài chū, 磨碎的 mó suì de, 绞碎的, 接地 jiē dì, 残渣 cán zhā, 搁浅 gē qiǎn, 建立在…的基础之上 jiàn lì zài de jī chǔ zhī shàng, 使停飞 shǐ tíng fēi, 将…接地 jiāng jiē dì, 使搁浅 shǐ gē qiǎn, 扔地滚球, 有充分理由的,有充分根据的, 博学的,知识渊博的 bó xué de ,zhī shí yuān bó de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 grounded 的含义

有基础的 yǒu jī chǔ de

(based, founded)

This fictional story is actually grounded in fact.

不获准飞行的,停飞 bú huò zhǔn fēi xíng de

adjective (aircraft: not in service) (飞机、飞行员)

The plane is grounded because of bad weather.

被禁闭的,被禁足的 bèi jìn bì de

adjective (teenager: not allowed out)

Heather is grounded for three more days.

脚踏实地的,务实的 jiǎo tà shí dì de,wù shí de

adjective (person: down-to-earth)

Despite coming from a famous and wealthy family, Danny is a very grounded individual.

地 dì

noun (surface of the earth)

The coconut fell to the ground right beside us.

土地 tǔ dì

noun (soil)

The ground here is rich in colour and minerals.

整片地区 zhěng piàn dì qū

noun (area)

During the search, we need to cover all the ground - the whole area.


plural noun (property associated with a house) (房屋周围的)

The grounds of the mansion extended to the river.

(用于某项运动的)场地,球场 yòng yú mǒu xiàng yùn dòng de chǎng dì,qiú chǎng

noun (usually plural (area used for sports) (常作_s)

We used to play football on the old school sports ground.

根据 gēn jù

noun (usually plural (basis, reason)

On what grounds do you base your conclusions? The judge said she had no grounds to believe he would reoffend.

基于…得到, 基于…形成

(often passive (base on)

The plot of this novel might seem far-fetched, but the author grounded it in fact.

教授 jiào shòu


The tennis pro grounded his students in the basics.

禁止…外出,罚...禁足 jìn zhǐ wài chū

transitive verb (informal (punish by keeping indoors) (一种对孩子的惩罚手段)

His parents grounded him for two weeks.

磨碎的 mó suì de

adjective (subjected to grinding)

Ursula tipped the ground coffee beans into the pot.


adjective (US (meat: minced) (肉)

The ground beef was made into hamburgers.

接地 jiē dì

noun (US (electrical wire: earth)

US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground.

残渣 cán zhā

plural noun (coffee, drinks) (咖啡等)

There were always some grounds left in the bottom of her coffee cup.

搁浅 gē qiǎn

intransitive verb (be stranded)

The ship grounded on a sand bar.

建立在…的基础之上 jiàn lì zài de jī chǔ zhī shàng

transitive verb (often passive (base)

His argument was grounded in his belief in God.

使停飞 shǐ tíng fēi

transitive verb (prevent from flying)

The plane was grounded because of mechanical problems.

将…接地 jiāng jiē dì

transitive verb (US (electricity: connect earth wire) (电器)

This connection grounds the device to keep it from shocking you.

使搁浅 shǐ gē qiǎn

transitive verb (often passive (strand)

The ship was grounded on a desert island.


transitive verb (American football: throw to the ground) (橄榄球)

The quarterback grounded the ball to stop the play.


adjective (evidence based)

博学的,知识渊博的 bó xué de ,zhī shí yuān bó de

adjective (knowledgeable)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。