英语 中的 grow 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 grow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 grow 的说明。

英语 中的grow 表示长大 zhǎng dà, 扩展 kuò zhǎn, 增长 zēng zhǎng, 生长 shēng zhǎng, 使…发展, 种植, 栽种, 留 liú, 慢慢开始, 成长 chéng zhǎng, 渐渐成为 jiàn jiàn chéng wéi, 长在,生长在, 在…上长满, 发展 fā zhǎn, (朋友)产生隔阂,分道扬镳,心生间隙 péng yǒu chǎn shēng gé hé,fēn dào yáng biāo,xīn shēng jiàn xì, 与…隔膜 yǔ … gé mó, 长出来,长回来, 渐渐成长为, 变得熟练, 长大能穿, 留长发, 变长,留长 biàn cháng, 由于长大而不适于… yóu yú zhǎng dà ér bú shì yú …, 因长大而改掉,因长大而消失, 源于 yuán yú, 成长,长大 chéng zhǎng ,zhǎng dà, 长大成人 zhǎng dà chéng rén, 小别胜新婚, 渐渐变得尖酸刻薄 jiàn jiàn biàn de jiān suān kè bó, 变得亲密, 变冷 biàn lěng, 冷却 lěng què, 渐渐变暗 jiàn jiàn biàn àn, 渐渐模糊, 越来越不清楚, 喜欢… xǐ huān …, 变大 biàn dà, 天亮 tiān liàng, 变轻 biàn qīng, 变老 biàn lǎo, 逐渐喜欢上, 变穷 biàn qióng, 变富 biàn fù, 变得多病 biàn de duō bìng, 变得皮包骨头 biàn de pí bāo gǔ tóu, 慢慢喜欢, 别那么幼稚了! bié nà me yòu zhì le, 变得虚弱 biàn de xū ruò, 变得无力 biàn de wú lì, 变得微弱 biàn de wēi ruò, 疲倦 pí juàn, 变得更糟 biàn de gèng zāo, 钱不是树上长的, 重新生长 chóng xīn shēng zhǎng, 再生 zài shēng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 grow 的含义

长大 zhǎng dà

intransitive verb (increase in size)

At puberty, she will grow taller.

扩展 kuò zhǎn

intransitive verb (expand)

Our company has grown rapidly this year.

增长 zēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (increase)

The population will grow rapidly.

生长 shēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (thrive)

Not many trees can grow in the desert.


(develop, arise)

The business grew from a small family firm to a multimillion pound business.

种植, 栽种

transitive verb (cultivate) (植物)

They grow a lot of wheat in this region.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他们家养了很多小牛。

留 liú

transitive verb (facial hair) (胡子等)

He's growing a beard.


(feel after time)

He grew to appreciate her presence.

成长 chéng zhǎng

intransitive verb (mature)

I hope this experience will help him to grow.

渐渐成为 jiàn jiàn chéng wéi

intransitive verb (+ adj: become)

We soon grew tired of her temper tantrums.


(plant: growth habit) (植物)

According to folklore, moss grows on the north side of trees.


(grow across [sth])

Ivy grew all over the building's façade.

发展 fā zhǎn

transitive verb (business: develop) (生意)

Social networking can help you to grow your business.

(朋友)产生隔阂,分道扬镳,心生间隙 péng yǒu chǎn shēng gé hé,fēn dào yáng biāo,xīn shēng jiàn xì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (friends: become less intimate) (比喻)

We were best friends in high school, but we have since grown apart.

与…隔膜 yǔ … gé mó

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (lose attachment)

Children gradually grow away from their parents and form their own identities.


phrasal verb, intransitive (hair, etc.: regrow) (头发等)

After I shaved my head, my hair grew back at a surprising rate.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (become when mature)

If it survives, a tadpole will grow into a frog.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (get better at a [sth])

I'm finding the new job rather difficult at the moment, but I'm hoping to be able to grow into it as time goes by.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (become big enough for: clothing) (衣物等)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (hairstyle: allow to lengthen)

Last year I cut my hair very short, but now I am letting it grow out.

变长,留长 biàn cháng

phrasal verb, intransitive (hairstyle: lengthen) (头发)

Sara wears hair clips while her bangs are growing out.

由于长大而不适于… yóu yú zhǎng dà ér bú shì yú …

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (clothing: outgrow)

Children at that age grow out of their clothes so quickly.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (habit: outgrow) (习惯)

Richard grew out of the habit of sucking his thumb.

源于 yuán yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (originate, develop)

The idea grew out of discussions between leading organizations in the environment sector.

成长,长大 chéng zhǎng ,zhǎng dà

phrasal verb, intransitive (become adult or mature) (本义)

I grew up in a village in Southern England. As a child, Kenny wanted to be a policeman when he grew up.

长大成人 zhǎng dà chéng rén

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (assume adult responsibility) (比喻)

I wish my brother would grow up and get a place of his own.


expression (miss [sb] more)

渐渐变得尖酸刻薄 jiàn jiàn biàn de jiān suān kè bó

(become full of resentment)

Sadly, many marriages grow acrimonious over time.


(become intimate or friendly)

My best friend and I grew close during several classes we took together in our final year of college.

变冷 biàn lěng

(weather) (天气)

After nightfall, the desert really grows cold.

冷却 lěng què

(figurative (feelings) (感情)

Selena's love for Eric had grown cold.

渐渐变暗 jiàn jiàn biàn àn

(light: become less bright)

The lights in the cinema grew dim as the film was about to start.

渐渐模糊, 越来越不清楚

(figurative (memory: fade) (记忆等)

My memories of high school, over 50 years ago, are growing dim.

喜欢… xǐ huān …

verbal expression (come to like)

My sister-in-law and I didn't get along well at first, but now we have grown quite fond of one another.

变大 biàn dà

(get bigger)

Water erosion has caused the canal to grow larger.

天亮 tiān liàng

(day: arrive, dawn)

It grows light around 6 am at this time of year.

变轻 biàn qīng

(figurative (become less of a burden) (比喻)

变老 biàn lǎo

(age, become elderly)

Most people's eyesight deteriorates as they grow old.


verbal expression (eventually like [sth])

Rick hated this song at first, but it's growing on him.

变穷 biàn qióng

(have less money)

Workers grow poorer if their pay stays the same while prices rise.

变富 biàn fù

(become wealthy, prosper)

The managers grew rich while the workers suffered.

变得多病 biàn de duō bìng

(become prone to illness)

变得皮包骨头 biàn de pí bāo gǔ tóu

(become very thin)


verbal expression (appreciate after time)

Mangoes didn't appeal to me at first, but I've grown to like them.

别那么幼稚了! bié nà me yòu zhì le

interjection (stop acting childishly)

Grow up and start acting your age!

变得虚弱 biàn de xū ruò

intransitive verb (person: lose physical strength) (指人)

He had grown weak after his illness and could no longer climb the stairs.

变得无力 biàn de wú lì

intransitive verb (excuse, etc.: be overused) (指借口等)

The excuse that your car would not start will grow weak if you use it too often!

变得微弱 biàn de wēi ruò

intransitive verb (voice: become faint) (指声音)

His voice had grown weak because he had been shouting too loudly at the football match.

疲倦 pí juàn

(become tired)

I grew weary of my ex-boyfriend's constant criticism, so I dumped him.

变得更糟 biàn de gèng zāo

(deteriorate, worsen)

Your cough will grow worse if you don't give up smoking.


expression (Do not spend wastefully.)

No, you can't have a bicycle, money doesn't grow on trees!

重新生长 chóng xīn shēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (grow again, grow back)

This ointment will help hair regrow on your bald spot.

再生 zài shēng

transitive verb (grow [sth] back)

This lizard can regrow its tail.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。