英语 中的 hand 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hand 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hand 的说明。

英语 中的hand 表示手 shǒu, 一手牌,一副牌 yì shǒu pái,yí fù pái, 把…递给 bǎ dì gěi, 传递 chuán dì, 用手的 yòng shǒu de, 手工制作的, 指针 zhǐ zhēn, (左、右)手侧 zuǒ yòu shǒu cè, 笔迹 bǐ jì, 工人 gōng rén, 手艺 shǒu yì, 水手 shuǐ shǒu, 讨价还价的地位 tǎo jià huán jià de dì wèi, 亲手, 帮忙 bāng máng, 签字,签名 qiān zì,qiān míng, 允婚 yǔn hūn, 一手掌宽 yì shǒu zhǎng kuān, 一局牌 yì jú pái, 技巧 jì qiǎo, 为…引路 wèi yǐn lù, 递回, 把…传下去 bǎ chuán xià qù, 交, 将某人交予, 给球, 推开 tuī kāi, 送给 sòng gěi, 传递 chuán dì, 分发 fēn fā, 交出,让出 jiāo chū,ràng chū, 交出…, 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín, 好手, ...的能手, 在手边,在附近 zài shǒu biān,zài fù jìn, 临近,即将到来 lín jìn,jí jiāng dào lái, 出自某人之手 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu, 因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú, 浴缸 yù gāng, 热烈鼓掌, 收到热烈的掌声, 左下角, 右下角, 手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de, 手脚被捆住, 被完全束缚的, 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí, 手工地 shǒu gōng de, 付现金, 付现金的, 附近的 fù jìn de, 即将发生的 jí jiāng fā shēng de, 甲板水手 jiǎ bǎn shuǐ shǒu, 自杀 zì shā, 不假思索地丢弃 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de diū qì, 农场工人 nóng chǎng gōng rén, 强硬的态度,措施 qiáng yìng de tài dù ,cuò shī, 第一手的 dì yī shǒu de, 第一手地 dì yī shǒu de, 四匹马拉的大马车, 四手结,四步活结, 放手处理问题的权力 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì, 满堂红, 占上风 zhàn shàng fēng, 脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì, 具有优势 jù yǒu yōu shì, 对...伸出援手,帮助 bāng zhù, 给...献上掌声, 提供资金援助 tí gōng zī jīn yuán zhù, 帮助 bāng zhù, 假意欢迎, 手拉手出去 shǒu lā shǒu chū qù, 手斧, 石斧, 洗手池, 手持式食物搅拌机 shǒu chí shì shí wù jiǎo bàn jī, 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng, 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng, 击掌 jī zhǎng, 洗手液, 亲密合作 qīn mì hé zuò, 密切合作的, 与...密切合作的, 手拉手 shǒu lā shǒu, 手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu, 携起手来,同心协力,合作地,共同行动 xié qǐ shǒu lái,tóng xīn xié lì,hé zuò de ,gòng tóng xíng dòng, 携手合作, 手淫 shǒu yín, 放大镜 fàng dà jìng, 手提行李 shǒu tí xíng lǐ, 手动搅拌器 shǒu dòng jiǎo bàn qì, 把…交给…, 把…移交…, 大量而迅速地(聚敛钱财) dà liàng ér xùn sù de ( jù liǎn qián cái ), 两手交替握住, 一步步失控, 用手爱抚, 手动压汁机, 手动印刷机 shǒu dòng yìn shuā jī, 手泵, 手部消毒剂, 手势 shǒu shì, 仅够糊口的 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de, 仅够糊口地 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de, 手工工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù, 手巾 shǒu jīn, 手推车 shǒu tuī chē, 洗手液, 手洗, 击掌的, 手工的,手工制作的 shǒu gōng de, 人工喂养, 手工编织的 shǒu gōng biān zhī de, 旧衣物 jiù yī wù, 传下来的物品, 二手的 èr shǒu de, 手工缝制的,手缝的, 用手拧紧的, 逼近的 bī jìn de, 逼近地 bī jìn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hand 的含义

手 shǒu

noun (body part) (人)

He put his hands in his pockets.

一手牌,一副牌 yì shǒu pái,yí fù pái

noun (cards: those dealt) (游戏)

I've got a great hand. Whose lead is it?

把…递给 bǎ dì gěi

(pass, give: [sth] to [sb])

Please hand this form to your parents.

传递 chuán dì

transitive verb (pass, give: [sb] [sth])

Could you hand me that pen, please?

用手的 yòng shǒu de

adjective (manual)

It's just a small hand pump, but it might be useful.


adjective (made by hand)

It's hand work, and not the common mass-produced item.

指针 zhǐ zhēn

noun (clock, gauge) (钟表、测量仪器的)

I watched the minute hand approach the twelve.

(左、右)手侧 zuǒ yòu shǒu cè

noun (direction, side) (表示方向)

On your left hand you'll find the on-off button.

笔迹 bǐ jì

noun (handwriting)

She has a very elegant hand.

工人 gōng rén

noun (labourer)

How many hands will the job take?

手艺 shǒu yì

noun (skill)

I've never really tried my hand at oriental cooking.

水手 shuǐ shǒu

noun (crewman)

The ship's hands were ordered to clean the deck.

讨价还价的地位 tǎo jià huán jià de dì wèi

noun (bargaining position)

They have a strong hand at the negotiating table.


noun (agency, action)

I did it by my own hand.

帮忙 bāng máng

noun (informal, figurative (help, aid)

Do you need a hand with that box?

签字,签名 qiān zì,qiān míng

noun (figurative, dated (signature) (旧式用法)

I set my hand to the document.

允婚 yǔn hūn

noun (pledge, word)

He asked for her hand in marriage.

一手掌宽 yì shǒu zhǎng kuān

noun (horses: measure of height) (丈量马匹高度的单位)

The horse measured fourteen hands.

一局牌 yì jú pái

noun (cards: a turn)

Whose hand is it?

技巧 jì qiǎo

noun (figurative (skill, touch)

He could see the hand of a true craftsman in the wardrobe.

为…引路 wèi yǐn lù

transitive verb (guide, help)

He handed her into her seat.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (return, give back)

The immigration official handed back the passport without comment. The teacher handed back the corrected exams.

把…传下去 bǎ chuán xià qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (pass on to a successor)

Before I die, I will hand down to you, my son, my entire estate.

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (submit) (作业、试卷等)

The students handed in their assignments to the teacher.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (turn in: to police) (警察)

When the teenager's parents found out he was selling drugs, they handed him in to the police.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (American football: pass to opponent)

The quarterback handed off the ball to the running back.

推开 tuī kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (rugby: push away opponent) (橄榄球)

The player managed to hand off two opponents before being brought down.

送给 sòng gěi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (project: pass to [sb] else)

The editor handed off the final text to the printers.

传递 chuán dì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (pass on, transmit)

I always hand on my favourite books to my sister.

分发 fēn fā

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (distribute)

Volunteers in Haiti are handing out food and water to earthquake victims.

交出,让出 jiāo chū,ràng chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (object: give, relinquish)

The police officer persuaded Taylor to hand the knife over.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (territory, child: surrender)

Damascus has given the kidnappers of eight Syrian workers until Tuesday to hand the hostages over.

一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín

expression (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)

I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


noun (informal (skilled person)

Could you help me roll this pastry? I hear you're a dab hand in the kitchen.


noun (informal (person skilled at [sth])

My sister's coming to put up some shelves for me. She's a dab hand at DIY.

在手边,在附近 zài shǒu biān,zài fù jìn

expression (nearby, conveniently close)

I keep a torch at hand because of the frequent electricity cuts.

临近,即将到来 lín jìn,jí jiāng dào lái

expression (figurative (imminent)

With Christmas at hand, we are very busy in the shop.

出自某人之手 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu

preposition (because of)

Many women die at the hands of their own families for perceived dishonor.

因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú

preposition (because of) (指由于某人行为)

浴缸 yù gāng

noun (washbasin)

The washer was broken so I washed my clothes in the bathroom sink.


verbal expression (applaud enthusiastically)


verbal expression (receive enthusiastic applause)


noun (lower corner on the left-hand side)

The page is numbered in the bottom left corner.


noun (lower corner on the right-hand side)

The time and date are displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen.

手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de

expression (with hands and feet tied)

The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.


verbal expression (have hands and feet tied together)

The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't escape.


verbal expression (figurative (inescapably obligated) (比喻)

Every child is bound hand and foot by their parents' rules.

当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí

noun (urgent matter for discussion)

We have digressed enough, let's get back to the business at hand.

手工地 shǒu gōng de

adverb (manually, not by machine)

You can see that these tools were made by hand.


expression (pay: directly with notes, coins)


noun as adjective (payment: made directly with notes, coins)

附近的 fù jìn de

adjective (convenient, nearby)

In flu season, keep a box of tissues close at hand.

即将发生的 jí jiāng fā shēng de

adjective (figurative (imminent)

"Nuclear war is close at hand!" was emblazoned on the black and yellow leaflets.

甲板水手 jiǎ bǎn shuǐ shǒu

noun (worker on a ship)

自杀 zì shā

verbal expression (kill oneself)

不假思索地丢弃 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de diū qì

verbal expression (disregard)

I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I beg you not to dismiss it out of hand.

农场工人 nóng chǎng gōng rén

noun (worker on a farm)

强硬的态度,措施 qiáng yìng de tài dù ,cuò shī

noun (figurative (strict manner)

The dictator ruled with a firm hand.

第一手的 dì yī shǒu de

adjective (account: direct from source)

I have first-hand experience with that computer program. // The film's first-hand account of life inside a cult was chilling.

第一手地 dì yī shǒu de

adverb (directly from source)

He gave me the information first-hand.


noun (carriage: four horse team)


noun (tie knot)

放手处理问题的权力 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì

noun (unrestricted freedom)


noun (poker: 3 of a kind and a pair) (扑克: 三张相同及另两张相同的一手牌)

占上风 zhàn shàng fēng

verbal expression (figurative (attain an advantage: over [sb])

An early goal has given the Blues the upper hand in the match.

脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì

verbal expression (informal (become uncontrolled)

The party got out of hand, and a neighbour called the police.

具有优势 jù yǒu yōu shì

verbal expression (figurative (gain advantage)

The game lasted for hours before one team got the upper hand.

对...伸出援手,帮助 bāng zhù

verbal expression (informal (help [sb])

I needed help carrying the wardrobe and the neighbour gave me a hand.


verbal expression (informal (applaud)

Let's give a big hand to our next act.

提供资金援助 tí gōng zī jīn yuán zhù

verbal expression (give financial aid)

帮助 bāng zhù

verbal expression (assist, help)

You should give a helping hand to the needy.


transitive verb (informal (greet insincerely)

手拉手出去 shǒu lā shǒu chū qù

verbal expression (figurative (belong together)

For many people, smoking and drinking go hand in hand.


noun (ax for one hand)


noun (archeology: prehistoric stone tool) (史前工具)


noun (sink for washing hands)

There is a washbasin in each room.

手持式食物搅拌机 shǒu chí shì shí wù jiǎo bàn jī

noun (handheld food mixer)

Hand blenders are great for making thick soups.

鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng

noun (applause)

鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng

noun (act of applauding)

击掌 jī zhǎng

noun (clapping of hands for rhythm, etc.)


noun (hand-sanitizing product)

亲密合作 qīn mì hé zuò

expression (figurative (in partnership)

The mayor and the contractor were working hand in glove to get the project approved.


adjective (figurative (in partnership)

The government and the tech giants are hand in glove when it comes to the issue of privacy infringement.


(figurative (in partnership)

Organized crime bosses worked hand in glove with the construction industry.

手拉手 shǒu lā shǒu

adverb (holding hands)

The girls were best friends and could often be seen walking hand in hand.

手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu

adjective (holding hands)

Hand in hand, the protesters stormed the palace.

携起手来,同心协力,合作地,共同行动 xié qǐ shǒu lái,tóng xīn xié lì,hé zuò de ,gòng tóng xíng dòng

adverb (figurative (together) (非正式用语)

Poverty and social unrest usually go hand in hand.


adverb (figurative (in close collaboration)

The two employees worked hand in hand to see the project through to the end.

手淫 shǒu yín

noun (slang (masturbation of the penis) (俚语,尤指男性)

I can't believe you gave him a hand job in his car!

放大镜 fàng dà jìng

noun (magnifying glass)

手提行李 shǒu tí xíng lǐ

noun (carry-on baggage)

Most airlines allow only one piece of hand luggage. You cannot carry aerosols or sharp instruments in your hand luggage.

手动搅拌器 shǒu dòng jiǎo bàn qì

noun (cookery: handheld electric tool for mixing)

Use your hand mixer to whip the egg whites into a stiff peak.


verbal expression (object: give, relinquish to [sb])

Jackson claimed that he had intended to hand the gun over to the police the next day.


verbal expression (figurative (territory, child: surrender to [sb])

Spain agreed to hand over the territory to Morocco.

大量而迅速地(聚敛钱财) dà liàng ér xùn sù de ( jù liǎn qián cái )

adverb (figurative, informal (continuously)

This contract is losing us money hand over fist.


adverb (grasping with alternate hands)

I know the rope bridge is scary but just go slowly hand over hand and stop screaming.


adverb (figurative (in an out-of-control way)


noun (sexual touching)

The couple were enjoying some hand play.


noun (pressing machine worked manually)

My family uses their hand press to make homemade apple cider.

手动印刷机 shǒu dòng yìn shuā jī

noun (printing press worked manually)

Early newspapers were printed on a hand press.


noun (device for inserting air or liquid)


noun (disinfectant: gel, etc.)

手势 shǒu shì

noun (indication made by hand)

Cyclists should use hand signals when turning or stopping for greater road safety.

仅够糊口的 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de

adjective (figurative (meeting only immediate needs)

Since being fired from his job, he has had to live a hand-to-mouth existence.

仅够糊口地 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de

adverb (figurative (meeting only immediate needs)

Since Mary was fired from her job, she has struggled through life hand to mouth.

手工工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù

noun (handheld instrument)

The man selected the appropriate hand tool for the DIY task.

手巾 shǒu jīn

noun (small towel for drying the hands)

It is usual to only lay out a hand towel in the spare bathroom.

手推车 shǒu tuī chē

noun (2-wheeled trolley)

Sally used a hand truck to move the heavy boxes.


noun (liquid soap)


transitive verb (wash by hand)


noun as adjective (relating to hand-clapping)

The hand-clapping backing singers sometimes got so loud, you could hardly hear the band!

手工的,手工制作的 shǒu gōng de

adjective (made with skill by hand)


transitive verb (animal: feed by hand) (动物)

手工编织的 shǒu gōng biān zhī de

adjective (garment, etc.: knitted by hand)

旧衣物 jiù yī wù

noun (used garment)

Bill became used to wearing his brother's hand-me-downs.


noun (used item)

Mandy saved a lot of money on items for her baby thanks to hand-me-downs from her family.

二手的 èr shǒu de

adjective (second-hand)

Emma was given all her sister's hand-me-down clothes.


adjective (sewn by hand)


adjective (screws, nuts)

逼近的 bī jìn de

adjective (close-up, taking place at close quarters)

Even with modern weapons, soldiers still need to learn hand-to-hand combat skills.

逼近地 bī jìn de

adverb (at close quarters, up close)

The Vikings were experts in fighting hand-to-hand.

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