英语 中的 jelly 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 jelly 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 jelly 的说明。

英语 中的jelly 表示冻状果酱, 果冻 guǒ dòng, 肉冻 ròu dòng, 胶状物 jiāo zhuàng wù, 胶状炸药, 果酱 guǒ jiàng, 交通阻塞 jiāo tōng zǔ sè, 爵士乐即兴音乐会, 嵌住 qiàn zhù, 出故障 chū gù zhàng, 将...塞入..., 塞满 sāi mǎn, 使(电话线路)繁忙不堪, 干扰 gān rǎo, 拥挤 yōng jǐ, 困境 kùn jìng, 卡纸,夹纸 kǎ zhǐ, 即兴演奏 jí xìng yǎn zòu, 猛按,猛压, 小红莓果酱 xiǎo hóng méi guǒ jiàng, 娃娃胶糖 wá wá jiāo táng, 豆豆糖,软糖豆 dòu dòu táng,ruǎn táng dòu, 果冻卷蛋糕 guǒ dòng juǎn dàn gāo, 一种内夹果酱的面包卷 yì zhǒng nèi jiá guǒ jiàng de miàn bāo juǎn, 情人 qíng rén, 性行为 xìng xíng wéi, 性交 xìng jiāo, 花生酱和果冻三明治 huā shēng jiàng hé guǒ dòng sān míng zhì, 凡士林油 fán shì lín yóu, 榅桲果冻。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 jelly 的含义


noun (mainly US (clear fruit spread)

Fred liked to put redcurrant jelly on his bread.

果冻 guǒ dòng

noun (UK (gelatin dessert)

Pam made raspberry jelly for dessert.

肉冻 ròu dòng

noun (savory gelatin)

The butcher made a jelly with the pig's innards.

胶状物 jiāo zhuàng wù

noun (substance)

The soup turned into jelly as it cooled.


noun (UK, slang (explosive)

The workers used jelly to blast a path through the mountains.

果酱 guǒ jiàng

noun (mainly UK (food: fruit conserve)

Sheila used the leftover plums to make jam.

交通阻塞 jiāo tōng zǔ sè

noun (vehicle congestion)

Jeff was late to work after being stuck in a jam for three hours.


noun (informal (improvised music session)

The band got together for a jam on Saturday.

嵌住 qiàn zhù

intransitive verb (door: become stuck)

The door jammed, and Ben couldn't get out.

出故障 chū gù zhàng

intransitive verb (machine: become stuck)

The printer jammed again, so no one could print anything for over an hour.


transitive verb (push hard, wedge)

Paul tried to jam a dollar into the vending machine, but it didn't work.

塞满 sāi mǎn

verbal expression (informal (overfill)

Tom jammed his backpack full of useless things.


transitive verb (informal (phone line, etc.)

The news caused panic and jammed the phone lines.

干扰 gān rǎo

transitive verb (broadcast: block) (无线电波)

The military tried to jam the protesters' communications.

拥挤 yōng jǐ

noun (crowd of people)

Ben didn't like going out into the jam of holiday shoppers.

困境 kùn jìng

noun (informal (difficult situation)

Bobby had gotten himself into quite a jam.

卡纸,夹纸 kǎ zhǐ

noun (paper stuck in machine) (打印机等)

The printer was out of commission all day because of a major paper jam.

即兴演奏 jí xìng yǎn zòu

intransitive verb (informal (play improvised music) (音乐)

The band jammed at the local bar all night.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slam on)

Nancy jammed on the buttons, trying to get something to work.

小红莓果酱 xiǎo hóng méi guǒ jiàng

noun (fruit relish)

Cranberry sauce is a traditional part of the Thanksgiving dinner.

娃娃胶糖 wá wá jiāo táng

noun (UK, ® (soft gelatine sweet)

We munched our way through an entire bag of Jelly Babies.

豆豆糖,软糖豆 dòu dòu táng,ruǎn táng dòu

noun (candy: small chewy sweet) (形状如豆,内软外硬的一种糖)

Sally bought a packet of jelly beans.

果冻卷蛋糕 guǒ dòng juǎn dàn gāo

noun (dessert: sponge cake filled with jam)

I found a recipe for jelly rolls.

一种内夹果酱的面包卷 yì zhǒng nèi jiá guǒ jiàng de miàn bāo juǎn

noun (US, literal (rolled cake filled with jam)

I found a recipe for jelly rolls.

情人 qíng rén

noun (US, vulgar, slang (lover)

性行为 xìng xíng wéi

noun (US, vulgar, slang (sex)

性交 xìng jiāo

noun (US, vulgar, slang (vagina)

花生酱和果冻三明治 huā shēng jiàng hé guǒ dòng sān míng zhì

noun (US (food: children's favorite)

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a staple on the children's menu.

凡士林油 fán shì lín yóu

noun (sticky substance used as lubricant)

A thin layer of petroleum jelly will stop rust on metal engine parts.


noun (fruit preserve made with quince)

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jelly 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。