英语 中的 it 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 it 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 it 的说明。

英语 中的it 表示它 tā, 它 tā, 它 tā, 它 tā, 情况 qíng kuàng, [to be 的非人称主语] [to be de fēi rén chēng zhǔ yǔ ], 天气 tiān qì, 时间 shí jiān, 它 tā, 那,这 nà ,zhè, [代指一群(人)等], 特质 tè zhì, 时尚的 shí shàng de, 游戏中当猫的人,捉人的人 yóu xì zhōng dāng māo de rén,zhuō rén de rén, [构成强调句型], 绝妙的人, 信息技术 xìn xī jì shù, 信息技术的, 信息技术 xìn xī jì shù, 达到性高潮 dá dào xìng gāo cháo, 连同其所包含的一切 lián tóng qí suǒ bāo hán de yí qiè, 诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng, 就现状来说,到目前为止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ, 就到这里,到终点, 最多能做到,最好的情况是, 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái, 偶然发生 ǒu rán fā shēng, 照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看 zhào mù qián de zhuàng kuàng lái kàn,jiù dāng qián de qíng kuàng lái kàn, 以目前的状态 yǐ mù qián de zhuàng tài, 像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng, 按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài, 像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng, 按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài, 后来发现, 像原来的样子, 可以说 kě yǐ shuō, 碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì, 不巧地, 招惹,自找 zhāo rě,zì zhǎo, 做个不停,别松懈 zuò gè bù tíng,bié sōng xiè, 分出胜负,决一胜负 fēn chū shèng fù,jué yī shèng fù, 长期投入, 尽管如此 jǐn guǎn rú cǐ, 滚开 gǔn kāi, 溜走 liū zǒu, 抢在...前面, 不知不觉间, 信不信由你, 该死!见鬼!, 该死!,见鬼! jiàn guǐ, 搞砸了,失败了 gǎo zá le,shī bài le, 精简 jīng jiǎn, 分析情况, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 断交 duàn jiāo, 别打了 bié dǎ le, 很恐惧, 来吧! lái ba, 动手吧!来吧!, 就此结束,收工,就干到这里 jiù cǐ jié shù,shōu gōng,jiù gàn dào zhè lǐ, 停止(做某事),叫停,就此打住 tíng zhǐ zuò mǒu shì,jiào tíng,jiù cǐ dǎ zhù, 闭嘴 bì zuǐ, 成功 chéng gōng, 驾驭, 受罚, 碰碰运气,冒险试一下 pèng pèng yùn qì,mào xiǎn shì yí xià, 看一下,查看一下 kàn yí xià,chá kàn yí xià, 别吹牛了, 包在我身上,放心交给我吧,我会完成的 bāo zài wǒ shēn shàng,fàng xīn jiāo gěi wǒ bā,wǒ huì wán chéng de, 冷静点,别激动 lěng jìng diǎn,bié jī dòng, 冷静点,放松点 lěng jìng diǎn,fàng sōng diǎn, 并没有所说的那么好, 该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认, 无济于事, 住手 zhù shǒu, 停止, 停下, 时间卡得紧,刚好赶上, 该死!糟糕!完了! gāi sǐ !zāo gāo !wán le !, 见鬼去吧!, 见鬼 jiàn guǐ, 接受现实 jiē shòu xiàn shí, 欺负 qī fù, 自己动手做,自助 zì jǐ dòng shǒu zuò,zì zhù, 自己设计装修, 自己做的 zì jǐ zuò de, 没关系 méi guān xì, 不客气 bú kè qì, 别说这个了 bié shuō zhè gè le, 别说了, 一决高下,一决高低,一决雌雄 yì jué cí xióng, 慢慢来 màn màn lái, 面对它, 面对现实, 接受事实, 正视事实, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 即兴扮演, 我绝不会, 一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù, 一决胜负, 一决雌雄, 以斗争方式解决, 辩论出结果, 踩油门 cǎi yóu mén, 走 zǒu, 有麻烦 yǒu má fán, 为了取乐 wèi le qǔ lè, 没有什么特别的原因 méi yǒu shén me tè bié de yuán yīn, 不管怎么说 bù guǎn zěn me shuō, 别放在心上,别提啦,不客气,不用谢 bié fàng zài xīn shàng,bié tí la,bú kè qì,bú yòng xiè, 别担心,没关系,不要在意 bié dān xīn,méi guān xì ,bú yào zài yì, 别再想了!, 不要再想了!, 别再想了!, 不可能, 休想, 去他妈的,去你的 qù tā mā de,qù nǐ de, 去他妈的,去你的 qù tā mā de,qù nǐ de, 明白 míng bái, 性交 xìng jiāo, 赶快了事, 正确地做某事 zhèng què de zuò mǒu shì, 硬起来, 及时开始做, 走出来吧!, 别那么守旧了!。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 it 的含义

它 tā

pronoun (inanimate thing) (指无生命的东西)

I've lost my pen; it was on my desk.

它 tā

pronoun (direct object) (作直接宾语)

He brought it to the party.

它 tā

pronoun (indirect object) (作间接宾语)

I gave it a push.

它 tā

pronoun (after preposition) (跟在介词后)

She put the book on it.

情况 qíng kuàng

noun (circumstances, situation)

I moved to this city last year and I love it here.

[to be 的非人称主语] [to be de fēi rén chēng zhǔ yǔ ]

pronoun (impersonal subject of to be)

It is important to remember who your friends are.

天气 tiān qì

pronoun (weather)

It's raining.

时间 shí jiān

pronoun (time)

It's 7.30 pm.

它 tā

pronoun (animal) (指动物)

From the size of the footprints, it must be a big one.

那,这 nà ,zhè

pronoun (person) (指性别不祥的人)

Who is it?


pronoun (group)

The crowd dispersed once it left the main square.

特质 tè zhì

pronoun (informal (special quality)

There's something special about this singer; the boy just has it.

时尚的 shí shàng de

adjective (fashionable)

游戏中当猫的人,捉人的人 yóu xì zhōng dāng māo de rén,zhuō rén de rén

noun (informal (player in children's game: tag) (猫鼠游戏或捉迷藏游戏)

You're it!


pronoun (emphasis in anticipation)

It was at that moment that I realized my mistake.


pronoun (informal (person: special)

That girl really thinks she's it.

信息技术 xìn xī jì shù

noun (initialism (information technology) (information technology 首字母缩写)

There were no IT lessons at school when I was a boy.


noun as adjective (initialism (relating to information technology)

Roger works in the IT department, maintaining the company's computers.

信息技术 xìn xī jì shù

noun (field of computing) (计算机领域)

The programmer works in information technology.

达到性高潮 dá dào xìng gāo cháo

phrasal verb, intransitive (vulgar, slang (have an orgasm)

It takes me a long time to get off when we have sex in the missionary position.

连同其所包含的一切 lián tóng qí suǒ bāo hán de yí qiè

adverb (and everything it entails) (非正式用语)

She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it.

诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng

expression (informal (etc.) (非正式用语)

For Christmas dinner we had roast turkey, Brussels sprouts, and all the rest of it.

就现状来说,到目前为止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ

expression (to some extent)

This town is all right, as far as it goes, but there are probably better places to raise kids.


expression (the end, last stop)

Everyone get off the bus, this is as far as it goes!


expression (the best circumstances)

The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets.

在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái

adverb (in my opinion)

偶然发生 ǒu rán fā shēng

expression (surprisingly, as a matter of fact)

照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看 zhào mù qián de zhuàng kuàng lái kàn,jiù dāng qián de qíng kuàng lái kàn

adverb (colloquial (as the situation stands) (口语)

As it is, we'll be lucky to arrive before dark!

以目前的状态 yǐ mù qián de zhuàng tài

adverb (in its current state)

We'll have to make do with the vehicle we have, as it is.

像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng

adjective (correct, proper)

She completed her inspection and found that everything was as it ought to be.

按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài

adverb (in an ideal state)

Her speech gave us a vision of the world as it ought to be.

像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng

adjective (correct, proper state)

The bus driver checked that everything was as it should be before switching on the engine.

按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài

adjective (in a desirable state)

We felt that the hotel was not as good as it should be for the high price.


adverb (as has transpired)

The candidate I offered the job to is, as it turns out, my boss's cousin!


expression (previous state)

Harry preferred the room as it was, not with the new decor.

可以说 kě yǐ shuō

adverb (idiom (so to speak) (习语)

碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì

adverb (idiom (fortunately) (习语)

As luck would have it, the bus was late too, so I managed to catch it after all.


adverb (idiom, ironic (unfortunately)

As luck would have it, the strike started the day I was due to fly out on holiday.

招惹,自找 zhāo rě,zì zhǎo

(figurative, informal (invite: trouble)

I wouldn't do that if I were you! You're just asking for it.

做个不停,别松懈 zuò gè bù tíng,bié sōng xiè

verbal expression (slang (have sex) (做爱)

I couldn't sleep because, they were at it all night!

分出胜负,决一胜负 fēn chū shèng fù,jué yī shèng fù

verbal expression (informal (compete) (非正式用语)

Todd and Tina usually don't compete, but this time they battled it out.


verbal expression (be committed to [sth] long-term)

尽管如此 jǐn guǎn rú cǐ

expression (despite [sth])

The weather forecast says there will be heavy rain tomorrow. Be that as it may, we will not cancel the open-air concert.

滚开 gǔn kāi

interjection (slang (go away) (俚语)

No, I won't give you any money. Now, beat it!

溜走 liū zǒu

verbal expression (slang (leave, go)

The police showed up and we knew it was time to beat it.


verbal expression (informal (do [sth] before [sb] else)

I was about to give the answer but she beat me to it.


expression (informal (rapidly, soon)

Christmas will be here before you know it.


expression (though it may seem incredible)

Believe it or not, I just won the jackpot in the state lottery!


interjection (slang (annoyance)

Blast! I just went and spilled my coffee all over the floor!

该死!,见鬼! jiàn guǐ

interjection (UK, informal (expressing annoyance)

搞砸了,失败了 gǎo zá le,shī bài le

verbal expression (slang, figurative (fail) (俚语)

I totally blew it, and I'm so embarrassed; I don't know when I've performed so badly.

精简 jīng jiǎn

verbal expression (figurative (reduce to essence)

When you boil it all down, you have two choices: In or out.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (analyze the situation)

停止 tíng zhǐ

interjection (AU, slang (stop it)

"Break it down, will ya?" said Alf. "I've had enough of your whingeing!"

断交 duàn jiāo

verbal expression (informal (relationship: end) (非正式用语)

Sarah and John were going to get married next month, but she found he was having an affair and broke it off.

别打了 bié dǎ le

interjection (slang (stop fighting) (非正式用语)

You can't fight in this bar. Break it up or I'll call the police and they'll break it up for you.


verbal expression (UK, slang (be very scared)

来吧! lái ba

interjection (informal (eagerness) (非正式用语)

My holiday starts tomorrow; bring it on!


interjection (slang (challenge)

If you think you can do better, bring it on!

就此结束,收工,就干到这里 jiù cǐ jié shù,shōu gōng,jiù gàn dào zhè lǐ

verbal expression (informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)

I've been working for hours, I'm going to call it a day.

停止(做某事),叫停,就此打住 tíng zhǐ zuò mǒu shì,jiào tíng,jiù cǐ dǎ zhù

verbal expression (informal (stop, end) (非正式用语)

I'm too tired to continue; I'm calling it quits.

闭嘴 bì zuǐ

interjection (slang, impolite (shut up!)

Can it! I don't want to hear another word from you!

成功 chéng gōng

verbal expression (informal (succeed in [sth])

I was terrified at performing for a crowd, but I carried it off.


verbal expression (clothing: look attractive in) (衣服)

Not many women could get away with that outfit, but she can carry it off.


verbal expression (informal (be punished or reprimanded) (非正式用语)

碰碰运气,冒险试一下 pèng pèng yùn qì,mào xiǎn shì yí xià

verbal expression (informal (take a chance or risk) (非正式用语)

I could see no obvious other way out, so I chanced it and jumped. Don't chance it; take sensible precautions.

看一下,查看一下 kàn yí xià,chá kàn yí xià

interjection (US, slang (look) (俚语)

Check it out, man! That car's just too cool.


interjection (slang (skeptical)

Come off it! Do you honestly expect me to run a marathon?

包在我身上,放心交给我吧,我会完成的 bāo zài wǒ shēn shàng,fàng xīn jiāo gěi wǒ bā,wǒ huì wán chéng de

interjection (informal (agreeing to a request to do [sth]) (非正式用语)

I know you want the report finished tonight, so just consider it done.

冷静点,别激动 lěng jìng diǎn,bié jī dòng

interjection (slang, figurative (calm down) (俚语)

Cool it, kid, or you're going to get in trouble.

冷静点,放松点 lěng jìng diǎn,fàng sōng diǎn

verbal expression (slang, figurative (calm down) (俚语)


verbal expression (be as good as claimed)

That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!


expression (expressing reluctant praise)

She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits.


expression (figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)

住手 zhù shǒu

interjection (slang, figurative (stop it) (俚语)

Cut it out! - if you don't stop doing that, I'll have to punish you.

停止, 停下

verbal expression (slang, figurative (stop doing [sth]) (俚语)

He keeps teasing me about my boyfriend. I wish he'd cut it out.


noun (informal, figurative (finishing just in time)

该死!糟糕!完了! gāi sǐ !zāo gāo !wán le !

interjection (slang, potentially offensive (expressing annoyance) (俚语)

Damn it! I hit my knee on the desk again!


interjection (slang, potentially offensive (anger)

"Damn it to hell!" I yelled, as the ball slipped through my fingers once again.

见鬼 jiàn guǐ

interjection (US, informal, euphemism (damn)

Mary stubbed her toe. "Darn!" she exclaimed.

接受现实 jiē shòu xiàn shí

interjection (slang (accept reality)

You don't like your job? Deal with it! - you need the money.

欺负 qī fù

verbal expression (figurative, slang (be critical, abusive)

You can dish it out well enough, but you don't like it when someone attacks you.

自己动手做,自助 zì jǐ dòng shǒu zuò,zì zhù

noun (UK, colloquial, initialism (do-it-yourself) (Do-It-Yourself的缩略形式)

I'm staying at home this weekend for a little DIY on the house.


noun (UK (DIY: home improvement)

The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional later.

自己做的 zì jǐ zuò de

adjective (UK (DIY: done by amateur)

Did you see that patio? - it must have been a do-it-yourself job!

没关系 méi guān xì

interjection (it's not important)

"I forget to buy the milk." "It doesn't matter. I'll stop by the supermarket on the way back from work."

不客气 bú kè qì

interjection (you're welcome)

"Thanks so much for all your help." "Don't mention it! It was no trouble."

别说这个了 bié shuō zhè gè le

interjection (informal, figurative (stop talking about it)

I don't want to discuss the subject any more – please drop it.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (stop talking about [sth])

He kept mentioning my marriage problems so I asked him to drop it.

一决高下,一决高低,一决雌雄 yì jué cí xióng

verbal expression (US, slang (decide [sth] by a fist-fight)

The two boxers are scheduled to duke it out on Friday.

慢慢来 màn màn lái

interjection (go slowly, be careful)

面对它, 面对现实, 接受事实, 正视事实

interjection (informal (accept reality)

Face it, Peter – you're just not a very good singer. Face it - your mother's gone and nothing you do can bring her back.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

verbal expression (informal (pretend to do [sth])


verbal expression (informal (accomplish by improvising)


expression (express reluctance to do [sth])

一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù

interjection (informal (not at all)

Am I bored since I retired? Far from it! I'm busier than ever!

一决胜负, 一决雌雄, 以斗争方式解决, 辩论出结果

verbal expression (figurative, informal (resolve [sth])

Just fight it about between you – I don't care any more!

踩油门 cǎi yóu mén

verbal expression (slang (depress the accelerator)

When the light turned green, he floored it and the car sped away.

走 zǒu

transitive verb (walk)

The car has broken down, so we'll have to foot it.

有麻烦 yǒu má fán

expression (informal (in trouble)

为了取乐 wèi le qǔ lè

expression (purely for enjoyment)

They love taking a drive in the country just for the fun of it.

没有什么特别的原因 méi yǒu shén me tè bié de yuán yīn

adverb (for no particular reason)

He often says hello to strangers in the street just for the hell of it.

不管怎么说 bù guǎn zěn me shuō

adverb (informal (in my opinion)

I know you won't change, but for what it's worth, I think that skirt looks awful on you.

别放在心上,别提啦,不客气,不用谢 bié fàng zài xīn shàng,bié tí la,bú kè qì,bú yòng xiè

interjection (slang (don't mention it, you're welcome)

Forget about it – it was nothing really. Forget about it! - you don't owe me a thing.

别担心,没关系,不要在意 bié dān xīn,méi guān xì ,bú yào zài yì

interjection (slang (don't worry, it's not important)

Look, it's not such a big deal that I lied to you, so forget about it already!


interjection (stop thinking about it)

Anyone could have made the same mistake; forget about it!


interjection (US, slang (emphatic agreement)


interjection (US, slang (emphatic disagreement)

不可能, 休想

interjection (slang (certainly not)

If you think I'm doing the dishes for you again tonight, forget it!

去他妈的,去你的 qù tā mā de,qù nǐ de

interjection (vulgar, offensive, slang (annoyance) (俚语,粗俗用语,表示生气、厌烦)

Fuck it - I don't understand this question at all!

去他妈的,去你的 qù tā mā de,qù nǐ de

interjection (vulgar, offensive, slang (dismissiveness) (俚语,粗俗用语,表示放弃、不再考虑)

Fuck it – let's just stay in tonight as we can't make a decision.

明白 míng bái

(slang (understand)

He told a joke but I didn't get it.

性交 xìng jiāo

verbal expression (vulgar, slang (have sex)


verbal expression (informal (do the unpleasant task now)

It's best to get it over with now, rather than leave it to the last minute.

正确地做某事 zhèng què de zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (informal (do [sth] correctly) (非正式用语)

If you can't get it right, don't bother trying!


verbal expression (vulgar, slang (have an erection) (俚语,粗俗,指男性生殖器)


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] without delay)


interjection (slang (stop making a fuss! forget about it!)

So he left you--get over it! There are plenty of better men out there anyway.


interjection (slang (don't be so old-fashioned)

Get with it, Mom - nobody says "jeepers" any more!

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。