英语 中的 jumping 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 jumping 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 jumping 的说明。

英语 中的jumping 表示跳 tiào, 突然增加 tū rán zēng jiā, 突然跳起来 tū rán tiào qǐ lái, 猛增 měng zēng, 暴涨 bào zhǎng, 经常转换,不断变换 jīng cháng zhuǎn huàn,bú duàn biàn huàn, 跳跃 tiào yuè, 搭电启动, 需跳过的障碍 xū tiào guò de zhàng ài, 很短的距离,短的旅程 hěn duǎn de jù lí,duǎn de lǚ chéng, (一次)跳伞 yí cì tiào sǎn, 突然转换 tū rán zhuǎn huàn, 跳(高),跳(远) tiào gāo,tiào yuǎn, 突然一跳, 跳吃棋子 tiào chī qí zi, 跳(伞) tiào sǎn, 跳过 tiào guò, 跳吃, 越过…级别 yuè guò jí bié, 突然袭击, 忽然攻击, 跳上车 tiào shàng chē, 闯过,不停 chuǎng guò, 低空跳伞, 四处跳, 跳来蹦去, 忽然转换话题, 跳来跳去 tiào lái tiào qù, 跳进去, 迫不及待地参与进去, 责备 zé bèi, 打眼, 显眼, 突兀, 低空跳伞, 跳远 tiào yuǎn, 插队 chā duì, 跳高 tiào gāo, 严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé, 跳到一边,跳到一旁, 欣然接受机会, 热切地抓住做某事的机会, 跳球 tiào qiú, 跳接,跳跃剪接, 跳下…,从…跳下来, 跳进 tiào jìn, 迫不及待地参与 pò bù jí dài de cān yù, 跳进 tiào jìn, 欣然参加 xīn rán cān jiā, 从…跳下 cóng tiào xià, 跳下, 跳上 tiào shàng, 转而支持得势的一方 zhuǎn ér zhī chí dé shì de yì fāng, 跳出来,蹦出来 tiào chū lái,bèng chū lái, 跳过 tiào guò, 跳绳 tiào shéng, 跳绳 tiào shéng, 弃船潜逃, 跳起投篮 tiào qǐ tóu lán, 抢跑, 发令枪未响就抢先跑出 fā lìng qiāng wèi xiǎng jiù qiǎng xiān pǎo chū, 仓促得出结论, 逃脱 táo tuō, 跳起来 tiào qǐ lái, 上下跳,跳动 tiào dòng, 非常兴奋 fēi cháng xīng fèn, 赛马决胜赛, 助动启动, 跳线 tiào xiàn, 伞兵服 sǎn bīng fú, 连衣裤, 跳远 tiào yuǎn, 跳伞 tiào sǎn, 量子跃迁 liàng zǐ yuè qiān, 巨大突破,飞跃,跃进 jù dà tū pò,fēi yuè,yuè jìn, 插队 chā duì, 受到不公平的优待, 三级跳远 sān jí tiào yuǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 jumping 的含义

跳 tiào

intransitive verb (leap)

He jumped up and down to warm up his body.

突然增加 tū rán zēng jiā

noun (figurative (sudden rise)

The jump in stock prices surprised even the professionals.

突然跳起来 tū rán tiào qǐ lái

intransitive verb (move suddenly)

He jumped from his chair after he realized that he couldn't see the baby.

猛增 měng zēng

intransitive verb (figurative (rise suddenly)

The stock jumped after the good news about the economy.

暴涨 bào zhǎng

intransitive verb (figurative (prices: increase) (价格等)

The gas prices jumped.

经常转换,不断变换 jīng cháng zhuǎn huàn,bú duàn biàn huàn

intransitive verb (figurative (switch often) (比喻,工作等)

He jumped from one task to another.

跳跃 tiào yuè

noun (leap)

He crossed the puddle with a quick jump.


transitive verb (slang (vehicle: jump-start) (俚语,指汽车)

The battery was dead, so I had to jump-start the car.

需跳过的障碍 xū tiào guò de zhàng ài

noun (space to be leapt over)

This ski resort has several dangerous jumps.

很短的距离,短的旅程 hěn duǎn de jù lí,duǎn de lǚ chéng

noun (informal, figurative (short trip) (口语)

Boston is just a quick jump from Portsmouth.

(一次)跳伞 yí cì tiào sǎn

noun (parachuting)

Parachuting is fun. I've gone on three jumps.

突然转换 tū rán zhuǎn huàn

noun (informal, figurative (abrupt transition)

The book's jump from history to philosophy was confusing.

跳(高),跳(远) tiào gāo,tiào yuǎn

noun (sports: events) (体育赛事)

The Olympic track and field competition includes the high jump and long jump events.


noun (startled movement) (因受惊等)

A jump is quite a natural reaction to the sound of gunfire.

跳吃棋子 tiào chī qí zi

intransitive verb (checkers) (西洋跳棋)

If you don't jump now, you may lose the game.

跳(伞) tiào sǎn

intransitive verb (parachute)

Yes, we plan to jump twice next week. I need to prepare my parachute.

跳过 tiào guò

transitive verb (leap over)

He jumped the puddle to avoid getting his shoes wet.


transitive verb (checkers) (西洋跳棋)

I can't believe he jumped three of my checkers! Now I'm losing!

越过…级别 yuè guò jí bié

transitive verb (informal (skip)

John jumped a rank because of his bravery.

突然袭击, 忽然攻击

transitive verb (slang (attack, mug) (口语)

Three guys jumped me back in the alley and stole my money.

跳上车 tiào shàng chē

transitive verb (board a vehicle)

I jumped on the train going south.

闯过,不停 chuǎng guò

transitive verb (traffic lights: fail to stop) (交通信号灯)

Audrey was pulled over by the police after she jumped a red light.


phrasal verb, intransitive (extreme sport)

四处跳, 跳来蹦去

phrasal verb, intransitive (leap around)

The children are jumping about outside.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (lack narrative coherence)

The film jumps about and makes no sense.

跳来跳去 tiào lái tiào qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (do things in an unordered way) (比喻做事缺乏条理)

Carol doesn't work in a methodical way; she jumps about from task to task.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (dive, leap)

Mike walked up to the edge of the swimming pool, hesitated a moment, and then jumped in.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (become involved)

Fiona was listening to the argument, and couldn't resist jumping in.

责备 zé bèi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal (criticize, find fault with)

Olivia jumped on her husband for being slow to offer the guests another drink.

打眼, 显眼, 突兀

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (be noticeable)

It really jumps out at you.


noun (sport: jump from fixed structure)

跳远 tiào yuǎn

noun (sport: long jump)

插队 chā duì

verbal expression (informal (go in front of others waiting)

I get annoyed when people cut in line in front of me.

跳高 tiào gāo

noun (sport: jumping over a high bar) (运动项目)

Britain won an Olympic gold medal in the high jump.

严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé

verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (criticize, find fault with)

He jumps all over his employees every time they make the slightest error.


(leap out of the way)

He jumped aside just as the bus was about to hit him.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (accept opportunity)

When my grandmother offered to take me to England, I jumped at the chance.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (accept opportunity to do)

I would jump at the chance to meet my sporting hero.

跳球 tiào qiú

noun (in basketball) (篮球)

As the two players were struggling to gain possession of the ball, the referee called a jump ball.


noun (film: abrupt edit) (电影)


(leap off of [sth])

跳进 tiào jìn

(informal (dive, leap)

He jumped in the pool and shrieked because the water was so cold.

迫不及待地参与 pò bù jí dài de cān yù

(figurative, informal (become involved)

Feel free to jump in the discussion if you have something to say.

跳进 tiào jìn

(dive, leap)

Roy jumped into the river to save the drowning man.

欣然参加 xīn rán cān jiā

(figurative (become involved)

She jumped into the conversation when she realized that they were talking about Cancun.

从…跳下 cóng tiào xià

(leap from)

She was too scared to jump off the highest diving board.


(leap from [sth])

The little boy clung to the rock, reluctant to jump off into the sea.

跳上 tiào shàng

(informal (leap onto)

Please don't jump on the bed, children.

转而支持得势的一方 zhuǎn ér zhī chí dé shì de yì fāng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (do [sth] because it is popular)

If you believe in the cause, great, but don't just jump on the bandwagon.

跳出来,蹦出来 tiào chū lái,bèng chū lái

(leap from hiding)

He jumped out from his hideout.

跳过 tiào guò

(leap across)

Yvonne jumped over the ticket barrier and boarded the train without paying.

跳绳 tiào shéng

noun (skipping rope)

The little girls were playing with a jump rope.

跳绳 tiào shéng

(US (skip: with a rope)

Boxers jump rope to improve their stamina and rhythm.


verbal expression (figurative (flee without permission)

跳起投篮 tiào qǐ tóu lán

noun (basketball: ball thrown at basket at height of jump)

His excellent jump shot allowed him to score against much taller defenders.


verbal expression (runner: start too soon) (在发令枪发令前便起跑)

The runner jumped the gun and all the runners had to return for another start.

发令枪未响就抢先跑出 fā lìng qiāng wèi xiǎng jiù qiǎng xiān pǎo chū

verbal expression (figurative, informal (do [sth] too soon)

Don't jump the gun; it's best to live with someone a year before getting married.


verbal expression (judge hastily)

Stop leaping to conclusions about their relationship when you hardly even know them.

逃脱 táo tuō

(US, informal (flee, escape)

We better jump town before the police get here.

跳起来 tiào qǐ lái

(leap to one's feet)

He jumped up and seized me by the hand.

上下跳,跳动 tiào dòng

verbal expression (bounce)

If you jump up and down on the spot for one minute, you will probably end up out of breath.

非常兴奋 fēi cháng xīng fèn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be very excited)

You should have seen her; she was jumping up and down with excitement.


noun (showjumping round)


transitive verb (vehicle: start with jumper cables) (车辆)

跳线 tiào xiàn

plural noun (jump leads for starting a vehicle)

Every motorist should have jumper cables and flares in their auto emergency kit.

伞兵服 sǎn bīng fú

noun (pilot's all-in-one garment)

The pilot put on his jumpsuit and climbed into the cockpit for takeoff.


noun (women's all-in-one garment) (女式)

I think I'm going to buy this jumpsuit; it's really cute!

跳远 tiào yuǎn

noun (athletics competition)

It was during the Olympics that she broke the world long jump record. In high school I was on the track and field team and participated in the long jump.

跳伞 tiào sǎn

noun (leaping from aircraft with a parachute)

量子跃迁 liàng zǐ yuè qiān

noun (physics: abrupt change in energy level of electron) (物理学)

巨大突破,飞跃,跃进 jù dà tū pò,fēi yuè,yuè jìn

noun (figurative (huge advance)

插队 chā duì

intransitive verb (UK, informal (go in front of others waiting)


intransitive verb (UK, figurative, informal (receive unfair advantage)

三级跳远 sān jí tiào yuǎn

noun (athletics event)

Someone has just beaten the world triple jump record.

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