英语 中的 just 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 just 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 just 的说明。

英语 中的just 表示勉强地 miǎn qiǎng de, 刚刚 gāng gāng, 只, 刚刚,刚才 gāng gāng,gāng cái, 就是 jiù shì, 公平的 gōng píng de, 公正的,行事不偏不倚的 gōng zhèng de ,xíng shì bù piān bù yǐ de, 正直的 zhèng zhí de, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 公平的 gōng píng de, 精确的 jīng què de, 合理的 hé lǐ de, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 非常地,极其地 fēi cháng de ,jí qí de, 某人的典型方式, 只是有一点点 zhǐ shì yǒu yì diǎn diǎn, 就一点点, 等一下,等一会儿,稍等 děng yí xià,děng yī huì er, 几乎 jī hū, 就在街对面 jiù zài jiē duì miàn, …刚结束就…, 就在附近 jiù zài fù jìn, 即将发生 jí jiāng fā shēng, 正在…的时候 zhèng zài de shí hòu, 正如… zhèng rú, 幸好 xìng hǎo, 只不过因为 zhǐ bú guò yīn wèi, 因为所以, 无缘无故, 就在…之前 jiù zài zhī qián, 保密 bǎo mì, 别告诉别人, 应得的报应 yīng dé de bào yìng, 报应, 罪有应得, 去做…就行了, 去做就行了 qù zuò jiù xíng le, 刚刚够 gāng gāng gòu, 刚刚足够(的量), 正是这里 zhèng shì zhè lǐ, 刚刚到过这里, 不要管它了 bú yào guǎn tā le, 想象一下 xiǎng xiàng yí xià, 以防万一 yǐ fáng wàn yī, 以防万一 yǐ fáng wàn yī, 正是时候 zhèng shì shí hòu, 只是在开玩笑!, 和…非常像, 就是…的典型风格, 就像那样突如前来 jiù xiàng nà yàng tū rú qián lái, 新婚, 刚才 gāng cái, 眼下 yǎn xià, 仅此一次 jǐn cǐ yí cì, 就在对面地 jiù zài duì miàn de, 刚出版的,刚发行的,刚面世的 gāng chū bǎn de,gāng fā xíng de,gāng miàn shì de, 刚发行的,刚上映的 gāng fā xíng de,gāng shàng yìng de, 正好的 zhèng hǎo de, 正好 zhèng hǎo, 略低于 lüè dī yú, 按要求的方式做的, 正是这样 zhèng shì zhè yàng, 正好相反 zhèng hǎo xiāng fǎn, 正好相反的 zhèng hǎo xiāng fǎn de, 仍然 réng rán, 完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de, 正好需要的, 恰好是所需之物, 正在那时 zhèng zài nà shí, 勉强过得去, 正合我心意 zhèng hé wǒ xīn yì, 刚才 gāng cái, 才刚刚, 说的就是这件事。 shuō de jiù shì zhè jiàn shì, 这正是我想要的, 刚好在最后期限前,恰好来得及, 宁可 nìng kě, 你等着瞧。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 just 的含义

勉强地 miǎn qiǎng de

adverb (by a slim margin)

He just missed the bus.

刚刚 gāng gāng

adverb (a short time before)

You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one!

adverb (only, merely)

I just want a straight answer. Nothing more.

刚刚,刚才 gāng gāng,gāng cái

adverb (immediately, shortly)

Imran recalls hearing a loud bang just prior to crashing his car.

就是 jiù shì

adverb (precisely)

That's just what I'm looking for.

公平的 gōng píng de

adjective (fair, rightful)

Their punishment was harsh, but just.

公正的,行事不偏不倚的 gōng zhèng de ,xíng shì bù piān bù yǐ de

adjective (impartial) (人)

He is considered a just judge.

正直的 zhèng zhí de

adjective (righteous)

He who is just shall live in peace.

合法的 hé fǎ de

adjective (legitimate)

She has just cause for complaint.

公平的 gōng píng de

adjective (equitable)

He was just in handing out punishments.

精确的 jīng què de

adjective (dated (accurate)

Her account gives a just impression of events.

合理的 hé lǐ de

adjective (guided by reason)

Her argument was just, but I'm still not convinced.

合法的 hé fǎ de

adjective (lawful)

She has just title to the property.

非常地,极其地 fēi cháng de ,jí qí de

adverb (positively) (加强语气)

I just love this film!


verbal expression (informal (be typical, expected of [sb])

It's just like Alice to lock herself out of her own hotel room.

只是有一点点 zhǐ shì yǒu yì diǎn diǎn

adverb (informal (slightly)

He has seemed to move just a bit to the left.


noun (informal (a small amount)

Please, just give me a bit of sugar.

等一下,等一会儿,稍等 děng yí xià,děng yī huì er

interjection (wait, stop)

Just a minute, where do you think you're going?

几乎 jī hū

adverb (more or less)

Well, I think that just about covers it, so let's end this discussion here.

就在街对面 jiù zài jiē duì miàn

adverb (on the opposite side of the road)

My in-laws moved in just across the street, which is handy for babysitting.


preposition (immediately following)

Just after she'd finished her speech, she collapsed from exhaustion.

就在附近 jiù zài fù jìn

adverb (in the next street)

The post office is just around the corner.

即将发生 jí jiāng fā shēng

adverb (figurative (waiting to happen)

For every "safe" nuclear reactor, there is a disaster just around the corner.

正在…的时候 zhèng zài de shí hòu

conjunction (at the moment when)

The telephone rang just as I was getting into my bath.

正如… zhèng rú

conjunction (in the same way that)

Just as you have rights, so too you have responsibilities.

幸好 xìng hǎo

expression (informal (fortunate)

It's just as well I retired before they changed all the duties of my job.

只不过因为 zhǐ bú guò yīn wèi

conjunction (for the sole reason that)

Just because she said something rude to you, doesn't mean you should be rude back. I love you just because you're you.


expression (avoiding explanation)

"Why did you do that?" "Just because."


expression (for no specific reason)

Paul bought me flowers just because.

就在…之前 jiù zài zhī qián

preposition (a moment prior to)

I like to have a hot bath just before I go to bed.

保密 bǎo mì

expression (speaking confidentially)

Just between us, I think her nose job was a big mistake.


expression (confidential, private)

This is just between us: don't tell anyone!

应得的报应 yīng dé de bào yìng

plural noun (deserved punishment)

I'd say getting stung by a bee is your just deserts for getting too near the hive.

报应, 罪有应得

verbal expression (receive deserved punishment)

A cheating boyfriend got his just deserts when his three girlfriends joined together to confront him.


verbal expression (take action)

Don't argue with me, just go upstairs and tidy your room!

去做就行了 qù zuò jiù xíng le

interjection (take action, do not hesitate)

Don't procrastinate over the possible consequences, just do it!

刚刚够 gāng gāng gòu

adverb (barely sufficiently)

We have just enough supplies for ourselves. We can't afford to take on anyone else.


noun (precisely sufficient amount)

There is just enough sugar for my coffee tomorrow.

正是这里 zhèng shì zhè lǐ

adverb (in this exact spot)

The man was attacked just here, next to the bus-stop.


adverb (here recently)

I was just here last week when I was visiting Helen.

不要管它了 bú yào guǎn tā le

interjection (pay no attention)

Don't let it bother you. Just ignore it!

想象一下 xiǎng xiàng yí xià

interjection (informal (picture, envisage)

Just imagine how surprised everyone will be to see you again!

以防万一 yǐ fáng wàn yī

conjunction (if it should happen that)

You should take an umbrella just in case it rains.

以防万一 yǐ fáng wàn yī

adverb (for this eventuality)

They may ask for some kind of ID, so take your passport just in case.

正是时候 zhèng shì shí hòu

expression (almost too late)

The paramedics arrived just in time. You got here just in time, you almost missed all the fun.


interjection (informal (I was only joking!)

"Just kidding!" he exclaimed, after pretending to have left the document on the train.


preposition (informal (very similar to)

Amy has got a pair of shoes just like yours.


preposition (informal (typical of: [sb])

Just like Henry to be late on his own wedding day!

就像那样突如前来 jiù xiàng nà yàng tū rú qián lái

adverb (informal (suddenly)

One minute Lucy was here, then she disappeared – just like that!


expression (sign on newlyweds' car) (新婚夫妇车上的标牌)

As we drove away on our honeymoon a sign on the back of our car read "Just Married!".

刚才 gāng cái

adverb (informal (a moment ago)

Colin was here just now – perhaps he's gone to get something from his office.

眼下 yǎn xià

adverb (informal (at this moment)

I'm busy just now – could you possibly come back later?

仅此一次 jǐn cǐ yí cì

adverb (informal (one time only)

Just once, I wish you would ask politely. I'll make an exception just once.

就在对面地 jiù zài duì miàn de

adverb (immediately across)

Carry straight on until you get to the cathedral - the post office is just opposite.

刚出版的,刚发行的,刚面世的 gāng chū bǎn de,gāng fā xíng de,gāng miàn shì de

adjective (book, report: newly published) (图书、新闻报告等)

There's a book just out that covers this subject in detail. The author's new novel is just out in paperback.

刚发行的,刚上映的 gāng fā xíng de,gāng shàng yìng de

adjective (film, music: newly released) (电影、音乐)

Jude Law's latest film is just out.

正好的 zhèng hǎo de

adjective (informal (perfect)

Those curtains would be just right for the living room.

正好 zhèng hǎo

adverb (informal (perfectly)

Joan has a talent for roasting the potatoes just right.

略低于 lüè dī yú

preposition (slightly under)

The price of oil is now just shy of $50 a barrel.


adjective (informal (perfect, exact)

Personally, I like steak when it is just so.

正是这样 zhèng shì zhè yàng

adverb (informal (exactly, perfectly)

The chef cooked the chicken just so.

正好相反 zhèng hǎo xiāng fǎn

adverb (informal (on the contrary)

You did just the opposite of what I advised.

正好相反的 zhèng hǎo xiāng fǎn de

adjective (informal (completely unalike)

She is just the opposite of her sister.

仍然 réng rán

adverb (informal (even so)

Although Davina probably won't mind, just the same we ought to ask her before we borrow her bike.

完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de

adjective (informal (exactly alike)

Are those new boots? Ed has a pair that are just the same.


adjective (exactly what is needed)

If you're stuck for something to listen to, I've got just the thing: this excellent new jazz album.


expression (figurative (exactly what is wanted)

A cup of tea is just the ticket right now.

正在那时 zhèng zài nà shí

adverb (at that moment)

She got into bed, but just then the telephone rang.


adjective (functioning, going on)

At the moment the business is just ticking over, but I'm confident it'll improve once the recession's over.

正合我心意 zhèng hé wǒ xīn yì

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] needed and welcomed)

A week's holiday in the sun was just what the doctor ordered.

刚才 gāng cái

adverb (by slight margin)

She won the race, but only just.


adverb (very recently)

I have only just begun to learn French; I'm on lesson three.

说的就是这件事。 shuō de jiù shì zhè jiàn shì

interjection (informal (that is precisely the issue) (非正式用语)

That's just it. We don't agree so we'll never arrive at a solution.


interjection (it's exactly what is needed)

Take an aspirin – that's just the thing for a bad headache.


expression (US, figurative, informal (barely in time)

I managed to get my book report in under the wire.

宁可 nìng kě

auxiliary verb (would rather)


interjection (informal (I'll show you I'm right)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。