英语 中的 edge 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 edge 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 edge 的说明。

英语 中的edge 表示边 biān, 优势 yōu shì, 边沿,棱 biān yán, 锋利 fēng lì, 敏锐,锐利 mǐn ruì,ruì lì, 刀口 dāo kǒu, 边缘,边沿 biān yuán,biān yán, 慢慢移动 màn màn yí dòng, 给…加边 gěi jiā biān, 为…修边 wèi xiū biān, 磨利, 磨快, (因为怕羞而)避开 yīn wèi pà xiū ér bì kāi, 取代…,挤掉... qǔ dài, 险胜…, 在最前沿, 走在...的前端, 斜面 xié miàn, 前沿 qián yán, 前沿的 qián yán de, 悬崖边缘 xuán yá biān yuán, 竞争优势 jìng zhēng yōu shì, 尖端的,前沿的,最先进的 jiān duān de ,qián yán de,zuì xiān jìn de, …的前沿, 慢慢走 màn màn zǒu, 翻口白边, 占优势 zhàn yōu shì, 刀刃 dāo rèn, 刀刃 dāo rèn, 技术前沿,领先地位 jì shù qián yán ,lǐng xiān dì wèi, 机翼前缘, 前沿的 qián yán de, 过着惊险刺激的生活 guò zhe jīng xiǎn cì jī de shēng huó, 有危险, 紧张 jǐn zhāng, 紧张的 jǐn zhāng de, 在…的边缘 zài … de biān yuán, 在…的前沿 zài de qián yán, 在…的边缘 zài … de biān yuán, 特别兴奋, 让...崩溃, 在…的边缘,在危险状态中,濒临(不安全状况) zài … de biān yuán,zài wēi xiǎn zhuàng tài zhōng,bīn lín bù ān quán zhuàng kuàng, 让...感到不舒服, 化解...的感觉, 让...黯然失色, 机翼的后缘 jī yì de hòu yuán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 edge 的含义

边 biān

noun (limit, border, extremity)

The glass was set on the edge of the table.

优势 yōu shì

noun (competitive advantage)

The home team had an edge over its opponents because it was taller.

边沿,棱 biān yán

noun (narrow side) (物体)

Hit it with the edge of the tool, not the wide side.

锋利 fēng lì

noun (sharpness of a blade) (指刀刃)

The knife had a fine edge that could cut anything.

敏锐,锐利 mǐn ruì,ruì lì

noun (sharpness of mind) (人的思维、头脑等)

The boy has a real edge that helps him in class.

刀口 dāo kǒu

noun (blade)

The edge of the knife was ten centimetres long.

边缘,边沿 biān yuán,biān yán

noun (ridge of a hill) (山、悬崖等)

There is a path along the edge up there.

慢慢移动 màn màn yí dòng

intransitive verb (move gradually)

Mark wanted to sit closer to Julie, so he edged toward her.

给…加边 gěi jiā biān

transitive verb (apply an edge to)

Edge the board so it will fit the open space tightly.

为…修边 wèi xiū biān

transitive verb (trim)

I have mown the lawn, now I need to edge it.

磨利, 磨快

transitive verb (sharpen)

The cook edged her knife before cutting the meat.

(因为怕羞而)避开 yīn wèi pà xiū ér bì kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (distance yourself)

I tried to edge away from the drunk man on the bus.

取代…,挤掉... qǔ dài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (displace, remove)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sports: defeat) (体育)


adverb (figurative (at the forefront)


adverb (figurative (at the forefront of [sth])

In 1440 Gutenberg's printing press was at the cutting edge of technology.

斜面 xié miàn

noun (border cut at a slant)

My desk has a bevelled edge.

前沿 qián yán

noun (figurative (forefront)

前沿的 qián yán de

noun as adjective (figurative (at the forefront)

悬崖边缘 xuán yá biān yuán

noun (edge of a cliff)

Despite fencing and warning signs posted all along the cliff edge, at least one person a year ignores the danger and falls to his death.

竞争优势 jìng zhēng yōu shì

noun (business: superiority)

尖端的,前沿的,最先进的 jiān duān de ,qián yán de,zuì xiān jìn de

noun as adjective (figurative (advanced) (比喻)

This cutting-edge hydrogen motor will revolutionize the auto industry.


noun (forefront of [sth])

Cosmology is the cutting edge of modern science.

慢慢走 màn màn zǒu

verbal expression (go slowly)

The climber edged his way along the narrow ledge in the cliff face.


noun (book: opening edge) (书籍)

占优势 zhàn yōu shì

verbal expression (figurative (be better)

He always uses superior materials in order to have an edge on the competition.

刀刃 dāo rèn

noun (blade) (本义)

The knife edge was sharp and cut through the thick vegetables with ease.

刀刃 dāo rèn

noun (blade)

A knife's edge is generally very sharp.

技术前沿,领先地位 jì shù qián yán ,lǐng xiān dì wèi

noun (figurative (forefront of a trend)

Mainframe computers used to be the leading edge of technology.


noun (plane: front of wing) (指飞机的)

The jet lost a 2.4 metre long section of the tail wing's leading edge after takeoff.

前沿的 qián yán de

noun as adjective (figurative (at the forefront: of a trend)

过着惊险刺激的生活 guò zhe jīng xiǎn cì jī de shēng huó

verbal expression (informal, figurative (take risks)

Louise likes to take risks and live on the edge.


adverb (figurative (in danger)

紧张 jǐn zhāng

adverb (into a tense, anxious state)

That strange sound set me on edge.

紧张的 jǐn zhāng de

adjective (tense, anxious)

She was on edge, waiting for her exam results.

在…的边缘 zài … de biān yuán

adverb (at the rim)

Peter was worried that the cup might fall, for it stood on the edge of the table.

在…的前沿 zài de qián yán

adverb (figurative (at the forefront)

3D technology is on the edge of movie-making techniques.

在…的边缘 zài … de biān yuán

expression (figurative (on the verge of)

Alpine skiers are always on the edge of losing control.


expression (excited, enthralled)


verbal expression (figurative (cause [sb] to lose self-control)

Hunger pushed the little girl over the edge and she stole a loaf of bread from the bakery.

在…的边缘,在危险状态中,濒临(不安全状况) zài … de biān yuán,zài wēi xiǎn zhuàng tài zhōng,bīn lín bù ān quán zhuàng kuàng

noun (figurative (precarious situation) (比喻)


verbal expression (figurative (cause discomfort)


verbal expression (feeling: make less intense)


verbal expression (performance: make less outstanding)

机翼的后缘 jī yì de hòu yuán

noun (rear edge of [sth] moving) (航空)

We're on the trailing edge of some really bad weather. You can spot a turkey vulture in flight by the silver trailing edge of his wings.

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edge 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。