英语 中的 lasting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lasting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lasting 的说明。

英语 中的lasting 表示永久的 yǒng jiǔ de, 最末的 zuì mò de, 最近的 zuì jìn de, 先前的,之前的,前的 xiān qián de ,zhī qián de,qián de, 最后(一刻)的 zuì hòu ( yí kè ) de, 最不适当的 zuì bú shì dàng de, 最近 zuì jìn, 继续 jì xù, 持续 chí xù, 幸存下去 xìng cún xià qù, 够用, 最不可能的 zuì bù kě néng de, 最权威的,有决定权的 zuì quán wēi de, 最后仅剩的 zuì hòu jǐn shèng de, 最后的 zuì hòu de, 最后一个的 zuì hòu yí gè de, 最新的事或物, 最近…的人 zuì jìn de rén, 最后的消息 zuì hòu de xiāo xī, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 鞋楦 xié xuàn, 最后一刻 zuì hòu yí kè, 最后剩下之人, 耐用,耐穿,穿不烂 nài yòng,nài chuān, 支撑 zhī chēng, 持久的友情 chí jiǔ de yǒu qíng, 持久的 chí jiǔ de, 耐久的 nài jiǔ de, 给...留下深刻印象。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lasting 的含义

永久的 yǒng jiǔ de

adjective (that lasts a long time)

The manager wanted to build a lasting relationship with his employees.

最末的 zuì mò de

adjective (final)

You really need to win this last race.

最近的 zuì jìn de

adjective (most recent)

What was the last book you read?

先前的,之前的,前的 xiān qián de ,zhī qián de,qián de

adjective (time period: previous) (时间段)

Last summer was very hot. // Something strange seems to have occurred in the last three minutes.

最后(一刻)的 zuì hòu ( yí kè ) de

adjective (latest possible)

He went to the store at the last minute, just before it closed.

最不适当的 zuì bú shì dàng de

adjective (least suitable)

He would be my last choice to help me; he is completely unreliable.

最近 zuì jìn

adverb (most recently)

Who spoke last, you or him? // I last saw him yesterday.

继续 jì xù

transitive verb (continue for a certain time)

The speech lasted thirty minutes.

持续 chí xù

intransitive verb (duration)

The rainy weather lasted for ten straight days.

幸存下去 xìng cún xià qù

intransitive verb (survive)

The endangered species is not expected to last through the 21st century.
预计那个濒危物种捱不过 21 世纪。


intransitive verb (be sufficient)

Our food supplies should last for two weeks.

最不可能的 zuì bù kě néng de

adjective (figurative (least likely)

The gym? That is the last place you will find him.

最权威的,有决定权的 zuì quán wēi de

adjective (with authority)

The president always has the last word.

最后仅剩的 zuì hòu jǐn shèng de

adjective (only remaining)

Nobody ate the last bit of lasagne.

最后的 zuì hòu de

adjective (lowest)

The picnic is the last thing on my list; everything else is more important.

最后一个的 zuì hòu yí gè de

adjective (single)

We won't start eating until every last person arrives.


noun (most recent thing)

The last is often the best.

最近…的人 zuì jìn de rén

noun (most recent person)

There used to be lots of older people here, but the last moved away two years ago.

最后的消息 zuì hòu de xiāo xī

noun (final mention)

That was the last we heard about her.

死亡 sǐ wáng

noun (end, death)

He remained faithful to the last.

鞋楦 xié xuàn

noun (model of a foot)

The shoemaker used individual lasts to make each shoe.

最后一刻 zuì hòu yí kè

noun (the final moment)

The movie, a murder mystery, kept us guessing to the last.


noun (only remaining person, thing)

Robert Scott and his team were the last of the great explorers.

耐用,耐穿,穿不烂 nài yòng,nài chuān

intransitive verb (wear well) (衣物等)

This shirt will last for years, it is so well made.

支撑 zhī chēng

intransitive verb (endure)

I'm not sure that I can last till the end of the workday. I might fall asleep before then.

持久的友情 chí jiǔ de yǒu qíng

noun (long-standing close relationship)

They served side by side in the war and that was the beginning of their lasting friendship.

持久的 chí jiǔ de

adjective (enduring)

The effects of the storm have been long-lasting.

耐久的 nài jiǔ de

adjective (durable)

We need to find a long-lasting solution. The coating on the car will ensure that the paint job is long lasting.


verbal expression (have enduring impact)

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lasting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。