英语 中的 late 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 late 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 late 的说明。

英语 中的late 表示迟的 chí de, 晚的 wǎn de, 后部分的,后面的 hòu miàn de, 晚 wǎn, 很晚 hěn wǎn, 已故的,已去世的 yǐ gù de,yǐ qù shì de, 晚成熟的,晚熟的 wǎn chéng shóu de / wǎn chéng shú de,wǎn shóu de / wǎn shú de, 近来 jìn lái, 迟到 chí dào, 迟做总比不做好, 深夜 shēn yè, 开花晚的植物, 发育晚的人,晚熟的人, 罚款 fá kuǎn, 逾期费,滞纳金, 晚上 wǎn shàng, 临到最后, 为时已晚 wéi shí yǐ wǎn, 起床晚的人,晚起的人, 迟到条, 最新的 zuì xīn de, 发生在深夜的 fā shēng zài shēn yè de, 直到最近 zhí dào zuì jìn, 去...迟到了, 睡过头 shuì guò tóu, 晚归, 熬夜 āo yè, 过世的,死亡的 guò shì de,sǐ wáng de, 太晚的 tài wǎn de, 太晚地 tài wǎn de, 晚上加班。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 late 的含义

迟的 chí de

adjective (after the scheduled time)

I need to go. I am late for my appointment.

晚的 wǎn de

adjective (near the end of the day etc.)

It's late; let's go home. // It's getting late; I really ought to be going.

后部分的,后面的 hòu miàn de

adjective (latter part of)

They married in the late sixties. He married a woman in her late 40s.

晚 wǎn

adverb (after the scheduled time)

I arrived ten minutes late for the meeting.

很晚 hěn wǎn

adverb (near the end of: night, etc.)

We talked late into the night.

已故的,已去世的 yǐ gù de,yǐ qù shì de

adjective (formal (former, deceased)

The late John Peters was a good man.

晚成熟的,晚熟的 wǎn chéng shóu de / wǎn chéng shú de,wǎn shóu de / wǎn shú de

adjective (fruit, vegetables: maturing later) (蔬菜、水果)

The ripening times are different for early and late fruit.

近来 jìn lái

adverb (recently, lately)

She has been acting unusually as of late. She hasn't eaten for four days nor slept for two nights.

迟到 chí dào

verbal expression (not arrive on time)

We have a departmental meeting this morning so I daren't be late. Don't be late for your own wedding.


expression (it is better to do [sth] late than never)

深夜 shēn yè

adverb (at a late hour, during the night)

I used to stay up late at night listening to music and reading.


noun (plant: flowers later in year)


noun (figurative (person: matures later) (智力、体力)

罚款 fá kuǎn

(penalty charge)


noun (charge incurred for missed deadline)

晚上 wǎn shàng

expression (in the evening)

We arrived late in the day, but the hotel staff were very accommodating.


expression (figurative (belatedly)

Joanne apologized for sending her birthday wishes late in the day.

为时已晚 wéi shí yǐ wǎn

expression (figurative (belated)

You should have apologized while he was still alive, now it's a little late in the day.


noun (person who gets up late)


noun (school: form filled in on late arrival) (学校)

最新的 zuì xīn de

adjective (news: last-minute)

In late breaking news, the president has just announced her resignation.

发生在深夜的 fā shēng zài shēn yè de

adjective (taking place at a late hour)

I saw it on the late-night news.

直到最近 zhí dào zuì jìn

adverb (until recently)

He has been riding the bus of late.


intransitive verb (informal (be behind schedule)

I'd love to stop and talk to you, but I'm running late for an important meeting with my boss.

睡过头 shuì guò tóu

verbal expression (wake up later than usual)

I usually sleep late on Sundays.


verbal expression (get home late)

熬夜 āo yè

intransitive verb (not go to bed as early as usual)

He never allows his son to stay up late if he has school the following day. I stayed up late to watch the World Cup game.

过世的,死亡的 guò shì de,sǐ wáng de

adjective (person: deceased, dead) (人)

太晚的 tài wǎn de

adjective (not in time for [sth])

Simon was too late to catch his train.

太晚地 tài wǎn de

adverb (not in time for [sth])

You turned in your homework too late to get full credit for it. I arrived an hour too late for my appointment.


verbal expression (work longer than usual in evening)

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late 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。