英语 中的 lay 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lay 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lay 的说明。

英语 中的lay 表示平放 píng fàng, 归于 guī yú, 生产 shēng chǎn, 铺放 pū fàng, 非宗教性质的 fēi zōng jiào xìng zhì de, 非神职的 fēi shén zhí de, 外行的,门外汉的 wài háng de, 性伴侣 xìng bàn lǚ, 性交 xìng jiāo, 短诗 duǎn shī, 歌曲 gē qǔ, 下蛋,产卵 xià dàn,chǎn luǎn, 打(地基等) dǎ dì jī děng, 在…上下注 zài shàng xià zhù, 打赌 dǎ dǔ, 谎话 huǎng huà, 撒谎 sā huǎng, 躺 tǎng, 摆着 bǎi zhe, 放在 fàng zài, 安葬 ān zàng, 位于 wèi yú, 存在于,在于 cún zài yú,zài yú, 在于 zài yú, 在于,归于 zài yú ,guī yú, 位置 wèi zhi, 保持(某种状态)不变 bǎo chí mǒu zhǒng zhuàng tài bú biàn, 打…, 将...暂时放在一边, 躺下,往后躺 tǎng xià,wǎng hòu tǎng, 无人照管 wú rén zhào guǎn, 存…, 放下 fàng xià, 制定,规定 zhì dìng,guī dìng, 躺下 tǎng xià, 储备 chǔ bèi, 解雇 jiě gù, 不再骚扰 bú zài sāo rǎo, 别再烦…, 戒掉 jiè diào, 夸大 kuā dà, 把…涂抹在…上 bǎ tú mǒ zài shàng, 安排 ān pái, 解释,陈述 jiě shì,chén shù, 花费 huā fèi, 打昏, 给尸体做殡葬准备 gěi shī tǐ zuò bìn zàng zhǔn bèi, 使卧床不起 shǐ wò chuáng bù qǐ, 储备 chǔ bèi, 泊靠,系泊 jì bó, 保守打,脱困打, 中途停留 zhōng tú tíng liú, 熟悉一下情况, 生火, 对某人动手, 布置陷阱抓, 给...设圈套, 放起来, 公开,公布 gōng kāi,gōng bù, 对...的所有权提出主张, 自称 zì chēng, 声称有, 制定法规 zhì dìng fǎ guī, 为...献出生命, 强调 qiáng diào, 铺石板于, 把…放平,把…平摊 bǎ fàng píng, 把…放平 bǎ fàng píng, 把…击倒在地, 把手按在…的头上, 获得 huò dé, 殴打 ōu dǎ, 责骂..., 坦白地说 tǎn bái de shuō, 过分吹捧 guò fèn chuī pěng, 故意夸大, 压倒 yā dǎo, 地势 dì shì, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 把…放在…上, 围攻 wéi gōng, 打地基 dǎ dì jī, 打基础 dǎ jī chǔ, 设定场景, 安葬,埋葬 ān zàng,mái zàng, 消除,平息 xiāo chú,píng xī, 彻底破坏 chè dǐ pò huài, 路侧停车带,路边临时停车处, 上篮 shàng lán, 暂停,休息 zàn tíng,xiū xī, 分期储蓄以预付购货 fēn qī chǔ xù yǐ yù fù gòu huò, 潜伏 qián fú, 确定,认定,确切地指出 què dìng,rèn dìng, 摆桌子。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lay 的含义

平放 píng fàng

transitive verb (place horizontally)

He usually lays the plans on the table.

归于 guī yú

(blame, stress: assign) (责难、错误等)

He would usually lay the blame on his sister.

生产 shēng chǎn

transitive verb (produce: egg)

A hen can lay a few eggs per week, I think.

铺放 pū fàng

transitive verb (floor: cover)

He laid lino in the hall.

非宗教性质的 fēi zōng jiào xìng zhì de

adjective (not religious)

This is a lay organisation, with no connection to any religion.

非神职的 fēi shén zhí de

adjective (not member of a religious order)

The priest was on the altar with three lay people, who would help with Holy Communion.

外行的,门外汉的 wài háng de

adjective (not professional)

I'm not a doctor, just a lay person.

性伴侣 xìng bàn lǚ

noun (slang, vulgar (sexual partner) (尤指女方)

Yeah, she was a good lay.

性交 xìng jiāo

noun (slang, vulgar (sexual intercourse)

I hope I get a lay tonight, I am so randy.

短诗 duǎn shī

noun (historical (medieval poem) (历史用语)

"The Lay of the Last Minstrel" is a poem by Sir Walter Scott.

歌曲 gē qǔ

noun (historical (medieval song) (历史用语)

She sang us a beautiful lay from centuries ago.

下蛋,产卵 xià dàn,chǎn luǎn

intransitive verb (produce eggs) (动物)

That hen does not lay any more.

打(地基等) dǎ dì jī děng

transitive verb (install)

The contractors came in to lay the foundation to the building.

在…上下注 zài shàng xià zhù

transitive verb (place a bet)

He laid fifty dollars on the horse.

打赌 dǎ dǔ

transitive verb (bet)

I'll lay you ten to one that he wasn't there at all.

谎话 huǎng huà

noun ([sth] not true)

The lie got him in trouble when his boss found out the truth.

撒谎 sā huǎng

intransitive verb (not tell the truth)

She lied to her parents about where she was on Friday night.

躺 tǎng

intransitive verb (recline)

If I lie on the sofa, I'll fall asleep.

摆着 bǎi zhe

intransitive verb ([sth]: be spread out)

Toys were lying all over the bedroom floor.

放在 fàng zài

intransitive verb (item: be, stay)

His book lay on the table unread.

安葬 ān zàng

intransitive verb (be buried)

Her body lies in that cemetery.

位于 wèi yú

intransitive verb (be situated)

The house lies in the valley.

存在于,在于 cún zài yú,zài yú

intransitive verb (be found) (问题等)

The student's lack of focus is where the problem lies.

在于 zài yú

(be due to)

The problem lies in the fact that he doesn't know how to work with people.

在于,归于 zài yú ,guī yú

(be attributable to)

The responsibility for the decision lies with the manager.

位置 wèi zhi

noun (position, arrangement)

It's important to familiarize yourself with the lie of the land. Audrey adjusted the lie of the rug.

保持(某种状态)不变 bǎo chí mǒu zhǒng zhuàng tài bú biàn

intransitive verb (remain unchanged)

Just let this matter lie. We don't want to cause any problems.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (attack, beat)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (put temporarily to one side)

I had to lay aside my wedding plans until after my mother recovered.

躺下,往后躺 tǎng xià,wǎng hòu tǎng

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (recline) (俚语)

I love to lay back and relax in my new easy chair.

无人照管 wú rén zhào guǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (US (crop: leave untended) (庄稼)

After the farmer was evicted from his land, the corn was left to lay by.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (money: save up) (钱)

放下 fàng xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (surrender, give up: weapons) (武器等)

The President pleaded with the terrorists to lay down their arms.

制定,规定 zhì dìng,guī dìng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (establish: law, rules, etc.) (法律,规则等)

Good parenting involves laying down clear rules.

躺下 tǎng xià

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (recline, lie down)

I'm tired; I'm going to lay down on the bed for an hour.

储备 chǔ bèi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US (store for later use)

I am laying in plenty of food and drink for the Christmas period.

解雇 jiě gù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make redundant)

The current economic crisis has led many companies to lay off some of their employees.

不再骚扰 bú zài sāo rǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (stop bothering [sb]) (俚语)

I've had a bad day. Just lay off!


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (stop bothering: [sb])

Lay off your sister for five minutes, would you? You've teased her enough.

戒掉 jiè diào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (stop indulging in)

He needs to lay off the booze for a while.

夸大 kuā dà

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (exaggerate)

Your brother can really lay on the drama!

把…涂抹在…上 bǎ tú mǒ zài shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (apply)

The builder laid the plaster on with a trowel.

安排 ān pái

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arrange, set out)

Before packing his bag for the trip, he carefully laid out the clothes he wanted to take.

解释,陈述 jiě shì,chén shù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (explain, present: a plan)

During the murder trial, the prosecutors carefully laid out the state's case against the defendant.

花费 huā fèi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (spend: money)

Her father will have to lay out a lot of money to pay for her wedding.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (punch, knock over)

His punch laid his opponent out and he won the boxing match.

给尸体做殡葬准备 gěi shī tǐ zuò bìn zàng zhǔn bèi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (prepare body for funeral)

The funeral home is going to lay my dead aunt out for viewing tomorrow.

使卧床不起 shǐ wò chuáng bù qǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal, often passive (confine to bed) (非正式用语)

A bad dose of flu can lay you up for several days.

储备 chǔ bèi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US (store for future use)

We need to lay up plenty of firewood for the winter.

泊靠,系泊 jì bó

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (vessel: put in dock) (船只)


phrasal verb, intransitive (golf: make conservative shot) (高尔夫球)

中途停留 zhōng tú tíng liú

phrasal verb, intransitive (US (make a stopover)

Maggie will lay over in Chicago before continuing on to Portland.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (become familiar with [sth])


verbal expression (prepare a fire)

He laid a fire for the group.


verbal expression (informal (hit, harm)

I would never lay a hand on my children; I don't believe in corporal punishment.


verbal expression (set a trap, snare)

He laid a trap for the mouse.


verbal expression (trick [sb])


(store for later use)

公开,公布 gōng kāi,gōng bù

verbal expression (figurative (reveal, expose)

The investigation laid bare the corruption by government officials.


verbal expression (claim ownership of)

He laid claim to the house and the surrounding land.

自称 zì chēng

verbal expression (assert [sth] about yourself)

Prudence laid claim to being the best singer in her family.


verbal expression (claim to have)

制定法规 zhì dìng fǎ guī

verbal expression (enforce rules)

My mom laid down the law; if I choose to smoke I can't live at home.


verbal expression (die for a cause)

Some mothers would lay down their lives for their children.

强调 qiáng diào

verbal expression (stress, emphasize)


verbal expression (place paving slabs on)

把…放平,把…平摊 bǎ fàng píng

(spread [sth] across an even surface) (某物)

You must lay the book out flat in order to photocopy it well.

把…放平 bǎ fàng píng

(place [sb] in lying position) (某人)

The doctor told me to lay him flat on the ground so he could check his pulse.


(figurative, informal (knock [sb] over)

After the punch laid the boxer flat, the referee declared his opponent the winner.


verbal expression (person: heal by touch) (宗教)

After the preacher laid hands on him he began to walk without his crutches.

获得 huò dé

verbal expression (informal, figurative (obtain: [sth])

I'll bring you that CD just as soon as I can lay my hands on it.

殴打 ōu dǎ

(informal (attack)

The attacker laid into his victim with several punches to the head.


(informal (criticize)

Kate laid into her husband for arriving late.

坦白地说 tǎn bái de shuō

verbal expression (figurative, informal (speak frankly)

The CEO laid it on the line: "The business needs to reform or it will face dire consequences."

过分吹捧 guò fèn chuī pěng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (compliment effusively) (非正式用语)

He keeps telling me how fabulous I look; he's really laying it on thick and I am getting embarrassed.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (exaggerate to mislead)

At the interview he laid it on thick how much past experience he had, which made me suspicious.

压倒 yā dǎo

verbal expression (overcome, incapacitate)

地势 dì shì

noun (geographical features)

When hillwalking, be guided by the lay of the land.

停止 tíng zhǐ

verbal expression (slang (stop doing)

I wish my friends would lay off teasing me about my friendship with James.


(put on top)

He laid his coat on the arm of the chair.

围攻 wéi gōng

verbal expression (attack)

The German army laid siege to Stalingrad in August 1942.

打地基 dǎ dì jī

verbal expression (prepare the ground or base)

To build a house, you must first lay the foundation.

打基础 dǎ jī chǔ

verbal expression (figurative (do preparatory work)

The research from my dissertation laid the foundation for my first book. A good education can lay the foundation for a successful life.


verbal expression (set: a scene)

He laid the scene for the audience with his description.

安葬,埋葬 ān zàng,mái zàng

verbal expression (euphemism (person: bury) (人)

She was laid to rest under the oak tree next to her husband.

消除,平息 xiāo chú,píng xī

verbal expression (figurative (rumours, etc.: end) (谣言等)

The politician wanted to lay the rumours about his private life to rest.

彻底破坏 chè dǐ pò huài

verbal expression (devastate)

The earthquake laid waste to the already devastated country.


noun (UK (vehicle rest stop)

There is a lay-by coming up in about one-hundred meters.

上篮 shàng lán

noun (basketball shot) (篮球)

The two points from the last lay-up helped them win the game.

暂停,休息 zàn tíng,xiū xī

noun (journey: break) (旅程中)

分期储蓄以预付购货 fēn qī chǔ xù yǐ yù fù gòu huò

noun ([sth] reserved by paying a deposit)

潜伏 qián fú

verbal expression (figurative (not draw attention to yourself)

确定,认定,确切地指出 què dìng,rèn dìng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (identify, determine)

I've just put my finger on why I find it so hard getting up in the morning: I hate my job!


verbal expression (lay place settings for a meal) (准备吃饭)

My mother asked me to set the table whilst she cooked our dinner.

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