英语 中的 best 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 best 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 best 的说明。

英语 中的best 表示最好的 zuì hǎo de, 最适合的 zuì shì hé de, 最有利的 zuì yǒu lì de, 最好地 zuì hǎo de, 最 zuì, 最大程度 zuì dà chéng dù, 祝好, 最好的人或物, 最好的 zuì hǎo de, 最明智地, 最棒的 zuì bàng de, 胜过 shèng guò, 出色的 chū sè de, 好的,良好的 hǎo de ,liáng hǎo de, 听话的 tīng huà de, 足够的 zú gòu de, 对…的健康有益, 对…有益, …的利益 de lì yì, 善良的 shàn liáng de, 对…好用, 优秀的 yōu xiù de, 正确的 zhèng què de, 值得尊敬的,受人尊敬的 zhí dé zūn jìng de ,shòu rén zūn jìng de, 品味好的 pǐn wèi hǎo de, 商品 shāng pǐn, 擅长 shàn cháng, 擅长 shàn cháng, 善于应付, 在…内有效, 值 zhí, 适合 shì hé, 对...好, 合适的 hé shì de, 还能发挥功用的, 新鲜的 xīn xiān de, 味道好的 wèi dào hǎo de, 真的,真实的,名副其实的 zhēn de,zhēn shí de ,míng fù qí shí de, 明智的 míng zhì de, 彻底的 chè dǐ de, 好的 hǎo de, 虔诚的 qián chéng de, 忠诚的 zhōng chéng de, 没有瑕疵的,好的 méi yǒu xiá cī de,hǎo de, 好的,时新的 hǎo de ,shí xīn de, 出色的, 精准的, 正常地,顺利地 zhèng cháng de ,shùn lì de, 好, 很好, 福利 fú lì, 优点 yōu diǎn, 善处 shàn chǔ, 用处 yòng chù, 消息 xiāo xī, 妥善地 tuǒ shàn de, 好, 足够地 zú gòu de, 清楚地 qīng chǔ de, 充分地 chōng fèn de, 从很大程度上 cóng hěn dà chéng dù shàng, 熟悉地 shú xī de, 很 hěn, 健康的 jiàn kāng de, 井 jǐng, 好的 hǎo de, 确定地 què dìng de, 好脾气地 hǎo pí qì de, 正确地 zhèng què de, 效益很好地 xiào yì hěn hǎo de, 哎!喂!, 啊!哎!, 嗯?啊?, 呃,嗯 è, e, ě,ńg, 油井 yóu jǐng, 电梯井 diàn tī jǐng, 盛放液体的容器 chéng fàng yè tǐ de róng qì, 喷涌出,溢出 yì chū, 祝一切顺利,, 万事顺心如意 wàn shì shùn xīn rú yì, 尽全力 jìn quán lì, 至多,最多 zhì duō,zuì duō, 也许不是一件坏事, 举止得当, 在…方面最出色 zài fāng miàn zuì chū sè, 在…前最佳, 保质期 bǎo zhì qī, 最佳选择, 灯光助理, 最优特征, 最佳特性, 最好的朋友 zuì hǎo de péng yǒu, 最大利益, 最著名的, 伴郎 bàn láng, 最好的是, 最佳犬种奖, 组别最佳, 祝你好运 zhù nǐ hǎo yùn, 最好的,尽可能好的,最佳的 zuì hǎo de ,zuì jiā de, 最佳做法 zuì jiā zuò fǎ, 诚挚的问候, 问候 wèn hòu, 无论付出多大的努力, 最好的祝福, 此日期前最佳,最佳食用日期, 最佳的,精心安排的 zuì jiā de, 最受喜爱的, 最适合的,最合适的 zuì shì hé de ,zuì hé shì de, 畅销书 chàng xiāo shū, 畅销品, 畅销的 chàng xiāo de, 尽你最大努力 jìn nǐ zuì dà nǔ lì, 尽全力 jìn quán lì, 尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì, 战胜 zhàn shèng, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 最好(如何做某事) zuì hǎo rú hé zuò mǒu shì, 抱最好的希望 bào zuì hǎo de xī wàng, 从最好的角度, 这是最好的结果 zhè shì zuì hǎo de jié guǒ, 最喜欢, 充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng, (在不利情况下)尽力而为 zài bú lì qíng kuàng xià jìn lì ér wéi, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 尽量给人留下好印象, 第二好的 dì èr hǎo de, 第二好 dì èr hǎo, 第二好地 dì èr hǎo de, 盛装,礼服 shèng zhuāng,lǐ fú, 两者的优点, 最顶尖, ...最精彩的部分, 大部分 dà bù fèn, 最佳, 最精彩, 最佳特色, 最好的一点, 最宝贵的事物, 新奇的好事, 第二好的 dì èr hǎo de, 第三名 dì sān míng, 据我所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī, 尽你所能 jìn nǐ suǒ néng, 尽力 jìn lì, 努力 nǔ lì, 最大可能 zuì dà kě néng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 best 的含义

最好的 zuì hǎo de

adjective (most excellent)

That's the best film I've ever seen.

最适合的 zuì shì hé de

adjective (most suitable)

He is the best candidate for the job.

最有利的 zuì yǒu lì de

adjective (most advantageous)

What's the best thing we could do right now?

最好地 zuì hǎo de

adverb (superlative of well)

Of all the singers, she sings best.

最 zuì

adverb (most fully)

I like him best.

最大程度 zuì dà chéng dù

adverb (to the highest degree)

She's the best qualified member of the team.


expression (written, informal (closing letter, email: All the best) (信结尾词)

Look forward to hearing from you. Best, Deborah.


noun ([sb] or [sth] superior to all others)

Of all the cities I've visited, Prague was the best.

最好的 zuì hǎo de

adjective (most desirable)

The best cake is the one with the cherry on top.


adverb (most wisely)

That topic is best left untouched for now.

最棒的 zuì bàng de

noun (informal ([sb] or [sth] excellent) (人或事)

My sister always helps me with my homework - she's the best!

胜过 shèng guò

transitive verb (often passive (do better than, beat)

After practicing every day, Marc bested his sister at their last tennis match.

出色的 chū sè de

adjective (better than average)

He studied hard and got good grades this year.

好的,良好的 hǎo de ,liáng hǎo de

adjective (favorable)

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.

听话的 tīng huà de

adjective (well behaved)

Now you be good while I'm gone, do you hear?

足够的 zú gòu de

adjective (adequate)

You can earn a good living as a mechanic.



Cod liver oil is supposed to be good for you.



Whoever said that pain is good for the soul?

…的利益 de lì yì

expression (benefit, advantage)

Political decisions should always be for the good of the people.

善良的 shàn liáng de

adjective (virtuous)

He's a good man.



Shoe boxes are good for storing old postcards and letters.

优秀的 yōu xiù de

adjective (competent)

She's a very good accountant.

正确的 zhèng què de

adjective (right, correct)

Good answer!

值得尊敬的,受人尊敬的 zhí dé zūn jìng de ,shòu rén zūn jìng de

adjective (worthy)

You've ruined our family's good reputation.

品味好的 pǐn wèi hǎo de

adjective (refined)

He's got good taste in wine.

商品 shāng pǐn

plural noun (merchandise, commodities)

The company promised to deliver the goods within 24 hours.

擅长 shàn cháng

verbal expression (be skilled, talented)

He is good at anything related to numbers.

擅长 shàn cháng

verbal expression (be skilled with)

My sister is good with numbers but I'm better at languages.


verbal expression (people, animal: handle well)

He is good with children and animals.


verbal expression (be valid: for a duration)

Your international driving licence is good for one year; you can renew it after that.

值 zhí

verbal expression (be equivalent in value to)

Your admission ticket is also good for one drink at the bar when you get inside.

适合 shì hé

verbal expression (informal (be fit only for)

That tatty old sofa is good for the dump.


verbal expression (be kind toward [sb])

My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake.

合适的 hé shì de

adjective (suitable)

Is lasagne a good thing to serve to your parents?


adjective (functioning)

You'll have to speak into my good ear if you want me to hear.

新鲜的 xīn xiān de

adjective (informal (fresh)

Is that milk still good?

味道好的 wèi dào hǎo de

adjective (tastes nice)

This is a really good apple.

真的,真实的,名副其实的 zhēn de,zhēn shí de ,míng fù qí shí de

adjective (genuine) (钞票、证件等)

I can't tell if this certificate is good or not.

明智的 míng zhì de

adjective (wise)

Those stocks were a good investment.

彻底的 chè dǐ de

adjective (informal (thorough)

This house needs a good cleaning.

好的 hǎo de

adjective (fertile)

There's lots of good soil in this part of the country.

虔诚的 qián chéng de

adjective (devout)

He's a good Catholic.

忠诚的 zhōng chéng de

adjective (loyal)

He's a good union man.

没有瑕疵的,好的 méi yǒu xiá cī de,hǎo de

adjective (skin: clear) (皮肤)

She has good skin.

好的,时新的 hǎo de ,shí xīn de

adjective (clothes: most dressy) (衣服)

You should wear your good suit for this dinner.

出色的, 精准的

adjective (sport: in bounds) (体育运动)

His first serve was good.

正常地,顺利地 zhèng cháng de ,shùn lì de

adverb (US, informal (well)

This car runs good.

好, 很好

interjection (approval)

"Good," said the teacher when the student handed in his homework on time.

福利 fú lì

noun (benefit, sake)

I did it for the good of all of us.

优点 yōu diǎn

noun (merit)

There's a lot of good in his idea.

善处 shàn chǔ

noun (virtue)

You should always seek out the good in people.

用处 yòng chù

noun (purpose)

What good is it to ask all these questions without answering them?

消息 xiāo xī

plural noun (figurative, slang (information, evidence)

The police are hoping that their informer will come up with the goods.

妥善地 tuǒ shàn de

adverb (properly)

The job has been done well.

adverb (satisfactorily)

Things are going well lately; we have no unmet needs. The meeting went well, with no major difficulties.

足够地 zú gòu de

adverb (adequately)

We are well supplied with food.

清楚地 qīng chǔ de

adverb (clearly)

The professor explained the material well, and we all understood the theory.

充分地 chōng fèn de

adverb (thoroughly)

The instructions tell us to mix the ingredients well before adding eggs.

从很大程度上 cóng hěn dà chéng dù shàng

adverb (to a great extent)

I understood him well, but still had a few questions.

熟悉地 shú xī de

adverb (person: with intimacy)

I know him well.

很 hěn

adverb (very)

He is well aware of his responsibilities.

健康的 jiàn kāng de

adjective (in good health)

I was sick yesterday, but I am well today.

井 jǐng

noun (natural water source)

This house gets its water from a well.

好的 hǎo de

adjective (good, fine)

All is well in our town today.

确定地 què dìng de

adverb (certainly, without doubt)

Undoubtedly, he was well pleased to see her.

好脾气地 hǎo pí qì de

adverb (in good humour, happily)

It was rather a cruel prank, but he took it well.

正确地 zhèng què de

adverb (correct, the right thing)

You did well by telling the doctor the truth.

效益很好地 xiào yì hěn hǎo de

adverb (good financially)

We did well with that investment.


interjection (indignation) (感叹词,表示愤怒)

Well! I see you haven't had time to clean the house.


interjection (surprise) (感叹词,表示惊讶)

Well! I never expected to run into you here!


interjection (impatient for response) (感叹词,表示着急等待答复)

Well? What do you have to say?

呃,嗯 è, e, ě,ńg

interjection (filler word, pause) (感叹词,表示语句暂时停顿)

Well, I'll see what I can do.

油井 yóu jǐng

noun (oil source)

They have thousands of wells in Saudi Arabia.

电梯井 diàn tī jǐng

noun (architecture: stairs, elevator)

They built the well in the centre of the building, and it has both stairs and a lift.

盛放液体的容器 chéng fàng yè tǐ de róng qì

noun (container for liquid)

The ink was kept in a well.

喷涌出,溢出 yì chū

intransitive verb (liquid: surge) (液体)

Blood welled from the wound.


expression (written (closing: letter or email) (信件或电子邮件结尾)

The letter ended, "Please let me know if I can be of any further help. All the best, Simon."

万事顺心如意 wàn shì shùn xīn rú yì

noun (good wishes)

I wish you all the best in your new career.

尽全力 jìn quán lì

adverb (to the best of your ability)

Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later.

至多,最多 zhì duō,zuì duō

adverb (at the most)

It won't be ready until tomorrow at best.


verbal expression (lead to the most beneficial outcome)


verbal expression (behave very well)

在…方面最出色 zài fāng miàn zuì chū sè

expression (most capable of)

The promotion should go to the one best able to handle the responsibility.


(food: fresh until a specified date) (食物)

Milk is best before the expiration date.

保质期 bǎo zhì qī

expression (warning on food packaging) (食物)

The label on the tin says, "Best before 09.09.2018".


noun (informal, figurative (most promising option)

Your best bet would be to contact the organisers directly and ask if they still have tickets.


noun (informal (movies: electrician's assistant) (电影拍摄)


noun (person: attractive trait) (人)


noun (property: desirable part) (物)

最好的朋友 zuì hǎo de péng yǒu

noun (closest companion)

My dog is my best friend.


noun (greatest benefit)


adjective (most famous)

伴郎 bàn láng

noun (bridegroom's male attendant) (婚礼)

Pete was the best man at Mick and Lucy's wedding.


adverb (the most fortunate part is that)


noun (award at dog show)


noun (award at a dog show) (狗狗秀)

祝你好运 zhù nǐ hǎo yùn

interjection (expressing wishes for [sb]'s success)

最好的,尽可能好的,最佳的 zuì hǎo de ,zuì jiā de

adjective (finest that can be done or had)

最佳做法 zuì jiā zuò fǎ

noun (most professional conduct)

Best practice in the medical or mental health field is to take a thorough history from the patient.


expression (written (closing: letter or email) (信件或电子邮件的结尾,书面)

We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel. Best regards, Stephen Smith, Hotel Manager.

问候 wèn hòu

plural noun (warm wishes)

Give John my best regards when you see him.


expression (no matter how hard you try)

With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show.


plural noun (regards)

Please pass on my best wishes to your parents.


noun (expiration)

最佳的,精心安排的 zuì jiā de

adjective (plans: most carefully made)


adjective (most cherished)

She is one of the country's best-loved sportswomen.

最适合的,最合适的 zuì shì hé de ,zuì hé shì de

adjective (most appropriate)

Which style is best suited to my body shape?

畅销书 chàng xiāo shū

noun (book: commercial success)

Every one of that author's novels has been a bestseller.


noun (product: commercial success)

This bright red lipstick is the company's best seller.

畅销的 chàng xiāo de

adjective (very successful commercially)

尽你最大努力 jìn nǐ zuì dà nǔ lì

verbal expression (try your hardest)

Just do the best you can. That's all anybody could ask for.

尽全力 jìn quán lì

verbal expression (try your hardest)

Just do your best. That's all anybody could ask.

尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (try your hardest to do [sth])

Fred did his best to give up smoking, but couldn't keep it up.

战胜 zhàn shèng

verbal expression (defeat)

Manchester United managed to get the better of Liverpool with an impressive 4-0 victory.

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (make every effort)

I'm not sure I can get your cat out of the tree, but I'll give it my best shot.

最好(如何做某事) zuì hǎo rú hé zuò mǒu shì

auxiliary verb (should, would be wise to)

You'd best ask at the information desk.

抱最好的希望 bào zuì hǎo de xī wàng

verbal expression (be optimistic)

I'm not sure whether it will rain; we'll just have to hope for the best.


expression (figurative (giving the most favourable view)

这是最好的结果 zhè shì zuì hǎo de jié guǒ

expression (outcome is beneficial)

I lost my job, but it's all for the best since now I can start a business, just like I always wanted.


(prefer overall)

Reading detective novels is what I like best.

充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng

verbal expression (do what you can)

Eric made the best of the limited time available to see as much of the town as he could.

(在不利情况下)尽力而为 zài bú lì qíng kuàng xià jìn lì ér wéi

verbal expression (informal (cope)

The weather wasn't ideal for a day by the sea, but we decided to make the best of it.

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (figurative (do your best)

I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward.


verbal expression (figurative (make good impression)

Put your best foot forward at the job interview.

第二好的 dì èr hǎo de

adjective (next to best)

The runner recorded his second-best time this year for the marathon.

第二好 dì èr hǎo

noun (pejorative (not quite good enough) (轻蔑语)

Margot did not want to put up with second best for her wedding dress.

第二好地 dì èr hǎo de

adverb (in second position)

Alan fared second best in the tennis match.

盛装,礼服 shèng zhuāng,lǐ fú

noun (smart outfit worn to church)


noun (advantages of two different things)


noun (greatest of all)


noun (best section of [sth])

The best part of the film was the final scene.

大部分 dà bù fèn

noun (most)

It took us the best part of the morning to finish the job.

最佳, 最精彩

noun (best bit)

You think that's funny? You haven't even heard the best part yet!


noun (greatest feature)


noun (greatest feature)


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] wonderful, valued)


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] new, excellent)

第二好的 dì èr hǎo de

noun (good substitute)

I can't afford to buy a Volkswagen; the Toyota is the next best thing. Apples are not as sweet as candy, but I think they are the next best thing.

第三名 dì sān míng

adjective (ranked below second best)

After the races they gave out awards and I was third best. She tried and she tried but she only got third best.

据我所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī

expression (as far as I know)

To the best of my knowledge, all of the coffee shops in the city close before 9:00 p.m.

尽你所能 jìn nǐ suǒ néng

adverb (as well as you can)

Just look after the dog to the best of your ability.

尽力 jìn lì

verbal expression (put in maximum effort)

努力 nǔ lì

verbal expression (make a big effort to do)

最大可能 zuì dà kě néng

noun (utmost)

The doctors tried their very best, but they were unable to save the patient.

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