英语 中的 lined 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lined 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lined 的说明。

英语 中的lined 表示印有横格线的 yìn yǒu héng gé xiàn de, 有皱纹的 yǒu zhòu wén de, 充满着…的, 充满着, 线 xiàn, 线,直线 xiàn,zhí xiàn, 排 pái, (文字、段落的)行 wén zì duàn luò de háng, 地铁线 dì tiě xiàn, 线路,运输线,航线 xiàn lù,yùn shū xiàn,háng xiàn, 皱纹 zhòu wén, 系列 xì liè, 排队的队伍 pái duì de duì wǔ, …行, 诗歌 shī gē, 边界 biān jiè, 绳 shéng, 电话线(路) diàn huà xiàn ( lù ), 钓鱼线 diào yú xiàn, 绳 shéng, 管子 guǎn zi, 便条 biàn tiáo, 思路 sī lù, 路线 lù xiàn, 家族 jiā zú, 准备好的借口(理由等),俗套的台词,老掉牙的借口 zhǔn bèi hǎo de jiè kǒu lǐ yóu děng, 轮廓线条 lún kuò xiàn tiáo, 防线 fáng xiàn, 战线 zhàn xiàn, 业务(经理) yè wù jīng lǐ, 组装线 zǔ zhuāng xiàn, 谎言 huǎng yán, 开球线,(进攻)线 kāi qiú xiàn,jìn gōng xiàn, 台词, 轨道,铁轨 guǐ dào,tiě guǐ, 台词,对白 duì bái, 排队 pái duì, 打出(平直球) dǎ chū píng zhí qiú, 给...画线, 做内衬 zuò nèi chèn, 衬在…里面, 羊毛衬里的, 泡沫衬里的, 皮毛衬里的大衣 pí máo chèn lǐ de dà yī, 计划好的 jì huà hǎo de, 为...安排了..., 排成队的 pái chéng duì de, 为...准备好 wèi zhǔn bèi hǎo, 满是 mǎn shì, 有…衬里,衬有…, 两旁有树的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lined 的含义

印有横格线的 yìn yǒu héng gé xiàn de

adjective (paper: ruled) (指纸张)

The teacher required her students to write on lined paper.

有皱纹的 yǒu zhòu wén de

adjective (face: wrinkled) (指面部)

Mrs. Smith's lined forehead shows her old age.


adjective (as suffix (having [sth] all along)

I love to stroll along the tree-lined avenues of Paris.


(having [sth] all along)

The street was lined with poplars.

线 xiàn

noun (drawn mark)

He drew a curved line on the paper to show the shape.

线,直线 xiàn,zhí xiàn

noun (mathematics: continuous extent) (数学)

Plot the straight line and the circle on the same graph.

排 pái

noun (row)

He planted a line of potatoes in the garden.

(文字、段落的)行 wén zì duàn luò de háng

noun (row of letters)

The paragraph takes up ten lines in the book.

地铁线 dì tiě xiàn

noun (rail: between two points)

The local metro has two lines; Red and Green.

线路,运输线,航线 xiàn lù,yùn shū xiàn,háng xiàn

noun (company: shipping, bus)

This bus line goes to many towns.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这家航运公司成立于十年前。

皱纹 zhòu wén

noun (wrinkle)

The lines on her face have increased with age.

系列 xì liè

noun (business: group of products) (一系列同款产品)

The company has a product line of mobile phones for consumers.

排队的队伍 pái duì de duì wǔ

noun (US (queue of waiting people, vehicles)

The line for tickets was too long, so we went somewhere else.


noun (song) (一行歌词)

The verse has four lines and the chorus has two.

诗歌 shī gē

noun (poetry)

边界 biān jiè

noun (limit, frontier)

The line between North and South Korea is heavily militarized.

绳 shéng

noun (thick cord)

I need a thick line to tie up this box.

电话线(路) diàn huà xiàn ( lù )

noun (telephone)

The line got disconnected and I called her back.

钓鱼线 diào yú xiàn

noun (fishing cord)

He tossed the line to the deepest part of the river, trying to catch a fish.

绳 shéng

noun (clothesline)

She hung the clothes on the line to dry.

管子 guǎn zi

noun (pipes)

The sewage line got blocked and overflowed.

便条 biàn tiáo

noun (informal (short message)

Drop me a line on Tuesday and we can talk about it then.

思路 sī lù

noun (thought, policy)

His line of thought is consistent with that of the religious authorities.

路线 lù xiàn

noun (route, direction)

Follow the line of the mountains and you will get to the town.

家族 jiā zú

noun (beings with common ancestry)

This line of kings dates back to the fourteenth century.

准备好的借口(理由等),俗套的台词,老掉牙的借口 zhǔn bèi hǎo de jiè kǒu lǐ yóu děng

noun (slang (prepared excuse) (俚语)

He tried to pick her up with the old line: "Have we met before?"

轮廓线条 lún kuò xiàn tiáo

noun (often plural (contour, design)

The new car was admired for its beautiful curved lines.

防线 fáng xiàn

noun (military: fortifications) (军事)

The three lines of defence against the enemy didn't stop them.

战线 zhàn xiàn

noun (often plural (military: position) (军事)

The youngest soldiers often end up on the front lines of the war.

业务(经理) yè wù jīng lǐ

noun (business: operations managers)

I will ask my line manager for her advice before talking to the boss.

组装线 zǔ zhuāng xiàn

noun (business: assembly line)

The assembly line runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

谎言 huǎng yán

noun (informal (lie)

She fed me some line about the dog eating her homework.

开球线,(进攻)线 kāi qiú xiàn,jìn gōng xiàn

noun (American football) (橄榄球)

He plays on the offensive line, and protects the quarterback.


noun (actor: text to speak)

She kept forgetting the line she was supposed to say before her exit.

轨道,铁轨 guǐ dào,tiě guǐ

noun (railway: track) (火车)

A fallen tree on the line has delayed trains running between London and Manchester.

台词,对白 duì bái

plural noun (actor's words)

The actor lost his job because he couldn't remember his lines in the movie.

排队 pái duì

intransitive verb (take position)

Please line up here and we will see you one at a time.

打出(平直球) dǎ chū píng zhí qiú

transitive verb (baseball: hit a line drive) (棒球)

He lined the ball to center field and got to first base.


transitive verb (mark with lines)

The teacher told the pupils to line their blank sheets of paper before writing on them.

做内衬 zuò nèi chèn

transitive verb (add lining)

Sophie lined the inside of the box with paper to protect the contents. Line your baking tin with greaseproof paper, so the cake won't stick.


transitive verb (be lining)

The paper lined the sides of the box.


adjective (jacket, etc.)


adjective (coated inside with spongy material)

When I buy frozen foods from the supermarket, I use a foam-lined bag to help keep it frozen whilst I take it home.

皮毛衬里的大衣 pí máo chèn lǐ de dà yī

noun (overcoat lined with animal fur)

Supporters of PETA are against the production of fur-lined coats.

计划好的 jì huà hǎo de

verbal expression (informal (have scheduled)

The weekend's almost here! What have you got lined up?


verbal expression (informal (scheduled for a time)

We have three events lined up for next week.

排成队的 pái chéng duì de

adjective (arranged in a line)

All my action figures are lined up on the top shelf.

为...准备好 wèi zhǔn bèi hǎo

expression (informal (set aside, ready)

Those funds are lined up for emergencies.

满是 mǎn shì

(having a line of)

The marathon route was lined with well-wishers.


(having a lining)

The coat was lined with the softest fleece.


adjective (bordered by trees)

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lined 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。