英语 中的 lives 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lives 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lives 的说明。

英语 中的lives 表示一生 yì shēng, 生物,有机体,生命,生灵 shēng wù,yǒu jī tǐ ,shēng mìng,shēng líng, 生命,生物 shēng mìng,shēng wù, 保质期 bǎo zhì qī, 活力,精神,活泼,生机 huó lì,jīng shén ,huó pō,shēng jī, 人 rén, 生活 shēng huó, 传记 zhuàn jì, 生命力 shēng mìng lì, 无期徒刑,终身监禁 wú qī tú xíng,zhōng shēn jiān jìn, 如生命般珍贵的宝贝 rú shēng mìng bān zhēn guì de bǎo bèi, 住 zhù, 生活 shēng huó, 活 huó, 仍然在世 réng rán zài shì, 存在 cún zài, 活的 huó de, 现场直播的 xiàn chǎng zhí bō de, 现场的,在场的,当场的,当面的 xiàn chǎng de ,zài chǎng de ,dāng chǎng de,dāng miàn de, 燃烧着的 rán shāo zhe de, 装着炸药的 zhuāng zhe zhà yào de, 有电的 yǒu diàn de, (球)有效的 qiú yǒu xiào de, 在场的,在现场的 zài chǎng de, 直播地,以直播方式, 维持生活 wéi chí shēng huó, 过愉快的生活 guò yú kuài de shēng huó, 过某种生活 guò mǒu zhǒng shēng huó, 经历 jīng lì, 以…方式生活 yǐ fāng shì shēng huó, 死亡率统计表, 一辈子 yí bèi zi, 余生 yú shēng, 暮年 mù nián, 灾星,祸害 zāi xīng,huò hài, 电池寿命, ...的灵魂人物, 粮食 liáng shí, 精神食粮 jīng shén shí liáng, 给予生气, 赋予活力, 给…注入新的活力, 使…苏醒,救活 shǐ sū xǐng, 恢复,重新开展,重新引入 huī fù, 给予…以活力 gěi yǔ yǐ huó lì, 将...塑造得栩栩如生 jiāng sù zào de xǔ xǔ rú shēng, 赋予...生命 fù yǔ shēng mìng, 更年期 gēng nián qī, 生命循环, 城市生活, 变得活跃,开始有生气 biàn de huó yuè,kāi shǐ yǒu shēng qì, 栩栩如生,按现实刻画 xǔ xǔ rú shēng,àn xiàn shí kè huà, 乡村生活, 日常生活 rì cháng shēng huó, 去世 qù shì, 献身于 xiàn shēn yú, 梦想人生, 理想生活, 童年 tóng nián, 长寿仙丹 cháng shòu xiān dān, 停产, 临终的, 停产的, 估计寿命 gū jì shòu mìng, 使用期限, 永生 yǒng shēng, 日常生活 rì cháng shēng huó, 生活现实,无法改变的事实, 性知识,性常识, 家庭生活 jiā tíng shēng huó, 有性命之忧 yǒu xìng mìng zhī yōu, 拼命地 pīn mìng de, 终生 zhōng shēng, 无论如何 wú lùn rú hé, 充满活力的 chōng mǎn huó lì de, 来生 lái shēng, 找点别的事情做吧!, 赋予…生机 fù yǔ shēng jī, 给予...生命, 富裕的生活 fù yù de shēng huó, 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī, 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī, 艰辛的生活 jiān xīn de shēng huó, 好好活着吧, 健康的生活方式, 家庭生活 jiā tíng shēng huó, 处于人生的巅峰时期,处于人生中最好的年华, 人工呼吸, 非常引人注目的, 晚年,晚年生活 wǎn nián, 为...献出生命, 人寿保险, 人体写生课, 生命周期 shēng mìng zhōu qī, 人体写生, 寿命 shòu mìng, 生命力 shēng mìng lì, 生活小窍门, 终身监禁,无期徒刑 zhōng shēn jiān jìn,wú qī tú xíng, 人寿保险, 救生衣 jiù shēng yī, 生活管理技能,人生管理技能, 聚会的灵魂人物,聚会中最活跃的人物 jù huì de líng hún rén wù,jù huì zhōng zuì huó yuè de rén wù, 一辈子的伴侣, 终身贵族, 救生工具, 护身棒, 救生筏,救生艇 jiù shēng tǐng, 救命恩人, -, 毕生积蓄,一生的积蓄, 生命科学 shēng mìng kē xué, 生命科学 shēng mìng kē xué, 终身监禁 zhōng shēn jiān jìn, 原始尺寸, 原始尺寸的, 生活技能, 生平, 维持生命的设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi, 救生衣 jiù shēng yī, 生死攸关的, 重大的, 改变人生的 gǎi biàn rén shēng de, 提高生活质量的,增加生活乐趣的, 给予生命的, 提神的 tí shén de, 生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de, 生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de, 生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi, 维持生命的, 致命的,危及生命的 zhì mìng de, 救生圈 jiù shēng quān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lives 的含义

一生 yì shēng

noun (lifetime)

He led an interesting life.

生物,有机体,生命,生灵 shēng wù,yǒu jī tǐ ,shēng mìng,shēng líng

noun (uncountable (organisms) (无词形变化)

Scientists were surprised to discover life at the bottom of the sea.

生命,生物 shēng mìng,shēng wù

noun (uncountable (existence) (不可数)

Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets?

保质期 bǎo zhì qī

noun (figurative, uncountable (useful duration)

This battery should have a life of 20 hours.

活力,精神,活泼,生机 huó lì,jīng shén ,huó pō,shēng jī

noun (figurative, uncountable (spirit, liveliness) (无词形变化)

The children are so full of life.

人 rén

noun (human being)

Twenty lives were lost in the bombing.

生活 shēng huó

noun (experience) (某种方式的)

My grandma told me all about her life as a nurse during the war.

传记 zhuàn jì

noun (biography)

The academic wrote an excellent life of Shakespeare.

生命力 shēng mìng lì

noun (figurative, uncountable (animation)

That actress really gives life to the role.

无期徒刑,终身监禁 wú qī tú xíng,zhōng shēn jiān jìn

noun (informal, abbreviation (long-term imprisonment)

The judge sentenced him to life.

如生命般珍贵的宝贝 rú shēng mìng bān zhēn guì de bǎo bèi

noun (figurative (precious person)

I love my boy. He is my life.

住 zhù

intransitive verb (reside)

Luca lives on the second floor.

生活 shēng huó

intransitive verb (manage your life)

Two full time jobs is no way to live.

活 huó

intransitive verb (be alive)

The king is not dead! He lives!

仍然在世 réng rán zài shì

intransitive verb (remain alive)

Yes, he still lives. He must be ninety years old.

存在 cún zài

intransitive verb (exist)

Cockroaches have lived for millions of years.

活的 huó de

adjective (living)

We bought live crabs for dinner.

现场直播的 xiàn chǎng zhí bō de

adjective (broadcast: direct)

Is this broadcast live or pre-recorded?

现场的,在场的,当场的,当面的 xiàn chǎng de ,zài chǎng de ,dāng chǎng de,dāng miàn de

adverb (perform: in front of people) (报道、转播等)

The comedian loved performing live.

燃烧着的 rán shāo zhe de

adjective (coals: burning)

Don't touch the coals from the fire; they are still live.

装着炸药的 zhuāng zhe zhà yào de

adjective (weapons)

In training, the army uses blanks instead of live ammunition.

有电的 yǒu diàn de

adjective (electrical: with current)

Don't touch the wires; they are still live with electricity.

(球)有效的 qiú yǒu xiào de

adjective (sports: in play) (体育运动)

The ball was still live because it had not gone out of bounds.

在场的,在现场的 zài chǎng de

adjective (audience: present at performance) (观众)

The comedian loved performing in front of a live audience.


adverb (broadcast: direct) (广播、电视等)

We are broadcasting live from the scene of the protest.

维持生活 wéi chí shēng huó

intransitive verb (subsist)

Many people around the world live on less than a dollar per day.

过愉快的生活 guò yú kuài de shēng huó

intransitive verb (enjoy life)

You can't work all your life; you have to live!

过某种生活 guò mǒu zhǒng shēng huó

transitive verb (lead a certain life)

Many monks live a Spartan life.

经历 jīng lì

transitive verb (experience)

He still lives the war in his imagination.

以…方式生活 yǐ fāng shì shēng huó

transitive verb (way of life)

He lives a moral life, as he speaks a moral life.


noun (mortality probability)

一辈子 yí bèi zi

adverb (throughout my lifetime)

I was born in Manchester, and I've lived here all my life.

余生 yú shēng

expression (for rest of your life)

暮年 mù nián

noun (figurative (later years of life)

In the autumn of his life, Charles was no longer interested in his former hobbies.

灾星,祸害 zāi xīng,huò hài

noun (figurative (source of annoyance) (造成不快的源头)

My computer's crashed again; technology is the bane of my life!


noun (how long battery lasts)


verbal expression (figurative (be the source of animation, vitality)

粮食 liáng shí

noun (food, sustenance)

精神食粮 jīng shén shí liáng

noun (figurative (Christianity: spiritual sustenance) (基督教)

给予生气, 赋予活力

transitive verb (figurative (revive, rejuvenate) (比喻)

The paramedics breathed life into the accident victim.


verbal expression (reinvent, rejuvenate)

Hiring Edie with her fresh new ideas will breathe new life into this company.

使…苏醒,救活 shǐ sū xǐng

verbal expression (resuscitate)

恢复,重新开展,重新引入 huī fù

verbal expression (figurative (reintroduce) (想法、项目等)

The idea, once rejected, has been brought back to life by proponents.

给予…以活力 gěi yǔ yǐ huó lì

verbal expression (figurative (enliven)

The party was boring until the band started playing and brought it to life.

将...塑造得栩栩如生 jiāng sù zào de xǔ xǔ rú shēng

verbal expression (figurative (make seem real)

A good movie adaptation really brings the characters to life.

赋予...生命 fù yǔ shēng mìng

verbal expression (often passive (give life)

A fairy brought the puppet Pinocchio to life.

更年期 gēng nián qī

noun (dated, informal (menopause)

Weight gain is common among women who are going through the change.


noun (figurative (cycle of birth and death)


noun (urban lifestyle)

I prefer the high energy of city life to the calm of the country.

变得活跃,开始有生气 biàn de huó yuè,kāi shǐ yǒu shēng qì

verbal expression (figurative (liven up) (比喻)

It's surprising how much I come to life after a short nap.

栩栩如生,按现实刻画 xǔ xǔ rú shēng,àn xiàn shí kè huà

verbal expression (figurative (art, theatre: be convincing) (比喻,艺术、戏剧等)

His stories seem to come to life as he tells them with such passion.


noun (rural lifestyle)

日常生活 rì cháng shēng huó

noun (everyday existence)

Some people only practice their religion on holidays, while for others it's a part of their daily life.

去世 qù shì

verbal expression (euphemism (die) (委婉语)

I want to depart this life at the time and in the manner of my choosing.

献身于 xiàn shēn yú

verbal expression (be totally committed: to a cause)

Jeremy devoted his life to a vain cause.


noun (what is experienced in dreams)


noun (figurative (ideal lifestyle)

童年 tóng nián

noun (childhood)

She spent her early life in India, but moved to Britain as a teenager.

长寿仙丹 cháng shòu xiān dān

noun (immortality potion)

The search for the elixir of life dates back thousands of years.


noun (product, vehicle: discontinuation) (产品、车辆)


adjective (final days of terminal disease)

A hospice is often the best place for end-of-life care.


adjective (product, vehicle: discontinued) (产品、车辆)

估计寿命 gū jì shòu mìng

noun (person: life expectancy)


noun (figurative (expected duration)

The light bulb has an estimated life of 64 hours.

永生 yǒng shēng

noun (religion: life after death)

Christians believe that, through faith and good works, they can attain eternal life with God.

日常生活 rì cháng shēng huó

noun (normal daily existence)

The teacher showed the students how they use math in everyday life. Taking his medicine became part of his everyday life.


noun ([sth] unavoidably true)


plural noun (sex education)

If the parents don't teach their children the facts of life the school system will have to do it.

家庭生活 jiā tíng shēng huó

noun (how a family lives, interacts)

有性命之忧 yǒu xìng mìng zhī yōu

verbal expression (think you are likely to die)

He feared for his life when the robber drew a gun.

拼命地 pīn mìng de

expression (desperately)

终生 zhōng shēng

adverb (for the rest of your life)

Marriage is a commitment for life.

无论如何 wú lùn rú hé

expression (informal (however hard you try)

I cannot for the life of me remember my next-door neighbour's name.

充满活力的 chōng mǎn huó lì de

adjective (lively, energetic)

He's nearly 80 but still full of life and with an eye for the ladies.

来生 lái shēng

noun (reincarnation)

I hope to come back as a house cat in a future life.


interjection (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)

When I told them I was translating the Bible into Vulcan they all said “Get a life!”

赋予…生机 fù yǔ shēng jī

transitive verb (enliven)

He provides just enough description to give life to his characters.


transitive verb (give birth to)

富裕的生活 fù yù de shēng huó

noun (luxurious lifestyle)

He's living the good life on his yacht in the Mediterranean.

半衰期 bàn shuāi qī

noun (radioactivity decrease) (物理)

The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.47 billion years.

半衰期 bàn shuāi qī

noun (finance: principal decrease) (金融)

The time taken to repay half the mortgage debt is referred to here as the half-life of the mortgage.

艰辛的生活 jiān xīn de shēng huó

noun (difficult existence)

Working in the coal mines was a hard life.


interjection (informal, ironic (bitter, dismissive) (讽刺意味)


noun (exercise, good nutrition, etc.)

More people are beginning to realize that a healthy lifestyle can prevent diabetes.

家庭生活 jiā tíng shēng huó

noun (life at home)


expression (when you are healthiest, happiest)


noun (mainly UK, informal (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation)

The first-aider gave the patient the kiss of life.


adjective (very striking)

She's a larger-than-life character who is usually the centre of attention.

晚年,晚年生活 wǎn nián

noun (mature years of adulthood)


verbal expression (die for a cause)

Some mothers would lay down their lives for their children.


noun (UK (pays when holder dies)

People with young children are more likely to buy life assurance.


noun (nude drawing lesson)

生命周期 shēng mìng zhōu qī

noun (development process: [sth] living)

The students learned about the life cycle of a butterfly.


noun (art: drawing from a nude model)

寿命 shòu mìng

noun (age one is expected to live to)

The average life expectancy for a man in the US is about 75 years.

生命力 shēng mìng lì

(philosophy) (哲学)


noun (helpful tip)

This site is full of handy life hacks, such as how to fold a shirt in under three seconds.

终身监禁,无期徒刑 zhōng shēn jiān jìn,wú qī tú xíng

noun (long-term prison sentence)

After being convicted of murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.


noun (insurance in case of death)

I bought life insurance to help my family if something happens to me.

救生衣 jiù shēng yī

noun (inflatable safety vest)

Some of the crewmen weren't wearing life jackets. When the ship hit the rocks we were all ordered to put on our life jackets.


plural noun (everyday coping strategies)

聚会的灵魂人物,聚会中最活跃的人物 jù huì de líng hún rén wù,jù huì zhōng zuì huó yuè de rén wù

noun (informal, figurative (most lively, outgoing person) (非正式用语,比喻)

I love hanging out with Mark – he's the life of the party.


noun (long-term boyfriend or girlfriend)


noun (UK (nonhereditary peer)


noun (US (life vest, life belt)


noun (UK, slang (short club, blackjack)

救生筏,救生艇 jiù shēng tǐng

noun (emergency boat, esp. inflatable) (尤指充气的)


noun (figurative, informal ([sb], [sth] helpful in emergency) (比喻)

Thank you so much for the loan! You're a life saver!


noun (US, ® (mint, candy)

My mother would give me a Life Saver when I was hungry before dinner.


plural noun (all money set aside over years)

Many people lost their life savings when the bank failed.

生命科学 shēng mìng kē xué

(branch of science)

生命科学 shēng mìng kē xué

plural noun (biology, etc.)

He wants to study the life sciences and become a cancer researcher.

终身监禁 zhōng shēn jiān jìn

noun (long prison term)

My brother's serving a life sentence for kidnapping.


noun (actual, original dimensions)


adjective (of actual, original dimensions)


plural noun (everyday coping strategies)


noun ([sb]'s past experiences and history)

维持生命的设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi

noun (equipment to sustain a patient's life)

There are ethical questions associated with keeping a person on life support. Because he was brain dead, Jim's family decided to turn off his life support.

救生衣 jiù shēng yī

noun (wearable flotation device)

Boats are required to have enough life vests for all the passengers. Under boating regulations, you must wear a life jacket when out fishing.

生死攸关的, 重大的

noun as adjective (figurative (vitally important)

改变人生的 gǎi biàn rén shēng de

adjective (having major impact on [sb])

Volunteering in Central America was a life-changing experience for me.


adjective (improving quality of life)


adjective (literal (fertile, supporting life)

提神的 tí shén de

adjective (figurative (inspiring, invigorating)

生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de

noun as adjective (with death as possible result)

生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de

noun as adjective (figurative (extremely important) (比喻义)

生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi

noun (medical machine)


adjective (keep [sb/sth] alive)

致命的,危及生命的 zhì mìng de

adjective (potentially fatal)

The doctors diagnosed a life-threatening cancer. His injuries from the car accident were life-threatening.

救生圈 jiù shēng quān

noun (anti-drowning device: life ring)

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