英语 中的 living 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 living 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 living 的说明。

英语 中的living 表示仍然在世的 réng rán zài shì de, 生计 shēng jì, 生计 shēng jì, 活着的人 huó zhe de rén, 生活方式 shēng huó fāng shì, 尚在使用的,活的 shàng zài shǐ yòng de,huó de, 充满生命力的 chōng mǎn shēng mìng lì de, 住 zhù, 生活 shēng huó, 活 huó, 仍然在世 réng rán zài shì, 存在 cún zài, 活的 huó de, 现场直播的 xiàn chǎng zhí bō de, 现场的,在场的,当场的,当面的 xiàn chǎng de ,zài chǎng de ,dāng chǎng de,dāng miàn de, 燃烧着的 rán shāo zhe de, 装着炸药的 zhuāng zhe zhà yào de, 有电的 yǒu diàn de, (球)有效的 qiú yǒu xiào de, 在场的,在现场的 zài chǎng de, 直播地,以直播方式, 维持生活 wéi chí shēng huó, 过愉快的生活 guò yú kuài de shēng huó, 过某种生活 guò mǒu zhǒng shēng huó, 经历 jīng lì, 以…方式生活 yǐ fāng shì shēng huó, 协助生活型住房, 生活费用 shēng huó fèi yòng, 做…工作 zuò gōng zuò, 放松的生活方式, 富有的生活方式, 竭力维持生计 jié lì wéi chí shēng jì, 非寄生的,自生的, 无拘无束的 wú jū wú shù de, 过富裕的生活, 健康生活, 高生活水平 gāo shēng huó shuǐ píng, 在当代人记忆里, 生活补助,生活津贴,生活费 shēng huó fèi, 居住安排,居住方式,居住情况, 活物 huó wù, 生活条件 shēng huó tiáo jiàn, 活死人 huó sǐ rén, 生活花销 shēng huó huā xiāo, 还在被使用的语言 hái zài bèi shǐ yòng de yǔ yán, 生命物质 shēng mìng wù zhì, 活生生的例子,活生生的证明,活生生的例证, 宿舍 sù shè, 客厅 kè tīng, 生活状况,生活环境, 活人 huó rén, 生活空间, 起居室 qǐ jū shì, 生存空间, 生存空间, 生活水平 shēng huó shuǐ píng, 生活水平,生活标准 shēng huó shuǐ píng,shēng huó biāo zhǔn, 活物,生物 huó wù,shēng wù, 活物 huó wù, 最低生活工资 zuì dī shēng huó gōng zī, 生前预嘱,生前遗嘱, 谋生,靠…为生 móu shēng,kào wéi shēng, 无精打采的 wú jīng dǎ cǎi de, 死去的 sǐ qù de, 吓某人个半死, 勉强度日 miǎn qiǎng dù rì, 勉强谋生, 生活水平 shēng huó shuǐ píng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 living 的含义

仍然在世的 réng rán zài shì de

adjective (alive)

He is Norway's greatest living writer.

生计 shēng jì

noun (job)

What do you do for a living? I am a dentist.

生计 shēng jì

noun (subsistence)

He earns a modest living as a janitor.

活着的人 huó zhe de rén

plural noun (people: alive)

After the bombing attack, she was among the living.

生活方式 shēng huó fāng shì

noun (lifestyle)

Their way of living is too materialistic for my tastes.

尚在使用的,活的 shàng zài shǐ yòng de,huó de

adjective (figurative (language: in use) (语言)

Latin is not a living language.

充满生命力的 chōng mǎn shēng mìng lì de

adjective (figurative (strong)

They have a living faith, unlike the nominal belief of many others.

住 zhù

intransitive verb (reside)

Luca lives on the second floor.

生活 shēng huó

intransitive verb (manage your life)

Two full time jobs is no way to live.

活 huó

intransitive verb (be alive)

The king is not dead! He lives!

仍然在世 réng rán zài shì

intransitive verb (remain alive)

Yes, he still lives. He must be ninety years old.

存在 cún zài

intransitive verb (exist)

Cockroaches have lived for millions of years.

活的 huó de

adjective (living)

We bought live crabs for dinner.

现场直播的 xiàn chǎng zhí bō de

adjective (broadcast: direct)

Is this broadcast live or pre-recorded?

现场的,在场的,当场的,当面的 xiàn chǎng de ,zài chǎng de ,dāng chǎng de,dāng miàn de

adverb (perform: in front of people) (报道、转播等)

The comedian loved performing live.

燃烧着的 rán shāo zhe de

adjective (coals: burning)

Don't touch the coals from the fire; they are still live.

装着炸药的 zhuāng zhe zhà yào de

adjective (weapons)

In training, the army uses blanks instead of live ammunition.

有电的 yǒu diàn de

adjective (electrical: with current)

Don't touch the wires; they are still live with electricity.

(球)有效的 qiú yǒu xiào de

adjective (sports: in play) (体育运动)

The ball was still live because it had not gone out of bounds.

在场的,在现场的 zài chǎng de

adjective (audience: present at performance) (观众)

The comedian loved performing in front of a live audience.


adverb (broadcast: direct) (广播、电视等)

We are broadcasting live from the scene of the protest.

维持生活 wéi chí shēng huó

intransitive verb (subsist)

Many people around the world live on less than a dollar per day.

过愉快的生活 guò yú kuài de shēng huó

intransitive verb (enjoy life)

You can't work all your life; you have to live!

过某种生活 guò mǒu zhǒng shēng huó

transitive verb (lead a certain life)

Many monks live a Spartan life.

经历 jīng lì

transitive verb (experience)

He still lives the war in his imagination.

以…方式生活 yǐ fāng shì shēng huó

transitive verb (way of life)

He lives a moral life, as he speaks a moral life.


noun (care facility) (老年人和残疾人)

Assisted living residences combine housing and health care.

生活费用 shēng huó fèi yòng

noun (cost of basic necessities)

The cost of living is outrageous in this city.

做…工作 zuò gōng zuò

verbal expression (work as)

What does he do for a living?


noun (relaxed way of life)


noun (wealthy lifestyle)

竭力维持生计 jié lì wéi chí shēng jì

verbal expression (struggle to earn money)

She ekes out an existence working two part-time jobs.


adjective (plant, animal: not parasitic) (植物、动物)

无拘无束的 wú jū wú shù de

adjective (person: indulging appetites) (人)


verbal expression (earn good amount of money)

He makes a good living from his paintings.


noun (regular exercise and good nutrition)

高生活水平 gāo shēng huó shuǐ píng

noun (material comfort)


adverb (as far back as people remember)

This was the worst snowstorm in living memory.

生活补助,生活津贴,生活费 shēng huó fèi

noun (government welfare benefit)


plural noun (type of dwelling and with whom)

Kerry's living arrangements are not ideal--she's living with her parents, even though she's 45 years old.

活物 huó wù

noun (creature: animal or person)

No living being should ever be treated that way.

生活条件 shēng huó tiáo jiàn

plural noun (material circumstances in which [sb] lives)

Living conditions in the old USSR ranged from poor to deplorable.

活死人 huó sǐ rén

noun (joyless existence or experience)

Sitting in history class was living death.

生活花销 shēng huó huā xiāo

plural noun (money spent on basic needs)

My family pays for my living expenses while I'm still studying.

还在被使用的语言 hái zài bèi shǐ yòng de yǔ yán

noun (language that is currently spoken)

Welsh is still a living language in many parts of Wales.

生命物质 shēng mìng wù zhì

noun (organic material)

All living matter contains amino acids.


noun ([sb] whose existence is evidence of [sth])

宿舍 sù shè

plural noun (accommodation)

Residents must evacuate their living quarters when the alarm sounds.

客厅 kè tīng

noun (lounge, family room)

The whole family gathered in the living room to play cards. My apartment has a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom.


noun (domestic arrangement)

活人 huó rén

noun (person)

If I tell you this secret, you must swear not to tell a living soul! There's not another living soul as gentle and kind as you.


noun (home: rooms, etc.) (家)

The apartment offers 90 square metres of living space.

起居室 qǐ jū shì

noun (living room)

The property has a large open plan living space on the ground floor and three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor.


noun (historical (Nazi idea: Lebensraum) (纳粹思想)


noun (land, territory to live on)

生活水平 shēng huó shuǐ píng

(level of comfort in everyday life)

生活水平,生活标准 shēng huó shuǐ píng,shēng huó biāo zhǔn

plural noun (level of lifestyle comforts)

活物,生物 huó wù,shēng wù

noun (animal or plant)

活物 huó wù

plural noun (life forms)

So far as we know, living things only exist on Earth. Animals, plants, and bacteria are all examples of living things.

最低生活工资 zuì dī shēng huó gōng zī

noun (sufficient earnings to live on)

This company doesn't even pay its employees a living wage.


noun (legal statement of long-term wishes)

谋生,靠…为生 móu shēng,kào wéi shēng

verbal expression (earn money)

Sergei earns a living by driving a taxi. Stephen made his living by trading in stocks and shares.

无精打采的 wú jīng dǎ cǎi de

adjective (inanimate)

死去的 sǐ qù de

adjective (dead)


verbal expression (informal (frighten [sb])

Did you have to jump out at me like that? You scared the living daylights out of me!

勉强度日 miǎn qiǎng dù rì

verbal expression (obtain daily necessities with difficult)

Even with two jobs, she barely made enough to scrape out a living.


verbal expression (informal (struggle to earn money)

Even with two jobs it's hard to scratch out a living in this city.

生活水平 shēng huó shuǐ píng

noun (degree of material comfort)

When I lost my job, my standard of living plummeted.

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living 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。