英语 中的 long 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 long 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 long 的说明。

英语 中的long 表示长的 cháng de, 长度的,长 cháng dù de, 长的 cháng de, 长的 cháng de, 整个时间, 条目多的 tiáo mù duō de, 长久地 cháng jiǔ de, 长元音的,长音的 cháng yuán yīn de,cháng yīn de, 漫长的 màn cháng de, 大量供应的 dà liàng gōng yìng de, 做多的,多头的 zuò duō de,duō tóu de, 高杯的,高瓶的 gāo bēi de,gāo píng de, 耗时久地 hào shí jiǔ de, 久远地 jiǔ yuǎn de, 长码,长尺寸 cháng mǎ,cháng chǐ cùn, 渴望 kě wàng, 希望某人做某事, 渴望 kě wàng, 买涨, 跑远点, 长期地 cháng qī de, 许久以前 xǔ jiǔ yǐ qián, 远低于地, 很长一段路, 在远处 zài yuǎn chù, 遥远地 yáo yuǎn de, (时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来 shí jiān shàng yáo yuǎn de,zài yáo yuǎn de jiāng lái, 还有很长的路要走, 长时间 cháng shí jiān, 一英里长 yì yīng lǐ cháng, 很长, 久远的,长久的,长时期的 jiǔ yuǎn de ,cháng jiǔ de, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 只要 zhǐ yào, 在…期间 zài … qī jiān, 与…一样长, 很长, 终于,总算 zhōng yú, 长期投入, 不久 bù jiǔ, 很大的差距, 长脚蜘蛛 cháng jiǎo zhī zhū, 盲蜘蛛, 长脚蛛, 不久,很快,在短时间内 bù jiǔ,hěn kuài,zài duǎn shí jiān nèi, 目光长远的,有远见的 mù guāng cháng yuǎn de,yǒu yuǎn jiàn de, 远视 yuǎn shì, 很长一段时间 hěn cháng yí duàn shí jiān, 长期,在将来的很长一段时间内 cháng qī, 长期 cháng qī, 有限的时间, 很久以来,长时间以来 hěn jiǔ yǐ lái, 成功 chéng gōng, 对…大有帮助,对…很有帮助, 多久 duō jiǔ, 多长 duō cháng, 从长期来看,从长远来看 cóng cháng qī lái kàn, 从长远来看,就长期而言, 已经过了很久了 yǐ jīng guò le hěn jiǔ le, 持续终生的 chí xù zhōng shēng de, 很久后, 很多年以前 hěn duō nián yǐ qián, 执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng, 长新冠, 远处 yuǎn chù, 长途的, 长途的, 长除法,长除, 长时间 cháng shí jiān, 长期的 cháng qī de, 郁郁寡欢的脸色 yù yù guǎ huān de liǎn sè, 早走了,早离开了, 去世很久的, 长发, 长发的, 长毛的, 远距离 yuǎn jù lí, 远距离的 yuǎn jù lí de, 长期 cháng qī, 长时间的工作 cháng shí jiān de gōng zuò, 年纪大的,年老的 nián lǎo de, 长内裤 cháng nèi kù, 跳远 tiào yuǎn, 持久的 chí jiǔ de, 耐久的 nài jiǔ de, 长寿 cháng shòu, 耐用 nài yòng, 万岁, 啤酒 pí jiǔ, 姗姗来迟的,迟来的, 长裤 cháng kù, 密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn, 远程, 远程的, 长远的, 远景镜头 yuǎn jǐng jìng tóu, 胜算不高, 远景 yuǎn jǐng, 很久以来 hěn jiǔ yǐ lái, 长时间 cháng shí jiān, 好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn, 长内裤 cháng nèi kù, 暑假 shǔ jià, 长元音 cháng yuán yīn, 很长的路程 hěn cháng de lù chéng, 长臂的, 等了很久的, 死了很久的,很久以前就过世了的, 埋藏已久的, , 死了很久的,很久以前就过世了的, 长途电话 cháng tú diàn huà, 异地恋, 旷日持久的,拖长的,冗长的 rǒng cháng de, 长期存在的,成立很久的 cháng qī cún zài de, 公认的, 长期确立的, 遗忘已久的,早已忘记的, 长柄的, 长腿的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 long 的含义

长的 cháng de

adjective (great in extent, distance)

There was a long table in the middle of the room. Imogen has long hair.

长度的,长 cháng dù de

adjective (in length) (量度)

The table is three metres long. The queue was half a mile long.

长的 cháng de

adjective (not short) (与短相对)

I like to wear my hair long.

长的 cháng de

adjective (great in duration) (时间)

That film was too long.


adjective (in duration)

The movie is three hours long.

条目多的 tiáo mù duō de

adjective (extensive)

I have a long list of problems with the house.

长久地 cháng jiǔ de

adverb (formal (for a long time)

The widow has long been alone; it is forty years since her husband died.

长元音的,长音的 cháng yuán yīn de,cháng yīn de

adjective (phonetics: extended) (语音学)

The word, "tool", has a long "o" sound.

漫长的 màn cháng de

adjective (figurative (time: passing slowly)

It's been a long day - I can't wait to get home.

大量供应的 dà liàng gōng yìng de

adjective (informal (amply supplied) (非正式用语)

Yes, we are long on spaghetti here and won't need to get any more for weeks.

做多的,多头的 zuò duō de,duō tóu de

adjective (figurative (finance: holding equities) (金融)

While others were selling the stock short, he took a long position.

高杯的,高瓶的 gāo bēi de,gāo píng de

adjective (drink: tall size) (饮料或酒等)

Pimms is served with lemonade as a long drink.

耗时久地 hào shí jiǔ de

adverb (elliptical usage: a long time)

Will she be long?

久远地 jiǔ yuǎn de

adverb (far in the past)

There were problems here long before he arrived.

长码,长尺寸 cháng mǎ,cháng chǐ cùn

noun (informal (clothing: long size) (非正式用语:衣服)

I love this dress style, but do you have a long?

渴望 kě wàng

verbal expression (yearn)

He longed to be back home with his family. I long to travel, but I don't have the money or the time to do so.


verbal expression (wish [sb] would do [sth])

Miriam longed for Jake to take her in his arms and tell her he loved her.

渴望 kě wàng


Snow White longed for the day that her prince would come.


phrasal verb, intransitive (finance: take long position in buying)


phrasal verb, intransitive (go far from [sb] throwing ball)

长期地 cháng qī de

adverb (a considerable period)

It's a long time since we last met.

许久以前 xǔ jiǔ yǐ qián

adverb (in the distant past)

A long time ago, my ancestors settled in this land.


adverb (far below)

It's a long way down from the top of the cliff.


preposition (a significant distance along)

The climber fell a long way down the mountain, but luckily landed in deep snow.

在远处 zài yuǎn chù

adverb (in the distance)

A long way off, you could just see the lights from a distant village.

遥远地 yáo yuǎn de

adverb (distant, far away)

Those birds are swimming a long way off shore, so you'll need a telescope to see them.

(时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来 shí jiān shàng yáo yuǎn de,zài yáo yuǎn de jiāng lái

adverb (US, colloquial (in the distant future) (口语)

My sixtieth birthday is still a long way off.


expression (much effort still needed)

Brad did well on the quiz, but he has a long way to go before he passes the class.

长时间 cháng shí jiān

noun (considerable period of time)

It's been a long while since I played golf.

一英里长 yì yīng lǐ cháng

adjective (one mile in length)

The road is about a mile long.


adjective (US, figurative, informal (extensive)

Her grocery list was a mile long!

久远的,长久的,长时期的 jiǔ yuǎn de ,cháng jiǔ de

adjective (existing for a long time)

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

adverb (throughout the whole day)

I could water the flowers all day long. I sat in the sun all day long and read my book.

只要 zhǐ yào

expression (providing that)

I am happy, as long as the sun always comes back around.

在…期间 zài … qī jiān

expression (while)

As long as you're living under my roof, you'll obey my rules, young lady!


expression (equal in length to)

My garden is as long as a football pitch.


expression (figurative, informal (very long)

终于,总算 zhōng yú

expression (emphatic: finally) (强调)


verbal expression (be committed to [sth] long-term)

不久 bù jiǔ

adverb (soon)

Spring should be coming before long.


expression (informal (by a large margin)

长脚蜘蛛 cháng jiǎo zhī zhū

noun (UK, colloquial, invariable (insect: cranefly)

I hate daddy longlegs – they make my flesh crawl.

盲蜘蛛, 长脚蛛

noun (colloquial, invariable (arachnid: harvestman)

不久,很快,在短时间内 bù jiǔ,hěn kuài,zài duǎn shí jiān nèi

adverb (archaic, literary (soon, quickly) (诗,古语)

Ere long the storm passed, and the village was tranquil once again.

目光长远的,有远见的 mù guāng cháng yuǎn de,yǒu yuǎn jiàn de

adjective (difficulty seeing near objects) (本义)

远视 yuǎn shì

noun (vision defect: being longsighted) (美式拼法,本义指视力)

Dawn wears glasses to correct her farsightedness.

很长一段时间 hěn cháng yí duàn shí jiān

adverb (at length)

After a hard day's work, I'm always ready to sleep for a long time.

长期,在将来的很长一段时间内 cháng qī

adverb (way into the future)

Oil spills affect the environment both immediately and for a long time to come.

长期 cháng qī

adverb (a considerable time)

Will he be gone for long?


expression (finite amount of time)

The boss will only wait for so long; hurry up!

很久以来,长时间以来 hěn jiǔ yǐ lái

expression (a very long time)

Jasmine has wanted to go to Paris for so long.

成功 chéng gōng

expression (be successful)

With Tom's intelligence and ambition, he'll go a long way.


expression (be helpful)

The man's generous donation will go a long way to help build homes for needy families.

多久 duō jiǔ

adverb (time: for what duration)

How long does it take to boil an egg?

多长 duō cháng

adverb (measurement: what length)

How long is the Great Wall of China?

从长期来看,从长远来看 cóng cháng qī lái kàn

expression (eventually)

It's probably for the best in the long run. It will be a little bumpy at first, but in the long run it will be well worth it.


adverb (well into the future)

The investment in new machinery will cost a lot of money, but will be worthwhile in the long term.

已经过了很久了 yǐ jīng guò le hěn jiǔ le

expression (a lot of time has passed)

It's been a long time since I last saw him.

持续终生的 chí xù zhōng shēng de

adjective (lasting a lifetime)

Marriage should be regarded as a lifelong commitment.


preposition (for a long time following)

The feeling of good times lingered on in the house long after the party was over.

很多年以前 hěn duō nián yǐ qián

adverb (many years before now)

Long ago all these mountains were volcanoes.

执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng

noun (figurative (police powers)

If you break the law, the police will catch you - you can't outrun the long arm of the law.


noun (long-term effects of coronavirus disease)

远处 yuǎn chù

noun (considerable range, length)

Kane scored a magnificent goal from a long distance.


adjective (over considerable range)

It is a good idea to stretch your legs regularly during a long-distance flight.


adjective (phone call: not local)

Additional charges will apply if the call is long distance.


noun (procedure for dividing a number)

To divide 5,381,264 by 17, you need either long division or a calculator!

长时间 cháng shí jiān

noun (considerable period of time)

长期的 cháng qī de

noun as adjective (pertaining to a long duration)

Bone loss density is a risk for astronauts on long-duration space flights.

郁郁寡欢的脸色 yù yù guǎ huān de liǎn sè

noun (figurative (sad expression)

You got everything you wanted, so why the long face?


adjective (having left a long time ago)

Tony is long gone; he now lives in Chicago.


adjective (having died a long time ago)

These cave paintings were created by our long-gone ancestors.


noun (hairstyle: grown long)

Long hair suits Debbie; she looks really pretty.


adjective (person: having long hairstyle)

Sam was a long-haired hippie in the 1970s.


adjective (animal: having long fur)

Her long-haired cat sheds all over the furniture.

远距离 yuǎn jù lí

noun (journey: long-distance)

The trip from France to Australia is a long haul.

远距离的 yuǎn jù lí de

adjective (over long distance)

Long-haul trucks regularly carry goods across the country.

长期 cháng qī

noun (figurative, informal (full duration)

The football club's new owners say they're in for the long haul.

长时间的工作 cháng shí jiān de gōng zuò

plural noun (extended working time)

You may have to work long hours, including weekends, in order to meet deadlines. A lot of newly-qualified lawyers work very long hours for their firms.

年纪大的,年老的 nián lǎo de

adjective (figurative (old or very experienced)

长内裤 cháng nèi kù

plural noun (full-body undergarments) (口语)

I am wearing long johns and thermal underwear, but I am still cold!

跳远 tiào yuǎn

noun (athletics competition)

It was during the Olympics that she broke the world long jump record. In high school I was on the track and field team and participated in the long jump.

持久的 chí jiǔ de

adjective (enduring)

The effects of the storm have been long-lasting.

耐久的 nài jiǔ de

adjective (durable)

We need to find a long-lasting solution. The coating on the car will ensure that the paint job is long lasting.

长寿 cháng shòu

noun (longevity)

A healthy diet is key to a long life. My grandfather had a long life, passing away at the age of 92.

耐用 nài yòng

noun (endurance)

This bicycle is built for long life using high-quality components.


expression (cheer in support)

The crowd shouted with one voice: "Long live the king!".

啤酒 pí jiǔ

noun (slang (bottle of beer) (俚语)


adjective (long-awaited)

Janice finally got a long-overdue apology from her ex-boyfriend.

长裤 cháng kù

plural noun (US (trousers: reaching to feet)

Bill is wearing long pants.

密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn

noun (12-inch vinyl record)

I don't think you can find long play records any more.


noun (considerable distance)

The device allows the police to convey important messages over a long range in a noisy environment.


noun as adjective (covering a considerable distance)

Long-range jets can fly non-stop across the Pacific.


noun as adjective (figurative (into the future)

Right now I am focused on my studies, but my long-range ambition is to get a great job and start a family.

远景镜头 yuǎn jǐng jìng tóu

noun (informal, figurative ([sth] unlikely)

I know this is a long shot, but I don't suppose you have a screwdriver I could borrow?


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] unlikely to succeed)

Though the horse was a long shot, he still won the race.

远景 yuǎn jǐng

noun (movie, photo: wide-angle view) (摄影)

The film begins with a long shot in which you can see the whole town.

很久以来 hěn jiǔ yǐ lái

adverb (for a long time now)

I've long since retired; I haven't worked for years.

长时间 cháng shí jiān

noun (considerable period of time)

I sat in the sun for a long time and got sunburned. I haven't seen my ex-husband in a long time.

好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn

interjection (slang (I haven't seen you for a long time) (俚语)

Hey, Andrew! Long time no see!

长内裤 cháng nèi kù

noun (full-body undergarments)

It was below freezing temperatures, so he decided to wear long underwear.

暑假 shǔ jià

noun (summer break or holiday)

长元音 cháng yuán yīn

noun (English: vowel sound)

很长的路程 hěn cháng de lù chéng

noun (considerable distance)

I'm not sure I would accept a job there; it's a long way from my family. We still have a long way to go on this project before it's finished.


adjective (having long arms)


adjective (expected for long time)


adjective (died a long time ago)


adjective (figurative (hidden for a long time) (比喻义)

adjective (financial security: 15 years to run) (证券)


adjective ([sb]: died a long time ago)

长途电话 cháng tú diàn huà

noun (phone call: not local area)

Have at least five dollars ready for a long-distance call.


noun (romance while far apart)

The couple have been in a long-distance relationship for the past two years.

旷日持久的,拖长的,冗长的 rǒng cháng de

adjective (needlessly lengthy)

长期存在的,成立很久的 cháng qī cún zài de

adjective (old, long in existence)

公认的, 长期确立的

adjective (long the norm)


adjective (not remembered anymore)


adjective (tool: with a long handle)

His long-handled screwdriver was missing from the toolbox.


adjective (having long legs)

The company only hires long-legged models.

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