英语 中的 main 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 main 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 main 的说明。

英语 中的main 表示主要的 zhǔ yào de, 最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de, 总管道,主管道 zǒng guǎn dào,zhǔ guǎn dào, 主要的,主街的 zhǔ yào de ,zhǔ jiē de, 主句的 zhǔ jù de, 主管道,主线 zhǔ guǎn dào,zhǔ xiàn, 主帆 zhǔ fān, 主菜 zhǔ cài, 电网 diàn wǎng, 主帆 zhǔ fān, 街道 jiē dào, 基本上 jī běn shàng, 强调 qiáng diào, 头条 tóu tiáo, 最吸引人之处,关注的焦点, 主要角色 zhǔ yào jué sè, 主句, 主菜 zhǔ cài, 主菜 zhǔ cài, 大门,主入口 dà mén, 头条文章 tóu tiáo wén zhāng, 主打电影 zhǔ dǎ diàn yǐng, 主要特点 zhǔ yào tè diǎn, 第一层, 主楼层, 重心,关注点,主要焦点 zhòng xīn, 大意 dà yì, 主要问题,核心问题 hé xīn wèn tí, 正餐 zhèng cān, 主菜单 zhǔ cài dān, 总部 zǒng bù, 要点 yào diǎn, 主路 zhǔ lù, 正街 zhèng jiē, 主要优势 zhǔ yào yōu shì, 主要科目 zhǔ yào kē mù, 主要议题 zhǔ yào yì tí, 最重要的事 zuì zhòng yào de shì, 主动词, 总水管 zǒng shuǐ guǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 main 的含义

主要的 zhǔ yào de

adjective (first, principal)

The main reason we are here today is to discuss Tuesday's problem.

最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de

adjective (most important, head)

The main actor was famous, but none of the other actors was.

总管道,主管道 zǒng guǎn dào,zhǔ guǎn dào

noun (water supply) (自来水、煤气等的)

The water main broke and flooded the street, so we didn't have any water.

主要的,主街的 zhǔ yào de ,zhǔ jiē de

adjective (street, road: primary) (道路、大街)

What is the name of the main street in this town? Is it Court Street?

主句的 zhǔ jù de

adjective (grammar) (语法)

The main clause in this sentence is the important one.

主管道,主线 zhǔ guǎn dào,zhǔ xiàn

noun (electricity supply) (电力)

The electricity main was out of action because of the storm.

主帆 zhǔ fān

noun (maritime: mainsail)

We need to mend the main before we take the boat out again.

主菜 zhǔ cài

noun (meal: main course)

Alison chose a starter and a main from the menu.

电网 diàn wǎng

plural noun (UK (electricity: grid power)

The mains have been down for hours, and hundreds of residents are without electricity.

主帆 zhǔ fān

noun (type of sail on a ship)

街道 jiē dào

noun (informal (street) (非正式用语)

Youths race their cars up and down the drag.

基本上 jī běn shàng

adverb (mostly, largely)

I like dogs in the main, but my sister's dog's a nasty vicious specimen.

强调 qiáng diào

noun (emphasis)

The main accent of the Prime Minister's speech was on the economy.

头条 tóu tiáo

noun (in a newspaper, etc.)

The main article in today's newspaper is about the election.


noun (centre or focus of attention)

The main attraction of the town is its medieval castle.

主要角色 zhǔ yào jué sè

noun (protagonist)

Willy Loman is the main character of the play Death of a Salesman.


noun (grammatically independent phrase) (语法)

The verb in the main clause of the sentence is in the past simple.

主菜 zhǔ cài

noun (main dish of a meal)

For a main course, I like to choose something I wouldn't usually cook at home. After the appetizers, we will serve the main course and then dessert.

主菜 zhǔ cài

noun (principal course of a meal)

The set menu had a salad starter, a main dish of lamb casserole, and ice cream or cheese for dessert.

大门,主入口 dà mén

noun (front door)

Sue was waiting for me near the main entrance of the restaurant.

头条文章 tóu tiáo wén zhāng

noun (newspaper: most prominent article)

The main feature in today's Times is an article on rising crime.

主打电影 zhǔ dǎ diàn yǐng

noun (cinema programme: main movie)

When I was young, cinemas used to play short films before the main feature.

主要特点 zhǔ yào tè diǎn

noun (often plural (distinguishing mark, characteristic)

The main feature of this website is to provide knowledge about words.


noun (first floor of building)


noun (floor of building used most often)

重心,关注点,主要焦点 zhòng xīn

noun (centre of attention)

The main focus of the lecture will be on alternative sources of energy.

大意 dà yì

noun (principal premise or concept)

The lecture as a whole was a little confusing, but I understood the main idea. The main idea of a paragraph can often be summarized with one sentence.

主要问题,核心问题 hé xīn wèn tí

noun (central problem)

The main issue with the new airport is that it will cause a lot of noise pollution.

正餐 zhèng cān

noun (most important meal of day)

In Italy, dinner is the main meal.

主菜单 zhǔ cài dān

noun (website, DVD navigation)

The main menu is the opening screen of the software.

总部 zǒng bù

noun (headquarters)

The main office is in London, but there are branches in Bristol and Leeds.

要点 yào diǎn

noun (most significant idea)

The chairman presented the main points of the report to the meeting.

主路 zhǔ lù

noun (principal street)

Learner drivers usually practise on side streets before going on to the main roads.

正街 zhèng jiē

noun (principal road)

The town's main street has been pedestrianized.

主要优势 zhǔ yào yōu shì

noun (strongest point, area of advantage)

His main strength is his ability to speak both Latin and English.

主要科目 zhǔ yào kē mù

noun (academic studies: major)

She's doing Spanish at University but her main subject is Psychology.

主要议题 zhǔ yào yì tí

noun (primary topic under consideration)

The main subject of our meeting is the proposed change in office location.

最重要的事 zuì zhòng yào de shì

noun (informal (most important consideration)

The main thing about horse races and card games is knowing how to calculate the odds. We had a car accident, but the main thing is we're all ok.


(linguistics) (语言学)

总水管 zǒng shuǐ guǎn

noun (pipe supplying water)

When the water main burst, the street quickly flooded.

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main 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。