英语 中的 mail 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mail 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mail 的说明。

英语 中的mail 表示邮件 yóu jiàn, 邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng, 邮件,信件 yóu jiàn,xìn jiàn, 电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 邮政的 yóu zhèng de, 寄邮件 jì yóu jiàn, 把…用电子邮件发送给, 把…通过电子邮件发送给, 发电子邮件 fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ, 寄出…,把…寄出去, 航空邮政 háng kōng yóu zhèng, 航空信 háng kōng xìn, 群发邮件 qún fā yóu jiàn, 大量寄发的邮件 dà liàng jì fā de yóu jiàn, 群发电子邮件 qún fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 通过邮件的形式 tōng guò yóu jiàn de xíng shì, 通过电子邮件的形式 tōng guò diàn zǐ yóu jiàn de xíng shì, 锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ, 石鳖, 锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ, 直投邮件 zhí tóu yóu jiàn, 电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 电邮地址 diàn yóu dì zhǐ, 发电子邮件 fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 给某人通过电子邮件发送, 通过电邮将...寄给, 电子邮件地址 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ, 仇恨邮件,攻击性信件, 寄出去的,在邮递过程中的, 垃圾(电子)邮件 lā jī diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, 垃圾邮件 lā jī yóu jiàn, 信件炸弹, 邮递员 yóu dì yuán, 信件寄送点, 信箱 xìn xiāng, 邮件合并, 邮购 yóu gòu, 收发室, 邮寄投票的, 邮寄选票, 邮购新娘, 信箱 xìn xiāng, 邮箱 yóu xiāng, 语音信箱 yǔ yīn xìn xiāng, 电子信箱 diàn zǐ xìn xiāng, 邮购 yóu gòu, 挂号邮件 guà hào yóu jiàn, 蜗牛邮件,传统邮件 luó niú yóu jiàn,chuán tǒng yóu jiàn, 海外军用邮件, 语音邮件 yǔ yīn yóu jiàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mail 的含义

邮件 yóu jiàn

noun (mainly US, uncountable (postal delivery)

The mail has not arrived yet.

邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng

noun (uncountable (postal system)

The mail in other countries is slow.

邮件,信件 yóu jiàn,xìn jiàn

noun (mainly US, uncountable (letters, parcels, etc.)

I put today's mail on the table.

电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

noun (e-mail)

My computer makes a sound to let me know I've got mail.

邮政的 yóu zhèng de

noun as adjective (postal)

Steve and his wife are both mail workers.

寄邮件 jì yóu jiàn

transitive verb (mainly US, uncountable (send by post)

I'm going to mail a letter today.


(informal (send by e-mail)

Please mail the file to me.


transitive verb (informal (send an e-mail to)

Can you mail me the details?

发电子邮件 fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

intransitive verb (informal (correspond by e-mail)

I prefer to talk on the telephone, but many people just mail.

锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ

noun (chain mail: type of armor)

A bolt from a crossbow pierced the soldier's mail.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (send by post)

You need to mail the package out before the train leaves.

航空邮政 háng kōng yóu zhèng

noun (postal service by plane)

航空信 háng kōng xìn

noun (post sent by plane)

群发邮件 qún fā yóu jiàn

noun (electronic message)

大量寄发的邮件 dà liàng jì fā de yóu jiàn

noun (low-cost big mailing)

Bulk mail is the polite, commercial term for junk mail.

群发电子邮件 qún fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

noun (e-mail sent to multiple addresses)

通过邮件的形式 tōng guò yóu jiàn de xíng shì

adverb (via postal service)

It seems like sending a letter by mail is a sweet old-fashioned thing to do.

通过电子邮件的形式 tōng guò diàn zǐ yóu jiàn de xíng shì

adverb (informal (via e-mail) (非正式用语)

锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ

noun (type of armor) (一种盔甲)

The knight wore a bronze helmet and a suit of chain mail armour.


noun (sea mollusk)

锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ

noun (historical (chain mail garment)

直投邮件 zhí tóu yóu jiàn

noun (advertising sent by mail) (大宗免费投递的邮件,多为广告)

The effectiveness of advertising by direct mail depends on the quality of the mailing list.

电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

noun (electronic message)

I received an email from John with the directions to the party.

电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

noun (electronic messaging system)

Our server is down and we're without email.

电邮地址 diàn yóu dì zhǐ

noun (informal (electronic messaging address)

If you give me your email, I'll send the invitation to you.

发电子邮件 fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

transitive verb (send electronic message)

I'll email you tomorrow with the details.


transitive verb (send: to [sb] via email)

I will email you the directions.


transitive verb (send: [sth] via email)

I'll email the invoices to all our customers.

电子邮件地址 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ

noun (messaging: account name)

I made a typo in George's email address so he didn't receive my mail.


noun (negative messages)


adjective (in postal system)

My application is in the mail, so you should be receiving it soon.

垃圾(电子)邮件 lā jī diàn zǐ yóu jiàn

noun (unsolicited e-mail)

I've got great spam filters so hardly ever see any junk mail.

垃圾邮件 lā jī yóu jiàn

noun (unsolicited leaflets, etc.)

The mail we receive is usually 90% junk mail and 10% actual letters.


noun (explosive device inside envelope)

邮递员 yóu dì yuán

noun (US (person employed to deliver post)

My dog barks at my mail carrier every day.


noun (place for transmitting mail)

信箱 xìn xiāng

noun (slot or container for depositing mail)


noun (software: use of document template) (软件)

邮购 yóu gòu

noun (shopping by post)

Mail order has seen stiff competition from online merchants in the Internet age.


noun (sorting office for post)


adjective (voting, etc.: by post)


noun (vote cast and sent by post)


noun (informal, pejorative (woman marrying wealthy foreign man) (贬义)

信箱 xìn xiāng

noun (in street: post box)

The mailbox is emptied twice a day.

邮箱 yóu xiāng

noun (US (of building: letterbox)

The package was too big for the mailbox.

语音信箱 yǔ yīn xìn xiāng

noun (phone: voicemail storage)

My mailbox is full; I need to delete some messages.

电子信箱 diàn zǐ xìn xiāng

noun (email: inbox)

I'm trying to get my mailbox emptied before I go on holiday.

邮购 yóu gòu

noun (initialism (mail order)

挂号邮件 guà hào yóu jiàn

noun (insured first-class letters, parcels)

We recommend that valuable items be sent by registered mail. I'd like to send this parcel by registered post, please.

蜗牛邮件,传统邮件 luó niú yóu jiàn,chuán tǒng yóu jiàn

noun (informal (post, conventional mail) (非正式用语)

Most of the bills I receive are emailed, but my tax bill comes by snail mail.


noun (US (overseas military parcel post)

语音邮件 yǔ yīn yóu jiàn

noun (answerphone service)

Peter left a message on my voicemail.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 mail 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

mail 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。