英语 中的 medical 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 medical 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 medical 的说明。

英语 中的medical 表示医学的 yī xué de, 内科的 nèi kē de, 体检 tǐ jiǎn, 紧急医疗服务, 急救护理人员, 急救医疗服务, 急救医务人员, 医学系学生 yī xué xì xué shēng, 医疗保险 yī liáo bǎo xiǎn, 医疗援助, 医护 yī hù, 医助 yī zhù, 保健医生 bǎo jiàn yī shēng, 医疗照护 yī liáo zhào hù, 医疗帐单,医疗费用,医疗费, 医疗护理 yī liáo hù lǐ, 诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ, 医疗中心,医学中心 yī liáo zhōng xīn, 疾病 jí bìng, 医学学位, 医学诊断 yī xué zhěn duàn, 紧急医疗情况,急症, 医疗设备,医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè, 医德 yī dé, 体检 tǐ jiǎn, 病史 bìng shǐ, 医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè, 医疗保险费, 医疗事故,医疗过失, 诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ, 行医 xíng yī, 行业医生 háng yè yī shēng, 医疗专业人士,医务人员, 病历 bìng lì, 医疗授权, 医学报告,医疗报告,诊断书, 医学院 yī xué yuàn, 医学 yī xué, 医科学生, 医药用品,医疗设备, 医疗设备,医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè, 医学检查,医学检验,医疗检验, 治疗 zhì liáo, 助步器, 医学研究委员会。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 medical 的含义

医学的 yī xué de

adjective (relating to medicine)

The herb has a few medical applications.

内科的 nèi kē de

adjective (treatable by medicine)

The patient suffered from a few medical problems.

体检 tǐ jiǎn

noun (informal, abbreviation (physical examination)

The patient had to have a medical done by the doctor.


noun (often plural (paramedics)


noun (paramedic)


noun (initialism (emergency medical service)


noun (initialism (emergency medical technician)

医学系学生 yī xué xì xué shēng

noun (US, informal, abbreviation (medical student)

James is a med student at the University of Central Florida.

医疗保险 yī liáo bǎo xiǎn

noun (insurance for medical care)

Medical aid will cover the cost of any medicines you need.


noun (emergency medical help)

The charity is providing medical aid for victims of the flood.

医护 yī hù

noun (first aid)

Call an ambulance! This man needs medical assistance.

医助 yī zhù

noun (medical support worker)

The medical assistant helped the doctor put a cast on the patient's leg.

保健医生 bǎo jiàn yī shēng

noun (paramedic or first aider)

医疗照护 yī liáo zhào hù

noun (assistance of a medical professional)


noun (invoice for healthcare received)

His hospital stay was short, but the medical bill was very long.

医疗护理 yī liáo hù lǐ

noun (treatment by a medical professional)

The local clinic provides top notch medical care.

诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ

noun (health clinic)

You can get advice on contraception at the medical centre.

医疗中心,医学中心 yī liáo zhōng xīn

noun (area with health facilities)

The medical center included the hospital and the outlying buildings housed the doctor's private practices.

疾病 jí bìng

noun (illness, disease, disorder)


noun (university qualification for doctors)

Our daughter just received her medical degree.

医学诊断 yī xué zhěn duàn

noun (identifying a disease)

She had many different symptoms so the medical diagnosis wasn't easy.


noun (illness or injury needing urgent treatment)

In case of a medical emergency, please call a doctor immediately.

医疗设备,医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè

noun (doctor's or nurse's supplies)

医德 yī dé

noun (code of moral conduct within medicine)

The code of medical ethics is strictly enforced to protect the rights of patients.

体检 tǐ jiǎn

noun (physical inspection by doctor)

All boys are given a medical examination before starting military service.

病史 bìng shǐ

noun ([sb]'s past health problems)

The doctor carefully studied the patient's medical history.

医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè

noun (device: for physical exam)

The medical instruments were neatly laid out on a tray before the surgery.


noun (payment policy for healthcare)

My monthly medical insurance premium is over half my monthly pension.


noun (misconduct by a healthcare professional)

诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ

noun (US (health clinic)

行医 xíng yī

noun (doctor's business)

His medical practice was a short distance from the hospital.

行业医生 háng yè yī shēng

noun (doctor)

Please see your Primary care physician or other Medical Practitioner.


noun (healthcare worker: doctor, nurse, etc.)

Sometimes you have to see a medical professional instead of trying to treat yourself.

病历 bìng lì

noun (often plural (documentation of healthcare history)


noun (form authorizing [sb] to be treated)

This form authorizes medical release for a child.


noun (doctor's written assessment)

According to the medical report, Tariq suffered a broken ankle in the accident.

医学院 yī xué yuàn

noun (for a medical degree)

I want to be a doctor so I will have to spend many years at medical school.

医学 yī xué

noun (branch of knowledge: health)

The discovery of penicillin was a miracle of medical science.


noun (trainee doctor)


plural noun (first-aid or hospital equipment)

医疗设备,医疗器械 yī liáo qì xiè

noun (machinery used in healthcare)


noun (diagnostic exam or procedure)

治疗 zhì liáo

noun (attention of a medical professional)

The crash survivors required medical treatment.


noun (wheeled frame to assist mobility)


noun (UK, initialism (Medical Research Council)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。