英语 中的 delivery 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 delivery 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 delivery 的说明。

英语 中的delivery 表示投递 tóu dì, 投递的邮件 tóu dì de yóu jiàn, 分娩 fēn miǎn, 演讲风格 yǎn jiǎng fēng gé, 交割,交付 jiāo fù, 解救 jiě jiù, 投掷方式 tóu zhì fāng shì, 臀位分娩, 货到付现, 交货地址, 送报纸的报童 sòng bào zhǐ de bào tóng, 投递员 tóu dì yuán, 交货日期, 预产期 yù chǎn qī, 送货单,发货清单, 运费 yùn fèi, 交货单 jiāo huò dān, 交货单 jiāo huò dān, 产房 chǎn fáng, 送货服务, 配送系统, 交货时间, 货车 huò chē, 货车 huò chē, 男送货员 nán sòng huò yuán, 女快递员, 快递 kuài dì, 未能完成, 未送达 wèi sòng dá, 已派送的, 货到付款 huò dào fù kuǎn, 派送证明,签收证明,递送证明, 待发货, 提供服务,服务交付 tí gōng fú wù, 受领 shòu lǐng, 送达后,收货后。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 delivery 的含义

投递 tóu dì

noun (act of delivering)

The delivery took two minutes and the mailman went to the next house.

投递的邮件 tóu dì de yóu jiàn

noun (package, letter, etc.)

All deliveries should be left at reception.

分娩 fēn miǎn

noun (medical: birth)

The delivery went well, and didn't last too long.

演讲风格 yǎn jiǎng fēng gé

noun (speaking style)

The candidate's delivery needed to improve before the debate.

交割,交付 jiāo fù

noun (US (conveyance) (产权等的)

We take delivery of the house next week.

解救 jiě jiù

noun (dated, formal (liberation) (过时正式用语)

He's had nightmares since his delivery from the terrorists.

投掷方式 tóu zhì fāng shì

noun (throwing style)

The pitcher's delivery was excellent.


noun (baby born upside down)


noun (payment on receipt)


noun (package's destination)

送报纸的报童 sòng bào zhǐ de bào tóng

noun (delivers newspapers)

投递员 tóu dì yuán

noun (delivers goods)

The pizza I ordered was brought to my house by a delivery boy.


noun (day: goods scheduled to arrive)

We will not be able to meet the original delivery date but we will expedite shipment as soon as the goods are available.

预产期 yù chǎn qī

noun (baby: expected day of birth)


noun (shipping list)

运费 yùn fèi

noun (price for transporting [sth])

The store used to have free delivery but now they charge a delivery fee.

交货单 jiāo huò dān

noun (proof-of-receipt slip)

The courier asked me to sign the delivery note.

交货单 jiāo huò dān

noun (business: freight instructions)

产房 chǎn fáng

noun (birthing suite)

They rushed her to the delivery room for an emergency Caesarean delivery.


noun (transportation of goods)

The store still provides free home delivery service.


noun (apparatus: dispenses [sth])


noun (before customer receives goods)

The exact delivery time cannot be specified.

货车 huò chē

noun (lorry: delivers goods)

The shipment of books arrived on a delivery truck this afternoon.

货车 huò chē

noun (small truck: delivers goods)

Bill was very pleased when the delivery van arrived with his new office furniture.

男送货员 nán sòng huò yuán

noun (male who delivers goods)

The delivery man dropped off the package at the door.


noun (female who delivers goods)

快递 kuài dì

noun (to send goods)


noun (incomplete act)

未送达 wèi sòng dá

noun (law: failure to deliver)


adjective (en route to recipient)

The carrier's website said my parcel was out for delivery.

货到付款 huò dào fù kuǎn

noun (payment on receipt of goods)

Customers who choose Pay on Delivery can pay in cash or by credit card when the goods arrive.


noun (post, mail: document signed by recipient)


adjective (goods: ready to be sent to recipient)

提供服务,服务交付 tí gōng fú wù

noun (provision of [sth])

受领 shòu lǐng

(receive, accept [sth])

I've just taken delivery of a large mysterious parcel.


adverb (when goods are received)

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delivery 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。