英语 中的 media 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 media 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 media 的说明。

英语 中的media 表示媒体,传播媒体 méi tǐ ,chuán bō méi tǐ, 媒体的 méi tǐ de, 方法,工具 fāng fǎ,gōng jù, 浊音, 血管中层, 翅脉, 中等的 zhōng děng de, 媒介 méi jiè, 材料 cái liào, 溶剂 róng jì, 灵媒 líng méi, 中等 zhōng děng, 五分熟的,中等熟度的, 中等熟度地, 培养基 péi yǎng jī, 数字媒体 shù zì méi tǐ, 疯狂报导, 大众传媒 dà zhòng chuán méi, 媒体宣传活动 méi tǐ xuān chuán huó dòng, 多媒体中心, 媒体关注, 媒体报道 méi tǐ bào dào, 媒体渠道,媒体机构, 媒体关系, 多媒体室, 新闻室,新闻发布室, 媒体研究, 混合媒介, 混合媒介的, 多媒体的 duō méi tǐ de, 新闻媒体 xīn wén méi tǐ, 印刷品 yìn shuā pǐn, 印刷媒体, 印刷媒体行业, 印刷媒体记者 yìn shuā méi tǐ jì zhě, 社交媒体。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 media 的含义

媒体,传播媒体 méi tǐ ,chuán bō méi tǐ

noun (TV, radio, papers, etc.) (电视、收音机、报纸等)

All of the media is covering the story. The media deserve credit for bringing these matters to public attention.

媒体的 méi tǐ de

noun as adjective (of, in the mass media)

There is a lot of media coverage of this story.

方法,工具 fāng fǎ,gōng jù

plural noun (art: types of medium) (艺术,如颜料等)

In this class, we will use three media: paper, leather and canvas.


noun (phonetics: voiced plosive) (语音学)


noun (anatomy: middle layer of vein or artery) (解剖学)

The middle layer of a blood vessel is called the media.


noun (zoology: vein in insect wing) (动物学: 昆虫翅膀上的纹理)

The media is one of the veins in an insect's wing.

中等的 zhōng děng de

adjective (average)

He is of medium height.

媒介 méi jiè

noun (means of communication)

By the medium of television, children see the world.

材料 cái liào

noun (art form, material) (艺术创作所用)

He usually works in the medium of marble or glass.

溶剂 róng jì

noun (art: substance added to paint) (加在颜料中的)

Jessie uses a medium to stop her acrylic paints drying out too quickly.

灵媒 líng méi

noun (clairvoyant)

The medium claims to be able to speak to dead people.

中等 zhōng děng

noun (size, portion)

Which portion would you like: the small, the medium or the large?


adjective (steak, etc: still pink inside) (牛排等)

I like my steak medium, but my husband prefers rare.


adverb (steak, etc.: still pink inside) (烹饪肉食)

I would like my steak to be cooked medium.

培养基 péi yǎng jī

noun (substance for growing cells, etc.)

All tests were conducted using a nutrient-rich artificial sea-water medium.

数字媒体 shù zì méi tǐ

plural noun (electronic communications)


noun (figurative (media: aggressive coverage) (媒体)

大众传媒 dà zhòng chuán méi

noun (tv, radio, internet)

The mass media has an enormous influence on politics.

媒体宣传活动 méi tǐ xuān chuán huó dòng

noun (organized publicity)

Obama's media campaign was a great success.


noun (US (library in school) (学校)


noun (figurative (excessive news coverage)

Some people say it was the media circus that surrounded her which led to Princess Diana's death.

媒体报道 méi tǐ bào dào

noun (news reporting)

There will be full media coverage of the upcoming World Cup.


noun (newspaper, TV station, etc.)


noun (presenting [sth] positively to the press)


noun (room for movies, music, etc.)

Many new houses have luxurious media rooms--they almost look like theaters!


noun (news media: press room) (新闻媒体)


noun (university course of study) (大学科目、专业)


plural noun (combination of art materials) (艺术品)

In my artworks I use mixed media to depict coastal scenes.


noun as adjective (combining materials) (艺术品)

The artist uses found objects to create mixed-media sculptures.

多媒体的 duō méi tǐ de

noun as adjective (advertising: multiple media) (广告宣传)

The mixed-media campaign includes commercials, print advertising, and a new website

新闻媒体 xīn wén méi tǐ

plural noun (newspapers, TV, radio, internet)

The news media have a responsibility to be impartial when reporting world events.

印刷品 yìn shuā pǐn

plural noun (printed newspapers, etc.)


noun (print media collectively)


noun (print media industry)

印刷媒体记者 yìn shuā méi tǐ jì zhě

noun (writer for newspaper or magazine)

Print media journalists are something of a dying breed thanks to the internet.


noun (communication networks)

Footage of the incident was shared widely on social media.

让我们学习 英语

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media 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。