英语 中的 mix 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mix 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mix 的说明。

英语 中的mix 表示将...与...混合, 将...和...搅拌在一起, 搅拌 jiǎo bàn, 混合 hùn hé, 混合物 hùn hé wù, 成分比例 chéng fèn bǐ lì, 食品混合配料 shí pǐn hùn hé pèi liào, 各种人混杂的一群 gè zhǒng rén hùn zá de yì qún, 混合 hùn hé, 混音,混录 hùn yīn ,hùn lù, 能相容 néng xiāng róng, 相处 xiāng chǔ, 混合,混录 hùn hé ,hùn lù, 与...交往, 与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng, 混合进 hùn hé jìn, 弄错 nòng cuò, 将…与…搞混, 把…搞乱, 搅拌,搅匀 jiǎo bàn, 蛋糕粉, 打起来,扭打起来 dǎ qǐ lái, 加把劲 jiā bǎ jìn, 更多样化, 与…大打出手,与…扭打在一起, 将...搅拌在一起 jiāng jiǎo bàn zài yì qǐ, 将...掺在一起 jiāng chān zài yì qǐ, 把...和...混合, 将…错认为,将…与…搞混, 混淆 hùn xiáo, , , 什锦干果。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mix 的含义



We mixed red and yellow paint to create orange paint.



Mix the butter with the sugar, then add the eggs.

搅拌 jiǎo bàn

transitive verb (stir)

The recipe says to mix the ingredients until the butter has been absorbed.

混合 hùn hé

intransitive verb (be blended, combine)

Just add the water and the juice, and they will mix on their own.

混合物 hùn hé wù

noun (blend, mixture)

Orange paint is a mix of red paint and yellow paint.

成分比例 chéng fèn bǐ lì

noun (proportions)

The correct mix to create this colour paint is 4 parts blue and 2 parts red.

食品混合配料 shí pǐn hùn hé pèi liào

noun (food: semi-prepared) (半成品)

Don't bother making a cake from scratch. Just buy a cake mix.

各种人混杂的一群 gè zhǒng rén hùn zá de yì qún

noun (informal (variety of people)

There was a good mix at the party - plenty of single guys and single girls.

混合 hùn hé

noun (act of mixing)

The mix of the ingredients took ten minutes to accomplish.

混音,混录 hùn yīn ,hùn lù

noun (music compilation) (音乐)

I created a mix of my favourite music for you on a CD.

能相容 néng xiāng róng

intransitive verb (informal (be compatible)

They say that American guys and Spanish girls mix pretty well.

相处 xiāng chǔ

intransitive verb (spend time together)

I really like Robert, but we don't mix.

混合,混录 hùn hé ,hùn lù

transitive verb (music: blend tracks) (音乐)

The DJ mixed the two tunes expertly. We should go to that dance club again.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (be sociable, mingle)

The politician mixed with the crowd, saying hello to everybody.

与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (socialize)

I like to mix with people of all ages as this helps broaden my outlook on life.

混合进 hùn hé jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (blend or stir in)

弄错 nòng cuò

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (mistake)

My grandfather is always mixing up his words.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (mistake, confuse) (事)

A lot of people mix up the meaning of 'imply' with the meaning of 'infer'.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make disorderly)

Please don't mix up my chess pieces.

搅拌,搅匀 jiǎo bàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (concoct) (调制饮料)

I'm going to mix up some strawberry milkshakes.


noun (prepared batter for cake-baking)

This cake mix is very convenient: you only need to add oil and an egg.

打起来,扭打起来 dǎ qǐ lái

verbal expression (slang (argue, fight)

The hockey teams really mixed it up last night; some of the boys went home with fewer teeth.

加把劲 jiā bǎ jìn

verbal expression (US, slang (actively compete)

Our basketball team isn't doing very well; I wish they would mix it up a little.


verbal expression (informal (vary things)

The band like to mix it up a bit to keep things interesting.


verbal expression (US, slang (argue, fight)

John really mixed it up with Joe; now both of them are in the hospital.

将...搅拌在一起 jiāng jiǎo bàn zài yì qǐ

(blend by stirring)

Mix together the flour, egg and milk until you have a smooth paste.

将...掺在一起 jiāng chān zài yì qǐ

(combine, blend)

If you mix blue and red together, you get purple.


verbal expression (combine, blend)


verbal expression (identities: confuse) (人)

I always mix up Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard; to me they look really alike!

混淆 hùn xiáo

noun (informal (confusion)

The nurse administered heparin instead of Coumadin, a fatal mix-up.

noun (mixture: ingredients already added) (预拌食品)

noun as adjective (made of ingredients already mixed) (预拌的)


noun (snack food: assorted fruit and nuts)

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mix 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。