英语 中的 mixed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mixed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mixed 的说明。

英语 中的mixed 表示混合的,混杂的 hùn hé de ,hùn zá de, 混血的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de, 男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de, 混合的,复杂的,交织在一起的 hùn hé de ,fù zá de ,jiāo zhī zài yì qǐ de, 跨种族的, 混合的,什锦的 hùn hé de, 男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de, 男女兼收学校里的女生 nán nǚ jiān shōu xué xiào lǐ de nǚ shēng, 男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de, 将...与...混合, 将...和...搅拌在一起, 搅拌 jiǎo bàn, 混合 hùn hé, 混合物 hùn hé wù, 成分比例 chéng fèn bǐ lì, 食品混合配料 shí pǐn hùn hé pèi liào, 各种人混杂的一群 gè zhǒng rén hùn zá de yì qún, 混合 hùn hé, 混音,混录 hùn yīn ,hùn lù, 能相容 néng xiāng róng, 相处 xiāng chǔ, 混合,混录 hùn hé ,hùn lù, 与...交往, 与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng, 大杂烩 dà zá huì, 祸福参半之事 huò fú cān bàn zhī shì, 男女混声合唱 nán nǚ hùn shēng hé chàng, 配制的混合饮料 pèi zhì de hùn hé yǐn liào, 混合经济 hùn hé jīng jì, 情绪复杂,百感交集, 综合式农业 zōng hé shì nóng yè, 五味陈杂,心情复杂, 异族通婚 yì zú tōng hūn, 混合媒介, 混合媒介的, 多媒体的 duō méi tǐ de, 不同种族 bù tóng zhǒng zú, 混合香料,混合调味品, 混合的 hùn hé de, 搞不清的 gǎo bù qīng de, 掺合进,牵涉进, 与...混在一起, 搞混 gǎo hùn, 男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mixed 的含义

混合的,混杂的 hùn hé de ,hùn zá de

adjective (assorted, various)

Rachel bought a bag of mixed nuts for the party.

混血的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de

adjective (of mixed race or blood)

Shaun was mixed, which meant that living in a small town in Alabama wasn't safe in the early 20th century.

男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de

adjective (for both sexes) (学校)

Our local swimming pool has mixed changing rooms.

混合的,复杂的,交织在一起的 hùn hé de ,fù zá de ,jiāo zhī zài yì qǐ de

adjective (feelings: conflicting) (情感)

Tom had mixed feelings about his son leaving for college.


adjective (marriage: interracial) (婚姻)

Aaron's mom was racist and didn't approve of his mixed marriage.

混合的,什锦的 hùn hé de

adjective (salad: with varied ingredients) (沙拉)

Kate made a mixed salad.

男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de

adjective (mainly US, abbreviation (coeducational) (学校)

Did you live in a coed dorm in college?

男女兼收学校里的女生 nán nǚ jiān shōu xué xiào lǐ de nǚ shēng

noun (US, dated, abbreviation (female student)

How many students join sororities or call themselves coeds now?

男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de

adjective (mainly US (school: for both sexes)

The school Valerie went to was coeducational, but she is a teacher at an all-girls' school.



We mixed red and yellow paint to create orange paint.



Mix the butter with the sugar, then add the eggs.

搅拌 jiǎo bàn

transitive verb (stir)

The recipe says to mix the ingredients until the butter has been absorbed.

混合 hùn hé

intransitive verb (be blended, combine)

Just add the water and the juice, and they will mix on their own.

混合物 hùn hé wù

noun (blend, mixture)

Orange paint is a mix of red paint and yellow paint.

成分比例 chéng fèn bǐ lì

noun (proportions)

The correct mix to create this colour paint is 4 parts blue and 2 parts red.

食品混合配料 shí pǐn hùn hé pèi liào

noun (food: semi-prepared) (半成品)

Don't bother making a cake from scratch. Just buy a cake mix.

各种人混杂的一群 gè zhǒng rén hùn zá de yì qún

noun (informal (variety of people)

There was a good mix at the party - plenty of single guys and single girls.

混合 hùn hé

noun (act of mixing)

The mix of the ingredients took ten minutes to accomplish.

混音,混录 hùn yīn ,hùn lù

noun (music compilation) (音乐)

I created a mix of my favourite music for you on a CD.

能相容 néng xiāng róng

intransitive verb (informal (be compatible)

They say that American guys and Spanish girls mix pretty well.

相处 xiāng chǔ

intransitive verb (spend time together)

I really like Robert, but we don't mix.

混合,混录 hùn hé ,hùn lù

transitive verb (music: blend tracks) (音乐)

The DJ mixed the two tunes expertly. We should go to that dance club again.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (be sociable, mingle)

The politician mixed with the crowd, saying hello to everybody.

与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (socialize)

I like to mix with people of all ages as this helps broaden my outlook on life.

大杂烩 dà zá huì

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] varied, variable)

The album is a mixed bag – some of the songs are really good, but others are a bit forgettable.

祸福参半之事 huò fú cān bàn zhī shì

noun (source of joy and pain)

Computers are a mixed blessing – they're fine when they work and infuriating when they don't!

男女混声合唱 nán nǚ hùn shēng hé chàng

noun (choir of both sexes)

配制的混合饮料 pèi zhì de hùn hé yǐn liào

noun (cocktail)

When I was a bartender I enjoyed making mixed drinks, like martinis and screwdrivers.

混合经济 hùn hé jīng jì

noun (economy: mixed ideologies)

An economic system that combines private and state enterprises is known as a mixed economy.


plural noun (both sadness and joy)

综合式农业 zōng hé shì nóng yè

noun (agriculture: raising both crops and livestock)


plural noun (conflicted emotions) (情绪)

异族通婚 yì zú tōng hūn

noun (inter-racial marriage)

Mixed marriages were once banned in the southern states of the USA.


plural noun (combination of art materials) (艺术品)

In my artworks I use mixed media to depict coastal scenes.


noun as adjective (combining materials) (艺术品)

The artist uses found objects to create mixed-media sculptures.

多媒体的 duō méi tǐ de

noun as adjective (advertising: multiple media) (广告宣传)

The mixed-media campaign includes commercials, print advertising, and a new website

不同种族 bù tóng zhǒng zú

adjective (of parents from different ethnicities)

Barack Obama is the first mixed-race president of the United States.


noun (condiment: seasoning blend)

混合的 hùn hé de

adjective (jumbled, garbled)

I dropped my notes and now they are all mixed up.

搞不清的 gǎo bù qīng de

adjective (figurative, informal (person: confused)

The experience left me feeling very mixed up. She is a very mixed-up kid.


verbal expression (informal (become involved with)

Brad got mixed up with the wrong crowd in his teenage years and ended up dropping out of school with no qualifications.


verbal expression (informal (be involved with)

Don is mixed up with some very dubious people; I think they might be involved in organized crime.

搞混 gǎo hùn

verbal expression (confuse two people or things)

My husband is hopeless at recognizing celebrities—he always manages to get Ed Sheeran mixed up with Prince Harry.

男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de

noun as adjective (for both sexes)

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mixed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。