英语 中的 more 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 more 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 more 的说明。

英语 中的more 表示更多的,更大量的 gèng duō de ,gèng dà liàng de, 更多的,更好的 gèng duō de ,gèng hǎo de, 更,更多 gèng duō, 更远 gèng yuǎn, 增加的 zēng jiā de, 更多的,越来越多的 gèng duō de ,yuè lái yuè duō de, 更多的 gèng duō de, 多一点 duō yì diǎn, 更多的人 gèng duō de rén, 风俗 fēng sú, 更好 gèng hǎo, 许多的,多的,很多的,相当多的 xǔ duō de ,duō de ,hěn duō de ,xiāng dāng duō de, 很多人(事物),许多 hěn duō rén ( shì wù ),xǔ duō, 很多人,许多人 hěn duō rén, 到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō, 到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de, 多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de, …得多 de duō, 许多 xǔ duō, 十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù, 多一点 duō yì diǎn, 多一点的, 久一点, 更多地 gèng duō de, 多得多 duō de duō, 更大, 更多的 gèng duō de, 更多的 gèng duō de, 更多地 gèng duō de, 更加 gèng jiā, 更加 gèng jiā, 更是如此 gèng shì rú cǐ, 剩下的 shèng xià de, 刚超过,比…更多, 贪多嚼不烂, 更轻松地呼吸, 深入探究, 甚至更加, 更加 gèng jiā, 更加 gèng jiā, 多得多 duō de duō, 远远不止, 永远地 yǒng yuǎn de, 使…看上更有吸引力 shǐ kàn shàng gèng yǒu xī yǐn lì, 使…更吸引人 shǐ gèng xī yǐn rén, 使…复杂化 shǐ fù zá huà, 多得多的, 更多 gèng duō, 越来越… yuè lái yuè, 越来越多 yuè lái yuè duō, 更远的 gèng yuǎn de, 更疏远的 gèng shū yuǎn de, 更重要的是 gèng zhòng yào de shì, 倒像是, 更可能是 gèng kě néng shì, 更像是, 更经常 gèng jīng cháng, 往往 wǎng wǎng, 或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de, 更是如此 gèng shì rú cǐ, 多于,强于 duō yú, 超过, 多于, 最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì, 比其它任何东西(事情)都更… bǐ qí tā rèn hé dōng xī shì qíng dōu gèng, 绰绰有余, 绰绰有余, 比往常程度都要高,比往常程度都要强 bǐ wǎng cháng chéng dù dōu yào gāo, 超出预期地 chāo chū yù qī de, 超出预期的量 chāo chū yù qī de liàng, 多于半数 duō yú bàn shǔ, 不止一个 bù zhǐ yí gè, 两个或以上的 liǎng gè huò yǐ shàng de, (比…)多得多 bǐ duō de duō, (比…)程度高得多 bǐ chéng dù gāo de duō, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 不再需要更多的量, 不超过 bù chāo guò, 不再 bú zài, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 和…相比不多不少, 不多不少的, 不再 bú zài, 没有别的,没有更多事, 仅此而已, 再 zài, 再一次 zài yí cì, 再一个 zài yí gè, 再一个 zài yí gè, 再 zài, 或更多, 再加一些, 多一些的, 更加 gèng jiā, 人越多越热闹, 越...就越..., 比表面看到的要复杂, 而且 ér qiě, 不再等待。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 more 的含义

更多的,更大量的 gèng duō de ,gèng dà liàng de

adjective (in greater amount)

This shop has more choice than that shop.

更多的,更好的 gèng duō de ,gèng hǎo de

adverb (in greater degree)

We should have taken a more scenic route.

更,更多 gèng duō

adverb (to greater degree) (程度)

I sleep more than I used to.

更远 gèng yuǎn

adverb (further)

He ran more than he had ever done before.

增加的 zēng jiā de

adjective (additional)

Would you like more milk?

更多的,越来越多的 gèng duō de ,yuè lái yuè duō de

adjective (in greater number)

More mothers are choosing natural childbirth.

更多的 gèng duō de

pronoun (greater number)

One hundred voted for him, but more voted against.

多一点 duō yì diǎn

pronoun (additional amount)

We have lots of food. Would you like more?

更多的人 gèng duō de rén

pronoun (greater number)

More came in as the party went on.

风俗 fēng sú

plural noun (moral conventions, customs)

When she first moved to China, Priscilla wasn't familiar with Chinese mores.

更好 gèng hǎo

pronoun ([sth] better)

I was hoping for more from you.

许多的,多的,很多的,相当多的 xǔ duō de ,duō de ,hěn duō de ,xiāng dāng duō de

adjective (a large number of [sth]) (修饰可数名词)

Donna has many cousins.

很多人(事物),许多 hěn duō rén ( shì wù ),xǔ duō

pronoun (many people or things) (人、事物)

Many have tried to climb the mountain and failed.

很多人,许多人 hěn duō rén

plural noun (a lot of people)

This government's policies benefit only the richest, not the many.

到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō

adverb (greatly) (加强比较级或最高级)

He looks much older now.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你过于担心了,没有必要。

到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de

adjective (of great degree)

They ate much more than usual yesterday.

多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de

adjective (of great quantity) (数量)

We heard much laughter coming from the room.

…得多 de duō

adjective (in comparisons) (修饰比较级)

He felt much better after taking an aspirin.

许多 xǔ duō

noun (great amount)

Much of his reasoning was illogical.

十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù

noun (often negative (notable thing) (常做贬义,表示不够格)

It wasn't much of a lunch - just a few snacks.

多一点 duō yì diǎn

noun (a small additional quantity)

I already added salt to the potatoes, but I think they could use a little more.


adjective (slightly more)

May I have a little more tea, please?


adverb (for a short while longer)

The girl asked her mother if she could continue playing outside a little more.

更多地 gèng duō de

adverb (slightly more often)

You need to exercise a little more if you want to get fit.

多得多 duō de duō

noun (greater amount)

A banker makes a lot more than a teacher.


noun (greater number) (数值)

A few hundred is a lot more than a couple dozen.

更多的 gèng duō de

adjective (in greater amount)

I need a lot more flour to make this dough.

更多的 gèng duō de

adjective (in greater number)

A lot more people are taking up cycling these days.

更多地 gèng duō de

adverb (to greater degree)

Your foot bends a lot more when you run.

更加 gèng jiā

expression (before adjective or adverb: even more)

I'm happy that my sister is getting married, and I'm all the more excited because I'm going to be a bridesmaid.

更加 gèng jiā

expression (even more)

Crying in front of her embarrassed him, but it made her love him all the more.

更是如此 gèng shì rú cǐ

expression (even more so)

You need a strong pair of boots if you go hiking, all the more so now that it's winter.

剩下的 shèng xià de

adjective (some remaining)

Do we have any more bread?


expression (greater)

If the number of people in the lift is any more than five, it becomes uncomfortably crowded.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (accept an overly ambitious task)

Gabriella thought she would enjoy being team leader, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew.


(stop struggling for breath)

The drug relaxes the muscles in the chest so the patient can breathe easier.


(figurative (investigate further)

Unconvinced by the woman's alibi, the chief inspector delved deeper and discovered that she was lying.


adjective (with an adjective or adverb: still more)

Vigilance is even more necessary now than it was two years ago.

更加 gèng jiā

adverb (still more, all the more)

If you do this for her she'll love you even more.

更加 gèng jiā

adverb (increasingly)

The situation was becoming ever more serious as war spread across the country.

多得多 duō de duō

preposition (a much greater quantity than)

The Chinese army has far more than a few thousand soldiers.


expression (to a much greater degree than)

After she cheated on him, Mike was far more than just mad at her.

永远地 yǒng yuǎn de

adverb (forever, for all time)

We shall now and forevermore call this land "Freedonia."

使…看上更有吸引力 shǐ kàn shàng gèng yǒu xī yǐn lì

verbal expression (improve the appearance of [sth])

I'm going to paint the outside of the house to make it more attractive to buyers.

使…更吸引人 shǐ gèng xī yǐn rén

verbal expression (figurative (make more appealing) (比喻)

I'm going to offer a free car with the house to make it more attractive to buyers.

使…复杂化 shǐ fù zá huà

verbal expression (complicate [sth])

Cluttered surfaces make cleaning difficult.


adjective (large additional number of [sth])

There are many more coffee shops around here now than there were twenty years ago.

更多 gèng duō

pronoun (a large additional number)

These objectives and many more will be met at the conference on Friday.

越来越… yuè lái yuè

adverb (increasingly)

The world is getting more and more developed.

越来越多 yuè lái yuè duō

adjective (increasing in amount or number)

They are building more and more strip malls every day.

更远的 gèng yuǎn de

adjective (location: further away) (指地点)

I usually spend my holidays in this country but hope to go somewhere more distant next year.

更疏远的 gèng shū yuǎn de

adjective (person: colder, more detached) (指人际关系)

He is becoming more distant by the day. We hardly speak anymore.

更重要的是 gèng zhòng yào de shì

adverb (with greater significance)

Tomorrow is Saturday and, more importantly, it's my birthday!


adverb (informal (in more accurate terms)

It isn't overhearing by accident, it's more like eavesdropping.

更可能是 gèng kě néng shì

adjective (more probable)

People are more likely to take precautions after last season's fires.


expression (more similar to [sth] than [sth] else)

The space is so small; it's more of a garden than a farm.

更经常 gèng jīng cháng

adverb (with greater frequency)

I wish we could have lunch together more often.

往往 wǎng wǎng

adverb (usually)

Our children's clothes are, more often than not, made in China.

或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de

adverb (to a greater or lesser extent)

I have more or less decided to delay going to college for a year.

更是如此 gèng shì rú cǐ

adverb (increasingly or additionally)

There's usually a lot of traffic on this road, more so at rush hour.

多于,强于 duō yú

preposition (a greater number or amount than)

The other team wanted to win the game more than we did.

超过, 多于

preposition (greater than adequate number)

You have more books than you can ever read!

最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì

adverb (above all)

More than anything, Nina wanted to train to become a pilot.

比其它任何东西(事情)都更… bǐ qí tā rèn hé dōng xī shì qíng dōu gèng

adverb (above everything else)

Tim is interested in learning many foreign languages, but more than anything he wants to be able to speak Japanese.


noun (plenty)

It's unfair that some people are poor and starving while others have more than enough.


expression (plenty of [sth])

Please join us for dinner; there's more than enough food. Against Greece, the team had more than enough of the ball, but could not score a goal.

比往常程度都要高,比往常程度都要强 bǐ wǎng cháng chéng dù dōu yào gāo

adverb (to the greatest extent so far)

Your adventure stories make me want to travel more than ever. After spending the weekend with him I like him more than ever.

超出预期地 chāo chū yù qī de

adverb (greater degree than anticipated)

It rained more than expected last night.

超出预期的量 chāo chū yù qī de liàng

noun (greater quantity than anticipated)

The number of people attending the match was more than expected.

多于半数 duō yú bàn shǔ

expression (greater than 50%)

You were supposed to share the sweets equally but you have given him more than half.

不止一个 bù zhǐ yí gè

noun (a number greater than one)

He says he has only had one beer, but the way he is behaving, it looks like he's had more than one.

两个或以上的 liǎng gè huò yǐ shàng de

adjective (greater than one: of [sth])

We will need more than one table as there are 12 people coming to dinner.

(比…)多得多 bǐ duō de duō

noun (a considerably larger quantity)

Much more will have to be done if we want to succeed.

(比…)程度高得多 bǐ chéng dù gāo de duō

adverb (to a greater degree)

I like him much more now than I did when he was younger.

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

noun (the same amount or degree)

Put a single egg, neither more nor less, into the bowl. Her daughter received neither more nor less from her will than her son did.

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

adverb (to the same amount or degree)

This horse runs neither more nor less quickly than that one.


noun (not greater than this)

No more sausages for me, thank you; I've eaten enough.

不超过 bù chāo guò

adverb (to no greater an amount or degree)

Please pour in no more than one liter of water.

不再 bú zài

adverb (not now)

Barry used to be a heavy smoker, but no more.

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

noun (an equal amount or degree)

Put in one pint of oil, no more and no less.


adverb (equally)

The dental treatment hurt no more and no less than the last time.


adjective (exactly)

I will accept the proper fee, no more and no less.

不再 bú zài

expression (no longer, not any longer)

I used to travel a lot, but not any more.


pronoun (not any additional thing)

There's nothing more the doctors can to do to help Jim.


expression (merely, solely)

Sympathy is nothing more than the understanding of someone else's feelings.

再 zài

adverb (yet again)

Once more you have failed to get your essay in on time.

再一次 zài yí cì

adverb (one more time)

Can you please show me once more how it works?

再一个 zài yí gè

adjective (another)

I'll give you one more chance.

再一个 zài yí gè

pronoun (another one)

Can I have one more, please?

再 zài

adverb (once more)

Please, repeat the question one more time.


adverb (perhaps a larger quantity)

It will take two hours or more just to drive through Chicago.


pronoun (an additional quantity)

There's plenty of cake left; would you like some more?


adjective (an additional quantity of)

Would you like some more tea?

更加 gèng jiā

adverb (even more, yet more)

Sometimes if you tell someone that they cannot have something, they want it still more.


expression (more people make [sth] more fun)

We're hoping that lots of people will come to the meeting; the more the merrier!


expression (as [sth] increases, [sth] else increases)

The more I learn about computer programming, the more I enjoy it. The more angry her husband got, the more the woman laughed.


expression (This is not what it seems)

It seems like he's vanished into thin air, but that's impossible. There's more to this situation than meets the eye.

而且 ér qiě

adverb (moreover, in addition)

The food served in that restaurant is not very good and, what is more, it's overpriced.


expression (immediately, with no more delay)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。