英语 中的 net 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 net 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 net 的说明。

英语 中的net 表示网,罗网 wǎng,luó wǎng, 球网 qiú wǎng, 球门网,球门 qiú mén wǎng,qiú mén, 互联网 hù lián wǎng, 净的,纯的 jìng de,chún de, 净值 jìng zhí, 网状织物, 追捕网络, 训练 xùn liàn, 互联网 hù lián wǎng, 训练场, 用网捕捉 yòng wǎng bǔ zhuō, 净得 jìng dé, 捕捉,抓捕 bǔ zhuō, 把…织成网, 篮球网, 捕蝶网 bǔ dié wǎng, 大范围搜索, 广泛撒网, (捕鱼用)漂网 bǔ yú yòng piāo wǎng, 捕鱼网 bǔ yú wǎng, 发网 fā wǎng, 高净值, 高净值的, 蚊帐 wén zhàng, 净资产 jìng zī chǎn, 净负债,净债务,负债净额, 净收益 jìng shōu yì, 净收入 jìng shōu rù, 工资净额 gōng zī jìng é, 净价 jìng jià, 净利润,纯利润, 最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ, 净收入,净收益,纯收入 jìng shōu rù,jìng shōu yì, 实发工资,税后工资, 净值 jìng zhí, 净重 jìng zhòng, 净值 jìng zhí, 公共部门收支短差, 安全网 ān quán wǎng, 安全网 ān quán wǎng, 网上冲浪 wǎng shàng chōng làng, 网球球网, 拖网 tuō wǎng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 net 的含义

网,罗网 wǎng,luó wǎng

noun (mesh to catch things) (如渔网等)

The fisherman caught a few fish in his net.

球网 qiú wǎng

noun (tennis, volleyball, etc.) (体育运动,羽毛球等的配备)

The tennis player hit the net.

球门网,球门 qiú mén wǎng,qiú mén

noun (soccer: goal) (体育运动)

The soccer player got the ball into the net.

互联网 hù lián wǎng

noun (mainly US, informal, abbreviation (internet)

Rachel got on the net to send an email.

净的,纯的 jìng de,chún de

adjective (finance: after deductions) (金融)

Last year the company made a net loss of $5m.

净值 jìng zhí

noun (profit)

The business's net was too low to attract investors.


noun (openwork fabric)

Kate wore a sweater made of wool net over her dress.


noun (figurative (police, etc.: attempt to catch [sb])

The criminal slipped through the police's net.

训练 xùn liàn

noun (informal (cricket: practice session) (板球)

Jim went for a net with a few of his teammates.

互联网 hù lián wǎng

noun (abbreviation (network)

The IT guy hooked Sam's work computer up to the local net.


plural noun (cricket: practice area) (板球)

The cricket player went into the nets to practice his swing.

用网捕捉 yòng wǎng bǔ zhuō

transitive verb (catch with net)

Brian netted a fish out of the stream.

净得 jìng dé

transitive verb (finance) (金融)

Ben's business netted about twenty thousand dollars at the end of the first year.

捕捉,抓捕 bǔ zhuō

transitive verb (figurative (collect, catch) (用网)

The exterminator netted a large number of rats and then laid traps.


transitive verb (make a net)

The fisherman sat on a stool netting string all morning.


noun (mesh goal in basketball)

To score, the ball must pass through the goal rim and into the basketball net.

捕蝶网 bǔ dié wǎng

noun (for catching butterflies)

Jan ran through the field with a butterfly net in hopes of catching a swallowtail.


verbal expression (figurative (search over a large area)

The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive.


verbal expression (figurative (use wide range of resources)

The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job.

(捕鱼用)漂网 bǔ yú yòng piāo wǎng

noun (large net for catching fish)

捕鱼网 bǔ yú wǎng

noun (mesh used for catching fish)

The ship is equipped with various fishnets.

发网 fā wǎng

noun (mesh head covering) (以防止头发散乱的)

It is required for cafeteria staff to wear hair nets.


noun (possession of valuable assets)


noun as adjective (company, individual: wealthy) (公司、个人)

蚊帐 wén zhàng

noun (mesh that keeps out biting insects)

净资产 jìng zī chǎn

plural noun (business: equity, worth)


noun (amount owed minus assets)

净收益 jìng shōu yì

plural noun (income after tax)

These days my net earnings are barely enough to live on.

净收入 jìng shōu rù

noun (earnings after tax)

The company's net income is quite low in comparison to last year.

工资净额 gōng zī jìng é

noun (total pay after tax)

净价 jìng jià

noun (price after tax)


noun (profit after tax, etc.) (金融)

最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ

noun (outcome)

The net result of all the conflict was poverty and more instability.

净收入,净收益,纯收入 jìng shōu rù,jìng shōu yì

noun (profit: income minus expenses) (利润:收入减去支出)


noun (earnings after tax)

净值 jìng zhí

noun (value after tax)

净重 jìng zhòng

noun (goods minus packaging)

The ship carried a net weight of ten thousand tons.

净值 jìng zhí

noun (value after tax)

This vlogger has a net worth of 2 million dollars.


noun (UK, initialism (Public Sector Net Cash Requirement)

安全网 ān quán wǎng

noun (mesh that prevents injury)

A safety net had been rigged below the high wire.

安全网 ān quán wǎng

noun (figurative (security measure)

The social security system is a safety net for people who are unable to work or who lose their jobs.

网上冲浪 wǎng shàng chōng làng

verbal expression (informal (browse the internet) (非正式用语)

I generally surf the web instead of watching television.


noun (mesh that divides tennis court in half)

拖网 tuō wǎng

noun (large fishing net) (捕鱼用的)

The fishing boat was equipped with two trawls, coolers, and other supplies.

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net 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。