英语 中的 numbers 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 numbers 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 numbers 的说明。

英语 中的numbers 表示数, 数字 shù zì, 总数 zǒng shù, 编号 biān hào, 总计 zǒng jì, 给…编号 gěi … biān hào, 数出…的数目为…, 把…算作, 电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ, 一期 yì qī, 一首歌 yì shǒu gē, 一个节目 yí gè jié mù, 一群人,一组人 yì qún rén, 数(单复数) shù (dān fù shù), 女孩,青年女子 nǚ hái,qīng nián nǚ zǐ, 博彩 bó cǎi, 数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì, 数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì, 一些 yì xiē, 任何数量, 许多 xǔ duō, 原子数 yuán zǐ shù, 过刊, 大约数量, 批号, 二进制数 èr jìn zhì shù, 邮箱号码, 索书号, 回电号码, 基数 jī shù, 复数 fù shù, 联系电话, 舞,舞蹈 wǔ,wǔ dǎo, 伤害 shāng hài, 排便 pái biàn, 球棒 qiú bàng, 紧急救援号码, 偶数 ǒu shù, 过多 guò duō, 分机号码,分机号, 传真号码, 有限的数量 yǒu xiàn de shù liàng, 有限数 yǒu xiàn shǔ, 流行的事物 liú xíng de shì wù, 性感尤物 xìng gǎn yóu wù, 识别号 shí bié hào, 虚数 xū shù, 很多 hěn duō, 大量 dà liàng, 巨大的数字 jù dà de shù zì, 汽车牌照, 有限数量, 批号, 幸运数字, 马赫, 手机号码, 数字,数目 shù zì,shù mù, 把…归为, 把…算成 bǎ … suàn chéng, 负责计算的人员, 超级电脑, 数轴, 数字1 shù zì, 榜首歌曲 bǎng shǒu gē qǔ, 自己 zì jǐ, 首位的 shǒu wèi de, 最爱的 zuì ài de, 第二号, 拉臭臭,拉粑粑, 奇数 jī shù, (某物的)单数 mǒu wù de dān shù, 序数词 xù shǔ cí, 完全数 wán quán shù, 个人识别码, 电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ, 个人识别码, 质数,素数 zhì shù,sù shù, R值, 有理数, 实数 shí shù, 车牌号 chē pái hào, 建筑协会注册号, 房间号, 汇款路线码, 序号 xù hào, 英语以 teen 结尾的数字, 电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ, 免费电话号码 miǎn fèi diàn huà hào mǎ, 包裹追踪号码 bāo guǒ zhuī zōng hào mǎ, 增值税编号 zēng zhí shuì biān hào, 整数 zhěng shù, 打错电话, 打错电话的人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 numbers 的含义

noun (mathematics: integer, etc.) (数学)

What number did you get for the first problem on the test?

数字 shù zì

noun (written numeral, digit)

What number is that? A one or a seven?

总数 zǒng shù

noun (total, aggregate count)

The number of people in the room was greater than a hundred.

编号 biān hào

noun (assigned identifier)

Our house is number seventeen, Oak Street.

总计 zǒng jì

transitive verb (equal, total)

The butterflies here number over a thousand.

给…编号 gěi … biān hào

transitive verb (assign numbers)

She numbered the pages from one to ten by hand.


transitive verb (count)

I number the candies at over five hundred. Am I right?


transitive verb (include)

The band numbered quite a few students among its fan base.

电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ

noun (informal, abbreviation (telephone number) (缩略语,非正式用语)

What is your number? Maybe we can get together for a drink sometime.

一期 yì qī

noun (magazine series: issue) (指杂志)

The third number of the original Batman series is extremely valuable now.

一首歌 yì shǒu gē

noun (informal, figurative (song)

The drummer doesn't play in the second number. There will be a rehearsal of all the numbers in the musical today.

一个节目 yí gè jié mù

noun (performance)

She performs a dance number in the second act.

一群人,一组人 yì qún rén

noun (complement) (1)

There is not a single honest one among their number.

数(单复数) shù (dān fù shù)

noun (grammar) (语法术语)

In many languages, verbs and nouns must agree in number.

女孩,青年女子 nǚ hái,qīng nián nǚ zǐ

noun (dated, slang (girl, young woman) (俚语,过时用语)

She is a cute little number, isn't she?

博彩 bó cǎi

noun (gambling: illegal lottery)

数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì

noun (game involving numbers) (跟数字有关的游戏)

数字游戏 shù zì yóu xì

noun (use of numbers to misrepresent fact) (利用数字来歪曲事实真相)

The good fourth quarter results can be put down to the company accountants playing the numbers game.

一些 yì xiē

plural noun (some, several)

He has broken the rules a number of times.


expression (any quantity of)

许多 xǔ duō

expression (a large quantity of)

原子数 yuán zǐ shù

noun (physics: number of protons) (原子核中质子的数量)

Hydrogen has the lowest atomic number because it has only one proton.


noun (magazine, etc.: earlier issue)


noun (figurative, informal, mainly US (approximate number)


noun (digits identifying a set)

The affected products can be identified by the batch number printed on each pack.

二进制数 èr jìn zhì shù

noun (number expressed using 0 and 1)

Most computer languages are based on binary numbers.


noun (number used as mailing address)

Use a box number if you want something to be delivered to your local post office rather than to your home.


noun (library book) (图书馆)

The first sections of a call number represent the subject of a book.


noun (phone number: for return call)

Someone from the insurance company called while you were out; I've written down their callback number here.

基数 jī shù

noun (counting number: 1, 2, 3, etc.) (集合中元素的数目)

The students are learning the cardinal numbers in Spanish from one to ten.

复数 fù shù

noun (mathematics:) (数学)

Real numbers are just a part of the larger set of complex numbers.


noun (phone number)

Please leave your contact number so that we can contact you as soon as possible.

舞,舞蹈 wǔ,wǔ dǎo

noun (performance of a dance)

The girls were performing a dance number on the stage.

伤害 shāng hài

verbal expression (US, informal (have a bad effect on [sb])

排便 pái biàn

verbal expression (infantile (defecate)

球棒 qiú bàng

noun (golf) (高尔夫球)

He used a driver to hit over the sand trap.


noun (of police, ambulance, etc.)

9-1-1 is fast becoming a universal emergency phone number in the U.S.

偶数 ǒu shù

noun (2, 4, 6, etc.)

All even numbers are divisible by two.

过多 guò duō

noun (too many)

That's an excessive number of people for such a small room. You seem to have an excessive number of socks in your suitcase.


noun (added to phone number)

If you know the extension number of the person you are trying to reach, press the number now.


noun (dated, abbreviation (number of facsimile machine)

I must have dialed the fax number because the phone answered with a whistle tone.

有限的数量 yǒu xiàn de shù liàng

noun (limited quantity)

There is a finite number of trees in the rain forest.

有限数 yǒu xiàn shǔ

noun (definite number, not infinite)

Contrary to popular belief, there is a finite number of grains of sand on the beach.

流行的事物 liú xíng de shì wù

noun (slang, figurative ([sth] popular)

The new video game has been such a hot number that we have not been able to keep them in stock.

性感尤物 xìng gǎn yóu wù

noun (slang, figurative (sexually attractive person)

She was such a hot number, that to see her was to want her.

识别号 shí bié hào

noun (unique serial number)

Could you give me the identification number which you will find on the underside of the laptop?

虚数 xū shù

noun (mathematics) (数学)

Today the students are learning about imaginary numbers.

很多 hěn duō

noun (many)

We could see an immense number of stars in the night sky.

大量 dà liàng

noun (considerable amount)

All tickets were sold out so a large number of fans had to watch the match on the big screens outside of the stadium.

巨大的数字 jù dà de shù zì

noun (high numeral)

It is difficult to multiply large numbers together in your head.


noun (often plural (vehicle's registration panel)

Personalized license plates sometimes cost more than a car. Some US states only require cars to have a license plate on the back.


noun (restricted series)

There were only a limited number of these cars manufactured, so you will be lucky to get one.


noun (digits used to identify a batch)

Make sure all your skeins of yarn have the same lot number; otherwise there may be color variations.


noun (numeral thought to bring luck)

Michelle's lucky number is seven.


noun (ratio of speed to sound)

This jet is capable of travelling at Mach 3.


noun (UK (cell phone number)

数字,数目 shù zì,shù mù

noun (written, abbreviation (number) (缩写)

For this test, you will need a no. 2 pencil.


(be one of)

This school numbers among the top ten schools in the nation.

把…算成 bǎ … suàn chéng

(include in)

Some people believe that Mother Theresa should be numbered among the saints.


noun (person: performs calculations)


noun (thing: performs calculations)


noun (mathematics)

数字1 shù zì

noun (numeral, cardinal number: 1) (基数)

Please look at paper number one in your packet.

榜首歌曲 bǎng shǒu gē qǔ

noun (song: biggest-selling) (音乐排行榜)

It made number one on the charts in the first week.

自己 zì jǐ

noun (slang, dated (oneself) (俚语,旧时用语)

Take care of number one.

首位的 shǒu wèi de

noun as adjective (leading, most successful)

For a long time, Ford was the number one automaker in America.

最爱的 zuì ài de

noun as adjective (favorite) (指人)

Ron is my number one person.


noun (cardinal numeral: 2)

Contestant number two, please step forward.


noun (euphemism (bowel movement, defecation) (儿语)

Good boy, Johnny! You went number two in the potty!

奇数 jī shù

noun (numeral that is not even)

1, 3, and 5 are all odd numbers.

(某物的)单数 mǒu wù de dān shù

noun (uneven number: of [sth])

There was an odd number of students in the class so they worked in pairs apart from one group of three people.

序数词 xù shǔ cí

noun (sequential numeral: 1st, 2nd, etc.)

In the sequence of ordinal numbers, seven is the seventh number, and 12 is the 12th number!

完全数 wán quán shù

noun (mathematics)

6 is a perfect number because 1+2+3 = 6.


noun (four-digit passcode)

For security reasons, do not write down your personal identification number anywhere.

电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ

noun (of individual, business)

Phone numbers only had five digits when my mother was born.


noun (acronym (personal identification number)

If you forget your PIN, you have to ask your bank to send you a new one.

质数,素数 zhì shù,sù shù

noun (figure divisible by itself and 1) (只能被其自身和1整除的数)

In their search for new prime numbers, mathematicians use supercomputers nowadays.




noun (mathematics)

Decimals are rational numbers.

实数 shí shù

noun (mathematics: rational or irrational number) (数学:有理数或无理数)

Seven is a real number and so is three fourths.

车牌号 chē pái hào

noun (number on vehicle licence plate)

Personalised registration numbers are very popular in the UK.


noun (UK (building society)

Some building society accounts have a roll number.


noun (sequential numeral given to a hotel room)

Electronic room keys don't have the room number on them, so you have to remember what room you're in.


noun (US (bank branch code)

序号 xù hào

noun (sequential ID number)

The serial number on a bottle of water carries information about where it was bottled.

英语以 teen 结尾的数字

noun (number: 13 to 19)

The teacher used a song to help the children learn the teen numbers.

电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ

noun (digits dialled to reach [sb] by phone)

When I first met Susan I made sure to write down her telephone number right away.

免费电话号码 miǎn fèi diàn huà hào mǎ

noun (US (phone number that can be called without charge)

The area code for toll-free numbers is 800 or 888. The agency has a toll-free number so you can call without charge.

包裹追踪号码 bāo guǒ zhuī zōng hào mǎ

noun (identification number of a parcel)

You can use the tracking number to find out when your parcel will be delivered.

增值税编号 zēng zhí shuì biān hào

noun (registration code for tax purposes) (value added tax number的缩略形式)

Please provide us with your VAT number if you have one.

整数 zhěng shù

noun (mathematics: integer)

The set of evens, together with the set of odds, form the set of whole numbers.


noun (telephone: call to wrong person)


noun ([sb] reached through mistaken call)

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numbers 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。