英语 中的 odd 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 odd 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 odd 的说明。

英语 中的odd 表示奇数的 jī shù de, 奇怪的,奇特的 qí guài de ,qí tè de, 古怪的 gǔ guài de, 独特的 dú tè de, 古怪的 gǔ guài de, 单只的,单个的 dān gè de, 不经常的 bù jīng cháng de, 大约的 dà yuē de, 额外的 é wài de, 可能性 kě néng xìng, 药物过量 yào wù guò liàng, 药物过量致死 yào wù guò liàng zhì sǐ, 用药过量 yòng yào guò liàng, 猜单双, 共济会成员 gòng jì huì chéng yuán, 奇怪的人 qí guài de rén, 零工 líng gōng, 零星股,散股,碎股 líng xīng gǔ,sǎn gǔ,suì gǔ, 单独剩下的一个(人或物) dān dú shèng xià de yí gè rén huò wù, 有空的时候 yǒu kòng de shí hòu, 奇数 jī shù, (某物的)单数 mǒu wù de dān shù, 与众不同的人或事物 yǔ zhòng bù tóng de rén huò shì wù, 说过几句话,有过简短交流, 勤杂工,零工 qín zá gōng,líng gōng, 勤杂工, 杂工, 相貌奇特的,怪模怪样的, 异常的 yì cháng de, 奇怪的 qí guài de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 odd 的含义

奇数的 jī shù de

adjective (uneven number: 3, 5, 9, etc.)

5181 is an odd number.

奇怪的,奇特的 qí guài de ,qí tè de

adjective (strange)

That's odd that she didn't go directly home after work.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这件事情很不寻常。

古怪的 gǔ guài de

adjective (person: eccentric) (人)

That guy was quite odd. He kept asking the time.

独特的 dú tè de

adjective (unusual, peculiar)

Her clothing is odd, with unfashionable lines, and lots of fur.

古怪的 gǔ guài de

adjective (fantastical, strange)

The Cyclops looks so odd, with just a single eye on his forehead.

单只的,单个的 dān gè de

adjective (part of a pair)

After doing the laundry, there was an odd sock remaining.

不经常的 bù jīng cháng de

adjective (occasional)

Jeff has mostly recovered from his illness, though he still has the odd dizzy spell.

大约的 dà yuē de

adjective (approximately)

There were 50-odd people at the party.

额外的 é wài de

adjective (additional)

Ten euros and a few odd cents were left.

可能性 kě néng xìng

plural noun (probability ratio)

The odds of winning the lottery are not good.

药物过量 yào wù guò liàng

noun (informal, initialism (overdose) (首字母缩写)

The celebrity died of an OD.

药物过量致死 yào wù guò liàng zhì sǐ

intransitive verb (informal, initialism (overdose) (首字母缩写)

The doctor told the patient to be careful not to OD.

用药过量 yòng yào guò liàng

(informal, initialism (overdose on [sth]) (缩略词)

It is easy to OD on painkillers.


noun (betting game) (一种游戏)

共济会成员 gòng jì huì chéng yuán

noun (member: fraternal society)

My grandfather was an Odd Fellow; he was a member of the Odd Fellows Friendly Society.

奇怪的人 qí guài de rén

noun (informal (eccentric man) (非正式用语)

零工 líng gōng

noun (usually plural (small manual task)

I wish we could find a handyman for odd jobs. During this recession, I know people who get by working odd jobs.

零星股,散股,碎股 líng xīng gǔ,sǎn gǔ,suì gǔ

noun (stock trading: non-standard amount) (股票交易)

There are a few odd lots on offer, but nothing substantial.

单独剩下的一个(人或物) dān dú shèng xià de yí gè rén huò wù

noun ([sb] or [sth] that does not belong)

You've already got four people for a tennis game, so I'm odd man out and will watch.

有空的时候 yǒu kòng de shí hòu

plural noun (informal (rare occasions)

I haven't seen him for years, but he pops into my mind at odd moments.

奇数 jī shù

noun (numeral that is not even)

1, 3, and 5 are all odd numbers.

(某物的)单数 mǒu wù de dān shù

noun (uneven number: of [sth])

There was an odd number of students in the class so they worked in pairs apart from one group of three people.

与众不同的人或事物 yǔ zhòng bù tóng de rén huò shì wù

noun ([sth] or [sb] that does not belong)

Study the people in the photo for 15 seconds then tell me which is the odd one out.


noun (informal (occasional verbal exchange)

I've had the odd word with him over the years, but I never really knew him well.

勤杂工,零工 qín zá gōng,líng gōng

noun (male who does manual tasks)

勤杂工, 杂工

noun (male who does casual manual work) (男性)


adjective (appearance: strange)

异常的 yì cháng de

adjective (with abnormal sound quality)

奇怪的 qí guài de

adjective (words or pronunciation: strange)

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odd 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。