英语 中的 orders 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 orders 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 orders 的说明。

英语 中的orders 表示命令某人做某事, 点 diǎn, 点菜,点餐 diǎn cài,diǎn cān, 命令 mìng lìng, 命令,指令 mìng lìng ,zhǐ lìng, 顺序 shùn xù, 整齐 zhěng qí, 结构,格局,秩序 jié gòu,gé jú,zhì xù, 秩序 zhì xù, 点菜 diǎn cài, 命令 mìng lìng, 会社 huì shè, 等级 děng jí, 销售订单 xiāo shòu dìng dān, 勋章 xūn zhāng, 质量 zhì liàng, 种类 zhǒng lèi, 正式指令,法院指令 zhèng shì zhǐ lìng,fǎ yuàn zhǐ lìng, 修道会 xiū dào huì, 目 mù, 柱式 zhù shì, 圣职授任仪式, 圣职 shèng zhí, 下命令 xià mìng lìng, 命令 mìng lìng, 整理 zhěng lǐ, 嘱咐 zhǔ fù, 对...颐指气使, 不断对…发号施令, 订…上门, 订餐, 准备点餐了吗?,可以点菜了吗?, (因无现货)有待日后交付的货物 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù, 订货, 银行汇票 yín háng huì piào, 要求…安静, 宣布开会, 随需交货订单, 现点现做的, 法院指令 fǎ yuàn zhǐ lìng, 交货单 jiāo huò dān, 执行命令, 兄弟会 xiōng dì huì, 言论禁止令 yán lùn jìn zhǐ lìng, 顺序被打乱, 按字母顺序 àn zì mǔ shùn xù, 按字母顺序排列的 àn zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè de, 从小到大排列, 升序排列, 按时间顺序, 按顺序地 àn shùn xù de, 按顺序的 àn shùn xù de, 正常的 zhèng cháng de, 为了使…, 为了… wèi le …, 为了…,要想… wèi le …, 为了… wèi le …, 正常运作地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de, 治安 zhì ān, 订做 dìng zuò, 邮购 yóu gòu, 邮购新娘, 定制,定做 dìng zhì, 大英帝国勋章获得者, 汇票 huì piào, 邮购 yóu gòu, 汇票 huì piào, 自然秩序, 数字顺序 shù zì shùn xù, 英帝国勋位军官, 已下单的,已订购的, 按...的指令, 大致的 dà zhì de, 订货簿 dìng huò bù, 订单确认, 订货单 dìng huò dān, 战斗序列 zhàn dòu xù liè, 继位顺序 jì wèi shùn xù, 会议议程 huì yì yì chéng, 风尚 fēng shàng, 发生故障的, 不妥当的,不适合的 bú shì hé de, 不得体的 bù dé tǐ de, 次序混乱的, 违反规定的, 收款人 shōu kuǎn rén, 社群等级,权势等级 shè qún děng jí,quán shì děng jí, 下订单 xià dìng dān, 邮政汇款单 yóu zhèng huì kuǎn dān, 预定 yù dìng, 预定 yù dìng, 保护令, 订购单 dìng gòu dān, 按顺序放好, 按顺序安排好, 使…出故障 shǐ chū gù zhàng, 等级次序,顺位序列, 修道院 xiū dào yuàn, 女修道院 nǚ xiū dào yuàn, 续订订单 xù dìng dìng dān, 限制令 xiàn zhì lìng, 使井井有条 shǐ jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo, 把个人事务安排妥当, 快餐 kuài cān, 配菜,小菜 pèi cài, 社会秩序, 委托银行按期付款的委托书 wěi tuō yín háng àn qī fù kuǎn de wěi tuō shū, 长期有效的命令 cháng qī yǒu xiào de mìng lìng, 居家令, 点餐,接收订单 diǎn cān, 苛刻的要求 kē kè de yāo qiú, 按指示, 词序, 工作指令, 正常运转状态。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 orders 的含义


transitive verb (command)

I'm ordering you to put that money back and apologize.

点 diǎn

transitive verb (request) (饭菜酒水等)

We should order another bottle of wine.

点菜,点餐 diǎn cài,diǎn cān

intransitive verb (request food or drink) (餐馆)

Have you ordered yet?

命令 mìng lìng

noun (mandate, command)

Whose orders are these?

命令,指令 mìng lìng ,zhǐ lìng

noun (military: command issued) (军事)

The general's order was to attack immediately.

顺序 shùn xù

noun (succession)

He listed off their names in alphabetical order.

整齐 zhěng qí

noun (arrangement)

Are these books in any particular order?

结构,格局,秩序 jié gòu,gé jú,zhì xù

noun (social structure) (社会结构)

The Second World War gave rise to a new world order.

秩序 zhì xù

noun (rule of law)

Society cannot function without order.

点菜 diǎn cài

noun (request: in restaurant, etc.)

Has the waiter taken your order?

命令 mìng lìng

noun (decree)

By order of the King, the prisoners were set free.

会社 huì shè

noun (society)

He joined an order of Freemasons.

等级 děng jí

noun (rank)

The lower orders of society always suffer most from war.

销售订单 xiāo shòu dìng dān

noun (document: request to purchase)

I have sent you my order for a new table.

勋章 xūn zhāng

noun (rare (military insignia)

He wore his orders proudly on the breast of his jacket.

质量 zhì liàng

noun (quality)

Their cooking is of the highest order.

种类 zhǒng lèi

noun (kind)

I don't like behaviour of that order.

正式指令,法院指令 zhèng shì zhǐ lìng,fǎ yuàn zhǐ lìng

noun (law: directive) (法律术语)

The judge issued an order requiring him to pay the debt in full.

修道会 xiū dào huì

noun (religious group)

St Francis established the order of friars named after him in 1209.

目 mù

noun (biology: grouping) (生物学术语)

Foxes and bears are of the same order, but not the same family.

柱式 zhù shì

noun (architecture) (建筑术语)

This book has pictures of the Ionic, Doric and Corinthian orders.


plural noun (Christianity: rite of ordination) (基督教)

圣职 shèng zhí

plural noun (Christianity: clergy ranks) (基督教: 神职人员等级)

下命令 xià mìng lìng

intransitive verb (issue orders)

He prefers to order than to obey.

命令 mìng lìng

transitive verb (decree)

The judge ordered that he stay away from the victim.

整理 zhěng lǐ

transitive verb (arrange)

He ordered the files according to date.

嘱咐 zhǔ fù

transitive verb (prescribe) (医生)

The doctor ordered a week's bed rest.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (be bossy toward [sb])


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (be bossy towards)

Don't try to order me around; you aren't my boss.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (buy for home delivery) (货品)


phrasal verb, intransitive (telephone for food to be delivered)

I'm too tired to cook tonight, so let's just order out.


expression (question to restaurant customer)

(因无现货)有待日后交付的货物 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù

noun (order for [sth] out of stock)

If your item is not in stock, the company will place a back order for you.


transitive verb (order [sth] out of stock) (期货)

银行汇票 yín háng huì piào

noun (pay order, banker's cheque)


verbal expression (request silence)


verbal expression (formally begin session)


noun (order: with many delivery dates)

The firm placed a call-off order with the supplier.


adjective (food: prepared when ordered)

The cooked-to-order breakfast at our hotel is excellent.

法院指令 fǎ yuàn zhǐ lìng

noun (legal instruction or ruling)

He has to pay child support by court order.

交货单 jiāo huò dān

noun (business: freight instructions)


noun (law) (法律)

兄弟会 xiōng dì huì

noun (men's organization)

Most fraternal orders are social organizations providing service to the community.

言论禁止令 yán lùn jìn zhǐ lìng

noun (ban on discussing a legal case)

The judge imposed a gag order on the media because there were innocent children involved in the case.


verbal expression (be jumbled)

The professor's notes had got out of order and he was having trouble giving his lecture.

按字母顺序 àn zì mǔ shùn xù

adverb (by initial letter according to the alphabet)

My CD collection is arranged in alphabetical order.

按字母顺序排列的 àn zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè de

adjective (organized by initial letter according to the alphabet)


expression (from smallest to largest)


expression (smallest to largest: height, importance)


adverb (from oldest to latest)

按顺序地 àn shùn xù de

adverb (in the correct arrangement)

Please put the cards in order. Could you put these files in order, please?

按顺序的 àn shùn xù de

adjective (arranged in the correct way)

The office manager wanted to make sure that everything was in order.

正常的 zhèng cháng de

adjective (appropriate, required)

Security agents looked at my papers and told me that all was in order.


expression (so that [sth] happens)

In order for sales to be strong, our department needs to work hard this month.

为了… wèi le …

conjunction (so that)

The company is designing each store in order that customers may shop comfortably and conveniently.

为了…,要想… wèi le …

preposition (for the purpose of)

You don't need a degree in order to work as an escort. In order to travel abroad, you must have a valid passport.

为了… wèi le …

preposition (so as to)

I went to the shop in order to buy some milk.

正常运作地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de

expression (fully functioning)

You'd better check your parachute's in working order before you jump.

治安 zhì ān

noun (social discipline)

The government sent troops to restore law and order to areas where violence had broken out.

订做 dìng zuò

adjective (custom made)

Clothes that are made to order ought to fit better than off-the-rack clothes. Service is slow because each dish is made to order.

邮购 yóu gòu

noun (shopping by post)

Mail order has seen stiff competition from online merchants in the Internet age.


noun (informal, pejorative (woman marrying wealthy foreign man) (贬义)

定制,定做 dìng zhì

verbal expression (create a custom product)

Since he did not like the desks he found for sale, he had one made to order for his new office.


noun (initialism (honored person)

汇票 huì piào

noun (initialism (money order)

邮购 yóu gòu

noun (initialism (mail order)

汇票 huì piào

noun (US (finance: check)

Please send your payment by check or money order. Many companies sell money orders, but only the postal service sells postal orders.


noun (natural relationship of things)

数字顺序 shù zì shùn xù

noun (chronological sequence by number)

Please list your preferences in numerical order.


noun (initialism (honored member)


adjective (requested but not yet arrived)


expression (at [sb]'s command)

大致的 dà zhì de

expression (approximately)

订货簿 dìng huò bù

noun (written log of orders placed)

The order book showed that the new deckchair was a popular product.


noun (acknowledgement of purchase)

订货单 dìng huò dān

noun (document requesting a purchase)

I'll need to fill out an order form for more printer cartridges.

战斗序列 zhàn dòu xù liè

noun (military plan of action)

继位顺序 jì wèi shùn xù

noun (formula determining successor to vacated office or position)

The order of succession meant that Edward VI would become King when his father died.

会议议程 huì yì yì chéng

noun (meeting agenda)

The order of the day always starts with the flag salute at our school. Here! Here! Let's take attendance and then get straight to the order of the day.

风尚 fēng shàng

noun (figurative (characteristic or predominant) (比喻)

Pessimism seems to be the order of the day round here.


adjective (not functioning) (机器)

The furnace is out of order, so I've called a repairman.

不妥当的,不适合的 bú shì hé de

adjective (figurative, slang (behavior: inappropriate) (行为等)

Terry's rude comments about your brother were out of order.

不得体的 bù dé tǐ de

adjective (figurative, slang (behaving inappropriately)

You were out of order last night; I think you need to call our guests today to apologise.


adjective (jumbled)

I dropped my manuscript and now the pages are all out of order.


adjective (court: in breach) (法庭)

The judge ruled the prosecutor's question out of order.

收款人 shōu kuǎn rén

expression (cheque: pay amount specified to) (支票)

社群等级,权势等级 shè qún děng jí,quán shì děng jí

noun (figurative, colloquial (hierarchy)

My first job at the office was making the tea. I was at the bottom of the pecking order.

下订单 xià dìng dān

verbal expression (make request to purchase [sth])

Please call the Chinese restaurant and place an order for hot and sour soup.

邮政汇款单 yóu zhèng huì kuǎn dān

noun (cheque issued at post office)

To pay, please send a cheque or postal order.

预定 yù dìng

transitive verb (pay for [sth] before available)

The library pre-orders its books so they are ready by publication day.

预定 yù dìng

noun (advance payment for [sth])


noun (court injunction restraining [sb])

订购单 dìng gòu dān

noun (document requesting to buy [sth])

We have received your purchase order and will dispatch the goods immediately.


verbal expression (arrange correctly)

The pages of the manuscript were muddled up so I had to put them in order.


verbal expression (make correct)

Before he died, my father was careful to put all his affairs in order.

使…出故障 shǐ chū gù zhàng

verbal expression (cause to malfunction)

Jellyfish got caught in the pipes and put the pump out of order.


noun (sequential arrangement)

修道院 xiū dào yuàn

noun (monks: monastery)

The Benedictines are a very old religious order.

女修道院 nǚ xiū dào yuàn

noun (nuns: convent)

续订订单 xù dìng dìng dān

noun (request to buy [sth] again)

I was so delighted with their goods that I've already put in a repeat order.

限制令 xiàn zhì lìng

noun (law: injunction)

She got a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend.

使井井有条 shǐ jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo

verbal expression (arrange properly)

My grandmother set all her affairs in order shortly before she died.


verbal expression (figurative (arrange affairs properly)

You'll need to set your house in order before you embark on something so ambitious.

快餐 kuài cān

noun (US (food at diner, etc.)

配菜,小菜 pèi cài

noun (restaurant: not main dish)


noun (structure or hierarchy of society)

委托银行按期付款的委托书 wěi tuō yín háng àn qī fù kuǎn de wěi tuō shū

noun (regular direct bank payment)

I created a standing order with my bank to pay my landlord every month.

长期有效的命令 cháng qī yǒu xiào de mìng lìng

noun (order in effect on ongoing basis)

I had a standing order with the bakery for a dozen croissants every Saturday.


noun (mainly US (government instruction: mass quarantine)

点餐,接收订单 diǎn cān

verbal expression (serving staff: write down food requested) (餐厅)

苛刻的要求 kē kè de yāo qiú

noun (figurative (challenging task)

Translate 300 legal pages in three days? That's a pretty tall order.


adverb (according to custom requirements)

All our breads and pastries are baked to order.


noun (grammar: arrangement of words)

Word order in English is more important than in some other languages.


(order authorizing specific work)


noun (functioning correctly)

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orders 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。