英语 中的 or 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 or 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 or 的说明。

英语 中的or 表示(是…)还是 shì hái shì, 也叫作 yě jiào zuò, 或,或者 huò,huò zhě, 或者说 huò zhě shuō, 大概 dà gài, 俄勒冈州 é lè gāng zhōu, 手术室 shǒu shù shì, 大约十二个,十二个左右 dà yuē shí èr gè,shí èr gè zuǒ yòu, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 和/或, 信不信由你, 黑白分明的 hēi bái fēn míng de, 非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de, 不择手段, 无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nán, 风雨无阻,不论晴雨,不管打雷下雨 fēng yǔ wú zǔ,bú lùn qíng yǔ,bù guǎn dǎ léi xià yǔ, 不论如何,不论什么情况 bú lùn rú hé,bú lùn shén me qíng kuàng, 不成功毋宁死 bù chéng gōng wú nìng sǐ, 破釜沉舟的, 要么双倍付钱,要么一笔勾销, 要么赢双倍, 或者 huò zhě, 两者取一, 对...态度强烈, 战或逃, 战斗或者逃跑的本能反应,本能反应的 běn néng fǎn yìng de, 不管是好是坏 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài, 普通的, 平凡的, 多或少…, 或多或少, 掷硬币决定, 掷硬币, 有时命中有时没有命中的 yǒu shí mìng zhòng yǒu shí méi yǒu mìng zhòng de, 开胃菜 kāi wèi cài, 以某种方法 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng fǎ, 有所了解 yǒu suǒ liǎo jiě, 学到一点 xué dào yì diǎn, 生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de, 生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de, 无论愿不愿意, 几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de, 把…搞清楚, 要么成之,要么毁之 yào me chéng zhī,yào me huǐ zhī, 成败在此一举的, 生死攸关的问题 shēng sǐ yōu guān de wèn tí, 或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de, 不得推托 bù dé tuī tuō, 无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù, 机不可失 jī bù kě shī, 猜单双, 几次 jǐ cì, 一百左右 yì bǎi zuǒ yòu, 非此即彼 fēi cǐ jí bǐ, 用某种办法, 无论用怎样的方法, 否则 fǒu zé, 要不然要你好看, 或更多, 可议价, 或者不是, 更准确地说 gèng zhǔn què de shuō, 大约 dà yuē, 其他人 qí tā rén, 某人 mǒu rén, 无论天气如何, 无论是否做好准备, 无论成败 wú lùn chéng bài, 不知怎么回事 bù zhī zěn me huí shì, (不确定的)某件事 bú què dìng de mǒu jiàn shì, 迟早 chí zǎo, 十左右 shí zuǒ yòu, 不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn, 不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn, 不给糖就捣乱, 真心话大冒险, 无论…还是…,不管…或者…, 无论是...还是..., 不论是否… bú lùn shì fǒu, 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào, 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 or 的含义

(是…)还是 shì hái shì

conjunction (connects alternatives) (连接词)

Do you want the green or the blue?

也叫作 yě jiào zuò

conjunction (connects alternative terms for [sth])

The islands are known as The Falklands, or Las Islas Malvinas.

或,或者 huò,huò zhě

conjunction (correlative)

You should either call him or send him an email.

或者说 huò zhě shuō

conjunction (correction) (用于更正自己的话或给出更准确的信息)

I don't like coffee. Or I do, but only when it's very weak.

大概 dà gài

conjunction (approximation)

I'll be back in two or three minutes.

俄勒冈州 é lè gāng zhōu

noun (written, abbreviation (US state: Oregon) (美国州名,缩写)

I live in Portland, Ore. Address the letter to Salem, OR.

手术室 shǒu shù shì

noun (initialism (operating room)

大约十二个,十二个左右 dà yuē shí èr gè,shí èr gè zuǒ yòu

adjective (informal (around 12) (非正式用语)

Can you please bring me back a dozen or so eggs from the grocery store?

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

noun (no compromise)

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

adjective (no compromise)


conjunction (informal (either or both)


expression (though it may seem incredible)

Believe it or not, I just won the jackpot in the state lottery!

黑白分明的 hēi bái fēn míng de

adjective (figurative (clear cut)

非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de

adjective (figurative (viewed simplistically) (比喻过度简单地看待事物)

There is no gray area here, it's black or white.


adverb (figurative (by any means necessary)

无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nán

adverb (whatever the difficulties)

Come hell or high water, I am going to finish this marathon.

风雨无阻,不论晴雨,不管打雷下雨 fēng yǔ wú zǔ,bú lùn qíng yǔ,bù guǎn dǎ léi xià yǔ

adverb (whatever the weather)

Come rain or shine, we are going to the beach tomorrow!

不论如何,不论什么情况 bú lùn rú hé,bú lùn shén me qíng kuàng

adverb (figurative (whatever happens) (比喻)

Come rain or shine, I will never abandon you.

不成功毋宁死 bù chéng gōng wú nìng sǐ

expression (figurative (critical situation)

It's do or die for our team today.


adjective (figurative (situation: critical)

Tomorrow's game is a do-or-die situation for the struggling team.


noun (gambling: type of bet) (赌博、打赌)


noun as adjective (bet: risk is double)

I won $100 in a double-or-nothing bet.

或者 huò zhě

conjunction (one or another)

Either you love me or you don't!


adjective (informal (with two choices)

The issue often is presented as an either/or proposition: either you eagerly accept all technology, or you are behind the times.


verbal expression (have a passionate opinion)


noun (instinctive response)

战斗或者逃跑的本能反应,本能反应的 běn néng fǎn yìng de

noun as adjective (denoting instinctive response)

不管是好是坏 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài

adverb (whatever the consequences)

I will be your wife for better or for worse.

普通的, 平凡的

adjective (US, figurative (common, unexceptional)


expression (informal (plus or minus)

I've been away from home for three months, give or take a few days.


expression (informal (more or less)

My new car cost $9000, give or take.


noun (tossing coin to make decision)


noun (gambling game) (赌博游戏)

有时命中有时没有命中的 yǒu shí mìng zhòng yǒu shí méi yǒu mìng zhòng de

adjective (unpredictable, unreliable)

The weather is very hit and miss for July - rain one day, sunshine the next.

开胃菜 kāi wèi cài

noun (French (food: appetizer)

If you fill up on hors d'oeuvres, you will have no room left for dinner

以某种方法 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng fǎ

adverb (somehow)

I'd like to help him in some way or other because he deserves to succeed.

有所了解 yǒu suǒ liǎo jiě

verbal expression (informal (be experienced in [sth])

After 20 years on the job, he knows a thing or two about construction.

学到一点 xué dào yì diǎn

verbal expression (informal (become knowledgeable)

Stick around and watch; you may learn a thing or two.

生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de

noun as adjective (with death as possible result)

生死攸关的,生死存亡的 shēng sǐ yōu guān de

noun as adjective (figurative (extremely important) (比喻义)


expression (slang (whether or not it pleases you)

You're coming shopping with me, like it or lump it.

几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de

adjective (hardly any)

I haven't done any revising so there's little or no chance of me passing the exam.


verbal expression (understand [sth])

要么成之,要么毁之 yào me chéng zhī,yào me huǐ zhī

verbal expression (informal (cause success, failure)

That critic's reviews can make or break a new restaurant.


adjective (informal (success or failure)

It is make-or-break time for the store after two years of declining sales.

生死攸关的问题 shēng sǐ yōu guān de wèn tí

noun (issue of vital importance)

Getting out of a burning house fast is a matter of life and death.

或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de

adverb (to a greater or lesser extent)

I have more or less decided to delay going to college for a year.

不得推托 bù dé tuī tuō

expression (informal (no excuses are permitted)

I need you to finish that report today, no ifs, ands, or buts.

无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù

adverb (impossible to obtain by any means)

You can't get a table in that restaurant for love or money.

机不可失 jī bù kě shī

expression (final chance)

You have to decide, it's now or never if you want to go to the concert.


noun (betting game) (一种游戏)

几次 jǐ cì

expression (a couple of times, a few times)

一百左右 yì bǎi zuǒ yòu

adjective (informal (about a hundred)

It's a middle-sized plane, with one hundred or so seats.

非此即彼 fēi cǐ jí bǐ

expression (either one of a pair)


adverb (somehow, by some means)


adverb (by either means)

否则 fǒu zé

adverb (otherwise, if not)

Choose ham and eggs, or else ham and cheese.


interjection (informal (expressing a threat)

You will do as I say, or else!


adverb (perhaps a larger quantity)

It will take two hours or more just to drive through Chicago.


expression (UK (price is negotiable)


expression (giving negative alternative)

I may be right, or not; we shall see.

更准确地说 gèng zhǔn què de shuō

adverb (to be more accurate)

大约 dà yuē

adverb (approximately)

The container could hold a litre or so of water.

其他人 qí tā rén

pronoun (distinct person or thing)

Some person or other must have left this phone behind.

某人 mǒu rén

noun (often plural (law: unstated party)

The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter by person or persons unknown.


adverb (whatever the weather)

The marathon run will take place rain or shine, although it will be postponed if there's lightning.


adverb (whether prepared or not)

Ready or not, I have to take my final exam today.

无论成败 wú lùn chéng bài

verbal expression (figurative (fail or succeed)

It's sink or swim with this final exam.

不知怎么回事 bù zhī zěn me huí shì

adverb (in an undetermined way)

Jan studied the cliff face, determined to scale it somehow or other.

(不确定的)某件事 bú què dìng de mǒu jiàn shì

noun ([sth] not remembered precisely)

Something or other didn't feel quite right about him. She told me something or other about not being able to pay the bill.

迟早 chí zǎo

adverb (at some time in the future)

Keep up your life of crime and sooner or later you'll end up in prison!

十左右 shí zuǒ yòu

adjective (about 10)

In about ten or so days, I will have finished my exams!

不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn

noun (Halloween tradition) (万圣节儿童讨要糖果的用语)

Trick or treat's the only thing I like about Hallowe'en.

不给糖果就捣蛋 bù gěi táng guǒ jiù dǎo dàn

interjection (at Halloween)

The kids knocked on the door and shouted: "Trick or treat!"


noun (Halloween custom: going door to door) (万圣节孩子们上门玩的游戏)

Last year, I took my brother trick-or-treating.


noun (question-and-answer game)


conjunction (if it is [sth] or [sth])

Whether as a result of laziness or disinclination, the housework had clearly not be done for some time.


expression (if it is [sth] or [sth])

Whether it be raining or boiling hot, we're still going to the lake.

不论是否… bú lùn shì fǒu

conjunction (no matter if, even if)

We'll go to the game whether or not it rains (or: whether it rains or not).

莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào

adverb (inexplicably)

He yells at me without rhyme or reason, and I just can't understand why.

莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào

expression (inexplicable)

Your belief that Daisy doesn't like you is without rhyme or reason; she's never done anything to make you think that.

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