英语 中的 people 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 people 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 people 的说明。

英语 中的people 表示人 rén, 居民 jū mín, 公民 gōng mín, 民众 mín zhòng, 人 rén, 民族,种族 mín zú,zhǒng zú, 下属 xià shǔ, 先辈 xiān bèi, 动物 dòng wù, 亲戚 qīn qi, 居住在 jū zhù zài, 人 rén, 法人 fǎ rén, 人称 rén chēng, 身体 shēn tǐ, 人物,人 rén wù,rén, 有理性的独立个体,理性存在 yǒu lǐ xìng de dú lì gè tǐ,lǐ xìng cún zài, 自然人 zì rán rén, 名流 míng liú, 商人 shāng rén, 洞穴人, 上帝的选民 shàng dì de xuǎn mín, 选出来的人员 xuǎn chū lái de rén yuán, 普通人 pǔ tōng rén, 劳动人民 láo dòng rén mín, 难民 nàn mín, 为了大众,代表人民,平民主义的, 好人 hǎo rén, 好人 hǎo rén, 重要人物 zhòng yào rén wù, 当地人 dāng dì rén, 很多人 hěn duō rén, 原住民 yuán zhù mín, 老人 lǎo rén, 养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn, 老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng, 派对动物, 普通大众 pǔ tōng dà zhòng, 面包车,多用途客车, 需要帮助的人, 人缘好的人,善于交际的人 rén yuán hǎo de rén,shàn yú jiāo jì de rén, 讨好者, 人民力量, 交际能力 jiāo jì néng lì, 观察人, 观察民众, 权力属于人民!, 值得结交的人, 人流 rén liú, 街头流浪汉, 高端人才,高端专家 gāo duān rén cái,gāo duān zhuān jiā, 有钱人 yǒu qián rén, 青少年 qīng shào nián。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 people 的含义

人 rén

plural noun (persons)

There were lots of people at the beach. Twenty people were injured in the car crash.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我不在乎人们怎么看我。

居民 jū mín

plural noun (inhabitants)

I call on the people of this town to vote against the measure!

公民 gōng mín

plural noun (citizens)

The constitution was written by the people and for the people.

民众 mín zhòng

plural noun (general public)

He's a leader who likes to address the people regularly.

人 rén

plural noun (indefinite group)

People can be so stupid!

民族,种族 mín zú,zhǒng zú

noun (countable (nation, cultural group)

The Romans were a militaristic people.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 意大利人的热情是出了名的。

下属 xià shǔ

noun (subordinates)

As a boss he's always indulgent towards his people.

先辈 xiān bèi

noun (ancestors)

His people came from Eastern Europe.

动物 dòng wù

noun (figurative (beings, creatures)

Be kind to the furry people who share these woods with us.

亲戚 qīn qi

noun (informal (relatives)

She's having her people over this Christmas.

居住在 jū zhù zài

transitive verb (populate)

They wanted immigrants to come and people the state.

人 rén

noun (human being) (复数为people)

Which person are you talking about? The mother or the daughter?

法人 fǎ rén

noun (law: juristic person) (法律)

All persons having anything to do with this case should remain in court.

人称 rén chēng

noun (grammar) (语法)

The third person singular of the present tense of "to be" is "is".
“To be”的现在时的第三人称单数形式是“is”。

身体 shēn tǐ

noun (body)

She doesn't like it when you touch her person.

人物,人 rén wù,rén

noun (literature, theater: character) (文学作品、戏剧)

The play is about five persons on a desert island.

有理性的独立个体,理性存在 yǒu lǐ xìng de dú lì gè tǐ,lǐ xìng cún zài

noun (philosophy: rational being) (哲学)

A person differs from an animal or object in his or her ability to reason.

自然人 zì rán rén

noun (law: natural person) (法律)

All companies and persons are subject to the regulation.

名流 míng liú

plural noun (privileged few)

Usually magazines only show the beautiful people.

商人 shāng rén

noun (commercial executive)


noun (prehistoric human)

上帝的选民 shàng dì de xuǎn mín

plural noun (Jewish religion: Israelites) (指犹太人)

They believe that those that accept God's law as given to Moses, are God's chosen people

选出来的人员 xuǎn chū lái de rén yuán

plural noun (privileged few)

普通人 pǔ tōng rén

plural noun (ordinary folk)

They don't stand out for any particular reason; they're just common people.

劳动人民 láo dòng rén mín

plural noun (working classes)

"God must have loved the common people, he made so many of them." - Abraham Lincoln
"上帝必定非常喜爱普通人,所以才造就了这么多普通人。" - 亚伯拉罕·林肯

难民 nàn mín

noun (often plural (refugee, [sb] driven from homeland)

There are 60 million displaced people in the world.


adjective (populist, popular)

Politicians always tell us they are for the people.

好人 hǎo rén

plural noun (honest, kind people)

My neighbors are good people, always helping others and never taking what is not theirs.

好人 hǎo rén

plural noun (uncountable, slang (honest, kind person)

You can depend on Jack; he's good people.

重要人物 zhòng yào rén wù

noun (prominent individual)

When I asked why the street was blocked off the officer explained that some "important person" was due to arrive.

当地人 dāng dì rén

plural noun (residents of a given area)

The local people are very friendly to visitors.

很多人 hěn duō rén

noun (a large number of individuals)

Many people believe that aliens exist.

原住民 yuán zhù mín

plural noun (indigenous inhabitants)

老人 lǎo rén

plural noun (elderly persons)

养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn

noun (potentially offensive (nursing home) (可能具有冒犯性)

老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng

noun (general public)

We like to think our celebrities are not ordinary people.


plural noun (hedonists)

普通大众 pǔ tōng dà zhòng

noun (general public)


noun (UK (large saloon car)


plural noun (poverty, disaster, etc.) (穷人、灾民等)

人缘好的人,善于交际的人 rén yuán hǎo de rén,shàn yú jiāo jì de rén

noun (informal ([sb] who gets on well with others) (非正式用语)

John's a real people person: he can chat to anyone.


noun ([sb] who wants to make others happy)


noun (community action)

交际能力 jiāo jì néng lì

plural noun (ability to communicate)

Dealing with patients calls for people skills.


intransitive verb (observe what the public are doing)


noun (observing the public)

An outdoor café is ideal for people-watching.


interjection (left-wing slogan)


plural noun (informal (useful contacts, those with power) (因有用或有权势)

To get ahead in this business you need to know the right people.

人流 rén liú

noun (figurative (continuous rush of people)

A steady stream of people came out of the stadium.


noun (homeless individual)

They didn't choose to be street people: they just don't have a home to go to.

高端人才,高端专家 gāo duān rén cái,gāo duān zhuān jiā

plural noun (informal (most skilled experts) (非正式用语)

We have our top people working on the web site.

有钱人 yǒu qián rén

noun ([sb] rich)

A lot of wealthy people live in this part of town.

青少年 qīng shào nián

noun (often pl (youth, adolescent)

Most movies today are targeted towards young people.

让我们学习 英语

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people 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。