英语 中的 placing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 placing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 placing 的说明。

英语 中的placing 表示排名 pái míng, 放置 fàng zhì, 位置 wèi zhi, 位置 wèi zhi, 空间 kōng jiān, 座位 zuò wèi, 指定的位置 zhǐ dìng de wèi zhì, (书)正读到的位置 shū zhèng dú dào de wèi zhì, 代替 dài tì, 家,住所 jiā ,zhù suǒ, 情景 qíng jǐng, 空位 kōng wèi, 地位,作用 dì wèi,zuò yòng, 权利 quán lì, 地方 dì fāng, 名次 míng cì, 职位 zhí wèi, 短巷, 第二名 dì èr míng, 取得名次 qǔ dé míng cì, 取得名次 qǔ dé míng cì, 比赛成绩, 放 fàng, 让某人置于某种处境, 安置 ān zhì, 对…排名 duì pái míng, 放置 fàng zhì, 摆放 bǎi fàng, 送…就读, 雇用 gù yòng, 任命...为, 将...确定在, 下, 下注, 打给, 下, 发出, 踢进,踢入 tī jìn,tī rù, 辩认出, 在…上登…。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 placing 的含义

排名 pái míng

noun (competitive ranking)

John's placing in the marathon was in the lower half.

放置 fàng zhì

noun (positioning, location)

The placing of weapons in space is very controversial.

位置 wèi zhi

noun (location)

This park is one of my favourite places.

位置 wèi zhi

noun (position)

She lost her place in the queue.

空间 kōng jiān

noun (space)

There's always a place for you in this house.

座位 zuò wèi

noun (spot)

Are there any places left for tonight's concert?

指定的位置 zhǐ dìng de wèi zhì

noun (appropriate location)

All the children were in their places.

(书)正读到的位置 shū zhèng dú dào de wèi zhì

noun (point reached in a book)

You should bookmark your place in the novel.

代替 dài tì

noun (as substitute for)

He sent a delegate to attend the ceremony in his place.

家,住所 jiā ,zhù suǒ

noun (informal (house) (口语,住所)

Shall we go to my place or yours?

情景 qíng jǐng

noun (figurative (situation)

This is not the right place to discuss politics.

空位 kōng wèi

noun (table setting)

How many places do we need at the table?

地位,作用 dì wèi,zuò yòng

noun (figurative (function) (抽象)

People can't agree on the place of science in theology.

权利 quán lì

noun (figurative (position, right)

He should remember his place in society and stop causing trouble. // I wouldn't live my life the way you do, but it's not really my place to judge.

地方 dì fāng

noun (area)

She marked out a place in the sand and sat down to sunbathe.

名次 míng cì

noun (rank, position)

She won second place in the competition.

职位 zhí wèi

noun (job, post)

I'm looking for a place in a publishing house.


noun (court, short street)

They live on Harlow Place.

第二名 dì èr míng

noun (US (horse racing: second) (赛马)

The payoff is for win, place and show.

取得名次 qǔ dé míng cì

intransitive verb (race horse: finish in given position) (赛马)

My horse placed third and I won two hundred dollars.

取得名次 qǔ dé míng cì

intransitive verb (horse race: finish in first three) (赛马)

My horse didn't even place.


intransitive verb (race horse: finish) (赛马)

Where did your horse place?

放 fàng

transitive verb (put)

He placed the book on the shelf.


transitive verb (put: person in situation)

His action placed her in danger.

安置 ān zhì

transitive verb (child: for adoption)

The child was placed with a family in another city.

对…排名 duì pái míng

transitive verb (rank)

I would place him in the top ten players of all time.

放置 fàng zhì

transitive verb (situate)

She placed vases of flowers in the dining room.

摆放 bǎi fàng

transitive verb (arrange)

Place the books in chronological order.


transitive verb (enrol: in a school, institution)

They placed her in one of the country's finest schools.

雇用 gù yòng

transitive verb (employment)

The job agency placed him almost immediately.


transitive verb (appoint)

They placed him as head of the new sales team.


transitive verb (situate: in time) (日期)

An anachronism is something placed in a period to which it does not belong.

下, 下注

transitive verb (bet) (赌注)

You only have a minute left to place your bet.


transitive verb (call) (电话)

Shall I place the call for you?

下, 发出

transitive verb (order) (订单)

I'd like to place an order for a dozen more items.

踢进,踢入 tī jìn,tī rù

transitive verb (sport: kick or hit ball) (体育运动)

He placed the ball in the upper right corner of the net.


transitive verb (identify)

This actor looks very familiar but I just can't place him.


(put: an ad in a newspaper) (在报纸上登广告)

The couple needed a cleaner, so they placed an ad in the local paper.

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placing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。