英语 中的 plan 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 plan 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 plan 的说明。

英语 中的plan 表示计划 jì huà, 打算 dǎ suàn, 方法 fāng fǎ, 概略 gài lüè, 安排 ān pái, 设计 shè jì, 计划 jì huà, 为…做计划 wèi zuò jì huà, 为…做安排 wèi zuò ān pái, 计划 jì huà, 计划表 jì huà biǎo, 为…做计划 wèi zuò jì huà, 画…的设计图, 预先筹划 yù xiān chóu huà, 打算 dǎ suàn, 预料 yù liào, 策划 cè huà, 行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà, 后备计划, 应急计划, 生育计划, 商业计划 shāng yè jì huà, 职业规划, 应急计划, 草拟计划 cǎo nǐ jì huà, 航班计划, (房屋、楼层等)平面布置图 fáng wū lóu céng děng píng miàn bù zhì tú, 比赛计划,战略部署 bǐ sài jì huà ,zhàn lüè bù shǔ, 密谋 mì móu, 毫无计划 háo wú jì huà, 分期付款 fēn qī fù kuǎn, 分期付款法, 保险单 bǎo xiǎn dān, 教学计划 jiào xué jì huà, 长期计划 cháng qī jì huà, 营销计划,推广计划, 蓝图 lán tú, 制定...的蓝图, 膳食计划, 期房的, 开放式的 kāi fàng shì de, 养老金计划, 养老金方案 yǎng lǎo jīn fāng àn, 行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà, 预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà, 预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà, 养老金计划, 座位安排,排位表 zuò wèi ān pái, 建筑设计图,平面图, 战略计划 zhàn lüè jì huà, 作战计划 zuò zhàn jì huà, 工作计划。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 plan 的含义

计划 jì huà

noun (scheme)

A five-year plan was formulated to revitalize the economy.

打算 dǎ suàn

noun (intention)

I have no plan to change jobs.

方法 fāng fǎ

noun (idea)

Do you have a plan for getting us out of this mess?

概略 gài lüè

noun (outline)

I've sketched out a plan of how the event should run.

安排 ān pái

noun (often plural (project)

Do you have any plans for this weekend?

设计 shè jì

plural noun (design)

Have you seen the architect's plans for the new library?

计划 jì huà


We're planning to buy a house next year.

为…做计划 wèi zuò jì huà

transitive verb (set a schedule)

We need to plan the next few weeks.

为…做安排 wèi zuò ān pái

transitive verb (arrange)

He planned the campaign in minute detail.

计划 jì huà

noun (program) (如养老计划等)

She contributes to a retirement plan.

计划表 jì huà biǎo

noun (schedule)

He decided to follow a weight-loss plan.

为…做计划 wèi zuò jì huà

(make plans)

I've started planning for next year's vacation.


transitive verb (draw) (建筑)

I'll plan the whole area before we start building.

预先筹划 yù xiān chóu huà

phrasal verb, intransitive (be prepared)

It's a good thing you planned ahead, otherwise we might have never found a hotel.

打算 dǎ suàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (intend to)

I don't plan on being home before midnight.

预料 yù liào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (count on, expect)

I planned on going with my sister, but she is sick so I'll have to go on my own.

策划 cè huà

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (organize in detail)

By the time she was 12, she had her whole life planned out.

行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà

noun (outline of strategy, schedule)


noun (scheme: alternative)

If the buses are not running, the back-up plan is to take a taxi.


noun (contingency plan)


noun (document: labor preferences)

商业计划 shāng yè jì huà

noun (commercial outline)

Before examining my loan request, the bank wanted to see a business plan.


noun (outline of professional goals)


noun (alternative or emergency plan)

The contingency plan is to run like hell.

草拟计划 cǎo nǐ jì huà

intransitive verb (devise a way to proceed)


noun (course or itinerary of an aircraft)

(房屋、楼层等)平面布置图 fáng wū lóu céng děng píng miàn bù zhì tú

noun (outline of a room or storey)

The floor plan shows the internal layout of the property.

比赛计划,战略部署 bǐ sài jì huà ,zhàn lüè bù shǔ

noun (strategy) (球赛)

The game plan was to avoid an early goal while frustrating the other team in midfield.

密谋 mì móu

verbal expression (plot, devise a plot)

We will have to hatch a plan to sort this out.

毫无计划 háo wú jì huà

verbal expression (lack intent, organization)

Bachmann said that she has no plan to launch another presidential campaign.

分期付款 fēn qī fù kuǎn

noun (UK (buying [sth] by installments)

Thank goodness for hire purchase; I'd never have been able to buy a new car without it. We got our new cooker on hire purchase.


noun (finance: payment in installments)

保险单 bǎo xiǎn dān

noun (contract that insures [sth])

My health insurance policy won't cover my diabetic medication.

教学计划 jiào xué jì huà

noun (outline of teaching session)

It takes me about 15 minutes to prepare an hour-long lesson plan. Because there was a school inspection the next day, Ginny prepared her lesson plan with extra care.

长期计划 cháng qī jì huà

noun (figurative (plan for distant future)

Our long-range plan calls for building three new facilities in the next twenty years.


noun (promotional strategy)

Our marketing plan will detail how we intend to market this product.

蓝图 lán tú

noun (large scale scheme or project)

Tonight, the corporation will unveil its master plan to maximize third-quarter profit.


transitive verb (create master plan)


noun (outline of what to cook and eat)


adjective (property: under construction)

开放式的 kāi fàng shì de

adjective (without interior walls)

I work in an open-plan office, which can at times be very noisy.


noun (econ: retirement money)

养老金方案 yǎng lǎo jīn fāng àn

noun (savings fund for retirement)

An advantage of working for the company is that they provide a pension scheme for their employees.

行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà

noun (sequence of things to do)

What's the plan of action for today?

预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà

transitive verb (arrange for future)

预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà

intransitive verb (arrange for future)


noun (provisions for later life)

座位安排,排位表 zuò wèi ān pái

noun (layout of seats at a venue or on transport)


noun (architectural blueprint)

战略计划 zhàn lüè jì huà

noun (long-term programme or goal)

作战计划 zuò zhàn jì huà

noun (practical implementation)


noun (timetable or schedule of tasks)

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plan 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。