英语 中的 piece 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 piece 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 piece 的说明。

英语 中的piece 表示片 piàn, 一部分,一块,一片 yí bù fèn ,yí kuài,yí piàn, 部分 bù fèn, 件,个 jiàn, 件,幅 jiàn,fú, 音乐作品 yīn yuè zuò pǐn, 一片(拼图), 棋子 qí zǐ, 硬币 yìng bì, 枪,手枪,枪支 qiāng,shǒu qiāng,qiāng zhī, 文章 wén zhāng, 一部,一出, 一段,一小段 yí duàn, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, 参与其中, 与众不同的人, 难搞定的人, 装饰件, (胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣 xiōng zhào hé yāo dài lián yì qǐ de jǐn shēn nèi yī, 国际象棋棋子, 话题,谈资 huà tí,tán zī, 游戏块, 辱骂 rǔ mà, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, 乐高积木块, 博物馆馆藏品,值得收藏在博物馆的古董 bó wù guǎn guǎn cáng pǐn,zhí dé shōu cáng zài bó wù guǎn de gǔ dǒng, 令人讨厌的人 lìng rén tǎo yàn de rén, 同类 tóng lèi, 连身衣,连体裤, 一件式的,连体的, 某个时代特有的家具(装饰品等),古物 mǒu gè shí dài tè yǒu de jiā jù ( zhuāng shì pǐn děng ),gǔ wù, 古装剧, 逐渐地 zhú jiàn de, 一片一片地 yí piàn yí piàn de, 主菜 zhǔ cài, 关键部分, (一)条建议 yì tiáo jiàn yì, 艺术品 yì shù pǐn, 俏娘们, 一块蛋糕 yí kuài dàn gāo, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, (一)份证据 yí fèn zhèng jù, 家具 jiā jù, 把…列入考虑范围 bǎ … liè rù kǎo lǜ fàn wéi, (一)块土地 yí kuài tǔ dì, 一则新闻, 纸张 zhǐ zhāng, 纸屑 zhǐ xiè, (一)份资产 yí fèn zī chǎn, 人渣 rén zhā, 狗屎,垃圾 gǒu shǐ,lā jī, 废物 fèi wù, 一件作品 yí jiàn zuò pǐn, 把…拼凑起来 bǎ pīn còu qǐ lái, 把…拼合起来 bǎ pīn hé qǐ lái, 按件数付费的工作, 精彩部分 jīng cǎi bù fèn, 按照计划执行的事情 àn zhào jì huà zhí xíng de shì qíng, 三件套 sān jiàn tào, 三人组 sān rén zǔ, 三件套的,三件一套的,三件式, 三件套的,三件一套的,三件式, 三人的, 三件套 sān jiàn tào, 两件式的,两件套的, 两件式套装, 比基尼 bǐ jī ní。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 piece 的含义

片 piàn

noun (separate morsel)

The mother cut her kid's food into smaller pieces.

一部分,一块,一片 yí bù fèn ,yí kuài,yí piàn

noun (determined portion of a whole) (整体之)

Please give me a piece of the apple pie.

部分 bù fèn

noun (bit or part of [sth])

I picked up the pieces of the broken plate.

件,个 jiàn

noun (item in a set) (一组或一套中的)

My new dinner set has thirty-four pieces.

件,幅 jiàn,fú

noun (specimen, example) (艺术品、作品)

This piece of art really shows Warhol's style.

音乐作品 yīn yuè zuò pǐn

noun (musical composition)

That piece by Bach was very nice.


noun (part of a jigsaw puzzle)

This jigsaw puzzle's got 1000 pieces!

棋子 qí zǐ

noun (board game counter) (棋盘游戏)

After rolling the dice, she moved her piece forward five spaces.

硬币 yìng bì

noun (historical (coin)

He paid twenty gold pieces for the land.

枪,手枪,枪支 qiāng,shǒu qiāng,qiāng zhī

noun (slang (firearm, gun)

The guys did what the gangster said after he showed his piece.

文章 wén zhāng

noun (written article)

He wrote a piece on the dangers of radon.


noun (a play) (戏剧)

Ayckbourn's latest play is an entertaining piece.

一段,一小段 yí duàn

noun (UK, regional (a distance, a way) (路程)

The farm is down the road a piece.

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] easy to do)

The new software installation was a piece of cake, no problems!


noun (informal (involvement, participation)

If I'm to help you, I want a piece of the action.


noun (US, figurative, informal (unusual character, individual)


noun (US, figurative, informal (unpleasant, difficult person)

Tommy's a real piece of work; I heard he blamed his mistake on the boss.


noun (furniture: contrasts with decor)

Jane bought the table as an accent piece for the living room.

(胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣 xiōng zhào hé yāo dài lián yì qǐ de jǐn shēn nèi yī

noun (UK (bodysuit, catsuit)

Gloria was wearing an all-in-one.


noun (chess: playing piece)

Rooks, pawns and bishops are all examples of chess pieces.

话题,谈资 huà tí,tán zī

noun (object: striking, arouses comment)

I don't like David's new tattoo, but it's certainly a conversation piece!


noun (counter or token used in a game)

We couldn't play chess because he lost a game piece.

辱骂 rǔ mà

verbal expression (scold harshly)

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

interjection (informal (it's very easy)

I don't think that arithmetic problem is difficult. It's a piece of cake!


noun (® (piece in a Lego set)

博物馆馆藏品,值得收藏在博物馆的古董 bó wù guǎn guǎn cáng pǐn,zhí dé shōu cáng zài bó wù guǎn de gǔ dǒng

noun (antique, ancient artefact)

That old musket won't fire; it's just a museum piece.

令人讨厌的人 lìng rén tǎo yàn de rén

noun (UK, informal, figurative (malicious person)

That woman is a nasty piece of work.

同类 tóng lèi

verbal expression (figurative (of the same kind)


noun (one-piece garment)


noun as adjective (clothing: in one continuous piece) (衣物)

某个时代特有的家具(装饰品等),古物 mǒu gè shí dài tè yǒu de jiā jù ( zhuāng shì pǐn děng ),gǔ wù

noun (antique, artefact)

The exhibition showcases a stunning collection of period pieces created during the Ming Dynasty.


noun (play, film)

The play is a period piece set in the 19th century.

逐渐地 zhú jiàn de

adverb (gradually)

Following the accident, Sheila recovered her memory piece by piece.

一片一片地 yí piàn yí piàn de

adverb (one fragment at a time)

She very carefully picked up the shards of glass piece by piece.

主菜 zhǔ cài

noun (meal: highlight or finest part) (餐点)

The main course was delicious but the piece de resistance was the dessert.


noun (figurative (most important element)

(一)条建议 yì tiáo jiàn yì

noun (recommendation or warning)

I´ll give you just one piece of advice, young man: stay away from that girl.

艺术品 yì shù pǐn

noun (artwork)

Several pieces of art were stolen from the museum.


noun (US, offensive, vulgar, slang (attractive woman) (俚语,粗俗,无礼)

一块蛋糕 yí kuài dàn gāo

noun (slice or chunk of cake)

Would you like a piece of cake?

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

noun (figurative ([sth] easy)

The spelling test was a piece of cake; I got all the answers right!

(一)份证据 yí fèn zhèng jù

noun ([sth] serving as testimony or proof)

The police were unable to unearth the piece of evidence they needed to convict him.

家具 jiā jù

noun (chair, table, etc.)

All the pieces of furniture in the house are made of pine.

把…列入考虑范围 bǎ … liè rù kǎo lǜ fàn wéi

noun (informal (article: unwanted)

That's not an antique: it's a piece of junk!

(一)块土地 yí kuài tǔ dì

noun (tract or parcel of land)

They're planning to build a supermarket on that piece of land.


noun (recent information)

Candice has a piece of news for us; she's getting married!

纸张 zhǐ zhāng

noun (paper: sheet)

I'm writing a poem with a black pen on this red piece of paper.

纸屑 zhǐ xiè

noun (paper: scrap)

(一)份资产 yí fèn zī chǎn

noun ([sth] owned by [sb])

The management are not responsible for pieces of property stolen from customers' cars.

人渣 rén zhā

noun (vulgar, offensive, slang (despicable person)

Why do I have to accept that piece of s*** in my group?

狗屎,垃圾 gǒu shǐ,lā jī

noun (vulgar, offensive, slang ([sth] worthless, badly made)

If that car only cost you a couple hundred dollars, it's probably a piece of s***!

废物 fèi wù

noun (US, figurative, pejorative, slang (worthless person)

That guy's a piece of trash; don't have anything to do with him.

一件作品 yí jiàn zuò pǐn

noun ([sth] made or done)

The novel is a magnificent piece of work which is beautifully written.

把…拼凑起来 bǎ pīn còu qǐ lái

(figurative (make coherent) (比喻)

It was hard to piece together what he meant.

把…拼合起来 bǎ pīn hé qǐ lái

(assemble, collate)

I pieced together a bookshelf from boards and cement blocks.


noun (work paid by the unit)

精彩部分 jīng cǎi bù fèn

noun (film, book: scene or extract) (戏剧、音乐、绘画等遵循著名的固定模式或风格的)

At the end of the film, there is a set piece involving a gun battle.

按照计划执行的事情 àn zhào jì huà zhí xíng de shì qíng

noun ([sth] carried out according to plan)

The soccer players were trying out set pieces during their training session.

三件套 sān jiàn tào

noun (item of clothing with 3 parts) (服装)

三人组 sān rén zǔ

noun (informal (music group with 3 members) (音乐团体)


noun as adjective (clothing: with 3 pieces) (服装)


noun as adjective (furniture suite: with 3 items) (家具)


noun as adjective (music group: with 3 members) (音乐团体)

三件套 sān jiàn tào

noun (men's formal outfit) (男子的正式服装)

My brother looks surprisingly good in a three-piece-suit.


adjective (garment: with two pieces) (服装)


noun (garment with two pieces)

比基尼 bǐ jī ní

noun (bikini, tankini)

She wore a two-piece swimsuit to the beach party.

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piece 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。